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Posts posted by Eulalia

  1. "W-well..." Lia pondered for a moment, broiling over where she might like to go.  She didn't want to deny this princely boy his chance at befriending her. Might be best for him to actually take me somewhere... "There are a couple of stores just near the edge of Town that I've always wanted to visit... w-would you mind taking me there?" She asked, tilting her head cutely.

  2. Eulalia blushed when the blond boy displayed his concern. "Y-yeah... sorry..." She apologized again, bowing after she was stood up by the princely figure. She watched him stride away, soon to do so herself, until the boy spoke once more. "U-um... nowhere, r-really..." She stuttered, her girly nerves getting the better of her. "I-I was just kinda meandering a little..." She explained, curling a lock of viridian hair around a finger shyly.

  3. Eulalia giggled out loud as Kalesh squeezed her nice and tight. She wasn't expecting him to hold her THAT tight!  However, it was a good feeling nonetheless.  She had made a friend who was nothing short of comfortable with things like this, and not to mention a guy... she had not expected to get so intimate with a male, due to her usual awkwardness, but Kalesh just caused that all to fly away in a single moment. "Tighter!" She exclaimed playfully, although in a hush tone. She wanted to see how tight he could actually hold her, without breaking her of course. She looked up at Kalesh and peered into his eyes; they were almost the same shade as hers.  She leaned her head against the redhead's chest, suddenly rather drowsy, even though all they had done was chat.

  4. As Eulalia continued to listen to the song, her body began to feel lighter, as if drifting off to some unknown mystery place. Her mind began to slow, the peaceful singing slowly shutting it down. All of her muscles had relaxed and her breathing became slow and drawn out. Finally, as her mind's lights out were turned out completely, her body slumped sideways to the grass, sleeping tranquilly on the earth, a grin still plastered to her lips.

  5. Eulalia began to snigger at Alet's long-shot attempt at raising his diminutive stance, until bursting into a full-blown laughing riot, clutching at her abdomen as wave after wave of air was expelled from her lungs.  She had no words  to say to the boy then and there, but if she had have accumulated enough air to utter a word, she would have mentioned how adorable his struggle was reassured him further... ultimately, this did not end up happening.

    Lia followed Alet's gaze to the expansive, although artificial amber sky above, the ceiling crafted by the second floor flawlessly mimicking a sunset from the real world. It was a beautiful thing really, how realistic the scenery was. Every sight the ex-coach laid her verdant eyes upon brought a bright smile to her face... sometimes she even forgot  she lived in a game. Lia nodded in response to Alet's suggestion. "Of course." She agreed and turned to face him, grinning as he broke into a jog. Confusion tugged the corners of her lips when he plastered an impish expression to his own face, and her eyes flew as wide as teacups when he bolted off, but it took very little time for her to shoot off after him, raising her hands into the air and yelling openly, uncaring of who, or what, might hear her.

    She decided to enjoy her time while it lasted, and if that was going to be on the edge...

    So be it.

    (Whaddya say we lock him up now? I think this is a beautiful way to end it ^^ I was listening to some really uplifting music while writing :) )

  6. Eulalia crossed her arms and sat up tall, as if to emphasize the seriousness she was feigning. "Well, I would probably start with stabbing you in the foot... and then maybe the arm... I'll possibly just stab you within an inch of your life, and if even then you don't give me the photo I'll dump you in the middle of a tavern without clothing and spread all your gear out for players to just take." She elaborated, obviously satisfied with the very devious plan she had concocted... she was sure the last part wasn't exactly something Kalesh would enjoy. Lia smirked at Kalesh's reaction to her compliments - she was glad she made the redhead happy. When Kalesh began complimenting her, though, it was her turn to blush... not that it was any different from five minutes ago. Every compliment struck a lightning bolt in her heart, until Kalesh admitted he wanted to hug her. Why the hell not? The guy fricking deserves it! Lia decided, before shifting closer to the redhead, leaning into him gently. "Well? Don't ya wanna hug me tight and never let go?" She teased, awaiting his reaction.

  7. (I do, but I personally prefer to listen to the original version of Safe and Sound, a much more peaceful sound to it)

    Eulalia shut her eyes as she simply listened to the song... strangely enough, the power Vasth placed in the words seemed to form their own background music... she could almost hear the track that ran with the lyrics, and yet she had never heard the song before. It amazed her that someone could do such a thing, and that was exactly what fueled her passion for singing; with the right song choice and the right voice, one person could create a whole new world of sound for an ocean of people. She continued to listen, imagining the guitar and piano in the background...

    Music is a beautiful thing.

  8. Eulalia's eyes fluttered for a moment when she heard Alet was fifteen. "W-well... certainly young, but you're not all that much of a late bloomer... I wasn't actually a gamer until I was your age, and even then I played some pretty crap games, haha!" She admitted, hoping to lift his spirits about his supposed belated approach to the virtual world. She pondered over Alet's thoughts about their real bodies. She hadn't paid much attention to that notion the whole time she'd been in the game... what was happening to their bodies? Were they becoming frail and weak? Where were they even? Still in homes, or at hospitals? "I'm sure you'll be pretty tall when you get out of here, take my word for it!" Lia reassured Alet, grinning. However, her grin soon changed to a look of confusion when the boy asked for a rag. "Well... to my knowledge, I haven't picked up a rag or anything... maybe you could wash your face at an inn or something when we get back to town?" She suggested, shrugging.

  9. Eulalia giggled and gently pushed Kalesh's face away from her. "Well if you wanted me to, I probably would, but not for your benefit!" She exclaimed, placing her hands into her lap. She nearly lost her balance when Kalesh gave her an elbow, but she managed to hold onto her seat and keep herself upright. She did enjoy the thought of having to track down the snake-like redhead, especially with such irony involved. Having to find him would be a rather enjoyable activity, she decided. She bit her lip lightly when Kalesh asked of how she saw him, and she had to ponder for a moment. "W-well... a wonderful man is the first thing that comes to mind." She complimented Kalesh, still looking away. "You're also kinda gentlemanly...a-and a bit of a sweetheart..." She began rattling off her thoughts about him, as if he weren't even there; she had finally lost it and drifted off into her own fantasy world.

  10. (Haha, awesome song choice! I read the first part of the lyrics and I was like, "Hold up a sec, isn't this Safe and Sound?" XD Like, I accidentally skipped past the part where Vasth said the name and just read the lyrics)

    Eulalia felt her body become lighter, as if she was being pulled into a whole new world, as Vasth began to sing. This song... it sounded so wondrous as the words rolled out of the blond boy's lips. It was obviously a song that meant the world to him if he was able to force so much emotion into each and every note... this would surely be a song for her to sing at some point in time. She couldn't wait for Vasth to reach the chorus... her expectations were high for the heightened emotion when it came around. It reminded her of a few other songs she enjoyed, and wished to sing to the public to help lift their spirits. Vasth was certainly being an impressive help to her self esteem, and she was grateful for that.


  11. Eulalia bit her finger in embarrassment as Vasth smiled at her, and her heart skipped a beat when the spearman told her about his ill significant other. "I-I'm sorry to hear that, Vasth..." She apologized for no reason in particular bu sympathy.  She hadn't experienced the feeling of losing a loved one to the Grim Reaper's cruel discrimination, and thus struggled to imagine how Vasth felt. She flushed red, her face becoming incredibly hot as she felt Vasth's hand on her head. Her hands replaced his as it left, and her heart raced... no guy had ever patted her head before. When Vasth mentioned he'd sing a song for Lia, she nodded frivolously, still clutching the top of her head of viridian hair.

  12. "You better send it," Eulalia told Kalesh sternly, "or else I'll come 'n hunt you down!" She threatened playfully, giving the man a light punch to the arm.  The mail system was something extremely pragmatic in Lia's eyes; ease of transport of items and Col, although for a small fee.  Some people are willing to pay that, but others just prefer face-to-face trades.  Lia honestly didn't mind either way.

    Lia chuckled at Kalesh's mention of a mirror being put into use. "How in Aincrad would you get a decent enough mirror to snap a photo of you?" She asked, before instantly taking back her response; she was sure some of the high-levelled Artisans may have been able to do such a thing.  Instead, she decided to fix up her mistake with a flirt. "After all, I'd rather a picture of how see you." She told him with a playful shoulder-check.

  13. When Kalesh subtly called Eulalia adorable, she squeaked gleefully and dropped her head downwards, almost to her lap.  Her heart was beating way too fast to be possible, but it happened.  Why was he being so sweet to her?  Was he maybe like that with all girls?  She liked to doubt that notion... but she couldn't help but suspect... the thought flew from her head as Kalesh held the crystal out to her.  She gently took the floating object and looked squarely at the redhead. "No posing... I just want a nice photo of your handsome face." She complimented the man with a smirk, before double-tapping the crystal, snapping a nice photo of Kalesh. "There we go!  Now I have a photo to cherish forever~" She stated, tilting her head with a grin.

  14. Eulalia was about to reach the chorus... but her voice suddenly failed her, and she fell into a coughing mess.  She wasn't sure if it was stage-fright or whether her voice just decided to be an ass, but no matter why it was, it happened.  Finally catching her breath, she threw a sorry look to Vasth. "I-I'm sorry Vasth... that's what used to happen when I had stage-fright... my voice would always fail all of a sudden... I'm sorry I couldn't sing the whole thing for you..." She apologized, hanging her head in shame and idly pulling at the chest of her shirt, attempting to avoid embarrassment but to no avail.

  15. Eulalia covered her mouth as she elicited an amused chuckle at Alet's reaction. "Yes, we got the boss. It's over." She informed him before he flopped backwards.  Lia pulled herself up and stood, patting down her viridan trousers, before making her way to the downed boy. "Yeah... I think taking a break from plant fighting might be in order... let's haul-" She was about to say 'ass', but then remembered her partner's possible age. "Get out of here and rest up... especially you, you needa get some sleep, Alet." She ordered the boy, placing her fists on her hips.  She soon extended her hand out to assist Alet in getting up, a sweet smile on her lips.

  16. When Kalesh mentioned a daughter, Eulalia flushed red. I... I haven't even thought of that... Will we ever be able to have a child? She worried over the fact that they may not even make it out alive to live a happy life together... Her thoughts quickly snapped back to reality as Kalesh approached a very beautiful, brown haired, bespectacled woman; a sight at which Lia almost cowered in fear. She mentioned Kalesh's camera, the one he had used to take a quick photo of Lia's flustered expression.  When she was addressed, Lia politely looked at the brunette as she introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Piera." She replied, grinning widely. "My name's Eulalia, but please just call me Lia.  Kalesh might not look it, but he's a total sweetheart..." She mused, before her expression turned sly. "I mean... He's a nerd and a bit of a pervert... But he's exceptionally nice. Upon our first meeting... I actually thought he would've been with someone!" She exclaimed, before stammering. "A-and I'm not that cute... You on the other hand... Whoever has you as their 'special someone' is a very lucky man." She complimented Piera with a playful, girly wink.

  17. Eulalia turned her head away and blushed when Kalesh asked if she had a 'special someone'. "N-no... I d-don't..." She admitted, before adding further; "I-I've only ever had a boyfriend once... B-but that didn't even last long..." She yelped quietly and hid her face at the realisation of what she had said.  She continued to stay in her bashful state when they began conversing about her shyness. "Y-you mean I don't seem shy to you?" She asked, astounded, but hid her face once more. "I-I'm not sure you want to see me be shy..." She attempted to deter him from his intentions, but nonetheless she knew that Kalesh would do nothing but enjoy her shy side.  She soon felt his breath upon her skin and she listened to what he had to say.  Giggling weakly, she replied, "If I could just have a photo of you, I would be happy." She admitted, the irony between the statement and the camera mechanism being her entire point.

  18. Eulalia had been compromised!  Kalesh's analysing gaze had read the look upon the girl's face and noticed she was in awe over the fact that he was single. "O-oh, I guess you're right..." She replied quietly. "I was surely expecting that... Someone..." Saying only caused the butterflies in her stomach to flutter more fiercely.  Her eyes widened and became curious when Kalesh seemed to have not realised her shyness. "Y-yeah... H-haven't you noticed?" She asked, tilting her head.  She had genuinely expected herself to have seemed shy to Kalesh... But maybe she hadn't been shy.  Maybe the entire time she'd been relaxed around the redhead, and she hadn't noticed... How he managed to do that, to get the girl to relax around him, was nothing short of a mystery to Lia.

  19. When Alet used Eulalia as leverage to charge towards the plant, the viridian girl was thrown off balance, her left foot lifting off of the grass.  She struggled to haphazardly stand upon her remaining leg as she watched Alet drop to the grass; she couldn't tell whether he was just defeated or actually knocked out, but she hadn't much time to ponder over the thought as her right leg slipped from under her, dropping her rear heavily upon the grass.  She could feel the spear give way and she ducked her head to dodge the flying weapon, only to feel a shower of dirt rain upon her, followed by some heavy, foreign object landing in her lap.  She creaked her right eye open, and the plant they had tried so hard to obtain laid there, finally defeated.  With a grin and a sigh, Lia laid back on the grass, shutting her eyes against the sun above as she felt the plant fade away and transfer to her inventory.


    ID: 34219

    LD: 17 = +1 Stalwart Root

  20. Eulalia edged closer to hr new friend and replied to her question. "Well... I'm kinda low level at the moment... So I like to just chat with people, go out gathering things in the field, singing, hanging out with my boyfriend..." She let the last one slip by accident, but didn't demonstrate any sign that she cared.  Speaking of her boyfriend though... Roxanne almost looked like she could possibly be Kalesh's younger sister, with the flame red hair... But Kal had green eyes, and didn't carry a French accent, so the facts shot Lia's fan theory down. "How 'bout you, Roxanne?  What do you like to do?" She asked, before another question arrived at the tip of her tongue. "Also, d'you mind if I call you Roxy?" She asked, as if it was something she practised every day.

  21. Eulalia could read the blatant look of infatuation and jubilee upon Kalesh's face, as there was possibly a similar look printed upon her own.  Lia blushed when the redhead took her hand and said that he wouldn't mind kissing before a crowd. "I-I have no idea whether to think you're making a shot at being romantic... or just being plain naughty." She replied, glancing sidelong bashfully. "I do hope it's the first..." She added, before breaking into a light giggle.

    Lia could hear the music and sound of voices soon approaching, a sure sign that they were arriving back at the party.  She listened to her boyfriend's amendment to his original statement, forcing her to chuckle. "You're greedy." She scolded Kalesh, before leaning onto his shoulder. "Very, very greedy." She teased.  She pulled back from her boyfriend's shoulder when he complained about no one ever giving him a nickname. "Alright Kal, calm your farm." She teased, looking up at Kalesh, before suddenly realising something. "Hey... If you combine our nicknames together, it makes 'Kalia'.  That sounds like a cute couple name, don't you think?" She suggested, giggling happily.

  22. (I'm gonna wait some time before posting in the party thread. I don't wanna steal the limelight...)

    "Still, even that hickory-dickory photo of my kinda shocked face was pretty good." Eulalia complimented the aspiring photographer further.  She flushed pink when Kalesh mentioned he didn't have a special someone. Wait, wait, wait... He doesn't actually have someone?  I seriously thought he did! She obsessed over the thought, not exactly realising why.  The way Kalesh blushed and muttered a 'thank you' set fireworks off inside Lia.  It was so cute, compared to his outgoing side she had already seen much of, and she honestly wouldn't mind seeing that side of him again.  She turned her head away bashfully when Kalesh stated he had nothing bad to say about her, taking no notice of his sidelong glance away. "Y-you sure about that?  I-is there really nothing?  A-aren't I, like, too shy, or somethin'?" She asked, hoping he'd continue to deny her thoughts.

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