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Posts posted by DeadlyAnt

  1. About Me

    In reality Rokku Otoko is a student of 1st class of private highschool in Tokyo. Although his family isn't reach. He deserved to study at the prestigous school thanks to scholarship for high achievers. He comes from small village in north Japan. He's living in school dormitory now. He was bullied, because of his low height and girly look. Otoko hasn't got any friends. Some people even wanted to meet him, but he always thought, that that were only pranks and he didn't want to feel hurt after fake friendship, so he was avoiding connections with people.

    Otoko always wanted to escape from real world, to find a new reality, where he could be happy, so he started to play VR games; firstly singleplayer RPGs, but when SAO came out, he bought preorder immediately. The boy didn't feel panic when realised that he could't logout. "At last I am free", he thought, found this situation exciting. He felt that his dreams came true.

    Username: DeadlyAnt
    Real name: Rokku(last name) Otoko(first name)
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Height: 160cm(5,2ft)

    About: History/personality

    Calm: Otoko is always cool-headed, doesn't follow emotions. It's hard to make him upset, it's almost impossible. He values common sence, always thinks before acts. Some people say, that he doesn't have any emotions, but this isn't true.

    Peaceful: Otoko is non-confrontational, avoiding argues if it's possible. He wants to solve problems with benefits for eachone, always trying to make everyone happy. He likes being peaceful, calm, and ordered. He prefers to go with the flow. He's confident that events are unfolding as they should.

    Smart: Otoko is very intelligent person, good at finding solutions in tough situations. He knows what's good for him, whether he do it or not. Boy admits his mistakes, when he does something wrong. He knows how to use his knowledge in complicated situations, doesn't panic like most of people.


    Shy: Otoko is very quiet boy, doesn't talk much. He feels so uncomfortable at contacts with people he doesn't know well and avoids them. He has inner emotional resistance to approaching, so never starts a conversation. He hates to be in a center of attention, so tries not to reaveal himself. Crowds are huge problem for this person, he's moving in these slowly and stressed.

    Introverted: Otoko doesn't tell anyone about his problems, feelings and secrets; keeps it only for himself. He doesn't trust anyone, has to be very close with someone to call him/her a friend. He has a huge secret he won't tell anyone about, it's too shameful for him. Boy likes to think, that he hasn't got any emotions, but deep inside he would like to talk about his feelings.

    Contemplative: Otoko has his head in clouds very often, sometimes even seems to be separated from reality during conversation. People often think, that he ignores them, although he doesn't mean to. Anyway that's not a problem for him, because Otoko doesn't want anyone to approach to him. Meditations are one of the reasons of his calm and peace. He has very philosophical thinking and slant of life.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)

    Total Skill Points: 5 (1 level)

    Used SP: 5

    Unused SP: 0




    Weapon skills:
    » One Handed Dagger - 1lvl(5SP)

    » bread x10

    » water x15

    » Basic One Handed Dagger

    » Cloth clothing

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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