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Posts posted by Isa

  1. They stood outside the bar, the low thrum of it picking up inside with more players filling it and the realistic buzzing and flickering of a light outside of the shop made Damian feel old. Feel like he was doing everything in vain, which, to be honest with himself, was all he really was doing; Chasing an old flame and hoping she was okay only to realize that last person she needed in Aincrad was him. The more he thought about it the more it stung. He squeezed her hand in his only to have her rip it away and hold it up high, as if she was going to bat at him quickly with her palm. He starred at her curiously, wondering why she did that. They were in a safe zone, the only thing her action would do was get across that he wasn't welcome in her eyes. 

    Kita spoke truer words than anyone he had ever met. He had become weak, he was nothing like himself. His usual cool and calm self was replaced by a cowering fool who only wanted to be close to a woman who had other plans. When she mentioned accompanying him on a quest he felt his stomach began to squirm. "You'll help me? That's not like you..what's in it for you is what I should have asked." Isamashii looked down at his fists, small scars and permanatly suncken in knuckles proved that outside of Aincrad he had gotten into his far share of spats, just as she had.

    Kita was one of his three partners that attended fights with him, they weren't a team but had all trained in the same space, they became acquainted that way and all knew eachother in an intimate way that only fighting eachother almost completely naked would cause. Damian closed his eyes tightly and thought about how he obtained most of his scars, the small, raised areas of skin that were deep pink looked more fearsome than what he remembered Kita's scars looked like, her warm honey skin tone caused her to scar in a light almost white tone. He gave a little chuckle. He nearly imagined her naked, not for impure reasons, but as a ploy to get away from what was happening before him, Their fighting. His mind traced over her frame that he had memorized. She was short statured, toned, not as much as he was but in her movements her muscles could be seen flexing beneath her thin skin. Bantamweight, or featherweight at most, he imagined the time she put on weight purely to fight male fighters. Isamashii quickly snapped out of his daze again, his reminiscing on their past and gave a huff. "I already know that here my fists do little damage, I admit to trying and punching a boar and having to flee for my life." He looked away from her, his cheeks pink from his confession. "So what you teach me how to use my fists then leave me for dead too?" He knew his words would sting. But she never held her tongue, so why should he? 

  2. He watched the beautiful woman do what she did best. Blow up into this huge, firey plume, her anger ate the oxygen in the room and fueled itself into a great blaze. Flints stuck to her namesake. That was for sure. He sat calmly as she growled and hissed at him. For being. A coward. For not wanting to join her in battle, for refusing to progress in the game. If he had to admit it, he was afraid. He didn't want to die. He had always been afraid of the great unknown. 

    "Kita wait, please." He rose from his seat and chased after the flame, he reached out and grabbed her hand right as they both stood out in the dark of the night. Her skin singed him in a way so shocking he almost pulled back in fear. He held onto the woman tightly, her delicate fingers held loosely. "Why would you say that...you know exactly why that's my namesake..and I'd say you being alive and scratch free is testament enough to it." He gave a sigh and released the woman. Worried she would harm him.  "Please understand..I'm scared to die. I'm not you Kita, I've never been good at this sort of thing, now having it be the thing that keeps me alive? No thanks. I'm not even strong enough to fight with my fists. Let alone kill something.." He looked down, his ice blue eyes becoming clouded with worry and doubt. "Kita I can't protect myself...and that scares me."

  3. Damian looked at the woman in a curious manor, she was drinking and it wasn't too late in the day, but regardless he questioned it. He took into consideration all that she threw at him and gave her an exaggerated sigh. "I hope you know asking me all these things, isn't going to make it any better. But I guess since you asked nicely." He waved over the cute NPC again, who seems to have taken a liking to him. Her soft touch sent shivers up his spine and he began to think about the last time he was actually close to a woman, and not just for one night. He gave a smile to mask his thoughts and ordered a drink from her, he didn't really care what kind it was so long that it stung him and brought him back to reality. 

    "Outside of Aincrad I had been living in Seattle. It's rainy and cold there, the coffee is great and they have a thriving music scene I think you would appreciate. It's an interesting place, and honestly I can see you settling down there. If you ever plan on doing that." He gave her a smirk. "You aren't really one for falling in love, so that's why I said ever. And to answer your next question, yes. I am in town." He met her eyes only briefly to try and gauge her reaction, her big green eyes staring straight into his soul. "And I don't know about thriving. More like surviving. But I got used to it, I have other friends you know, and they are great people. I just couldn't stop playing with fire." He took a drink of whatever he was given, it had slightly orange notes in it that he didn't complain too much about. Damian had a feeling the drink was going to make him even more thirsty. But it was his turn now, to get some answers from her and ask why she insisted on joining in on this deadly craze. 

    "So what gave you the idiotic idea of joining in on this craze? You aren't one to jump into games you haven't already tried before. This is all new, at first I assumed you would have waited a few weeks before diving." His eyes softened at the idea of Kita's body lying limp on her couch or bed, weak from all the time she spent in the game, muscle wasting away till she was nothing but bones. He hoped someone had found her, he hoped she was moved to a hospital or was being watched over. The last thing he ever wanted was for her to be alone. Which made him remember exactly why he had gotten the nerve gear and SAO. "I knew you would be fine, in some way. But a part of me kept shouting that you were stupid enough to join the game as soon as possible, and crazy enough to get yourself killed." He gave a tired chuckle. "I mean you used to almost always risk way too much in the real world. Always thinking you were the most powerful thing on earth. You never take into account how...how you actually are.." He tensed at his confession. The thing they never spoke of. He knew his talk was costly and he quickly accepted his fate and picked up his rate of speech. "You've almost been killed at least twice outside of game, God knows what trouble you would have made in here, I know I'm not strong enough to protect you. And I don't plan on being someone to protect you. I know you'll either become strong enough, or find someone to keep you safe.." With that he felt his fist began to clench the glass at the thought of her and Endilix. The thought of her and anyone. It stung. It had been so long ago but the wounds she had left him always felt fresh each time he saw her. "Just don't get yourself killed. I've actually been thinking and..I'm certain I'm just going to live in a town. In an inn. And not fight the good fight but just stay close in hopes you don't die and when we make it out..I can find you..and make sure you are okay.." Damian drank the drink more and summoned the waitress and asked for another. He glanced at Kita who was sitting across from him, her eyes darted across the room, the sunlight peaked in just enough to grace her face and have her eyes shine brightly. Her soft features were mesmerizing, she usually kept her face screwed up in some sort of snarl or look of disdain. But today she was more relaxed. Her usual over analytical mind was probably at rest, which showed when she wasn't trying to be the big bad wolf, she had a gentle, feminine look to her face. The face of a woman you wanted to wake up next to for the rest of your life. His eyes traced over her warm skin and wondered about how much she had changed before giving a sigh, wondering if he was drunk in one way or another. 

  4. Damian wondered around a little before catching a glimpse of Endilix's red hair descending into a cave. He snorted and quickly followed him, hoping to catch up to the two. "Of course she would go somewhere we wouldn't want her to go.." Damian whispered to himself. He pondered for a moment on calling out to her, but in a cave it probably wasn't a wise idea, he didn't want to stir some unbenounced enemy. He picked up his speed until he caught up to Endilix. "Why did she come in here?" He glanced around at the dark cave and sighed, the fact that he could only see a few feet In front of him made the search almost impossible, all he could see was Endilix in this desend into the great unknown. 

  5. Damian cleared his throat, in all the commotion he hadn't been able to properly introduce himself, he stayed sitting and drank his tea before speaking. 

    "My name is Isamishi, and if I can help it I'll stick close to her,"  he pointed at Flints nonchalantly. "But that means I'll have to be a ..Cleaner..." Damian shuddered at the thought. "I'd like to think I'm great at putting on a good front. So, charming the world while pushing aside all the unwanted attention or mess anyone has left seems befitting of me." He sat back and relaxed into his seat, he spread his arms across the back of the chair so that he was sunk into it in without a care in the world. Everyone else seems so..on edge. Or not comfortable being around people."this sure is an interesting bunch. We need some extroverts in here...stat." He thought to himself. Once he was sure he was finished speaking he flashed the room a nice warm smile,something he knew for sure he was good at.

  6. Damian scoffed and let his hands fall to a rest at his sides, he looked over at Endilix and looked him over closely, from his red messy hair, green eyes and almost boyish face. He waited before he addressed him, carefully picking his words before he burst with emotion, it was too late for that.  

    "You say these things as if you love her, but that's impossible. You've just met. Hell if I wouldn't have made a move to claim what's mine, she probably wouldn't have ended up with you. She would still be wondering the forest, and pouncing weaker players. You hold this title but yet it seems to mean nothing. You can't even figure her out. You just go along with her, as if you were her father or something. She doesn't want someone who's so...submissive, her nature should have crushed you long ago, to be honest I think she only keeps you around is for the night time sprawls. Other than that you're basically worth nothing." Damian began to walk in the direction flints went, he could no longer see her, he could hardly see the world around him, his emotions had gotten out of hand. "I've gone most of my life being to her what you are. And in the end she didn't need me. She doesn't need anyone that can't quell her dominate nature. It took me a long time to realize she's on a league of her own. That scares me." Damian began to walk faster, in search of the woman who had suddenly vanished. His heart raced at the thought of her disappearing from his life again, or worse, dying. He shook the notion from his mind and called out for her. "Kita?!" His voice became desperate, not only for her abcence but for their past. It pained him. "Where are you Kita, are you okay?

  7. Isa glanced around the town, hoping he had made it to the right place when he saw the sign that said it was closed for a meeting he knew he was in the right place, he entered the shop  and noticed the main area was kept neat. "Hello..?" He called out into the open area before wondering further into the shop, finally making his way to the back room where he spotted the owner. 

    "Oh! Hey. Uh, my name is Isamishi...I'm part of the dapper rouges as well, and I don't think we've met before." Isa smiled and took a seat across from the man, he was surprised he had shown up before everyone else and assumed that after some time they would filter in. He felt bad that he hadn't been working as hard as he could have been with the guild but knew meeting the rest of their growing group would be good for him, he had little exposure to anyone in game and was a little ashamed of that.  "Oh hey..tea.." Isa quickly grabbed a cup and glanced up at Hikoru, his light blue eyes inspecting not only him but the room around the two, he liked it. 

  8. Damian raised an eyebrow at the woman's sudden change in attitude. How she wanted to get to know him after leaving him and everyone else behind. He remembered vividly her picking up and pretending him and her other friends didn't exist only to return years later, he fell in love with her each time she returned to his life. Countless woman couldn't soothe the hole she left. He spent most of his childhood protecting her, for a wild spirit always left things in ruin. Her mouth tried to cash checks her wallet couldn't dream of holding. He chuckled at the thought of this little woman flailing about at other people and things, all in a daze of trying to prove herself. He remembered carrying her home when she trained too hard as a child. He flinched at the thoughts of having to protect her from his father. The man who refused to believe a woman could be so strong. He blamed her for Damian's weakness. At times like this he couldn't help but agree. He tried so hard to think he could forget her, but just as he started to their worlds became intertwined again and again. Each time more deadly. He watched as her small frame searched the forest for a path, he followed her reddish skin through the blurr of greens and browns that the follege provided. He couldn't help but wonder if he had found her sooner would things have been different. Before he knew it they were in town, Infront of a bar. It was almost night, he looked up at the woman, he had been watching her back the whole way but never noticed the change in scenery till now. 

    "well it looks like we made it...lets find a quiet place to sit and I'll tell you all your heart desires, Mia. And if you want drinks we shall have some! Just don't blame me if you go to far...you could never handle your liquor." He teased knowing it was an outwright lie. She was the better of the bunch when it came to tolerance. 

  9. Damian followed Flints obediently. He knew she wanted to get out of the forest and it upset him that she didn't want to be alone with him. But then again, in this race he was far from winning. 

    "Why not go to a bar or something. We can have drinks and talk, I think I know a good place to go! It's fairly quiet. Or are you hungry?" He figured it was best to give her another option incase she was uncomfortable with the first choice. He was ready to sit down with her and talk. They needed that. To talk without life getting in the way, without the guild breathing down his neck for his actions. He regretted nothing. But he knew he couldn't get away with something like Infront of Endilix.  Not again at least. 

  10. Isa laughed as he watched her turn back to face them and when she noticed them and went further out he sighed. "I'd be lying to you if I told you that she was normal outside of the game. She's pretty feral. You'd think someone plucked her from a forest and dropped her in a town and tried to make her adapt. She's got decent people skills and is extremely intelligent, but some times I swear she's a...wild woman. You got really lucky. She's not one for settling down. But one things for sure is that she would try anything in her power to keep you safe. I don't doubt that. You better hope you and your brother are worth her time." 

    His eyes softened after his odd bout of lecturing on Flints, he was treating her like she was a subject that he had to teach to unsuspecting students. Or a dangerous element that was super unstable. He felt his fists clench at the idea of her and Endilix. He didn't want to think about it but his mind did wonder. "How much does she..let you get away with..?" He gulped. "Her pairing off so soon in anything is odd for her. I'm curious.."  Isa could feel himself getting angry for no reason, he cleared his throat trying to shake the feeling. This woman was maddening even when she wasn't near him.  

  11. Isa smiled at Endilix as he talked about his brother and how different the two were. "The way you talk about him makes it seem like you aren't as driven for those sorts of things. I would have assumed you guys were very different people, but I guess I didn't take him for being the successful type, just more of the withdrawn type. So, if you compare yourself to him, what do you see yourself as?"

    Isa's eyes never really ventured far from Flints, he wanted to be sure she was safe. He chuckled when Endilix told him how he handled her wild spirit. "She's very stubborn, but that's what you get when you deal with such a powerful spirit. She's trapped in a capped level. It must frustrate her to be a beginner in anything..and I learned from a young age to just be completely submissive to her, or else she would try to fight you, and that usually doesn't end well. She's a lot stronger than she looks.." He raised an eyebrow, curious as to why she kept venturing further and further way, it was as if she was trying to lose both him and Endilix. It kind of offended him but he tried his best to ignore it. 

  12. Isa stared at Endilix, listening intently about how finding treasure was a lot simpler than he was making it out to be, this whole world was a lot simpler than he made it out to be. He had never been very good at games, so it was no surprise that he was terrible at this. 

    "Oh, well it's good to know he's very attentive to his guild members. Oddly enough I thought this place was going to fall apart right after it was made. You two don't seem like the guild running type." Isa was no longer looking at Endilix as he spoke but flicking the dirt from his body from his over excited treasure attempt. He glanced up to meet Endilix's eyes for a second only to have his own wonder off to Flints who was now stalking something in the distance. He sighed as he watched her get further and further before looking down at Endilix. "Oh great, she does that here too huh.."

  13. Isa huffed at Endilix. 

    "Well it seemed like a good idea at the moment, much better than digging in the dirt.." He sighed in defeat but continued to follow Endlix deeper out into the field keeping an eye out for anything that seemed suspicious. "Well everything looks kind of the same here..li wouldn't really know what you are talking about until we find it I guess." Damian frowned at the idea of having to search endlessly for a treasure that might not exist. But spending all this time with the two could be good for him. "So Endilix, where's your brother at today?" 

  14. ID: 34483

    LD: 11 (nope. Nothing) 

    Isa tensed when Endilix patted his back but coughed to cover his uneasy feelings. "Alright then, I guess I'll check behind these bushes.." He walked down from the hill towards some bushes that laid beneath a large tree, he didn't see anything but went ahead and started to reach in and feel around before shouting over his shoulder at Endilix and Flints, "I feel like this is a really bad joke..are you sure this is what I'm supposed to be doing? I feel silly.." He frowned when he didn't find anything, although he didn't really expect to find much anyways. "Uh, your turn! Being a guild head you'll probably have more luck than I.." Isa quickly took his place back besides flints and looked over to Endilix. 

  15. Isa stood close to Flints and smiled at her.

    "I'm doing great now that I'm with you" he looked over at Endilix  "Well okay, is it time for me to admit I've never actually been in a guild. Or  have done anything in game wise besides tag along with flints everywhere.." He laughed at the last part. It was true that he hadn't even tried anything in game besides hang around her, but who wouldn't. The girl was amazing. 

  16. Isa yawned and looked up into the bright sun, his blue eyes found it hard to adjust to such a bright light but he pushed himself along still trying to wake up. The thought of being able to spend more time with Flints was enough to get him out of bed, despite having her body guard tag along he'd take anytime at all with her as a good time. As he neared the hill he saw Endilix and Flints already waiting for him, hopfully they weren't waiting long. "Goodmorning guys! Sorry I took a while, I'm not really a morning person.." 

  17. Isa stayed curled into a ball after the woman yet again abused him. He was seeing an every growing pattern here that he didn't approve of, but so long as she forgave him he didn't care what she did to him. He got up when she offered her hand and quickly took his place by her side. It felt right despite what was going on around them he felt like she was all he needed to keep his cool. "okay, well then let's get going, take me to your knight in shining armor" he spat, for now he had to get used to the idea of Endilix. But hopefully it wasn't for good.

  18. Isa glanced up at her as he laid at her feet, the kick was painful but more so emotionally than physically. He starred blankly at the woman till finally he spoke, "maybe because the first chance I had to get to know you, wasn't a good one. If you had the power to have another beginning with someone, wouldn't you take it? When I saw that they released SAO I got a bad feeling, I knew you would be all over this, and something felt wrong about it. So I purchased it. Hoping to maybe keep an eye on you in here. But as I became more aware of how this death game worked, I didn't want to follow you, or watch you grow. Kita, I wanted to protect you. I wanted to be everything that-" he was cut off by a hard lump in his throat that he tried his best to swallow. He began to growl and fight it. "I wanted to take that stupid valiant knight of yours place. But I didn't get the chance to do that, he swooped in and did all the things that catch your attention. So I ended up making a complete fool of myself. for that I apologize. I felt like you wouldn't notice me any other way." He smiled meekly up at her hoping to shed light on their encounter, "wait. I've got it.." Isa quickly sat up and turned away from her then pulled his shirt off, his toned body finally free from clothing he stretched and flexed every muscle that was hidden beneath his clothes. He turned so his back was to her and waited for her reaction. He knew the long scar along his spine would rouse her memory. In more ways than one. He turned his head as best as he could to see her reaction. "Can I redeem my favor now?" He smiled warmly at her. 

  19. Isa watched as the woman rejected his advances, and felt his heart drop. "Well then, I guess I wasn't all that great of a friend to you, my name is Damian. And despite what you remember we used to be a tad close...when we were young. I doubt that means anything to you here but I used to look up to you, you're incredibly beautiful and you still are very strong." He laughed and finally stopped trying to convince her to sit with him as he laid back and closed his eyes. "We used to spar together..." He opened one eye and looked up at the woman hoping she wouldn't reject him. 

  20. Isa looked away from her, her sharp tongue stung. "And why is it that you don't think I have a chance.." He let her from his grip and quickly sat down on the follege beneath them.  "We do know eachother, actually a lot more than you think, I've always admired your spunk, and your, heh, attitude" he said the last part dripping with sarcasm. "Just think about it a little!" Isa looked up at her and patted the ground next to him in hopes she would submit and sit beside him. 

  21. Damian felt terrible, he felt like this was the worst he could have done. He knew he should have kept things to himself but he couldn't help himself. This beautiful woman him had brought him to tears, he couldn't contain himself. He had to tell her everything. He had to tell her the truth. "okay..but you aren't going to like this" he leaned in closely to the woman and stared straight into her eyes. "Here me out" he sighed.

  22. Isa grew angry and angry the more she denied him. What was wrong with him?! She threw him to the wind with not a care in the world. What did that carbon copy have that he didn't?! He got up quickly and followed her, she didn't seem frightened or worried. He quickly halted her and pressed her against a tree, his curved sword still put away, he pressed her hard against the tree with all his might. He heard her head smack against the wood and he loosened his grip a little, putting his face close to hers looking deeply into the sea of green that were her eyes. 

    "Why do you play hard to get..that will get you no where." Her sweet sweet scent was beginning to rub off on him, it was intoxicating and made him slightly dizzy. His mind raced as he waited for her to respond. "I just want to know why I can't get to know you? Is being here for you a sacred thing or something? Because whatever the pact is sign me up. I want to be in it for the long haul, I want to see you escape this place, God dammit Flints..why..why are you in here." He felt himself start to shake from the weight of his words but her eyes were glossy. What has he done.

  23. Isa's eyes were closed but he felt her soft hands began to caress him, he gasped a little at her brash actions and his body tensed a little bit he tried to lay still for her, her gentle movement was driving him crazy, he had a lot of pent up energy that needed to be released. She was tempting the beast within him. That was until her nails started to dig into his throat, shamelessly it still made him feel wonderful till her heard the familiar sound rise from her depths.  He couldn't gasp and couldn't breathe, the world was becoming a daze and he panicked, yet his health bar wasn't affected. He couldn't stop the panic from rising anyways as he feared for his life as she spoke against him and defended the copy's good name. Her claws continued to dig they felt like white hot pokers singeing his skin till all at once the pain stopped. It took him a while to be able to muster by the strength to speak again "Just because you love them, doesn't mean they love you. If I put on the same show as he I would probably be in his place right now. And even though I'm not doesn't mean I won't fight for you." 

  24. Isa scoffed at her naivety. "The carbon copy that follows you around like a love sick puppy. If you didn't know by now, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but he's not after your heart. He's after what you have in those tight little jeans of yours. Well, whatever those bottoms are"   He pointed at her waist. "Most guys here are scared. Why would they love someone in a game? But if you can keep up his basic needs..then he can probably pretend to love you for a few years so long as you put out." He laid on his side and looked up at her innocently.

    "Would you really put yourself through that sort of thing?"  Isa smiled at her. "And if you were to kill me right here and now, I'd be okay with that that. I met you and you've made me happy. To die happy is a wonderful thing."

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