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Posts posted by Lumiel

  1. ID: 51318

    ID: 51319
    CD: 7
    LD: 18 [Salvaged]

    -1 Mat, +2 Exp

    After getting back in the kitchen, the Goliath bruiser found had ended up breaking several dishes, catered by a horrific amount of cuss words and a the restaurant billowing with smoke. His first time to attempt to make a succulant dish came out to be a disaster show. He wasn't sure what he made, but it was so aweful it burned his nostrils like pure gasoline. The second dish wasn't so bad, he was able to save what he could from it and toss the rest aside. He coughed and wheezed as he smacked the billowing black smoke from his face with a with a white towel to get some fresh air back in his lungs, "[censored] A, Man..."

  2. "Hey!" the loud voice boomed in the forge as Lumiel made his way towards the counter. A thick set of metal plated gloves sat neatly in order for his taking as he looked the woman briefly with a smile and nod, "Nice piece of work here." he said to her, taking another look at her physique, now questioning if he meant the gauntlets or her in general. Sweeping his tongue over his lips, he pressed the menu on the said items and equipped them. His fingers breaking into the leather and metal interior and giving them a nice feel around.

    "Oh yeah! These feel great! I'm gonna do some heavy damage with these baby's. Good job, Lady. I'll dedicate my first kill to you and your shop!" With that, the brutish pugilist had taken his weapon and gave a sweeping hand motion to bid her farewell.

    +1 Fists of Brutality

  3. Lumiel had spent the better part of the day searching around for a Merchant when he finally came to one on the third floor, that had only taken four hours to find. Grumbling to himself, Lumiel entered the shop looking to his left and right to see all the kinds of different stuff a merchant would be able to sell. As he strolled towards the Merchant's main table, he met a man and gave a shallow nod, "Hey there, Pal. I was wondering if you could do a few appraisals for me. First off..." Lumiel swiped his menu with a large digit and scrolled to the the Blackened Gauntlets and placed the item on the table, "I would like to see what you can get out of this Uncommon item, if anything. Also, I'd like to purchase a metal vest tunic, ugh..the Heavy Armor variety. Could you run an appraisal on that too? I think that will be all for me today, just let me know how much the cost is." 

    Lumiel didn't move his finger of his menu pad as he waited for the cost of the items and appraisals.

    Blackened Gauntlets-Uncommon [+1 Dmg] <- Needs Appraisal
    Buying x1: Heavy Armor-Good [...] <- Needs Appraisal

  4. Lumiel laughed, "HA! The best I can do? Well its one thing to fight boars and another thing to fight players, especially in the safe zone where you can only injure their pride and nothing more." Lumiel folded his arms over his massive vascular chest, the veins nearly popping out as his arms rolled and smothered over his body as he walked without a care in the world. His violet eyes stared straight ahead walking at a pace that suited him just fine while the others were all the more eager to get their blades hungry for some boar blood. Lumiel on the other hand, he wanted to savor the hunt and walk nice and slow to build up the intensity. When it came down to it, killing and murder were an art to be exercised with patience and love.

    As Lumiel came to a stop next to Loreley, she seemed to be surveying the area for their mob hunt but Lumiel was feasting on something else that belonged to the lady, "Find anything half decent to kill yet? In any case..." Lumiel turned his back to the others and whistled loudly to get their attention, "Hurry up, Maggots. Lest you wish to be dead ants under my boot!"

    Thread Summary: +1 SP All, +80 Col Each


  5. The former mafia thug had heard word of his item created, surprisingly to him it didn't take that long to accomplish the feat. The man had opened the doors wide, allowing the cold stillness of the world to wrap around him briefly before the door was once again shut behind him allowing the warm accompany of the heat to tailor his body. Moving towards the counter and finally taking a look at the woman whom he assumed was the owner, gave a small smile, "Thanks for the message...I rushed over here as fast as I could. Now, you have my Choker of Choking? That's good, that's good. I'll go ahead and take that since I already prepaid for the item." With a tap of his finger onto his menu, the item was highlighted and wrapped snugly around his neck and nodded, "Damn nice work there, Miss Artisan. If you enjoy good food and entertainment, stop by my place of business, The Butcher, it doesn't sound like much but I got a pretty fancy look on the inside. Bring a date or yourself. Seeya later."

    +1 Choker of Choking


  6. Lumiel looked to his left and right, just as many people started sprouting up before them and he had no idea how to handle the situation. Either kick all their asses at the same time or bowl them over one at a time. He laughed deeply sending a thundering voice outwards as he slapped Hagatsume on the back after he said he wanted to team up, "That...that is too [censored] funny." Lumiel laughed, now bending over with both hands on his knees and laughing still.

    It didn't take long for him to recollect himself and gather his thoughts as he looked back to Loreley, dipping his body to the side and placing a hand over her ear to whisper, "I guess we can use these guys to further our goal, yeah? What's the harm?" Bringing himself back up to an erect manner, Lumiel crossed his hands over his chest and nodded, "Alright, if you guys are interested in cleaning the streets of the rats, then why don't we go out and take a little walk to the fields and kill some boars. I am sure we could all use the experience on how the game mechanics work out or for me a refresher coarse is in order. With the few of us on hand, I am sure we can kill the boars without any sweat. Or we can do something boring like stand around here singing [censored] Kumbaya." 

  7. Lumiel lifted his shoulders with a small shrug about the autograph thing. When the small crowd was moving away, Lumiel had smiled knowing his job was done for the day. He dusted his hands on and laughed moving back towards the raven maiden and folding his arms over his chest, "Now, now. I don't attack just anybody...ya know? Besides, the other guy started it..." Lumiel said and then looked back at the other player.

    He smoothed out the golden tendrils of hair from his eye before looking the player over, "So...did you need something or were you just going to gawk around and stuff?" Lumiel asked the new player, his face seemed to be painted up like Eric Draven from the Crow movie, but that was neither his place to say anything of the sort. Back to Loreley, his eyes fell upon her figure. He didn't realize how tall she was until just a few moments ago, but his focused returned back to the other male, clearly not as bulky as the Mammoth standing in front of him, all the same..."Ahh, another player coming out of the wood works, huh? I can relate, just started coming out as well. I met Loreley a few days ago, we plan on Freeing Aincrad from the oppressive state it is in..." Lumiel probably was talking too much again. 

  8. Rules of Engagement: Welcome to Lumiel's establishment named The Butcher. As one would not expect, the name means little to what is actually inside this Restaurant. The outside looks like nothing special right now, but the inside is what will surprise you. As you step inside for the first time you will be greeted by a man named Charles. He will ask you how many people you are with and direct you to a clean table set up that resembles the quality of a Five Star Restaurant, something very fancy and elegant. You would not believe how much effort was put into the shop on the inside as opposed to the outside. You will be seated by Charles, asked for drinks and given a menu. You may order anything from the fancy Rack of Lamb, to your New York Pizza style slices and anything in between. There will be live music thanks to the ever so lovely Loreley. You may communicate and talk among the others at near by tables if you wish, have fun and socialize. But remember you are in a restaurant and your social interaction can only go so far from table to table.

    Specific Rules: You may order anything- RP fluff- food wise. The RP will be on-going for 10 Pages. This is not a quick fix, SP get in and get out Thread. If you are looking for something like that, go elsewhere. You may dress as you wish, but again reminding you this is a 5 Star Restaurant, so keep that in mind. Also, since Lumiel is so nice to host such an extravagant event for everyone. 25% of your total Col outcome will go to him at the end of the thread so that he can pay his employees as well as Loreley for giving you all such a wonderful evening of music and entertainment.

    Setting: Early Evening, clear skies, wonderful view of a full moon.

    Interior Sitting Arrangement: fQ9QHpS.png

    Off to the side is a Grand Piano and a Condenser Mic on a simple stand for Loreley.


    "How is everything looking, Charles?"
    "Quite well, sir. The others are in the back waiting for further instructions. We have everything prepared for tonight. I fine tuned the grand piano myself. The PA seems to be working as well, I had done a mic test earlier to make sure everything was on the up and up."
    "Yeah, I heard you singing 'Nothing But a Hound Dog,' up there earlier. Mic test, huh? Hahaha!" Lumiel gave his friend a quick slap on the shoulder, "Alright. Everything is set? Let's get to work..."

    Lumiel moved inside the building to the kitchen area where things were smelling perfect, the other employees seemed happy to find work despite their low levels, they had marginally higher cook skills, but Lumiel had a hand for food and he would show the world just how crazy he can get with his creations for the night with the air of his helpers.

  9. ID: 41294
    LD: 10

    "Well, that's just laughable..." the thuggish brute said as he had dropped down to search through the grass, he swore something was glinting in there somewhere, but he ended up wasting energy just to find a big fat zero. Violet eyes darted to the right when he saw a little golfer pop out of the ground which clearly had startled him enough to fall on his ass backwards, "Whaaa!" the golfer had come up for a split second and burrowed deeper into the ground to escape the light of the day. Lumiel's sharp brows [inched together as he stood up and brushed the grass from his pants and eyed the horizon off in the distance. The orange sun was now casting mid day and he was almost through with this annoying quest.


  10. "Loreley?" Lumiel asked turning his back on the other fighter who struggled to get up, "How is that hot piece of ass doing, huh?" he asked, rolling his right shoulder which came out with a small popping sound as it rotated in place. It didn't take long for the other player to get back up to his feet, his ragged breath escaping as he huffed and wheezed, "Hey! I'm not finished with you yet!"

    Lumiel sighed as he turned around, the man stood frozen as he watched what was happening with the Light Bringer's body. The vascular muscles seemed to pop out and define more from his flesh as it came out to be mostly intimidating. However, the other player was unable to move as he watched those rippling muscles just get bulge and bulge out from their places. Rolling his neck to the side, Lumiel lifted an arm up and made a gesture of thumbs down, "You really wanna [censored] with me, Boy Scout?" Gritting teeth, he knew he was no match for the other and they crowd slowly dissipated but not before Lumiel yelled out "PUSSY!" Lifting both arms above his head, he snapped the shirt back over his body and returned his gaze to the dark female and another player who seemed to be mixed in the ground, "You looking for an autograph there, sweet thing?" he said towards Loreley, "Ahh, I was just working up a small appetite. These guppies offer a small distraction until I start swinging my guns towards bigger fish. What brings you out here?"

  11. The man stood up and grunted, Lumiel with that grin on his face folded his arms over his chest and laughed, "You don't got the balls to fight back, huh? I guess momma whipped up a little pussy papaya, huh?" The man shook his head and charged after Lumiel bringing the Goliath down to the ground where he climbed up on him and started to wail punch after punch into Lumiel's cranium. He was able to lift one arm up to deflect some of the blows landing down on his cheek, but he laughed while the other player never stopped his relentless throttling.

    "Give up!" the man yelled only to hear Lumiel laugh, "You punch like a [censored] sissy!" Again and again the man wailed on Lumiel until his breath started going out, which was bad. Tiring out so quickly was not something you wanted to do when faced with a rhino. An arm shot upwards towards his neck, his digits squeezed as he lifted himself back on his feet and then lifted the man a foot off the ground and strangled him, "Isn't that cool? You don't feel any pain, right? But I wonder what happens to your brain when it thinks its not getting the oxygen it needs to your lungs. I could scare your brain to death if I wanted!" Lumiel grabbed the man by his shirt, made a small jump in the air and slammed him down into the ground with the full force of his weight and body. The man gave a small grunted sound as he struggled to get up, "Is there no one else?"

  12. ID: 41228
    LD: 8

    "Uuughh!" The straw that broke the camel's back right there. Lumiel kicked a pile of dirt and grass in frustration as he thought he had seen a seemingly good item for a material. He was dead wrong in that department. He was blessed with a good physique but he had little going on upstairs. At times he was more focused on the finish rather than the start of things, unless it came to fighting or sex, then he was focused on the everything aspect. He gave a low cough as he cleared his throat, a finger now prodding his ear to turn and twist away the ear wax accumulation before flicking it it the winds. Violet eyes followed the line back to the city as he made his way back to the starting point. He sighed lowly and started to walk in the opposite direction this time, going clockwise around the perimeter.

  13. ID: 41227
    LD: 20 [+1 Mat]

    "HA!" A loud booming voice shouted from the deep grit of his chest as he snatched up an item on the ground, perfect in every way. That was a one of a million chance to find something so perfect as that just lying around in the grass. How did no one find that before he did, especially with his luck? Lumiel wasn't going to complain and if he had to, he would have thrown down the gauntlet and beat the [censored] out of whoever who would try and grab his prize. It was his and you touch the man's stuff, that was a no-no on all accounts. Violet eyes beamed with a sort of happiness you would expect out of a child finding a new toy to play with, however, the moment was short lived as he pressed on remembering he had a quest to finish up.

  14. "Bright ass sun on a warm day, a good day to cause some general mayhem. Now...which sort of mayhem to do...?" Lumiel placed one hand in his pocket while the other casually swayed back and forth as he walked down the crowded walkways of Stating City. His violet eyes passed over players off all genders, wondering who was the weakest link to [censored] around with today. As he came up on a rather tall player, much like himself, Lumiel had 'accidentally' ran his shoulder into the man, "Watch it, Punk." those were Lumiel's favorite words to hear come rolling out of some poor fool's mouth. Stopping in his tracks, Lumiel grinned as he faced away from the man and laughed quietly for himself, "I think what you meant to say was, 'I apologize for running into you...'" Lumiel didn't turn around just yet, however he did bring his hand from out of his pocket as the knuckles seemed to crack effortlessly as his digits sprawled and then slowly formed a fist. 

    "You got some problem, pal? YOU ran into me, so YOU should apologize." That's when Lumiel turned around, grin on his face, white knuckles showing, "Ask nicely....!" Wham! The fist with all its tenacity and fury came shooting out through the air decking the guy in the jaw and sent him flying inches backwards, "Your lucky this is a safe zone and not in the real world, one punch would have put you down for good. Now get up you, Pussy. And show me how you fight."

  15. ID: 41222
    LD: 12

    Grumbling, Lumiel didn't even say a word when he could not find anything off the patch of dirt or grass that resembled anything to be a material item. His eyes watered and he felt like just giving up on the entire quest and calling it quits. Massive digits touched his forehead as he rubbed his cranium and blinked away the twitching sensation in his eye. Maybe he just woke up too early? It was the first time in a long time that he was actually on time to do something. There was always something else taking up his time which usually caused him to be late, more than likely it was just his slothful nature kicking in. He wasn't exactly lazy...just, did things at his own pace.

  16. ID: 41221
    LD: 12

    "Son of a bitch..." It was close, until it almost evaporated from out of his hand. His right eye twitched, clearly bored and stress levels were rising. How does one stress out on simply not finding materials? Well, only Lumiel could pull that off. He wasn't one to anger quickly, sure, he could lose his marbles time from time, but he wasn't at all a hot head. In fact, he does keep his cool regularly and normally relieves the tension of himself with alcohol and sex, preferably at the same time. He was a champ like that. What was that old saying? Drugs, Sex, and Rock N' Roll. Maybe not so much on the drugs part, Lumiel had an impressive figure and he prided himself on his muscular body although it was not exactly a turn on for most women. He cared less either way, he had the package to prove he was more than a man than the one that stands next to him.

  17. ID: 41220
    LD: 19 [+1 Mat]

    "About God damn time..." Lumiel had examined an object that was well enough to be considered a mat. It was more than enough to keep him occupied for the moment while he deposited it into his inventory and carried on. Once more he started to kick up the ground around him, grass, rocks whatever it was in his way, it was uprooted by a quick snap of his leg. The day had barely started and already he was tired of this [censored], doing the same thing over and over, and [censored] over again. It was the most mundane things he had ever done, and he complained to himself on and on about it until he was getting sick of his own voice snapping back at him.


  18. ID: 41219
    LD: 10

    "[censored]!" The voiced boomed as if thunder struck the ground by him. Placing hands over his head, he smoothed the golden hairs on his head with his bare hands and slid them back attempting to calm down while breathing in and out quickly. Taking in a deep breath, he slowly exhaled through dry lips and focused back on the agenda at hand. Hands now falling back to his sides, he shoved his right hand into his pocket as the gentle breeze lifted up the edge of his shirt and unfurled it from his body delicately lifting it off his skin and then gently placing it back down revealing only a minor detail of massive back tattoo on his flesh. Violet eyes once more scanned the area before he shook his head and continued on. What a day.

  19. ID: 41218
    LD: 10

    And his unlucky streak continued for Lumiel, the obnoxious talker was now running out of that much desired for luck he had maybe forty minutes ago and it seemed to have left him completely. His violet eyes scanned the area where he was at, boars, grass and players alike ran rampant in the fields slaughtering the defenseless mobs for pitiful amounts of experience points, but as pitiful as it was...it was far more fun playing Troubadour than searching the ground for worthwhile items. Rolling his right shoulder in a long circular motion, Lumiel continued his small trek albeit slowly across the fields and back towards a new destination.


  20. ID: 41217
    LD: 12

    "Mmm...?" The questionable item before Lumiel had suffered from a horrible disease of some sort...the disease "Useless piece of [censored]!" tossing the item away from him caused his the muscles in his arms to ripple slightly as he gave the item a hefty toss to the side having the items skip off the ground before pixelated into nothingness. Violet eyes now went back to the ground and then back up into the blinding sun where he momentarily blinded himself and snarled out a disgusted sound from his mouth. Placing a hand back in his pockets, he found nothing more of use to him and standing about was less than productive. Eyes on the prize and now moving forward.

  21. ID: 41206
    LD: 2

    "Eck!" His small fortune of luck was now coming to an end with the hunt for materials. His violet eyes turned upwards as he shrugged his shoulders and damning the world around him as he found nothing of use. His hands found comfort in the pockets of his pants as he strolled through the field once more kicking up the vegetation in front of him. He was awfully bored and if this kept up, he might just end up taking a nap in the grass here. Taking in a deep breath, Lumiel softly exhaled through his nose and continued his search for materials as that was the common grind for these types of things, or so that's what he believed. Not only the material set would be nice, but a single skill point for the completion of the quest wasn't a bad trade off for the afternoon. Hell, he could use all them points he could get his hands on.

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