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Haruna Helvanhelev

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Posts posted by Haruna Helvanhelev

  1. Haruna looks down, she remembers of Hotaru. and then she cried, but she tried to stop it. While looking to That man's eyes. " It sure is sad, but I think they were careless too....! I mean, Some of them carelessly kill them self. But, I want to finish this game too, I will avenge my loved ones....!" She then wipe her tears, and she leaves from the blacksmith. And goes to a river, and cries alone there. Then she talk to herself, "Hotaru-kun, how you even play this cruel game? I should've come with you, And die with you. I ust feel so lonely without you around, But I swear I will finish this game and avenge you. Just wait for me, okay?" Then she open her menu and use her "Halvanhelev" Armor. Then she opened her skill tab, and she hugged her knees. "Man, I don't know how to use the skill and how to receive them....Argh! "

  2. She wears her nerve gear, then she shouted with a low tone "Link.....Start....." . Then she saw nothing, but after a few seconds, she saw data streaming. A question managed to pop out, it was written "Select Language". Then Haruna started to open her lips, "English" she answered. After that, she is in a room, then "Welcome to Sword Art Online...! Insert your player's data" . She named her character Haruna, obviously... it's female. Then she look for a beginner armor, after searching many of them, she saw "Halvanhelev Armor" http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/037/4/6/mmd___date_a_live___tohka_yatogami_by_xxsnowcherryxx-d75bafh.png. The purple color fit to her hair and eyes, It fits perfectly with her personality and appearance. So she pick that one, and she finally welcomed to Sword Art Online. She tries to find the 'Log Out' button, but she can't find it. She noticed that it was not a bug, It is a main feature at SAO.

    Haruna keep calm, she goes to the Blacksmith. She saw a man, creating a sword from a crystal. Then she asked, "How is this game works? Blacksmith-san. And does people who die in this game will die in real life? I heard some rumors...."

  3. «Haruna» Halvanhelev.


    » Username: Haruna Halvanhelev

    » Real name: Nabila Kaori Refonsa

    » Age: 14

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 140 cm

    » About: History/personality: Haruna Halvanhelev, or Haruna, is a daughter from Judi Halvanhelev. She is cold, mysterious, rough and really boyish. She is a high school student at Tokyo high school. she has a boyfriend named Hotaru, he is a cool, handsome but childish boy who fell in love with Haruna. and they always get along well, even tough Haruna is Anti-social. They made a promise, that Haruna must move to Kyoto and meet his family. Haruna ask for her family to move from Tokyo to Kyoto, but her parents refuse. But haruna keep trying to convince her parents to move. After a week, Hotaru moved to Kyoto. It made Haruna to try convince her family. After a month, finally Haruna convinced her parents and they moved to Kyoto. But when Haruna goes to Hotaru's house, she heard one of Hotaru's family screamed. Then she ran to that house, and scream "Where is Hotaru-kun?! Hotaru-kun?!" . Hotaru's family bring Haruna to Hotaru's room, and she saw he's skin was pale, he was bleeding on his head. Hotaru died, while playing a game Sword Art Online. His family tell Haruna that he died while playing that game, it's been two month since he play that game.

    Hearing that, tears started to fell from Haruna's eyes, she cried while grabbing Hotaru's hand. And then she leaves. To buy nerve gear, and the game SAO. Then, she ran to home and wear it. she also put the SAO disk, then she shouted. "Link Start!" . She promise to finish the game and kill the creator of SAO to avenge Hotaru.

    » Virtues:


    She is kind, Haruna always help another people. She doesn't talk, but she always help them. sometimes, she gave people lollipops and flowers. Just to make them happy.


    Haruna always tell the truth, she never lies because Hotaru hate liars. She think that if she lies, It just would make Hotaru feels bad.



    Haruna is brave too, she never say " I'm scared! " . She will do anything to finish the game, even if it means to kill other people.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html


    Haruna always judge other people, from the strong to weak, rich to poor. and she acts differently to them.

    Anti Social

    Haruna is Anti social, she never talks, hang or even touch them. she is a loner, and she loved and also used to be alone.

    Sadist / Psycho

    She has 'sadistic' on her traits, when on a quest, she is very serious and she will kill everyone who gets on her way.









    Weapon skills :






    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    » Hotaru-kun

    Story Thus Far (optional)


  4. Konnichiwa....!

    I'm Haruna Halvanhelev, call me Haruna. I'm a newbie so please help me..... Anyway, it's great to be here. Nice to meet all of you people in here ^w^

    My real name is Nabila Kaori Refonsa, I'm from indonesia. And I'm an Otaku! (obviously lol XD). I like sword art online very much and seriously hate Sugou -w-" . well, I can be sadist when it comes to my crush. Don't bug me too, When I'm angry im serious (hehehe X3). Once, my friend take my book, then I was so angry until I make her crying. because I hit her with a chair until it bleeds :3

    Well, NIce to meet you all!

    My dere: Tsundere, Yandere, Somehow Sadist,Kinda-crazy :2

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