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Posts posted by Lilliad

  1. (I'm so sorry!!!)

    Lilliad's smile faded slightly as she notice Dezi's mood. She herself was attempting to be happy, even though she knew exactly what Dezi was feeling. Trapped in the death game for over a year, and struggling, she hated it, and hated even more the fact that another person was feeling the same way. Lilliad had suffered so much, but hid it so nobody could see the pain she held like a burden inside. Her heart burned as Dezi seemed to think she wouldn't make it, and felt a small pang of anger. Her Australian accent shone as she feistily said, 
    "Oy Dezi, you've only just made it into this stupid game. You have no idea of the pain it brings, but neither of the friendships and experience. You've been here for half an hour, and already you think you're going to die. You'd better pull yourself together, and suck it up. I've been here for almost two years, and look where I am now! Almost dying with a newbie, trying to save her life! If you want to survive, you'd better learn not to run straight into trouble, and be more positive." Her eyes blazed as she glared at the girl, a tear falling down her face. "I learnt that the hard way." Lilliad turned on her heel and marched into the shop, angry and upset.

  2. Lilliad stepped out of the archway, stumbling over to a shop wall. Collapsing against the brick, she gave a huge yawn before beginning to nod off, waiting for Dezi. Whatever she was doing she didn't care, as long as she wasn't charging into another fight. Vaguely remembering to send her a friend request, she tapped her menu in front of her, sending a request. She gave a faint wave to a blonde boy appearing, then her blue orbs fluttered shut.

  3. Lilliad felt something stir deep inside her. The raging fire unleashed itself, and she raised her sword once more. "HYA!!!!!" She yelled a battle cry, sprinting towards the beast. She ferociously slashed and cut, her eyes burning with confidence.

    ID# 46768

    BD: 6

    MD: 4

    Crying at the same time, she knocked off another health point from the wolf. Still not satisfied, she looked at the girl with confidence and power. "We'll win this, no matter what." She spat.

    Lilliad HP: 2/4

    Dezi HP: 1/4

    Wolf HP: 1/4

  4. (Aw, so sad!)

    Lilliad clenched her fists. She wouldn't die, not like this! She had her entire life to live, and everything would be gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror.  She shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and her irises glowed fiery red. I won't die! My whole life would be gone, my sister-she faltered, tears welling in her eyes. She stepped back, near the girl and sat on her heels. Amelie...I'm so, so sorry. I...I've had the most wonderful life with you and Mum and Dad, and I swear I won't let you down. I'll fight to the end, and I'll come back to you! Virtual tears fell down her young face, and she held her face in her hands.


  5. (haha! Wait, oh. You're nearly dead!!! 'o')

    Lilliad's eyes flamed as she knew the new player would be dead in one hit.

     ID# 46674

    BD: 5 (WTH)

    MD: 7 (oh no. I don't want to die!)

    Charging, she slashed at the wolf, but it dodged, and she fell to the ground, hissing in pain as it  jumped on her back. "We need to do this!" She shouted at the girl, pushing the wolf off her.

    Lilliad HP: 2/4

    Dezi HP: 1/4

    Wolf HP: 2/4

    (Oh, dear.)

  6. Lilliad stared into the girls eyes, understanding her plea.

    ID# 46669

    BD: 6 (jusssssst)

    MD: 8

    She screamed a battle cry, and charged the wolf, her sword in hand. slicing the canine in half, it shattered into pieces. She nodded at the girl. She turned her attention to the other wolf, and released where it was too late. It snapped its jaws on her arm, and she yelled in pain as her health bar dropped. Shaking it off, she held her arm and gestured for the girl to go.

    Lilliad HP: 3/4

    Dezi HP: 2/4

    Wolf 2 HP: 4/4

  7. (Good. Pleased, Yoda is.)

    Lilliad spotted the wolf charging at her. She stared the wolf in the eye, and waited. As soon as it was a mere metre away, she leapt up into a backflip, the wolf running straight under her. She flipped, coming around and slashing a long gash down the wolf's side. (AWESOME!)

    ID# 46667

    BD: 7

    MD: 5

    Annoyingly, it only did one damage. Standing back up, she grinned at the girl, hearing the wolf run at her again. Lilliad simply side-stepped, and the wolf charged right beside her. With a smug look on her face, she waited for the other player's move.

    Lilliad HP: 4/4

    Dezi HP: 4/4

    Wolf 1 HP: 2/4

    Wolf 2 HP: 4/4

  8. (Yep, sure! Has he got an SAO charrie?)

    Lilliad's eyes widened, seeing a newbie run towards the pack of wolves. "Stop!" She cried, running to help her. "If you want to take on these wolves, you need someone to help you." She drew her curved sword, ready for battle. Smirking at the girl, she noticed she was no older than she was. Looking back at the wolves, she took her stance.

    Lilliad HP: 4/4

    Dezi HP: 4/4

    Wolf 1 HP: 4/4

    Wolf 2 HP: 4/4

    "Let's do this." She muttered, taking a strike.

    ID# 46598

    BD: 4

    The wolf bounced out of her reach, and she missed. It snarled, drool dripping from its jaws, and leapt at her. It flew past her, rolling on the ground. It whimpered, getting up again. "Go!" She ordered the girl, unsure if she knew how to fight. "You can drop your dagger in it or something."

  9. Lilliad lay on her stomach in the long grass, watching the wolves. The Fields Of Crossroads was packed full of them, and she couldn't kill them on her own. She needed someone. Sighing, she stood slowly, trying not to attract the attention of the mobs. Lilliad wondered why there were no other players, and she sat down, a fair distance away from danger.

  10. (Breaking the Unbreakable Quest)

    Lilliad huffed as she marched up the mountain. She had heard of a player quest, something about breaking a rock and getting an extra skill. Meeting an NPC, she chatted to him and accepted the quest. The man drew her to a huge rock, almost 2 metres tall, and told her to break it using only her fists. She sighed. "Alright, here goes nothing." She said.

  11. Lilliad looked up. "Really? How can you get one?" She asked, excited. She jumped a little when thunder boomed, and she moved to stand under the shelter. "What if this breaks, or catches on fire?" She asked, looking uncertainly at the virtual metal. Shrugging, she turned her attention back to Macradon. "I don't actually know..." She said in reply to the player. 

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