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Posts posted by Alet

  1. Taking his normal position in the living area, Alet look around with familiarity around the room. In the middle of the cabin, fire place boasts a crackling flame in the middle of the room warming the soon to be cold air. A table is set up meant for dining is in one of the corners of the building, and a few pots with a green herb grow in another, (well, not really grow, but you know what I mean...). However, the main center piece of Iwao's humble abode is a delicate flower that glows with a light tone of blue that stands proudly above the fire place. There is also small door that leads to his bedroom, but it's a immortal object, so sadly he has not been able to sneak in and see it.

    Iwao pulls two of the chairs from the dining area in front of the fire place, sits in one, and beckons me to sit in the other. I do so, and from there, his monologue begins...

    "Well, lets see here..." Iwao's eyes scan the pages, looking intently at the pages. He seemed to be actually reading it, nodding his head and making noises of agreement...

    "However, in reality..." The boy stares into the lumberjacks eyes with a intelligent glow...

    "This is a cover up for the computer to scan my work. Looking for key describing words, measuring the length and complexity of the sentences and also the amount of time I spent on each separate entry, it judges whether or not I passed the quest. And..."

    The lumberjack closes his eyes, and closes the book, as if in thought. Then, after a moment, he speaks in a smiling tone.

    "Good job. You pass, for today. Now, let's eat something shall we? Pull up that chair to the table, I'll grab some bread."

    Sighing internally in relief, he did as he was told "And I made it, still nerve wrecking after all these years..."



  2. He wanders into town, NPC's greeting him with the same old, same old every time he goes to his "Master's House", which in reality, is just a humble little shack. With the quest timer on it's final few minutes, he knocks on the door quickly, and the numbers freeze just in time for the man that kidnapped me to "teach me how to respect plants", to step out and greet me. Iwao still looks like he did back then, tall, broad shouldered, and a giant axe slung across his shoulder. With a haughty tone, he speaks the same line I've heard repeated for 161 times (and counting).

    "Hello, Mr. Plant Destroyer. Have you finally finished up on what I tasked you to do?"

    Going through the motions, the boy nod my head, and starts speaking in a respectful but soft tone. 

    "Yes sir, here is your journal and feather back."

    He appraises my body with the same eyes I've felt too many times, and he waves me in. "Come, let's see what you got today over some bread, shall we?"



  3. Dusk...

    Alet is standing in front of another plant, this time a emerald green root with orange flowers scattered on it. Continuing to scribble into the journal, he brings up his menu for the time, and the numbers 29:32 counting down flash right next to a single quest. <Earn a living>. On the description, it says... 

    "Write down 5 descriptions of plants among floor one in Iwao's journal, then return to him. Maybe then, he will teach you how to become a Alchemist. Time Limit : 4 Hours" 

    "I better head back, it's getting late anyways..."

    Alet started to walk in a specific direction this time, pass all the tree's and random mobs from the plains... "This quest is kinda interesting in this regard I suppose. Pretty much, a random numbers system makes 5 flowers spawn at different locations, and said flowers are made from pre-made plant parts that are then mashed together to make a single entity. Heh, i'm getting nostalgic of the time where I had no idea what to do..."

    He walked while reflecting upon his time repeating this same quest over half a year or so... "At this point, the only reason why i'm continuing this quest is to gather info on terrain of the first floor, and the patterns i'm noticing. For example, let's take the boar's. I believe from watching them I can see their spawn points and the timers I have a set "safe" time, and not give a damn while looking for my plants. Of course, it won't be the same for all the floors, but I have to perfect this skill of analyzing and dodging aggro ranges. Because..."

    The boy looked down at his rusty little knife, then sighed. "My little pokey stick hasn't seen much action in a while. Combat wise at least..."

    While having these thoughts, he arrived to a small little town called Horunka Village, a place he has called home for a long time...

  4. 162 day's later... (A/N That ****ing equals a while?!? And that's one heck of a time skip!)

    "Yes... It's been 162 days give or take a few hours if I remember correctly." Alet contemplates as he wanders around the first floor forest, with a odd sakura tree here and there to remind him how long it has been... The sun is high in the sky, and with a steady tempo, the black haired kid wanders on.

    "From what I gathered," The boy remembers, as he looks around for something "This quest was suppose to give you so much boring information that you were suppose to lose your patience with Iwao, then he would go on to respect you for being bold like his father or something, and would then teach you how to do actual Alchemy..."

    "Ah, here it is," Alet spots a small flower in the distance, with a slight blue tint with thorns on it's spine, resembling a rose. However, instead of taking a crack at it with his still, really bad, knife, he pulls out a journal and starts to write in it. The journal's cover is worn, and the pages look like they've seen better days. His writing utensil is a feather that seems to always have a bit of ink on it. After a few paragraphs of description, he places the book back into his inventory, and starts walking a seemingly random direction...



  5. With them laying out there reasons, he sighed a little as he realized that even if he was aggressively targeting them, they would most likely double team him and wipe is character off of Aincrad... "Wait a second, what would have happened if they were player killers?" He glanced down at his clothes, and a well hidden knife poked out it's hilt from a nook of his pants. Then, after looking at the pair boasting one handed straight swords, he internally groaned. "Then I would be a goner..."

    After contemplating how long he would last between two well armed individuals, he spotted the Inn... The boy wasn't ready... His mind fell into a sort of dream like state, just gazing at exterior of the building. Now, it wasn't his first time seeing a inn, but just the thought that he's going to be staying in said inn caused his mind to backpedal 3 years... Though, a moment or two later, the boy forced his body to follow the pair, barely keeping up with them.

    When entering the building, his eyes looked akin to a kid at a candy store, just silently appreciating all of the details, and just imagining what could have been. If he had slept here instead of just outside..

    "W- wow..." He stutters a little, finally opening his mouth after a few moments... "Um... Can I look around? I remember the number, and I could just rent my own room if you don't answer the door..." His eyes dart back and forth around the lobby. "I kinda just want to poke around the entrance, heh..."

    He really wants mess around doesn't he... What a kid...

  6. The boy's eyes widen with hope when you reassure him of his height (/pride). "Do you really believe so? Really?" The boy gives a small grin, "Well, now that I think about it, it's going to be rather odd to be in a grown up body..." He stands on his toes, trying to be as tall as possible, then shakes his head. "Yeah, it's going to take some getting use to..."

    After hearing the lack of a rag, the boy shrugs. "Yeah, maybe..." He looks up, and his body flinches... "Wow... It's sun set already..." True enough, the sun was starting to set, orange painting the sky. "We uh... We should pick up the pace." His foot steps slowly accelerate into a steady jog. After a few minutes, he puts on a mischievous smile. "Well, since I still have a young body, might as well enjoy it while it lasts..." He says casually, then breaks out into a run. "Catch me if you can!" He calls out, dashing ahead of you.

  7. The boy grinned while Lily regaled them with her plans, some worrying him more than others... Then his face turned slightly troubled... "Um, I'm glad you guy's trust me so much... But shouldn't you be a bit more cautious around me? I did kinda randomly pop up out of nowhere, and I literally just met you guys a while ago... I mean, I'm a random stranger, so..." He sighed, and shrugged. "It just puts me off that you guy's instantly think I will not betray you, especially in this death game. Even in a safe zone, rumors say that there is a function that allows player kills..."

    Then, he shakes his head, and with a apologetic tone, he starts speaking again. "Sorry, I'm sleepy and alert due to the wolves. It's not my decision who you trust and such. But..." He gives a small smile towards the pair. "Thank you for trusting me so easily. I won't lose it." 

  8. Alet was... Well... Um... 

    "By the power of the ancients, through the guidance of the earth, water, fire, and air, by the wisdom of that rat with turtles, I implore you, to help me harvest this F****** plant!!!"

    A boy was out in the fields, slicing at a object that he could swear it was Neo's reincarnate. Said object was a small, bluish plant, coated in a slick substance and a small orb in the middle of it. It was a rather obvious alchemy ingredient, sticking out among the green fields of floor one. However, even with it being so noticeable that a blind folded man can see it within the green foliage, the boy's blade just slid off the plant when striking, making it invincible. After several more attempts, he started to activate a sword art, determined to murder the material. Luckily, a certain message popped up right before activation, and after glaring at the plant, he opened it. 

    "Uh... Shoot, what's a guild in a game? I know that a real life guild is a group of individuals who are craftsman who form a company in the olden days... I think... Meh, I'll find out when I get to guy..."

    After giving the plant thing one slice, the boy left the plant alone after marking where it was in his mind. "Tomorrow you will fall..."  

    Walking into the bustling streets of the beginner city, he attempted (and miserably failed) at weaving through the crowds. Many apologies and shoe steppings later, he finally arrived to the general area, to find a rather odd scene...

    I saw the person who was the leader of the guild(?) behind a poster presumably trying to advertise for this new group. Next, I saw a blonde male with two... Servant's? Friends? I don't know, anyway's, I saw a girl with again, blonde hair, in front of the leader who is in charge of all of this stuff. Finally, I saw a guy leaning on the tree, almost missing him due to him not really causing attention to himself... "This... Is probably a bad time... Yup... But then again, I was invited so..."

    The boy walked up to the leader(?) and just waved his hand, and just threw himself into the sidelines... "He seems like he has enough to deal with at this point..." He thought as he positioned himself on the edges of the group. "My questions would probably be asked by another member at one point anyways..."



  9. After hearing both of your responses, his eyes widen a little. "A inn... A bona fide building that houses players... That's safe and sound from the environment..." He gives the biggest smile. "I'll take the floor of the inn, please... Because my normal sleeping spot is well, it's in a secluded corner of the city, the alleys. When I was starting the game, I quickly realized that I'll run out of food really quick if I had no means of replenishing it. So, I decided to go out at night to scavenge for materials or something nearby the city, then selling said materials for col and food. Though, I am suprised that I never begged or thieved... I always got just enough from my material runs, so I guess I never thought of it."  He shook his head, then gives a grin. "Only recently I began to start actually going out of the range of the towns guard, and that's how I started to level up... Wasn't the highest point in my life, but I'm glad that I'm out here, and able to fend for myself now... Then again, I still sleep in the alleys, but there surprisingly well cleaned up, Mr.Game Creator didn't want to spoil the beautiful city with rat's running down every dark corner." A small laugh erupts from the kid, and he starts thinking...

    After a moment or so, his grin fades, and he shakes his head. "Ack, did I really just give my life story to random strangers?" The boy chuckles a little then with a tired voice, continues. "Sorry bout that, boring wasn't it?" Then, with a jump in his step, he starts to go on ahead, while musing to himself. "I wonder how a inn is? Is it nicer than my usual spot? Wait..." He turns around a bit embarrassed "Um... How much does the inn cost? I've never visited one due to me assuming that it costs a fee..." The boy scratched the back of his head while asking this question... "Heh..."

  10. Alet was... Just listening at this point, making for a decent background character. He didn't want to interrupt the two from what ever conversation there having, not wanting to be "that guy". So, he started to keep lookout for whatever monster that was curious on how a Alet, or Astropheric, or Lily tastes...

    After checking, double checking, and quadruple checking the surrounding's for Mr.Porky, he started to look at his companions. They were arguing about a panda or something? With a sigh, he started to think. "So this is what they call being a third wheel huh... Well... It's not the first time I've been one, but still..." After that pity party, the boy looked ahead and started to see the outlines of the city in the horizon.

    "A chance!" "Hey uh, sorry for interrupting, but are we going to separate from each other when we get to our destination or..." He said with a soft tone but excited tone, as he finally was able to ask a question... You did it Alet...

  11. Alet give's a small nod and takes your hand, pulling himself up. "You do know that I'm like, fifteen, right?" He says, talking about how you censored a**. "I was thirteen when I was thrown into this game, and it's been a few years I think... I was a late bloomer alright?" The boy seems to be starting to warm up to you, his voice not as soft before, but still with a hint of timidness...

    "At least... I think you have the same body when you entered the game... I swear if I'm not at least 6 feet tall when I get out of here, I'm going to cry..." He thinks for a moment. "Then again, I kinda am a tall child..." He pats his head and starts taking out the dirt from his hair and face... After a very slow attempt at cleaning, he sighs and looks at you. "Um, sorry for asking, but do you have a rag of some sort?"

  12. The boy slightly grinned when you said you would allow for him to join up with you guy's. "Thanks, I appreciate it." The proceeds to stay silent for the most part in there conversations, not really wanting to get in between what ever you two were chatting about. He just opted to just listen and nod at random intervals.

    Though... When Astropheric sang... He gave his best shot at hiding his laughter, and failed miserably. His laugh sounded soft, but somehow loud at the same time, and it would at worst annoy a person. After gaining his bearings again, he still had a s*** eating grin on his face, and started to speak. "I wish I got that on a recording crystal, that would've been beautiful." Then the boy started to hum the tune and with curious in his eyes, started to gauge the reactions of the Lily...

    "This is going to be interesting..."

    (Alet uses Phoenix Down on forum!)

  13. The boy was on the ground, with his eyes closed, and breathing evenly. His face was a bit dirty, and his clothes were a mess. He laid on the ground in a sprawled out manner... Completely defenseless... Then, with a groan, he started to get up from his slumber.

    With a yawn, he pushed himself up right and started to scan the area with a blank expression, and his gaze fell onto you, and more importantly, that damn plant...

    His eyes widen, and he starts to stutter out, "This... This isn't a dream, correct? We actually got the boss? I didn't make my knife even more broken than physically possible for nothing?" And then, with a grin, he flops back down to the ground. "We did it..." He gives a satisfied sigh, and looks toward you from the ground. "Well, I was planning to do a bit more gathering, but... After that... I don't want to look at a plant ever again. Let's just go to the village and rest, I'm worried I might pass out... And also, congratulations on your first gathering I suppose." 

  14. Alet tilted his head for a moment when you asked for him to step back for a moment, but after a few seconds of processing the words, he backed up a little. With curious eyes, he observed you impaling the plant, and calling out for a switch. Having a "Ohh" moment, he rushed forwards and using you as a handle, propelled himself towards the plant. The boy's knife was held in a position that it would seem it would actually hit for once... Then he impaled the ground quite literally right next to the plant...

    His blade acted like a fulcrum to a lever, and his body flopped face up... He was disoriented, tired, and frustrated, so naturally when he hit the ground he was knocked out cold, with his blade still in the dirt... He seemed peaceful enough, actually looking like he wasn't knocked out and instead just enjoying a afternoon nap. Of course, with the added bonus of his face covered with dirt, and his body somehow looking exhausted even while sleeping...

    ID: 34184

    LD: 13 (Cry)




  15. The boy started sipping his glass of water, trying to stave off the effects of sleep deprivation. Yawning, he silently drained his drink, and started dozing off.

    He returned from la la land when you started complaining about the plant, and gives a small grin. "Or maybe it's the feeling of defeat." He responded Walking over to the plant, he makes haphazard cuts along the roots of plant, with no real progress made. Then, the boy motions for you to stand by him. "Come on, I wasn't able to make a dent on this plant, and you were able to do a number on it. Let's fight till the end. Besides, if you were able to cut this much, I say we have a decent chance at killing plant thing..."

    Giving the plant thing another shot, his knife goes into a reverse grip. Aiming at the roots of the plant, he goes in for a sharp stab. The blade rips through some of the roots, but then stops midway. "And if I can still do this much damage when i'm half asleep, I say it won't take long..."

    ID: 33978

    LD: 9


  16. The boy gave off a small yawn as he laid on the ground, along side his blade. However, he seemed to be rather comfortable on the ground, turning to one side and curling up. "Sleep... Sleep is good. I can rest now, I don't have to fight anymore. Rest now, think later..." He closed his eyes, with a satisfied sigh... Then his eyes shot wide opened and he started to analyze what just happened. "Like h**l I'm going to sleep during a "Boss" (plant) fight!"

    His mind started to work overdrive to see what can be done to eliminate the foe. "Usually, normal attacks either break a plant or harvest it, provided that it hit's the right spot. But... I launched multiple attacks against the weak spot, and not a dent... Even when attempting to use a sword art, it ended in failure... So, that's the only way we will be able to take down this "Boss" (plant)... I better tell her."

    He shifted his body so his face was skyward, and he looked to where his "Dungeon Party" (Lila) was soloing the "Field Boss" (plant). As you tried to finish the plant off and end with a decisive victory, the "Boss" (plant) activated it's stun and dropped you to the floor... The boy started to get up and he called out to his fallen party member. "You ok?" Walking over to you, he offered his hand to his comrade, while continuing, "We should rest for a bit, as well as try to come up a way to take down that "Field boss" (plant)." Then, boy brings up the menu, and materializes two glass of water from his inventory. "Want a drink?"  He holds out the glass of water for you to take.


  17. "Is the blade dull or something?..." The boy starts muttering under his breath as he backs away to let you do your thing. After making sure nothing was in the immediate vicinity, he looks over to see if the "Field boss" (the plant) has fallen yet, and with a internal sigh, he notes that it hasn't.

    "If regular attacks wont work, i'm going to have to try something else..." Thinking this while getting into a battle position, he calls out to Lila. "Back up a bit, I'm going to try something... And, if this doesn't work, I'm going to cry."

    After waiting for her to back up a safe distance, (assuming you do so,) his blade starts to glow a shade of light blue... "<<Side Bite>>!" 

    He lunges forward, and attempts to slash at the plants base... But overshot the plant and tripped over it... His knife slipped his grip as he fell, and he tumbled over the plant, but he didn't damage it surprisingly...

    Laying on the ground with tears in his eyes, he calls out to you... "Hey, Lila... Avenge me... I'm going to lie here for awhile..."

    Energy: 0/2

    ID: 33618

    LD: 5

  18. Alet just looking around, making sure nothing ambushes the two while gathering the plant. While checking for the third time of there surroundings, he heard your voice laced with annoyance. The boy turned his head to see what was wrong, and it was... Interesting... The plant had a rather large incomplete cut in it, the knife was on the ground, and a little bit of red was on your finger... "That didn't go according to plan I suppose..." 

    "Um, are you alright?" He pointed to the small cut in your finger... "Actually, I haven't been attacked by any mob's yet, so I don't know how damage feels... So, how does it feel?"

    After your response (assuming your going to make one), he looks at the plant and shrugs a little. "Let me take a shot at it..."

    Picking up the knife from the ground, he tries to finish the cut you started... But either due to a complete lack of strength, or just a bad swing, the knife bounced harmlessly off of the plant... "... What?"

    Then he tries it again, and again, and again... Let's just say he wasn't very... successful...


    LD: 13 


  19. Alet just gave a silent smile when you started to joke around, as if remembering something from the past. "It's been awhile since a person joked around like that in this game, kinda reminds me of someone..." With these thoughts, he almost fell asleep, giving into the temptation. However, after being patted on the back and encouraged to fight the good fight, he shrugged and said. "That would be rather nice..."

    After infecting Lia with a yawning disease, he started to scan the area, and spotted something in between two tree's... Upon further inspection, it was a plant that some how stood out from the rest of the green. It was ,unmistakably, a alchemy ingredient. "Actually Lia, let's check that out." He points to the small plant in the distance, it's small leaves blowing in the wind... "It might be a alchemy ingredient of some sort. If you want to take a shot at it, i'll lend you my knife so you can try it out." The boy holds the knife by the blade, allowing you to grab it by the hilt.  "I think I'll accidentally destroy it if I do it while this tired..." His voice is still small, tired, but it has a hint of something else... 

    "And also that I destroyed all the plant's I tried to gathered, so that's a thing as well..." It's the fact that he sucks at gathering anything living... 

    (OOC: If you do decide to try to gather it,  roll the dice and if the LD is 15-20, you succeed. If 0-14, you fail. If you succeed, you get one material...)

  20. The boy inwardly sighs in relief after being saved from certain doom from a certain little girl. With his eyes, he thanks the the taller man that took the bullet for him. "I owe you one" He attempts to convey with a few gestures, trying not to catch the girl's attention.

    After getting up from kneeling position, he took a step back and let the two talk for a bit, not really wanting to interrupt there conversation between them, as he kinda walked in on them only a few moments ago.

    While they were conversing, he let a few thought's cross his mind, mainly the one on why the pair was sleeping together outside, and no, get your mind out of the gutter. He's thinking about why did they decided to sleep outside when there's a safe zone nearby... Then again, he did that multiple times, so he can't really play the hypocrite...

    After a few more moments of waiting and thinking, he almost misses your greeting, being zoned out and all...

    "Ah, nice to meet you too. My name is Alet, I hope that we can get along." After saying that, he claps his hands together, remembering something. "Shoot, sorry I didn't ask this when I told you my name, but what's your name?" He points Astropheric, then gestures to the two. "Uh, sorry for intruding as well while you two were resting, it was kinda rude of me..."

    He looks around, and sigh's a little. "Actually, can I join up with you guys for a little? I'm kinda paranoid after the wolf incident, and I would feel a bit safer if I traveled in a group..."

  21. The boy realized his mistake really quick, as he slightly backed away from the blood lust that was being emitting from the young girl... "This was... A bad idea... A very bad, all the no's, idea. I should have just let the wolf killed me, it might be less painful the what i'm about to experience..." He looked at the boy with a pleading glance, and he took a step towards the girl...

    He tilts his head with thought for a bit, then with a sigh, he kneels down. With a English accent, he starts talking with a respectful tone, and looks at Lily with a serious face. 

    "It was I, my lady. I was the culprit of such a deed, and for what I have done, I must atone for my actions. My humble apologies madam, as it is late, and I am tired from my journey's. Please accept my plea, for I shall serve you with to the best of my abilities for this night." His head goes a little lower, and he looks away, "Please be gentle..."

    "This is going to go really wrong, really quick isn't it..." The boy thought in his mind, as he submits himself to his future...

  22. "Hmm..." The boy thinks for a little, as if he was considering something... Something that would be a really bad idea...

    With a mischievous grin, he materializes a small glass of water from his inventory, and starts walking towards the two. "Well," he begins with a small but excited voice, "i can run really quick..."

    When he was close the the pair, he looks at Astropheric with a bit of indecision on his face. "Though, if you were serious about being tired, when I wake her, please go to a inn. There is too many mob's that like to take advantage in the dark here..." The voice is slightly concerned, but still soft to not wake the victim...

    "Well then, sorry to whom this is, you'll probably hate me afterwards, but it's for the greater good... "

    The boy pours about 1/4 of the glass's content on the girl's face, enough to get her attention, but not too much that she will have water go into her nose or something like that.

    "In 3, 2, 1..." The boy speaks with a slight smile on his face...

    -1 Water (Worth it)

  23. He shrugs at your praise, not really knowing how to respond to it, instead opting for glancing around and dozing off every now and then. So he started to zone out as well as you thought.

    The boy jumps a little when you exclaim rather loudly. Then his eyes start sweeping the area for any mob that decided to investigate the shout. He inwardly sighed out of relief of no mob's barreling towards them, but still tried to keep lookout with half closed eyes...

    When you mention going another time, he just shakes his head a smiles a little. "Thanks for the concern, but I should be fine. This isn't the first time I did a task half asleep. Then again, finishing last minute assignments isn't as life threatening as this game I suppose... Besides, we have already traveled to the forest, might as well continue on forward."

    Then, contrary to what he just say's he yawns a little and his head starts tilting downwards...


  24. The boy looks to the pair with slightly curious eyes, and starts to talk in a soft voice but curious voice. "I... I see... I'm Alet. I was just gathering a few materials in the fields, and was chased around by a wolf that wanted to make a midnight snack of me I suppose..."

    He sighs a little, and starts to look at the two. And, for just a moment, his eyes widen in shock, to calculation, then scrutinize in worry, and after all that returns to a relieved expression. However, the look of relief is tainted by something, but after a moment or two it is gone... It also seems as this happened when he see's Astropheric analyzing him, trying to get a read off of him.

    Shrugging off what seems to be either your cold voice or a bad feeling, he continues... "Well... I'm sorry for intruding upon your date of sorts... Though I am kinda curious why you picked the fields where monsters spawn... Heh... So why are you resting out here when it's dark? Wouldn't it be better for you two to get a room of some sorts in the city?" After a bit, his eyes widen a bit in realization. "Oh... I didn't mean it like that.. I swear. But, seriously, why are you guys out here in the middle of the night?" While he talks in a tired manner, the person awake can sense something, off, about this kid. Though what emotion lurking in him is hidden, you can still feel something is wrong about this young boy in the fields, under the light of the moon...

  25. "I swear, I'm innocent!!!" 

    A small cry is heard in the distance, along side with a very angry howl echoing in the fields...

    "I was just gathering a few materials, and lo and behold, I stepped into a much scary, all the no's, wolf aggro range. Was it this bad? Is my gathering so bad that the game felt the need to avenge my failure of a gathering mission?"

    Currently, a young boy, with a small knife strapped to his side, is running across the fields for dear life. His eye's darting across the forest he was in, and after a few moments, those forest's became grassland. Even though he ran far, he continued to sprint towards the main city. It's kinda sad actually, because he isn't in danger anymore, the wolf abandoning the chase long ago. Though he still kept running as if a field boss chased him to the ends of the earth, without knowledge of his lack of wolves behind him.. After a kilometer or so, he finally decided to turn his head backwards, and a few seconds later, it finally registered in his mind that he wasn't being chased anymore... Sighing a little, he started to lay down with a relieved look on his face...

    After a few moments, the boy looked to the side, and spotted two figures, laying down on the grass. Slightly worried after what just happened, he decided to call out to them.

    "Um, hello?"

    With a voice that can be easily swept up in the wind, he greeted the figures that were lying in the moonlight together... The boy really hoped this wasn't a couple he was interrupting...


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