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Posts posted by Whit

  1. Needless to say, Whit hated the rain, so at the first sign of raindrops he decided to follow behind another player as he took refuge inside a bar. It was the first bar he had ever entered, mostly because he disliked the bitter taste of alcohol... "Not because I'm under the drinking age, totally..." Regardless, he had seen his fair share of movies, enough that he knew entering a bar meant you had to be a certain level of manliness. Manliness, just gotta be serious until the rain died down. The player who had entered before displayed the opposite of what he had in mind in acting, and further inspection of the atmosphere of the bar was more relaxed than he had expected.


    Well in that case...

    Whit stepped around the slightly shorter player and made his way to the nearest bar stool. He took a small pile of coins and placed it on the bar, "eh, give me something sweet."

    A few seconds later the bartender returned with a bottle filled with bubbly orange liquid with a label of an orange on it. It had small writing below the orange labeled, "non-alchoholic." Whit took a quick swig and sighed, now to find something to do...

    -20 col

  2. ID: 58335

    BD: 1 (Fail)

    Boulder: 41/50

    "Ah whatever, it doesn't matter, its not like I can change how the story ends." Whit turned to the rock, "however, I can destroy this rock extremely fast if I concentrate." The thought did occur that maybe he should've taken the destruction of the rock a little more seriously, but nonetheless he backed up and charged toward the boulder. He jumped and attempted to mimic his earliear kick, though he brought his leg up too late and ended up flattening himself against the boulder. He fell down to the ground in an ungraceful manner and was once again down on the ground.

  3. ID: 58140

    BD:1 (Fail)

    Boulder: 41/50

    Excalibur, excalibur, excalibur, such a silly story. Whit liked stories like that, sure, but it was just silly how no one in the story said, "hey, there's a legendary sword, and all that's preventing us from getting it, is not having a pickaxe. Wait, didn't we use a pickaxe to collect that metal to make swords? So surely we have a pickaxe, lets just use that to grab the sword!"

    Regardless of medieval stories and their lack of logic, Whit's own story wasn't progressing as he thought about stories that had already played their course.

  4. ID:57885

    BD: 8 (I'm on a roll)

    Boulder: 41/50

    Whit recovered from his head "injury" and punched the rectangle as he muttered "knock knock!" He waited a few seconds with a smirk, his mind playing the words "who's there." "Broken pencil" he replied as he leaned against the rock, "broken pencil who." Whit waved the idea off, "Ah, nevermind, it's pointless." Whit let out a small sigh, "kind've like this quest." It would be nice if he had incentive to break the boulder before him, like a super sword, like the excalibur story.


    "Why did no one like, break the stone around excalibur?"

  5. ID: 57885

    BD: 8

    Boulder 42/50

    Whit rolled into a standing position, his momentum carrying his head straight into the rectangle. The numb feeling that replaced pain flowed throughout his forehead and caused him to silently mumble as he balanced himself against the boulder. "Gah, freaking pins and needles in my brain, ugh." He slowly rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand in an unprofitable attempt at remedying the unbearable sensation in his forehead.

  6. ID: 57833

    BD: 9 (Mini CRIT)

    Boulder: 43/50

    To anyone that happened to be watching, Whit's next actions would seem over-exagerated, but to him they were sensible, something a super hero, or video game character would do as a strong attack. First he ran around the boulder three times, after that he broke off from the circle he created, ran all the way to the hut that belonged to the npc, ran around it and proceeded to yell until he was a yard and a half away from the rock. Whit then jumped, scrunched his legs up, then streched his legs out and connected his right foot to the rectangle, causing more damage than his earlier attacks.

    Of course he fell to the ground on his back, but nonetheless he was proud to see two cracks on the spots around the rectangle.

  7. ID: 57830

    BD: 8

    Boulder: 45/50

    There had to be a faster way than just punching a rock over, and over, and OVER. It seemed like the quest was literally meant to beat him, a quest that crushed his normal ability to complete quests just by his eagerness to win. Whit walked over to the rock and punched it on its rectangle, a joke failing to come to mind as he sighed. "Maybe I should take a break." He stared up at the rock, its HP gauge had a tiny hole in it representing the insignifigant amount of damage he had done managed to easily discourage the teen. "No" Whit quickly looked back down at the rectangle, "[CENSORED] this rock! I'm not gonna let some innanimate object bore me! Infact, I'm not gonna stop until I get this rock to laugh or it breaks, either way I refuse to lose."

    And thus began the fall to insanity.

  8. ID: 57821

    BD: 4

    Boulder: 46/50

    Unfortunately for anyone in the town seen below the cliff that happened to be waiting for him, the teen was too busy laughing at the thought of performing the joke on a real person. "Okay, ha, I, Snkk-" The thought popped into his mind again and prevented further destruction of the boulder, much to the dismay of the npc who wanted to nothing more than to be alone. "Alright, I'm ready." Whit's unnecessary laughter ceased, yet his face still showed signs of a smile as he reapproached the boulder.

  9. ID: 57804

    BD: 6

    Boulder: 46/50

    "Okay, ya I'll just have to talk faster than normal, alright ya I got it now." Whit raised his head and rapped on the rectangle as if it was a door in need of being broken down, "Knock Knock" The boulder stood in silence as the words, "Who's there" played in his head. "HYPER." Whit's head began vibrating as the grin grew from the sheer excitement of delivering his line. "Hyper wh-" "HUZZAH MOTHER FRICK." Whit's sudden outburst caused the npc behind him to jump slightly, grumbling about today's youth. Meanwhile Whit burst into a fit of laughter, and any attempts to stifle it ended it in painful gasps.

  10. ID: 57799

    BD: 4

    Boulder: 47/50

    "Alright, Knock Kno- wait hold on." The words Whit was looking for escaped him yet again, causing a low groan of annoyance to form in his throat. Instead of hitting the rock and getting one punch closer to getting whatever the reward was for doing the mission he stood there pondering how the joke was structured, the certain hooks that were required to make a joke slung about as they tried to tie together a laughter inducing phrase. Whit stood there muttering inaudible words, testing them out for himself before letting his "audience" hear.

  11. ID: 57785

    BD: 7

    Boulder: 47/50

    "I GOT IT." Whit's hand swung upwards and struck the rectangle accidentally as he performed a eureka gesture, "Alright, alright, Did you hear about the geologist who took his girlfriend to the quarry?" Whit giggled slightly as he waited for the rock to "guess," "He wanted to get a little Boulder." The boulder of course did not reply, nor did it laugh or stare him down to a dislike to puns, so Whit laughed for the boulder, "Okay, I think I have a few more, just, like gimme a minute to make and remember a few, might take a while."

  12. ID: 57783


    "Alright stop me if you've heard this one before, a geoligiiiiiiist- oh crap, what was I saying." Whit tapped his foot as he tried to remember a joke he had heard a long time ago, Something 'bout rocks, I was gonna make a pun, buuuuut, Dang it, what was it? Rocks, it was about rocks, somehow it had left his tongue before he could utter it. He leaned against the rock on his back as he tried to recall the sentence he had conjured a minute earlier. Rocks, definitely about rocks...

  13. ID: 57780

    BD: 6

    Boulder: 48/50

    Whit walked up to the boulder, rapping his knuckles as hard as he could on the drawn rectangle, breathing in as he began his first joke. "Knock Knock." A second of silence as he waited how long it would normally take to say 'who's there.' "Anee." Anee Who?

    "Anee One you want."


    "Eh?" He gave a grin at the rock, giving it a few light jabs with his elbow, "well I thought it was funny."

  14. 200-10=190

    "Wron- Right!" Whit stuttered over his words, realizing that it was indeed the second cup like the man said. Whit slid the prize money across the box, repeating the process of tossing the game coin back into the cup. The teen hunched his shoulders over and stared over the cups like he was predicting his own movements despite moving at random. His arms moved across the cups dashing the coin around like so:

    Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left twice, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right twice, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left twice, Right, Left, Left, Right.

    "I guess this is it then, the last round, so anyway," Whit turned to the awaiting player, "I'm ready when you are, the rules are quite simple, I put the coin in the cup, swish around a bit, then if you can tell me where the coin is you get a bit of prize money. Of course you have to play a few rounds before you can actually earn money, but the first few rounds are simple enough that at the most you just lose a chance to get enough money to buy some sandwich or a drink, understand?"

    (Sorry for the wait, I had some complications about my computer.)

  15. ID: 57290

    BD: 7


    Whit raised his shoulder and thus raised his arm, it felt uncomfortable, but it met the height he needed to connect it to the black shape. Whit thrust his fist forward, the green bar around the rock cutting off a piece of itself. There had to be a better way though, or atleast something he could do to entertain himself. Wait, Idea, Knock Knock jokes, I love a good joke, so why not train my mind and 'Body?' I mean it's a win-win for myself, alright, let.s Knock this out.

  16. ID:57289

    BD: 2

    Boulder: 50/50

    Whit went for a punch to the gut, which would have been fine if the rectangle was where a normal person's gut would be, or if the rock had a stomach. Instead the speed from his fist only gave him the <<Immortal Object>> warning and a numb feeling from his knuckles.

    "Oh, ohh, oh ship." Its gonna be one of those quests. It couldn't really be helped, but Whit hated quests that were nothing but clicking for hours on end, except this time it would be punching.

  17. The man reached out with his finger towards the perfect boulder, placing his finger and drawing a black rectangle at about shoulder height. It was big enough that he could put his fists together and have plenty of room, and theoretically he could fit his shoe against it and still be able to see all four lines, but it would be a tight fit. "If you truly want to learn, then break this rock, but be warned, it will only break if you hit inside this box, anywhere else and you'll mearly hurt your hand." "Alright seems simple enough." Clearly I can't use my sword unless I plan on breaking it and fighting with the hilt. Whit looked down at his open hands, thinking how it would be the first time he punched something.


  18. The man sighed, as if he had preffered Whit would just leave and go home. Typical old man on a mountain behavior, probably just wants to drink prune juice and stuff. The silhouette of the old man stood up and leaned on a cane that had seen better days. As soon as the man collided with the light he gained color, showing his toga that barely hid scars across his body. The man was of indian descent, and his body at its state was no more than a vessel for teaching.

    The npc turned around when it was clear of the doorway of its house and led Whit to the boulder oit behind his house. Of course Whit was all the while staring the npc down, as if he could force the npc to go faster the twenty-five feet he had to follow.

  19. "Oh you know, wanted to murder a rock, because I have the "patience" to do that." Whit had little idea as to why he was here, the npc at that tavern had pointed in this direction to complete a quest, but a nearby player had muttered something about breaking a rock, spoiling the entire quest. "So here I am, ready to waste my time, trying to complete a quest and kill time-"



    "Unless you have come here to enlighten yourself, leave."

    Whit looked down the mountainside he came up, a voice screamed in his head to end the boredom of sitting in the town of begginings. And so his body obeyed, turning towards the hut with a wry smile, "Then I guess I came to enlighten."

  20. Spoiler

    <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

    This quest takes place on Floor 2

    This quest is repeatable (to help only)

    This RP will not count in the benchmark


    To start the quest, the player must first find the quest NPC that has taken residence in a hut near the summit of an exceptionally high mountain at the southern edge of the 2nd Floor. If the player accepts the quest, the NPC takes the player outside to a 2 meter-high rock with a diameter of about 1.5 meters and almost as tough as an Immortal Object. There, the NPC reveals that the player must split the rock into two using only their fists and then proceeds to paint whiskers with quick-drying paint on the player’s face, claiming that the whiskers cannot be removed until the rock is split. If the player does manage to split the rock, they are rewarded with the Extra Skill.

    Good luck Players!


    -At least one [1] Page (21 or more posts)

    -Must destroy <<The Boulder>> using only your fists. Thus damage bonuses such as Athletics apply, but your weapon skill rank does not, nor can you use any sword arts.

    The Boulder Information:

    <<The Boulder>> is a respawning Quest object and has the following statistics:

    HP: 50


    1. Party Leader will be gifted the Extra Skill, <<Martial Arts>>

    2. 1 Skill Point

    Parties of players are advised.

    Recommended Level: Any


    Whit looked up at the hut before him, reminding him of a sort of unmodernized house made of sticks and straws. The owner of the house had planted his house roughly fifty feet from a cliff that stared over Urbus. Whit stared past the hut, a perfectly circular Boulder sat behind the hut, halfway to the cliff.

    His eyes glared to the shaded inside of the hut, the contrast of the light difference made it hard to see anything other than a white triangle on the chin of a silhouette.

    An old voice rang out from the silhouette, "Child, why do you travel this far?" 

  21. Whit's game money: 206 -6 =200

    Whit grinned slightly, lifting the cup to reveal the gold coin. "Nice, of course, I'm going to be moving a lot faster from now on, but hey!" Whit slid over the earned six Col, "from now on its all reward and no risk." Whit tossed the coin back into the second cup, not even letting the coin hit the box before sliding the cup it was in around even more.

    Right twice, left, right, Left twice, left, Right, Right again, Left, right, Left twice, Right, Left, Right.

    "Ah, you can try the game as soon as I've completed this game, unfortunately I lack four arms, and I don't think I could really focus on anymore than six cups anyways." Speaking of cups, which one was it again? He had looked away for a second and couldn't remember where he left the coin. It was the third cup, no wait, the second one, fourth? Well, it didn't really matter, not for him anyway. The man in front of him had that job of worrying over the location of the coin.

  22. Whit's game money: 210-4=206

    "Correct!" Whit lifted the cup to confirm the man's answer, sliding the four coins in his hand over to the man's side for him to grab. It felt nice being a sort of game master, and giving away money while having a little fun was good enough to make him enjoy this silly idea he had.

    "Onto Medium dificulty." Whit grabbed the second cup, tossing the game coin in and popping it back on the box, "Here we go!" Whit grabbed the cups and began scrambling once again, but this time it was a little more furiously, the order the coin cup moved in was like so:

    Right, Right, Left, Left twice, Right, Left, and Right.

    Whit waved his hands towards the cups, "You know what to do." His eyes drifted towards someone whom he presumed was the challenger's friend, judging from the chatter between the two. "'Ello, sir. Five Col for a chance to win 20 Col, ten Col to win twice as much."

    Of course its a near guranteed win for him, but where's the fun in telling him that?

  23. Whit's game money: 200 + 10 = 210

    "Aaaalrighty, here we go then!"

    Whit picked up the second cup and tossed his coin in, and then flipped it down. He quickly scrambled the cups around, making sure the coin under the cup moved like so:

    Right, left, and then right twice.

    "Now, which cup is it in?"

    Whit grabbed four coins from his small pile to the side, he'd be thoroughly suprised if the man managed to not keep track of the coin.

    (Reminder: Left subtracts from the cup number, right increase it.)

  24. "Hello sir." Whit's attention diverted to the man in front of him, Finally. "Well unfortunately I'm no billionaire so I can't give you a hundred a game, but if your looking for pocket change, then I can provide! You see, each 'game' has four stages, Easy, where if you win you get two coins, Medium, where victory means three coins, Hard, which is five coins a win, and finally Challeging, where you get ten coins. Adding that up means you can win a total of 20 Col. As for the pay, its only five Col to play, ten if you want to double the rewards and make some quick change." Whit pulled out twenty Col to show he had the money, putting it on the table to his right to show he had the cash. "Oh and don't worry, if you lose you still get to keep the money you earned."

    (OOC: The amount that Whit moves the cups around depends on the difficulty, Easy-4 Medium-8 Hard-16 Challenging-32.)

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