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Posts posted by Jurgan

  1. I walked into the Inn and looked around at the different characters, trying to find one that would know what he is doing. Over in the corner, he noticed a man toke note of his quiet entry. Their eyes locked for but a moment, but in those split seconds, it seemed this wasn't a virtual reality anymore. In that split second of time, it seemed that character could almost read everything about me. I looked away, and began walking out, but stopped. I turned around, and walked over to the character in the corner, "Hi, my name is Jurgan, what's your name?"

  2. Profile:

    Username: Jurgan

    Real name: Alfred Ott

    Age: 17

    Gender: M

    Height: 6'0"


    About: History/personality

    Jurgan is a character new to his own self. He has just been released from a prison which had him shackled for three years of his life, beating him to death with so-called, "loving words." Jurgan was fourteen and hiding in his parent's closet when he saw his own brother walk into their bedroom, ignore their pleas for life, and slit their throats before running away and hanging himself in the family barn outback.

    After the judge ruled indecisive on the case, Jurgan was thrown into prison for three years, a scared and lost fourteen year old boy. There were no friends and he was mostly kept in solitary for the first year. During his second year there, he believed he had finally made a friend who would protectarrow-10x10.png him while he was there. But toward the end of that year, he discovered, to his detriment, that his one and only friend had betrayed him in order to join the gang inside the prison. He was beaten and left for dead, causing the guards to again put him into solitary confinement to finish out his last year in prison.

    When Jurgan was in solitary, all he could think of were the people who had hurt him, all the people who had given him the pain and sorrow he now felt. He knew what he saw that night, he knew what his brother did and he was ready to prove to everyone that he was not a murderer...he was ready to prove to himself that he was not a murderer.

    As he was in solitary, he continuously received letters from his friends in school, the ones who knew the truth of what happened that night. He never responded, but the letters continued coming anyway. When he was released from prison, when he could finally get out of that hell-hole, he was greeted by his childhood friends. When they met, they automatically knew that he was completely changed, but they were willing to help him as much as they could to be better than who he was in there. Jurgan's friends knew that when he was younger, he played video games in order to cope with the failings around him. In order to better cope with his time in prison, his friends put their money together and got him the helmet and game, thinking if he used it to take out his aggressions, he would be "normal" again in no time.

    On the outside, he appears to be a steady, hardworking, loving friend to all, but on the inside, it's a completely different story. After seventeen years of pain, torment, and mistreatment, Jurgan is finally able to be free and using the support of his friends, he is going all the way to the top, and nothing will stop him from getting there. 

    After getting out of prison, all he heard about was SAO and with an inner drive of pride, he wanted the opportunity to be on top and in the world of SAO, he hopes to accomplish it.

    Little did he know, once the helmet was on, he would never be able to take it off until he beats the game. Being stuck once more inside a prison, left him with the empty feeling again. But he realized, he must press on, and Jurgan will do everything in his power to get out of this game.



    Inner Pride: Jurgan only himself to rely on for years and now having friends to back him as he moves on in life, he feels an inner pride to get things right. Wanting to prove to his dead parents that he will make things right, or die trying, he will do anything to prove himself amongst his fellow peers.

    Love of Life: Jurgan has a very strong love of life, wanting to protectarrow-10x10.png all who he calls friends from the monsters who destroyed his world and changed him forever.

    Never-Ending Spirit: With his love of life, Jurgan has a never-ending spirit, meaning that no matter how difficult the challenge that life may present him with, he will continue on, wanting to prove to the world that he didn't murder his parents, but his older brother was the one who did.



    Inner Fear: With a love of life, Jurgan also has an inner fear of failure. Being mistreated all of his life, he feels he has to be able to appeal to everyone he meets or he has failed. That fear, that fear of failure, could be his end.

    Resentment: Being in prison for three years, Jurgan had a lot of time to develop a hatred for the World, who he blames for unjustly putting him there. He was accused of slaughtering both of his parents and the family pet snake, Kahlua. The judge, seeing both that he could have and that he was unable to have done it, he threw Jurgan in prison for three years in order to appease the corrupt justice system. 

    Short-Temper: After living uncontrolled for three years, allowing his anger and resentment to grow, Jurgan has a quick to anger lifestyle, causing him to carry a somewhat peaceful scene into one of war in just a matter of seconds. 


     Profession: None Yet



    Total Sp: 5

    Unspent Sp:0









    Weapon skills:

    One handed Assault Spear [Rank 1] (5 Sp)



    10 Bread

    15 Water

    Basic Spear

    Cloth Clothing




    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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