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Posts posted by Robin

  1. Username: Hollow

    Real name: Robin Akuma

    Age: 17 (18th September)

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’9’’

     >>Basic Appearance:

                      Robin has dark-brown, short and dishevelled hair which seems to adopt a new style every day. His eyes are a wavering, dark blood-red with fragments of shadow black that become more frequent towards the pupil. On his right cheek are four small but dark freckles which form a slanted parallelogram across the cheekbone.


                  Robin is a determined and strong willed boy who is not afraid to shatter a few rules every now and then. He prefers to lead when in a party and can be a little bit of a control-freak at times but would rather run solo or in a partnership where he works best. He likes to conjure a strategy before running into battle but will act upon impulse when those he cares about are in danger. He’s generally energetic and considerate when around friends but has always had an underlying serious tone (or “dark side”).


                      Born on the south coast of the UK, Robin was brought up in a family home with his parents and single younger brother. His family treated him well but he was never spoilt. The family had close connections and were never too far from extended members so cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents were visited often. However the bustling get-togethers were short lived, becoming scarcer, when Robin began secondary school at the age of 11. He had never been a social creature, with as little as two friends over the past few years, but the “big school” was a lonely place. Exams approached swiftly, forcing Robin to stick his head in the books for extended periods of time; he would occasionally wake from a textbook on mathematics after long and strenuous evenings. His patience wore thin and anxiety kicked in. On the verge of giving up entirely, he decided to talk to someone of importance and appropriate experience. This person recommended creating opportunities to pursue a hobby and with the long-awaited game –Sword Art Online- approaching its release date, Robin decided to jump back into the world of MMORPGs like the good ol’ days to help relieve some of that exam anxiety.

     >> The Journey Begins…

                      The weekend was near and Robin had made sure to finish all his homework as soon as possible in anticipation for the new game. His phone counted down the days. The NerveGear sat on his desk, collecting dust in wait. He watched all of the “sneak peaks”, leaked data and read all of the beta testers’ blogs to obtain that slight advantage, to plan ahead, to get ahead of the game. On that Friday, after a tiring week of mock exams in complete silence, he came home to find the games box on his bed where his mum had tossed it aside. He snatched it from his covers with glee and took a moment to appreciate the box-art before carefully placing the disk into the console. Jumping onto his bed, he slid the NerveGear helmet on and switched on the headset to reveal the vivid user interface and find the countdown dropping to 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..

    “Link Start!”


    Username: Hollow

    Password: **********


    Welcome to Sword Art Online.



                      Loyal and Protective: Once Robin’s respect has been earned, there is nothing he wouldn’t do for that person. Friends and family are more than safe in the presence of this player; he’ll do anything to protect them.

                      Kind Hearted: Most of the time, Robin is glad to help anyone who asks for it. It brings him joy to help others; he tends to care more about the happiness of others than his own.


                      Lack of Common Sense: Sometimes Robin will forget to buy a coat when travelling to cold places or pack some essential gear for battle which can result in some difficult situations.

    Pride: It’s quite simple really. He likes to be correct; wants to know everything and is easily insulted. Robin’s pride means a lot to him and he likes a good challenge so duels occur often. A mistake to Robin is a colossal fail; everything must be right.

    Underlying Anger: Robin has a short fuse and doesn’t like to be told what to do (unless from a respected player). As previously mentioned, he likes to run solo and if placed within a party, he likes to lead or at least have an equal say compared to other party members. It doesn’t take much to turn his smile into a frown.

    Black Hair Red Eyes.jpg



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