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Posts posted by Coddexx

  1. Shaking Nixons hand I introdused myself. " Nice to meet you I'm Coddexx. I'm a curved sword user and a proud member of The Velvet Room" I let go of his hand and then looking around I said "So where are you wanting to look first. I'll follow your lead since you're the one in charge of the quest. Speaking of which what level are you and what's your preferred play style?" Wanting to know as much as I could about my new ally I laughed slightly and focussed in on Nixon

  2. Glad that Brax seemed unusually eager to help out with the quest we made our way out into the forest to find the cave that the girl had been trapped in.  Hearing of Brax's accomplishments I was glad to hear that he had became so strong. "Congrats. What level are you at right now? If you don't mind my asking." As Brax asked me a question I could tell that he was uncomfortable so I kept my answer short and sweet." I've been pretty well.  Been putting those materials to good use." As I answered his question I kept my eyes open for any sign of a cave. It made me feel like quite the hero, going out and trying to find some lost girl and save her. Taking in a deep breath I focused on the task at hand seeing a rock formation to my right, changing my course to see what it was.

  3. Glad to see Brax I walked up and returned his greeting. "It's nice to see you. It's been a bit." Looking over at the crying mother I walked up to the porch having Brax follow close behind. " if it's good with you I was wanting to take on the quest let there be light. If you're up for it I'll go talk to her I could use a little help I'm not quite ready to take it on by myself." Approaching the crying mother I was able to offer my aid and through her tears I was able to understand that her daughter had gotten lost in a cave nearby and she wanted to have us go and save her. Taking a deep breath I continued the conversation until the quest window popped up. I then left telling the mother that I would be back.  I opened my menu looking at Brax. I opened the option and sent a request to share the quest with him. "So are you interested?"

  4. Having been busy exploring the forests of floor two I was drawn to a golden haired player in the distance talking to some frantic woman. I hurried my page to see what it was that was going on with them. It seemed that the mother had lost her child and needed help. However there was an issue. I could tell that the player in front of me wasn't ready to take on this quest by himself. I looked closer and then walked up to him "hey you need any help? It can't be an easy task to save a little girl by yourself"

  5. Spoiler

    <<Let There Be Light>>

    This quest takes place on Floor 2
    This quest is repeatable for Col only

    This RP will not count in the benchmark


    You have been approached by a worried NPC Mother. She is erratic, and asks you to help find her missing child. She tells you that her child was playing in one of the caverns on the second floor with their friend, but they were attacked my monsters, their friend got away but they are still missing. As you approach the cave you realize that it's pitch black inside and that it has affected your mission with vision disabilities.


    -Rp must be at least 1 full page long (21 or more posts)
    -Due to the cave's darkness and there being no light, any players that chose to enter the cave receive a -1 debuff on all dice rolls unless they have <<Night Vision>>.
    You must fight two <<Giant Bats>> 
    -You must find the lost child

    Giant Bat Information:

    <Giant Bat> is a Field mob and has the following statistics:
    Giant Bat: 50 HP
    Damage per Attack: 12


    1. 1 Skill Point On Completion.
    2. A Col Value of your Loot Dice multiplied by 25


    Closing up my shop for the day I walked up to the job board in the middle of town and saw that there was a quest that was lower level that must have slipped my mind. It told me to go up to floor two and I should be approached by some mother asking me to help find her daughter. I thought that it would be a simple enough quest but I decided to message someone who may be interested in joining me on my trip. I looked through my menu and selected Brax and sent him a short message asking him to join me on floor two to do the quest Let There Be Light. I knew that it would be a little till he responded but regardless I decided to leave for the teleport plaza and head up there for the beginning of the quest. 

    I walked into the plaza and stood on one of the teleport platforms and called out "Floor Two" the familiar white light consumed me and I was soon greeted with the landscape of floor two. I walked a ways from the teleport platform and found myself right outside the safe zone of the town. I figured it would be easier to meet near the starting point of the quest so I headed there and found a tree to lean up against. I saw the small hut and the mother crying on the porch but I waited to engage her until I heard back from Brax.

  6. Jumping up from the fountain seeing some ruckus by the job board I made my way to the commotion and saw the player who had been sitting At the fountain before me.  It was very strange what he was doing. He took off every flier and was rearranging them and lightning them up perfectly. " you realize right when you're finished its going to end up getting messed up all over again." I walked up to his side. " it a waste of time and you could do something else but if you insist on putting them all back up do you mind if I help out? It would help it go faster"

  7. Upon finishing up my crafting for today I closed up my shop and went out into the town square.  I knew that today had t been too eventful but I wanted to do a little bit of adventuring and perhaps add some more entertainment to my day. Being slow but relaxed I walked along the streets running my fingers along the walls next to me. I gazed into shop windows and smiled to myself.

    I looked up into the sky and saw the sun blazing down on me. It was noon time and I was surprised by how much time had passed. I took a look around  for a spot to take a little rest and I found myself a drawn to the fountain in the middle of the square. I took in a deep breath and walked closer to the fountain. Pacing in a semicircle around the fountain I laughed quietly to myself and ignored the other people who were nearby. I finally sat down on the ledge of the fountain, not too far from another player, and spun myself around so I faced toward the inside of the fountain. Dangling my legs inside the fountain I let my legs hang. They were a ways away from the water but I still was able to gaze happily into the water as it sprayed itself into the air. My face was refreshes by the mist of the water and I let out a big sigh. 

  8. Day 28:

    After a decent crafting session yesterday and still a thriving supply of materials I decided to set off to work crafting today and used some of these materials that I had at my disposal. It made me laugh slightly because before I had little to no materials but now I had the opposite. An abundance of mats and plenty of time to work at it.  I thought to myself about how I could start trying to fill the huge order that Ssendom gave me. 


    Daily crafts


    ID# 47713 CD:7(6+1)

    Good Item 3xp

    -1 Mat 

    +1 misc good item added to shop

    ID#47715 CD: 11(10+1)

    Rare Item 6xp

    -1 Mat 

    +1 Elixer of the warrior to shop

    ID# 47716 CD:11(10+1)

    Rare item 6xp

    -1 mat

    +1 Stoneflesh Elixer to shop

    ID#47717 CD:12 (11+1)

    Perfect Item 9xp

    -2 mats 

    +1 healing crystal II to Ssendom's order

    ID#47718 CD:10(9+1)

    Rare Item 6xp 

    -1 mat

    +1 health potion to shop

    ID#47720 CD:11(10+1)

    Rare Item 6xp

    -1 mat 

    +1 Stoneflesh Elixer to shop


    Total xp 286/320

  9. Day 27:

    Having more materials in my supplies and being able to craft a lot more I was excited to get back to some more crafting and put some more potions on my shelves.  I finally cleaned up all of my equipment and readied my tools to get going.  I turned up the heat on my cauldron and took six materials from my inventory.  I cut them up and ground them into a fine powder and readied the potion adding it to the brew.  I let it take on a deep color and then added it to bottles finishing the potions

    Daily Crafting


    ID#47177 CD:4(3+1) 

    Bad Item 2xp

    -1 Mat

    ID#47178 CD:1

    Critic failure 2xp

    -1 Mat

    ID#47179 CD:6(5+1)

    Good Item 4xp

    -1 Mat 

    +1 misc good potion

    ID#47180 CD:4(3+1)

    Bad Item 2xp

    -1 Mat 

    ID#47181 CD:9(8+1)

    uncomon Item  4xp

    -1 mat

    +1 potion of strength to shop

    ID#47182 CD:11(10+1)

    Rare Item 6xp

    -1 mat 

    +1 Elixer of the warrior to shop

    Total xp 250/320

  10. Hearing the bell from the back room I awoke. I had recently moved myself from the Inn I had been staying in and had set up my own little bedroom behind a small panel that I had found up against the back wall. After breaking down the panel and cleaning up the back room I put a small piece of dark purple cloth over the hole where the panel once was. The room was little more than the room at the Inn but it had a bed, and a table and chair that I was able to fix up, so it was a place I could call my own and sleep safely so I was glad to have it. 

    I heard Brax's voice following the ding of the bell and put on my clothes quickly to go out and meet him. I left the small bedroom that I had grown comfortable with and found my way behind the counter and I was greeted by Brax asking to see my wares. " Ah, it's nice to see you again." I said with a smile "All of my potions for sale are on the shelves over there on the shelves and up here" I said gesturing to the racks on the walls and the few potions on the display stand on the counter. "Feel free to look around. And," I pulled out the coupon I had made up for him earlier "Here you are, the discount I owe you as a finalization of our deal." I sat it on the counter for Brax and let him look around my shop.

    + Brax's Discount (given to Brax)

    Brax's discount



    Day 26:  

     Daily crafts


    ID#47154 CD:10 (9+1)
    Rare Item 6xp
    -1 Mat
    +1 Potion of healing(+20) added to shop

    ID#47155 CD:7(6+1)
    Good Item 3xp
    -1 Mat
    +1 Potion of shrinking

    ID#47156 CD:11(10+1)
    Rare Item 6xp
    -1 Mat
    +1 Potion of healing (+20) added to shop

    ID#47157 CD:9(8+1)
    Uncommon 4xp
    -1 Mat
    +1 Oakflesh Elixer(+3Mit) added to shop

    ID#47158 CD:10(9+1)
    Rare Item 6xp
    -1 Mat
     +1 Potion of healing (+20) added to shop

    ID#47159 CD:6(5+1)
    Good Item 3xp
    -1 Mat
    +1 Potion of warming added to shop

    Total xp: 230/320

  11. Finishing the trade I closed the window and took the materials. " Thanks and yeah I'll be heading back to my shop now We should meed up again sometime though You seem like someone I would like to get to know better, hopefully we can be friends. " I began to leave the cave and turned around real quick and said "Don't forget to stop by my shop sometime soon I'll have the coupon ready whenever you show, thanks again" I left the cave and found my way back to the crafting hall and turned in the earning a living quest. Afterward I went to my shop to get on crafting with my new-found materials. It had been a pretty productive day and I felt that I may have the made the beginning of a new friendship. 

    Coddexx: +1sp, +112 Mats, -8560col
    Brax: +1sp, -86mats, +10,860col

  12. ID#47097 LD:11
    Thinking about what he had said I smiled " I guess it would work here since the col and mats are just in our inventories, but I'll have you stop by my shop to get the discount. I'll make up a little coupon to hold onto in your inventory." I opened up my menu and selected the trade Icon and opened a trade window. Laughing slightly at myself since this is the largest sum of col I have ever spent. I took 10,000 col from my inventory and added it to the trade window. I thought that this trade was definitely as Brax had put it 'Mutually Benefitial' " there you go 10,000 col as promised What are you gonna do with all of it anyway?" I said to him as I looked around for any mats that may have been around. I didn't see anything of use so I refocused my attention on the trade window open in front of us.

  13. ID#47090 BD:8 MD:4 (7-3) LD:13

    Having seen the earth shudder around us I saw the grotesque looking snakes Brax made quick work of the four that he had seen but I was caught off guard by another group of snakes that were on the other side of us behind me. I drew my blade quickly forming a blur and readies myself for an attack. As Brax killed the other four the for that I had my sights on caught my eye. I drew in a deep breath and readied my mind. The snakes spat at me and I rolled backward dodging the big puddle of venom that spewed from their mouths. The snakes were nothing like I had seen before their faces were eyeless and horrid and their skin was a deep dark green mixed with the putrid color of venom I found myself behind them and had the perfect opportunity to attack. I held my blade behind me and readied the sword art 'Death Creep' Silverlight was enveloped in a deep purple glow and I jumped up in the air and right when the snakes were turning round I came down bringing my blade slamming it against the earth. there was a wide purple arc that spread out and it destroyed the snaked instantly leaving them to explode into pixels giving nothing more than a muffled hiss. 

    I walked over to where they had once stood and laughed to myself as I picked up four fangs from the ground and a few bags of col. I turned back to Brax as he had finished killing the other snakes as well and I took in his comment with a smile on my face. I then said " Mutually Beneficial you say?" I laughed because of the way he had worded it. I knew that there needed to be some sort of an exchange but I was trying to think of what would benefit him. "Considering that I have a lot of need for materials I would want to buy a lot of them. I don't know how many you have but I would want a lot of them. I could give you 10,000 col for 100 Mats. A clean 100 a piece? and then I could also benefit you by becoming your personal alchemist. Whenever you need any potions or crystals come to my shop and I can get you what you need for a very large discount. My prices are pretty reasonable but we could say that I give you a permanent 50% discount at my shop."  

    Coddexx 56/56 [Energy 2/14]
    -36 dmg each
    Subterranean Snake 0/36
    Subterranean Snake 0/36
    Subterranean Snake 0/36
    Subterranean Snake 0/36

    +4mats +720col

  14. ID#47074 LD:4

    For a brief moment I almost thought that I had seen something that was similar to a smile flash acros Brax's face but maybe I was just seeing things. I told myself that it was probably just an itch he was working out and set it out of my mind.  Hearing what he had thought about the fishing I smiled the fact that he  thought that it would be interesting may mean that he has a chance of finding something he may truly enjoy.  As he said that most of his time was preoccupied I thought to myself that I might as well ask what came to my mind.  "That would be pretty good. And there aren't many fishermen out there, but if you are too burdened down by your materials I would be honored if you would be so kind as to let me help you carry that burden" I did a mock curtesy as if talking to royalty.  It was a very joking statement but there was some true interest there. If he has more mats than he knows what to do with I would be happy to take some since I am always in need of them. Getting up from my curtesy and returning to my original composure I said " But seriously I'm always in need mor materials so I would definitely be interested in some of your materials."

  15. ID#47044 LD:15
    At Brax's words I abruptly stopped and Looked at him. " Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but your presence causes no problems for me at all. I mean sure it is different talking to you since you seem to have a difficulty connecting with feelings or whatever you want to describe it as but I would never let your difference change my mood or have me form some sort of a callous against you. Thinking about it I would think that in some situations being disconnected can be beneficial. It would let you look at the situation head on and be as Objective as possible. I only look at it from an interested view because you seem to be the polar opposite of me. I can learn to understand it a little more or at least try my hardest to." Looking at the cave around me my mind wandered and I truly felt for Brax I saw the area around me and I felt a rush of emotion and it made me wonder how Brax could deal without Emotion since it is something so prevalent in my life. 

    Returning My attention to the discussion of professions. "If you would like you could save yourself the trouble of being an alchemist and I could help supply you with any potions you may need. Instead you could look at another avenue. I know you said that You weren't interested in any at the moment but I think I have two Ideas that might spark your interest. Either Fisherman or Merchant." I kicked at the ground and revealed a shiny red stone that I picked up and added to my inventory. " Fisherman because there is a lot to the craft that I think you may like. There is the waiting that you take in order to get a catch, you can have a lot of time to wade in your thoughts. Also there are a lot of interesting buffs that fish can give you wich you could look through and learn." Taking a breath I then brought up the Merchant "And you may be interested in being a merchant because it is one of the most in depth professions. Not only can you sell and buy things from other players you could also appraise Items and a many other things that would be analytically involving."

    +1 Mat

    <Energy Regen 3/3>

  16. Readying myself for another attack I lashed out at him. However I saw that the copy cat of me was about to block me when he swung his blade I leaped backward and fell to the ground rolling out of the way
               ID#47034 BD:1 MD:4

    Coddexx 56/56 [Energy 7/14]

    Gemini 23/56 [Energy 11/14]

  17. I knew that he had taken a hard blow since he fell backward and it had taken him a bit of time to stand back up. I realized that he wouldn't be able to do too much more if I keep my assault up. One more hit and he will be killed and I will get whatever gift he had promised me I don't appreciate anyone who tries to steal my identity. and I will not let him get the best of me. I swung at him but missed being thrown off by his next attack. I jumped backward dodging his mimicked version of my blessed Silverlight. "Oh that was a close one wasn't it?" "He said laughing to himself I took a deep breath not wanting to get frustrated and ignored his taunts.

    ID#47003 BD:3 MD:5 (8-3)

    Coddexx 56/56 [Energy 7/14]

    Gemini 23/56 [Energy 11/14]

  18. I readied myself for another attack as he looked at me and said "You can't beat me I am you and there is no way to win." Frustrated I held my blade above my head waiting for his next attack. I was able to keep myself calm and dodge his attack. I then Charged up my sword art Lasing Chopper and as my blade pulsated a deep purple I let out a flurry of six slices hitting my double and throwing him backwards. "See I will beat you easily and there is no doubt that I am the better me. You are simply a lame copy." Seeing his health plummet I laughed to myself and readied for another attack.

    ID#47002 BD:6 (5+1) MD:5

    Coddexx 56/56 [Energy 8/14]

    -33 dmg
    Gemini 23/56 [Energy 12/14]


  19. ID#47001 BD:1 MD:3
    The hooded man then removed his hood as I drew my blade. When his cloak was thrown to the ground his figure rippled and I was thrown off by what stood in front of me. What was previously a stranger has now become the spitting image of me. His armor face and even his blade were identical to mine. "What are you playing at?" I said angerly he then drew his blade and advanced toward me with an evil glint in his eye. "Do you not like what you see? Come and fight me." He said as he ran at me and attacked. I had just enough time to jump backward out of the way as he swung forward and missed. It was very strange to fight myself but I can do this. 

    Coddexx 56/56 [Energy 13/14]

    Gemini 56/56 [Energy 13/14]

  20. Upon seeing a woman enter the bar I looked up and took her appearance in. She was dressed quite nicely and seemed to have an air of politeness about her. As she sat down at the table across from me she introduced herself. I took her hand and with a friendly smile I said "I'ts nice to meet you too. My name is Coddexx thanks for coming. I was wanting to meet a fellow guild member and possibly make a new friendship." Looking at her I had a shift in thought and added " So what is it that you like to do when you're not fighting and slaying countless mobs?" I said with an air of subtle humor trying to break the ice. I had always liked meeting new people and since she was a guildmate I wanted my first impression to be the best that it could be.

  21. ID#47000 LD:11
    As I went inside the cave and began looking around I noticed that Brax was quite different from me. I could tell that his mind was seemingly one-tracked and had little use for outside emotions. This suspicion was confirmed when he had said that he had never had a sense of adventure. That comment through me off a bit since that is mainly what drives me through my journey. It's my motivation to continue on and find new things to do as well as to help others in need. The longing to know and see and do more that I can. However Brax didn't share this state of mind. I looked at him and said. " Of course there is a job to complete and a task to accomplish but do you not get joy from where the journey takes you? Just look around, this cave. There are secrets all around that are limitless. I look around and see opportunity and possibilities. I'm sorry it's not the same for you." As I walked deeper into the cave my hand rested on the cold wall beside me as I looked toward the ground in search of more materials. However nothing came to view nor did anything call out to me as something that could be used. Answering his question I said "Yeah as an alchemist I use quite a bit of materials. Actual one of the professions to use the most. In order to craft a crystal it requires two as opposed to the usual one mat, but I guess it's worth it I can make some pretty nice potions. Also it never hurts to have a supply of health potions." Thinking I said "What type of crafting profession are you interested in?"
    <Energy Regen 2/3>

  22. ID#46996 LD:15

    Thinking about Brax's question my eyes wandered to a small opening in the side of a hill. The rocky opening looked promising and my sense of adventure gave me want to go and explore. I could probably find some sort of precious stones in the cave up ahead. "Let's go and check out over there" I said gesturing toward the rocky opening " I'm not sure about you but I've always had an air for adventure. We can probably find something of interest." Letting my energy come back I walked slowly to the cave excited to explore the depths within. I hadn't been underground yet in this world but the idea of adventure got my blood flowing. As I got close to the opening a glint of light caught my attention and I found a small silver stone that I then added it to my inventory 

    +1 mat

    <1/3 energy Regen>

  23. ID#46931 BD:6 (5+1) MD:1 CD:11 
    After Brax was finished inspecting my blade I smiled and put back in its sheathe on my side. I then looked at him and said " Yeah I'm on a hunt. I'm repeating a the quest Earning a Living. I have been in need for some mats for my potions." I looked around and to my surprise I saw yet another group of wolves that I wanted to make quick work of " Hold on I'll be right back." I said as I took Silverlight and ran into the fray of wolves. I used my sword art Death creep Charging up my blade and as it started to pulsate energy I brought it down hard slamming the  ground, reducing the wolves to pixels without them touching me. I laughed, picked up my loot and made my way back to Brax exhausted. " Sorry when I see an opportunity I usually take it. I'm pretty worn so I'm gonna let my energy regen while I look for some herbs for my potions. You wanna tag along?"

    Coddexx 48/56 [Energy 13/14]

    -36 from attack 

    Wolf 0/36
    Wolf 0/36
    Wolf 0/36
    Wolf 0/36
    +4 Mats +720 col

  24. Having grown more focused on the man in front of me I walked closer to him. I heard his question and smiled. Drawing my blade again and showing it to him I saw some wolves running near and used the same sword art as before  I took a deep breath as my blade was enveloped in purple. Taking a bit of damage but slicing them into pixels I fell back down feeling my armor's effects take hold as a chill went back my back and the purple aura clawed out at the wolves. I took their pelts and then returned my attention back to the player next to me. I took hold of the blade and handed it out to him. "You want to check it out? I'm Coddexx by the way"

    ID#46924 BD:9 MD:7(10-3)(thorns) CD:10 (recovery)

    Coddexx 48/56 [Energy 13/14]

    -6 from thorns and - 35 from attack 

    Wolf 0/32

    + 1 mats


  25. ID#46921 BD:9 MD:6 (9-3) (Thorns) CD:9 (recovery)

    Having missed I got frustrated but I was glad that my armor was doing its job. I had just gotten the cloak of violet dawn from a tailor that raised my evasion allowing me to move much quicker and not take as many hits. I focused my efforts at the wolves and held my blade high readying for a sword art. I charged up the skill Oval Crescent and as my blade took on a deep purple glow I swung down at the wolves in five varying strikes my blade flashing through the air  I was hit by the wolves but then I watched their health bars plummet and they exploded into clouds of pixels. I felt a cooling rush from my armor regaining my energy. Landing on the ground breathing deeply I watched the dust fade away. I took the four pelts from the ground and smiled to myself sheathing my blade. I then noticed another player in the distance and made my way to him.

    Coddexx 52/56 [Energy 13/14]

    -6 from thorns and - 35 from attack 

    Wolf 0/32

    + 1 mats

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