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Posts posted by Audacity

  1. Audacity had been trekking through the fields of Floor 1 for quite a while. Her daily run had ended yet the pinkette desired a bit more leisure time before material hunting; thus she'd decided to enjoy the mid-afternoon scenery among herself. After an hour or so Audacity began the hike back to Floor 7 where Rose Couture - her Tailor shop - remained. Though the fields contained players here and there, one in particular had caught her attentive pink eyes. They were clad in beginner's armor much like herself and had a weapon drawn. Audacity now knew enough about the game to stay away from possible harmful players so she kept her distance while continuing to watch: only currently had she noticed the boar nearby. Whatever they were doing... it certainly couldn't go well without assistance as they weren't very strong by the looks of it.

    Cupping her hands and putting them to her mouth she shouted from a far distance, "Don't attack it. You'll probably die!"

  2. "Honestly I shouldn't have even attempted to delve into your past. You seem to have come to peace, however. Hopefully that means I'm forgiven." She was an extremely insensitive person when it came to obtaining information. During this moment Audacity knew that her words could've hurt Oikawa; this meant she hadn't thought before speaking which annoyed her greatly. His feelings hadn't reached her heart quite yet. The pinkette's mind had one main focus: her mistake.

    "I believe the architecture and appearance of a building - when aesthetically pleasing - draws much more players in once their eyes catch it." Her quick decision to change their conversation direction had proved to be a good one. Luck, most likely. "Thank you. The systems are quite easy to work with after a few tries, but I do try my best to create pleasing attire." She knew it was rude to respond to a compliment by rejecting it, and she nearly had. Talking... was difficult around the blonde. The futile attempts to clear her head of these thoughts continued even when she entered the wonderful atmosphere of the Starlight Cafe. The overall scent engulfed her senses: Oikawa hadn't been wrong about such a place. "I'll follow you." Audacity leaned over and spoke to the blonde once he stood by her side.






    This quest takes place on Floor 4
    This quest is repeatable

    This RP will not count in the benchmark



    Word from the Information Brokers speaks of a hidden respawning Field Boss on Floor 4. A small party reported having farmed the <<Ice Elementals>> found throughout the Tundra awakened a hidden Field Boss in the form of a giant <<Ice Elemental>>. This monster, identified as <<Avalanche>>, proved to be a dangerous opponent for the relatively low leveled party, and dropped a powerful Alchemical Concotion.



    -At least two [2] pages of Rp  (21 or more posts)

    -Avalanche must be defeated

    -Maximum Party Size of 3

    -Repeat completions will only yield <<Snowfrost>>


    Avalanche Information:

     <Avalanche> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
    HP: 100
    Damage per Attack: 24


    1. <<Snowfrost>> This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing resistance to Fire Damage for one battle. [The wearer will only take half damage from the burning damage over time effect]
    2. 3 Skill Points


    Parties or Groups of low level players are allowed
    Recommended Level: 12


    Finishing a loaf of bread which soon quickly turned into codes and crystals, Audacity took sips of water from its plastic container whilst eavesdropping on the conversation behind her. She hadn't really gotten into combat, and really couldn't care for it either; she was planning to be a Support, after all. All the pinkette needed to do - she'd planned - was evade attacks and be around to heal those who were lacking in the Health Points area. Her DPS position... well she figured that becoming a Cannon wouldn't be the best idea or else she'd be near useless on the front-lines.

    Her interest was further piqued at the mention of EXP and loot drop from the monster needed to take on in the quest she desired to know more about. When her bottle disappeared as the bread had she stood from her seat. After adjusting the red and white attire fitted to her curvaceous form, Audacity turned and moved over to the table nearby where the two players - the ones' she'd been listening to - were sitting. One had left, leaving a raven-haired woman to herself. The pinkette cleared her throat once she positioned herself in front of the seemingly high-leveled player clad in armor that donned the same colors as her own.

    "Excuse me. Would you mind further informing me of that quest you were speaking about?"

  4. "Don't sweat it." Audacity shrugged. "Though to be frank I'm positive that my appearance is far from childish; my aura should emit a mature feeling... Perhaps the fact that I'm sitting led you astray." Slowly she climbed to her feet, tucking long hair into her shirt so the curly locks wouldn't move around too much while she practiced. "Slightly. At least I know now of your confidence. If I were skilled like so there's no doubt I'd enjoy flaunting once and a while." One day surely she'd be on the front-lines with the strongest. Her position of Support - as Shizuka had mentioned - was an important one for Tank players. Hopefully she'd be able to brag about such accomplishments soon enough; that'd boost her already proven intelligence and take away the small fear of dying lingering among the thoughts temporarily stored in the back of her head.

    "An ally of mine has taken up the job of collecting materials for me. I'll be out in the fields by tomorrow, most likely, but today I decided that building up my combat skills wouldn't hurt. I'll need to know how to move if an opponent rushes my way, of course." With a pause she began pulling the firm muscles the ran along her biceps. Her arms were always stretched the most because they hurt the worst whilst exercising to the young woman. "As for you..." Her pink eyes scanned Zelrius, taking in his formal attire and mannerisms. Socializing with the high-leveled male hadn't proved a problem as of yet after his mistake considering words. Perhaps he wasn't as bad as the pinkette though he'd be. Of course the rumor of an egotistic attitude held themselves, unwavering. "the rooms' simply happened to be filled."

  5. "You caught my bluff." She speaks in an amused way which seems to contrast with her natural expression. Though luckily Ayumu hadn't tagged her in a rude mannerism as opposed to most people she's met before. Feeling as if she didn't need to reply since the red-head understood where she came from the pinkette continued listening. Her mind wouldn't change on the view of Familiars but if her companion preferred to have one than she'd respect that decision. A Familiar could provide buffs, and if Audacity could store the animal in her inventory whenever she pleased than perhaps she'd consider taking the quest. Alone, of course; when she was stronger and without anyone to judge her ways. 

    "Allies - if you aren't an idiot - are forever. Guilds are not. I see players blinded by the opportunity of joining a Guild every day. Most of the time they haven't even socialized with the other members and find themselves regretting the choice in the end. But if you use your brain than picking a Guild can end up being extremely beneficial. I'd say first meet everyone and get a view of them from your perspective, not the opinions of others. When the dust settles and you've a choice then go with it." Friends on a player's list come and go as they please. However, an established ally will stick with you unless the deal is broken. That's what Audacity believed which is why she even socialized so much in the game. That's why she asked Shizuka about their future considering friendship. Her mind had been at ease knowing a powerful Support player was by her side, but curiosity tagged along with that feeling and wanted to know if they were truly friends or not. No; they weren't but at least she'd found out that this game happened to be the same when it came to relationships in reality.

    "Solo's a silly option. Anyone who chooses that - no matter how anti-social they are - is out to pursue their own death. One mistake and there's no one around to assist you in combat. That's all it takes." She paused to straighten her now slumping body out. "I am different. I've already chosen my path, skills, and have made any possible decisions already. Now all I need to do is put myself to work. You seem far more spontaneous than I, yet equally intelligent, so I'm sure whatever happens will work out for you." Her pink eyes glimmered with admiration and confidence towards Ayumu. "Now tell me: If you could choose a Guild than who would it be? Or if you could form your own Guild would that be your choice?" In hopes of being entertaining the pinkette thought of a question that seemed amusing in her mind when thought about.

  6. "How'd you know?" She joked with a sense of sarcasm following her words. Once she plopped down onto the seat - with a loud sigh of relief - Audacity maintained her regular position that consisted of a straight back and crossed legs. "Much obliged." She spoke up rather quickly, feeling as if a "thank you" needed to be slipped in. Tucking a few loose pink strands of hair behind an ear she nodded in an official response to the stranger's question. "Actually, you were dead on with that guess of your's. I tend to run every morning if I've the time to. Exercising wasn't really my forte before the game. Now it's a part of me." Memories pulled from before entered her mind, when she despised the very existence of exercise though knew it was necessary to remain healthy. 'Too bad my muscle mass won't grow with all of this work... not in reality, or even in this game...' She complained to herself mentally.

    "Keiragi. You're quite the thinker, no?" The pinkette wondered aloud as she'd noticed the look in his eyes changed from being distant and then when they returned to the present. She honestly couldn't understand how the man could sit in such a position; this other question took over her thoughts as well. Wasn't that uncomfortable?


  7. "Had?" She asked with a hint of curiosity, head turning slightly to catch a glimpse of her companion's expression. Not that she wanted to bring up possibly hurtful emotions or memories; no, that'd be the last thing the young woman wanted on such a pleasant day. Audacity had simply asked due to her curiosity and hopefully there'd be no consequences following the question. With a hum of great anticipation she returned her eyes to the world the two traversed. "You have seemingly nice taste," Audacity's comment referred to the fact that he'd chosen the Rose Couture to go to for tailoring, his clothing choice, and most of all: the fact that Oikawa was currently on an outing with her. "I won't mind putting my assumption to the test." After what she'd deem a tease the young woman let out a chuckle that ended up sounding more like a deep breath or wheeze. A cough would be let out from her to cover up the embarrassing sound. Luckily Oikawa had spoken shortly after... Not that Audacity was home free just yet. Though she was hard to make blush, the young woman was taken back by the pleasing compliment. Gosh.... she was never good at such things. 'I wish I'd gotten out more before...' Her mind swirled with confusion - an unfamiliar and annoying feeling - which caused a few moments of silence on her behalf. "I'll be the judge of that." She joked with a smirk, finding herself much more amused than usual around the blonde. 

  8. With a raise of the brow Audacity lifted her head to make polite eye contact with the male currently speaking to her. He'd surely proven to be a formal-mannered person albeit the fact that he'd only spoken for a short amount of time. Though her main thoughts consisted of his annoyance with addressing her the incorrect way, she remained calm. "Quite." She hummed, shaking his extended hand before letting go, agreeing that the day had been nice especially on such a high-altitude Floor during the season of Winter. "I wouldn't dare dawdle when there's work to be done in my shop; and I certainly don't play childish games anymore, either. Whatever brought your mind to conjure up such a silly idea?" Taking a deep breath - to increase lung capacity - she spread her legs out among the soft mat below her before stretching out parts of her body that cried out for attention as they hadn't been moved like so in a long time. "I'm twenty-two." The pinkette muttered after lifting her upper body back up so it was proper and straight. There was a lot more preparation to be done before her far from muscular and athletic body would be ready to train; but she definitely was ready to begin sometime soon. "Excuse me. Usually my etiquette would differ but I've many other things on the mind. The name's Audacity. Care to share your's?" She wasn't just about to call the famous hero by his name due to the belief that he may tag her as a fan-girl or something similar of the sort. 

  9. Once again she'd worn herself out from a tiring jog around Floor 1's fields solely meant for material searching; thus, she'd been safe all the while but that didn't mean she wasn't immune to the effects of exercise. Her heart beat rapidly, lungs feeling as if they were going to collapse in on themselves though she knew that wouldn't happen. Lifting arms adorned with white, neatly rolled up sleeves she hikes up a hill towards the city in search of an available seat as she doesn't feel up to making a place for herself on the Earthen ground. Her hands had been placed atop her head to make room for her lung capacity that would enable deeper breaths. 

    Once her attentive pink eyes had spotted a bench she paced towards it. Though, having polite mannerisms, she paused before the person sitting where she desired to be as well, and then spoke after moving her arms back down to her sides where they should be. First she cleared her throat before speaking as the stranger seemed to be among another world: very distant or rather deep in thought. "Excuse me. Mind if I take a seat next to you?"

  10. Once her work had been completed - albeit the fact that she needed materials to even be able to continue on with her Tailor business - Audacity had decided to take a break and further explore the corners of Floor 7. Her shop was here and that was a good enough reason to the pinkette to memorize its scenery. She'd already done so with the map's locations: in fact, as of now she planned to visit The Temple of Chansi, Dharma, and Vinaya. Reality hadn't given her any benefits within the topic of fighting. Of course she'd memorized moves from the television along with fighting styles from guides; but not once had Audacity taken the time to actually practice such things. Psychical actives weren't her forte, now she planned to change that by building up the special skills required. Mixed with the <<Martial Arts>> skill she heard of this would definitely become beneficial in her future among the players of Aincrad.

    Pink curls bounced as the young woman paced towards the temple. It'd come into view only moments ago and now she made enough speed to be at its entrance. As a hand lifted to open the front door, pink eyes scanned and took in the new surroundings. The place wasn't bad. In fact, the temple was quite nice: better than she'd expected the building to appear. A few words with an NPC was all it took to get her a room with a practice doll and other objects to assist with her fighting practice. She thought that this would be a serene - especially since she'd been given a temporary, free outfit for temple use only - room where she could keep to herself and evaluate herself. However, those thoughts quickly changed as her eyes caught the sight of another among the small space given. The NPC explained that most rooms were filled and that she needed to share with another player. With a sigh she nodded and moved barefoot to a mat, tightening the strings holding her outfit together, and sat down with a thump.

    Her curls cascaded down her back, slightly trailing the ground. Not once had she offered the stranger a glance until now. Swiftly taking in the appearance of the other her mouth twitched into a slight frown though to most it'd appear as if her monotone expression hadn't changed a bit. Wasn't that Zelrius? Most likely: her mind never failed with remembering.

  11. With a higher rank the pinkette believed the job would become a bit easier. Though a slight difference had been made not much assisted her with the crafting process. After realizing this she continued work with a quiet and slightly disappointed sigh. Today had been a dreary day; the results even seemingly worse.



    ID 40945 CD 6 (Bad Item - lose materials)

    ID 40946 CD 6 (Bad Item - lose materials)

    ID 40947 CD 3 (Fail)


    -3 MATs = 0 left

    +3 EXP

    0 craft attempts left



  12. "I do." She disagreed with a shake of the head. But his next answer turned her smirk into a soft smile. "You know if you truly wanted to see me that bad than a simple message would've done wonders. I could have arranged plans. I suppose you're into awkward situations, though, not that they're always so bad." She shuffled past Takneil, shooting him a brief look in his way before continuing on towards a window in the front of the shop. Her hands lifted to pull the dark, thick drapes aside. The sky happened to be darkened at this hour but not so much that it could be considered nighttime in Aincrad. "For example I'm having a splendid time evaluating your personality." With a swift movement she shut the soft curtains and turned towards her customer once more with a cross of the arms. "How about we take a walk? Spend the time together and chat a bit?" Takneil obviously - from what she remembered he'd muttered earlier - wanted to get to know Audacity and in return she somewhat desired to same though most likely to a lesser extent... and different reason. Her aspiration at the moment was to gain knowledge.

  13. She'd turned to meet Oikawa as he spoke, presenting a - oddly rare - grin on her face. "I appreciate the compliment. Though now that you're here I'm not the only good-looking player around." Her own arm wrapped around the one held out and awaiting connection. If he were planning to impress the young woman than the male was doing a stupendous job albeit the fact that the two had only recently met up. She nodded her head as a gesture that they could begin the walk with Oikawa leading her along the way. "So this Starlight Cafe... You've been there more than once?" She assumed that because of the review he'd offered yesterday that the answer would be yes; but it never hurt to ask, especially since she desired conversation where she couldn't make it. "I'm not usually one for desserts but today I decided that making an exception just this once wouldn't hurt." Her words were chosen carefully: a bit false and even a tad more true. When she had a sweet tooth her actions revolving around binge eating became hefty, but during days when she could care less for sweets - one of those being today - the food didn't seem as tasty; fortunately she happened to be like this because eating like a pig didn't make for great first impressions as far as the pinkette was concerned.

  14. Item: AOD's Fists

    Type: Clothing

    Shop: Rose Couture

    Creator: Audacity

    Quality: Perfect [ID ROLL #40829, link

    Enhancement(s): 3 Unarmed Damage

    Description: A pair of pure white hand wraps that add power to the users punches. The knuckles are reinforced with leather patches in a dark blue color.



    Item: Midoriiro

    Type: Leather Armor

    Shop: Rose Couture

    Creator: Audacity

    Quality: Rare [ID ROLL #40830, link]

    Enhancement(s): +2 DMG MIT

    Description: Green, fur accented leather armor with brown linings specifically made for women. Buttons trail down the middle to keep the armor together. The user is granted an instant, invisible protective aura that deflects incoming damage from opponents. Picture link.

  15. Arriving in her shop she opens it to outsiders as soon as it's cleaned and properly set up. The pinkette decided to rest a bit before heading to the back room. Her heartbeat seemed to have picked up a bit when she achieved Rank 2 of the Tailor profession. Quite honestly she hadn't been paying attention to experience and ranking like she should have; Audacity promised herself that she would begin doing so as of now. She managed a lucky day and even succeeded in making yet another order. The first customer to order a Perfect had been Manta Gaul so she PMed the supposed girl - unfortunately her presence was missed - to inform her of the completed hand wraps.



    ID 40828 CD 2 (Fail - lose materials)

    ID 40829 CD 12 (Perfect Item - AOD's Fists successfully created - Approved)

    RANK UP! +1 daily Craft Attempt, +Tailor Statistics are updated

    ID 40830 CD 11 (Rare Item - Approved)


    -3 MATs = 3 left

    +14 EXP

    0 craft attempts left



  16. Despite being quite a low level Audacity now rarely visited Floor 1; her Tailor shop had taken up most of her time, not to mention that she often fell asleep there. If she were to engage in combat this'd be her first choice to visit but fighting monsters hardly interested her. She had chosen to become a Support, after all. The reason she'd ventured here was a simple one. Why she was doing it? That wasn't as complicated and perhaps a bit cold-hearted. Yesterday a customer of her's had asked if she'd enjoy accompanying him at a cafe that served deserts. At first - more so immediately - her thoughts had consisted of ways to say "no" but then her insensitivity passed, luckily. Oikawa could be a potential returning customer and she didn't want to lose him so quickly. That and he had a respectable vocabulary matched perfectly with his mannerisms. Not too long ago she'd decided to send Oikawa a message that informed him of her exact location near the outskirts of Floor 1 - a safe region that she could stand in without worry - so the two could meet up and walk to their desired destination.

    Pink curls cascading down her back, like-colored eyes attentively scanning the crowds for the blonde, she awaited his arrival patiently. Her red and white armor wouldn't be all too difficult to spot especially since it was extremely basic compared to others' walking among her. Floor 1 seemed to be the least crowded she's seen it so far and Audacity assumed this was because the popularity of such a low level had declined as players became more powerful.

  17. "That's all I needed." The answer provided felt as if it'd lifted a huge weight from her shoulders. She wouldn't go as far to say she had an OCD with the organization of items; but when something bothers Audacity her mind simply won't forget until that problem is fixed. With a shrug she smirked slightly, flipping her pink curls to the side so she could twirl the locks with a finger. "You're the only person I've seen all day. I had to get an answer from somebody. Haven't you ever had that one peculiar thing nagging at the back of your mind until taken care of?" The question was an easy one to answer, no doubt, but she felt as if he were dubbing her odd ways as an anti-social personality issue of sorts. "I believe it's my turn to ask you something of my interest..." She trailed her words purposely, rubbing a sharp jawline in the process, pink eyes locked on Takneil. "Why did you lie about the reason you came into my shop today?"

  18. "Oh?" Audacity raised both eyebrows though she couldn't deny that a chuckle nearly escaped from the depths of her stomach. "Ah... You see I've never been one for religion. It is interesting to learn about and witness the differences of those who practice their own, though." It seemed Shizuka wished to eat - not that Audacity didn't want to herself - so the young woman graciously ate her meal, taking drinks every now and then to balance her eating. The silence was peaceful instead of awkward as most would dub the moments spent that way between the two. They both managed to finish at about the same time; Audacity only had a few drops of lemonade left to swallow. "Take care, Shizuka, I look forward to our next meeting. Have a good sleep." She nodded respectively towards the other pinkette before standing to take her leave.

  19. "Mmm..." She thought about an answer for a few moments. "I don't see why not. I shall send another message your way soon enough, so keep an eye out." Audacity hadn't an idea as to why a stranger would ask her to accompany them - other than out in the fields - but she wanted to keep the customer; thus her polite answer.


    The next day she had found herself awaking at the front counter, head on the cold glass surface while the rest of her body leaned against the still object. When her focus had been regained the pinkette moved to the back room in order to begin crafting. She then remembered the offer from yesterday so her crafting had been obviously rushed through. The finishing results were failures. Instead of remaining in Rose Couture the young woman closes the shop and heads for the first Floor.




    ID 40743 CD 4 (Fail - lose materials)

    ID 40744 CD 1 (Critical Failure)


    -2 MATs = 6 left

    +2 EXP

    0 craft attempts left



  20. She kept her attention on the novel, reading the last few words before closing it swiftly. "Quite." Opening the menu she requested a one-sided trade that would give Oikawa his desired order. "Don't hesitate to come again if you need anything else." She'd say with a soft smile after accepting the trade. "Hopefully next time I'll be of higher ranking." Her last words before opening the book exactly where she'd left off to continue reading.

    -1 Azure General Cloak

  21. "It is." She responded to the statement offered about her question; that fact was what made her all the more curious. "Shizuka. I didn't expect a relationship between us outside of the game. I was speaking about the future of our lives in Aincrad. But I like how seriously you took that question and explored all possibilities." The answer was satisfactory; it pleased Audacity. What the other pinkette said made complete sense and to be quite honest Audacity knew that unless you formed a sentimental bond with someone you most likely weren't going to see them outside of this virtual world. Not to mention the fact that everyone lived in different places. Mostly Japan, but there were few who were like herself and occupied countries outside of the one made up of numerous islands.

    Audacity caught on rather quickly. Her pink eyes sparkled in amusement. "You certainly are great at being a Support, huh? And not just on the field." She parted her lips to speak but the waitress arrived with their food before the young woman could get her words out. And it seemed that Shizuka decided to partake in prayer which left Audacity there to herself. Out of respect she awaited the moment when her friend's action would end. "Have a religion?" She asked curiously with a tilted head before taking a sip of lemonade that'd been perfected with enough sourness. Shizuka - in her eyes - could be the innocent religious type if that were the case.

  22. Ayumu put a smile on Audacity's face with the way she spoke and what she said. She probably wasn't even trying to be amusing but the pinkette couldn't help the way her rosy lips continued to curl up. "Definitely. Life already throws far too many obstacles at me. I'd rather it not develop a system similar to this game. I'd give up if that were to happen." By give up she meant become lazy and forget hard work as it is but she also was joking around with the red-head. No way she'd give up all of her hard, dedicated work in the real world. Not for anything. But she did imagine the world with systems and such... that'd be a huge pain to manage no doubt. "I really never took a liking to animals. They're either gross, unmanageable, or too much in most cases. Makes me wonder what I'd be like with a Familiar.." She trailed off as her mind conjured up ideas and images of her wandering around Aincrad with an animal of sorts by her side. Audacity shivered. "I thought so. Spell the name with a PH and it appears much more pleasing to the eyes when written down. Either way you're going to end up with a name that means "love". Isn't that sweet?" She cooed at the end simply to tease Ayumu.

    OOC: That's okay! I don't mind the length of your posts as long as I can respond to them ;)

  23. Another day and Audacity is back in business. She feels grateful for the extra room at the top of the stairs or else she'd have to walk between her usual inn and the shop everyday. Emerging from the top room she heads straight to the back and performs her daily grind. Already having become a part of her every day life, the work is done without a thought since the system left its mark in her sharp mind. The results are decent but no other orders are completed.



    ID 40602 CD 10 (Approved)

    ID 40603 CD 3 (Fail - lose materials)


    -2 MATs = 8 left

    +3 EXP

    0 craft attempts left



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