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Status Updates posted by Miria

  1. I found something weird on my Permadice history. There's two dices linked to one post, yet the differences are only one second. I don't remember rolling the second and i'm using the first result in my post. I'm afraid it's going to be a problem.. :/

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Cindel


      Seems like your mouse just might be double clicking.  Unless others experienced the same issue?

    3. Alex


      I haven't been at least. I said the same thing, that she probably double clicked.

    4. Miria


      I'll buy a new one later *sigh*


      thanks for the help!

  2. *Waiting for my journal approval*
    tfw i had a feeling that something on my journal is wrong but i don't know what and why is that wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Carambit


      Uh yeah so I apologized multiple times and corrected myself, clearly stating you were correct. Now roll back the attitude.

    3. Zelrius


      Number one: Don't have to accept your apology if I don't want to.

      Number two: Not only did you repeat what I said and attempted to make it more detailed and failed miserably, Your correction wasn't even correct.

      Number three: I knew I was correct all along, don't need you telling me.

      Last but not least, I am irritated that someone who has been on the site for little than ten days has just attempted to seem like they know better. Which normally, wouldn't be an issue if you didn't seem so "Know-it-all" in your post. 

    4. Lowenthal


      I locked this status due the severe amount of children. Play nice, or not at all.

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