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Posts posted by Alric

  1. "Hi there Madara and Tobi.  I need you two to follow me into the plains.  I have plans to tell you guys some things as well as ask you a few questions as we search for a ....  Tsubasa are you looking at that mob because you want to fight it?  Being that there asr three of us and only one of it, the odds are greatly stacked in our favor.". Alric was walking up to the party, then tried to follow Tsubasa's gaze, which lead to a single boar.  He then asked his question and made his comment.  Alric then asked Tsubasa what he had to bring to the table.  

  2. Alric had messaged his group where to go the previous day.  He needed to search for materials, as well as Tsubasa, and Alric also needed to do some training to level up a few more times.  Plus, its always good to get a lot of col.  Alric got up from his bed and strapped the large axe onto his back.  in his mind, Alric thought, *alright, today should be easy with the help of Tsubasa and possibly the help of Antofer.  Both are much stronger than I, which shouldn't be much of my concern.  I just need today to go not so smoothly in order to help Madara out... he seems rather nice as a person*  Alric headed out of his room and out to the first floor plains.

  3. Alric follows Tsubasa to a group of players, and notices that Iri and Antofer and the dangerous girl were all together.  Alric quickened his pace and tapped Tsubasa's shoulder.  Then Alric moved toward his brother and says, "whats up bro?, you participating in these mob fights?"  Alric laughs and puts his thumb up.  "Show the mobs how much you've developed."  Alric extends his arm to fist bump his brother.  Alric thinks to himself, *damn I need to put my act together in order to get a profession.  Tsubasa would be willing to go with me and Madara to grind against mobs.*

  4. Alric, knowing that his he was way out of his league, continues to walk back.  When he begins walking back, he stumbles backwards and falls onto a stalagmite.  He drops his axe as he falls unbalanced onto the ground.  His vision may be more accurate, but he could not see due to this darkness.  Alric stands back up rather quickly and picks up his battle axe.  Seems like I still need to do my part.  "Tsubasa, the bat on the left appears to be near half of its bar of health.  We should eliminate one of them as quickly as possible."  Alric hears Antofers comment and suddenly ran up to the girl.  Alric smiles at her and says whispers into her ear, "Im Alric, I am here to protect you"  he picks her up and sprints out of the cave.

     ID# 47541 results:

     Battle: 1 (fail)

    Giant bat 28/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
    Giant bat 14/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

    Antofer 30/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

    Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 7/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

    Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

    Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

  5. Alric pulls his axe up as he hear Tsubasa say "flanking left and right".  Alric uses his streotypical attack with his axe. But stops, jumps into the air, and mimics Tsubasa’s front flip.  He then swings under his leg with the two handed axe and slices, smaking a small scar on one of the enemies.  Realizing how stupid it was for him to attack a much stronger mob than himself, he lands on the ground and runs several feet to his left and waited to seen of the bat would follow.  

     ID# 47522 results: Battle: 10(+1,-1) 1 dmg.
    Giant bat 49/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit
    Giant bat 50/50hp | 12dmg. | 12 Mit

    Antofer 32/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

    Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | 9 Thrns

    Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

    Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

  6. Alric keeps his axe out in one hand for the moment.  He hears Antofer point out that there is a silhouette in the cave but that it could be anything.  Alric just says, "lets keep moving further into the cave and save the kid."  Tsubasa, keep your eye out for us and give us some form of warning before you make your move toward the thing... it could be the child, so be careful"  Alric just raises the axe, and grasps it with both hands.  Alric begins to walk very slowly forward, careful not to trip.

  7. Alric shakes off his swing from before with pleasure and then goes for another strike.  He ran up with determination, and with the help of Tsubasa guiding Alric to the enemy with his voice, Alric stepped back and then charged the dark silhouette.Alric brought his axe forward a and damaged the enemy doing minimal damage, but at least he made a small difference.  "How about that?  It wasnt totally miserable for a beginner."  Alric then took several step backs and looked blindly around trying to make out where Tsubasa, Nixon, and Antofer stood in the war zone.  He finds that there is no clear silhouettes near him.

    ID# 47492 results: Battle: 8-1 (success, 1 damage)

    snowlem Ded

    snowlem 0 /16 | 12dmg | 4 Mit Ded

    snowlem 14/16 | 12dmg | 4 Mit

    Antofer 32/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

    Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 5/8 energy | 18 Mit | Thrns

    Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

    Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

  8. Alric following the group into the cave and realizes that this is his first quest and realizes how much better the others are to him... so he pulls out his two handed battle axe from his inventory and got ready to attack the silhouette, except that he couldn't see see anything.  He swung forward with his large axe and to his dismay, hit nothing but the brisk air.  "Damn, guess I need more practice"  Alric turned toward the enemys... or who he thought was the enemy and tried to carefully watch there movements.

    ID# 47488 results:Battle: 2-1(fail)


    snowlem 6/16 | 12dmg | 4 Mit

    snowlem 16/16 | 12dmg | 4 Mit

    snowlem 16/16 | 12dmg | 4 Mit

    Antofer 32/32 | 4 dmg | 8/8 energy | 18 Mit | 18 Thrns

    Tsubasa 32/32 |5dmg | 6/8 energy | 18 Mit | Thrns

    Alric 4/4 | 2dmg | 1/1 energy

    Nixon 8/8 | 3dmg | 2/2 emergy

  9. Alric walks in to the cave slightly at the same time that nixon does.  "Thats alright, we will just a bit harder time getting through the cave..." Alric searches the cave for materials as well, but he does not see anything worth keeping becuase of the darkness.  Now Alric returns to Tsubasa at the entrance and whispers something in his ear.  Tsubasa then looks at him and nods his head.  Alric then says out loud, "we should go into the cave and finish off these so called monsters."  

     ID# 47481 results: Loot: 13(fail)

  10. "Iri, I think we should go back home for the day."  Alric says as he holds his younger brothers hand.  His rather lengthy yellow hair is tied back.  "You aren't terrible, in fact you are currently better prepared than me... Besides, Zeri can teach you later at another time.  Alric turns around as if to leave the group.  "You coming with me, Mar... Iri?"  He smiles.

  11. Alric is walking in the plains in search of wild boar on floor 1, where Tsubasa had given him information.  He notices a group of people taking on a group of boars and decides that it wouldn't hurt to talk to them... as he approaches, he sees his brother Iri and stands confused... some other familiar people stand around him, such as zeri and the one girl.  He hears what Iri comments with and half smiles.  Alric now standing behind him says, "what was that you were saying brother?"

  12. Alric goes up to Phillia and says "why did you threaten Tsubasa?  There was no reason for a level 1 to threaten a level 6.  That is very unwise and could even risk you life later on.  You tell Tsubasa that he is like a bully, when you go about doing these things without hesitation.  I think that you have potential, but sadly you will only grow to become a bully to those below you, youself.  I hope that Tsubasa wont take you out on his own... be strong, but please rethink your actions.  I have no faith in a person who threatens those who protect my brother.  Bye... I hope you learned something today.  Alric goes and walks with Madara and Iri out of the tavern.

  13. Alric turns to see the girl and Tsubasa threatening each other.  "Tsubasa, stand down, I don't care how she tries to con you into thinking that you are a bad person, you had good intent to begin with but now its just crazy.  I know outside this zone you could beat her hands down, but have you forgotten what I planned for our group to do?  Thank you for trying to shelter my brother from her, but I will not allow you to face here right now.  Stand down, lose the duel by default, and don't rely on your past."  Alric grabs Tsubasa by the arm and takes him to the other side of the tavern.

  14. "Hi, who might you be?"  Alric refers to Phillia.  "You seem to have entered at quite an interesting time... and so did she *refers to Cyra*.  Are you looking for something in perticular? Alric stands back up from his seat and walks over to her with his hands in his pockets.  I am Alric, brother to the short small hyper thing over there, and that is my acquaintance Tobi, my current right hand man.  Alric notices the bartender return with her drink and he says "sorry for the bother, If you ever need any help, just PM me" says Alric.  

  15. "From my own person preference, I ask that you not judge a novel by it's title, but instead connect and interact with it before deciding whether the novel is worth continuing".  Alric then smiles and says "But in all honesty I am searching in a tavern, specifically here, looking for individuals who would be alright letting me lead a party into battle.  My friend Tobi here *Gestures at Tsubasa* is currently a rather interesting man who can collect Intellectual information for me.  And that over there is my younger brother, Ma... Iri.   He is quite a child at heart and in size"  Alric says with a open and inviting tone to his voice.  Alric grabs a drink from the bartender and thanks both the bartender and Nixon for the drink.    

  16. Alric walks into one of the floor 1 taverns with Iri on his left and Tsubasa to his right.   "I think i will take fishing as my profession, it seems pretty simple." He replied to a question from one peron in his group.  Alric and Tsubasa look virtually identical besides the hair color, Tsubasa’s glasses and their weapon of preference.  However the kid beside him was much shorter then either of the other two. Alric stands behind Nixon with an open expression, hands in his pockets, "hey man, the name is Alric, how are you?" Alric focuses his conversation to the person in front of him, a blond, blue eyed guy.  

  17. "Hi man, my name is Alric, I am Mar.. Iri's brother.  What is your name?"  Alric smiles as well as he walks over to talk with Antofer and Tsubasa.  When Tsubasa and Alric look at each other, they realize their very similar appearances.  "And you, what might your name be?" Alric refers to Tsubasa who stands slightly behind Antofer.  Alric seems interested in the new group of people who look to sell stuff.  "Not to nice way to start a conversation but would either of you like to join our accumulating party?"

  18. Alric hugs his brother and looks down at the black knight.  "I have come over here to evaluate the other players we will be with in this game.  By doing so I had made a plan in which to have you bring my brother to me and invite you to join our starting group."  Alric keeps a very calm and easy expression.  "So, Black Knight, do you wish to join a party with me and my younger brother in this rather challenging game?  I would be more than happy to have you be the first, as you seem to be good with physical labor." Alric addresses the calloused hands and firm upright body language.  "plus, you appear like a tank class figure, which we will need at some time.  My name is quite obviously Alric and I plan to make a very good and powerful group."

  19. Alric slipped out of the mob as they moved along the road.  Alric looks up at the pixilated sun and predicts that ten O'clock is approaching  after some time passes, he notices that the plains is filled with boars and giant bee's about his level. Some of the beasts were close to his left and right and promptly ignored him.  As he moved slowly along the road, the plains soon appeared to become thick forest, and as he got closer, saw a man with long white hair tied back jump into a fight with a boar.  As he watched, he became aware of another person whose health bar was rather low, show a sign of relief.  "hmm, seems as though these people aren't half bad."  Alric started waling back in the direction he had came and noticed his brother walking in his direction with the "Black Knight".

  20. Alric was standing next to Madara when he got onto the game.  When he went to the menu and realized that the log out option wasn't there, Alric immediately turned to the short and rather intimidating guy to his right.  "Hey, My name is Alric. Remember that"  The guy replied, "Black Knight, I'll see you later" Alric turned and ran to a road leaving the city.  Alric found a platform near the road that he stood on to get a better look at the crowd.  Alric could hear his name being shouted and he thought he had caught a glimpse of Marcel.  But then the crowd went hectic and he could no longer hear or see his younger brother.  Alric saw a mob of people heading in his direction and decided to follow them casually out of the city while keeping an eye out for his brother or the "Black Knight"




    Alric Alford






    Virtues :

    Chill-His natural mood is calm, and for the most part can stay calm in most stressful situations.  This makes other characters more comfortable when they are around him.  He does not have a calm mode when a situations involves his younger brother.  This translates to SAO because he will be liked by majority of people who meet him.


    Wise-His choices reflect well thought out scenarios and his advice is highly regarded by all.  He speaks very openly and is for the most part friendly to strangers.  His experiences help to lead him and his choices with least casualties and conflicts in result.  Alric is regarded among the citizens of his small town as “The perfect leader”.  This translates to SAO because will come to him for advice.


    Anti-manipulative-The ability to reverse/counteract the serpent's tongue or any other manipulating source.  The void was no longer able to manipulate Alric into killing his entire family because of this.   Alric can not do this for another person, but through talking might help the overall outcome.  This translates into SAO because people manipulating and are being manipulated can be helped/guided by Alric.


    Observant-Is able to see the tactics of the manipulator.  This virtue helps him to decide the better choice in an event or situation.  Alric was able to see what the void was doing to him and therefore had the knowledge of what not to do later on.  This translates into SAO because Alric can strategize a way so not to harm any character and arrive with the best results.


    Flaws :

    Over protective- of Iri/Marcel: To be overprotective is the need to constantly be on guard, not letting someone do something when it appears to have risks.  When uncontrolled, this can cause clouded judgement for Alric in order to keep Iri safe.  Alric is always concerned about where his brother is and what he is doing so he won't have to go through the same problems.  This translates into SAO because Marcel will want to do something that may not necessarily be safe, but would be worth the risk, and Alric wouldn't let him.


    Dyslexia-The inability to properly read words at times.  Letters and words seem to change position, making it hard to read properly.  Alric was given extreme dyslexia by the void at the age of 6.  He was taking medication to counteract the affects, but doesn’t have them while he is in SAO.  He cannot, by himself, read what's been put in front of him, but instead must ask people for help except in finding things in the menu (memorized).  


    Hypocritical-When someone tells a person that they can not do something for a reason, and then that someone goes and does that very thing.  Alric, in order for his brother to stay safe, will tell him he can’t smoke, but then goes ahead and does it anyway.  This translates into SAO because Alric wants to have Iri stay as safe as possible, and would therefore do it himself in order to protect his younger brother.


    Paranoid-To be paranoid is to be afraid or suspicious of something.  Alric is not immediately trusting of anyone whom he thinks might have joined with the void.  This was caused ever since he became aware that the void could be in anyone.  This translates into SAO because every person his younger brother might meet will first have to pass Alric’s inspection to see if they contain/are manipulated by the void.


    History-At the age of 5, Alric began to hear a dark, disturbing voice in the back of his mind.  This voice was persistent to control Alric and stayed until Alric finally gave in to the void at the age of 6, urging him to kill his whole family.  He brutally murdered his mother and father with his father's axe, but when he moved to murder his brother, he became gifted with the ability to see what the void was doing, and became anti-manipulative, the ability to reverse the controlling power of the void, as he confronted his baby brother.  Realizing his act, he repelled the void from his presence with pure will power.  He couldn’t bare to let his brother get hurt.  He kept the event’s history hidden from Marcel as Alric raised him in the small town.  From then on Alric became overprotective of his younger brother and paranoid and hateful of the void.  He would do all in his ability to keep the void from having any interaction with Marcel.  As he aged, he became very wise and chill with the everyone he met.  Another conflict that arose from the ashes of the past to his education was extreme dyslexia, given to him from his previous encounter with the void.  He decided to buy the virtual reality game SAO for his younger brother on his 15 birthday in order to watch over his online interactions.


    3/8 Skill points

    lvl 3, 12/12hp, 3 energy

    247 col

    1 mat


    Two handed battle axe-

    Two-Handed Battle Axe: (1 of 5 ranks)

    5 Ranks


    The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed cleaving type weapons. (Example: Broad Axe, Battle Axe)


    Two Handed Battle Axe

    RANK 1
    Grand Destruct - 1x1 - Stun - (4 Energy) - A basic over the shoulder chop that slams into the ground.

    Whirlwind - 2x1 - (2 Energy) - A single sweeping  attack so powerful that it sends forth a shock wave to hit again.

    Smash - 1x2 - Stun - (5 Energy) - An uppercut aimed for an opponents head to send them reeling.

    RANK 2
    Lumberjack – 3x1 - AoE - (6 Energy) - Three wide sweeping strokes aimed for multiple targets.

    Ultimate Breaker - 3x1 - (3 Energy) - A pair of uppercuts that finish with a vertical slam to the target's head.

    RANK 3
    Crimson Blood - 3x2 - (6 Energy) - Three sweeping spinning slices keeping the same momentum.

    Trample Act - 3x2 - AoE - (12 Energy) - An attack that starts with a shoulder barge, then does two large sweeping attacks.

    RANK 4
    Crescent Avalanche - 7x1 - (7 Energy) - An advanced mixture of slices, hilt stabs and thrusts at an opponent.

    RANK 5
    Explode Catapult - 3x3 - AoE - (18 Energy) - Two powerful sweeping strokes in alternating directions that concludes with slamming the axe into the ground,

    Dynamic Violence - 4x3 - (12 Energy) - An attack of three slices, which is finished by a shock wave created by the power of an empty swing.

    Screw Dimension - 6x2 - Stun - (15 Energy) - Does three slices with the axe, which then release in a burst of energy, doing the damage again.


    Inventory: beginners pack (10 bread, 15 water, cloth clothes, two handed war axe)


    Equipt Items :two handed War axe



    Brother is Marcel, whom he is concerned for over all other people.


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