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Posts posted by CookieKat

  1.  While CookieKat was searching for materials, he stumbled and fell down a hole while screaming his eyeballs out. "HELP! I'M GONNA DIE IN HERE!" CookieKat then realized he could just climb up from the hole because it wasn't very deep. "PHEW! THAT WAS A LIFE AND DEATH EXPERIENCE THERE! I wonder what would've happen-" He was cut off by two girls and a boy speaking. "Is this what I think is happening?"

  2. Kouta jumps up onto a building using his parkour skills he learned in real life. "Wow, everything looks beautiful from up here." He smiled and spotted a troubled Kazuki yelling at him. "WHAT WAS THAT? HELL NO! I'M NOT GETTING DOWN HERE YOU STICK INT HE MUD!" Kouta then broke off in a sprint trying to get away from Kazuki, but instead failed. He ended up on Kacaji's body and was very heavy. "Not feeling so hot..."

  3. Kazuki shouts at the sight of the cream bun and breaks out in full sprint to catch it. "THANKS FOR THE BUN KAZUKI!" Kouta catches the bun in his mouth and has a whip cream moustache on his mouth. He licks his lips and puts him arm over Kazuki, "How'd you know those were my favorite Kazuki? Oh yeah, you're my best friend, that's why!" Kouta took in a few breaths and stared at the games the festival had, he tugged at Kazuki's arm and said "Hey Kazuki, want to play some?"

  4. CookieKat jumps right in the battle. He storms the boar with his spear and breaks into a sprint "WOAH! A BOAR! I WANNA KILL IT!" The tip of his >>Cracked Spear<< shines as he uses a Sword Art >>Snake Bite<< "GIT' REEEADY!" He shouts. He stabs the boar twice with the jaw droppingly amazing >>Cracked Spear<< a weapon worthy of song and praise.


    ID#47656 Results:

    Battle 6


    CookieKat 12/12 HP 3/3 Energy

    Phillia 7/8 HP 1/2 Energy

    Boar 1/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT (2x2=4)

  5. Kouta goes over to Nixon and drinks the strong whiskey. "WHOOOAAA! THIS STUFF IS AWESOME!" He flails around hitting Nixon in the face accidentally and his face reaches the floor. "Naaaut feelin' soo hott..." CookieKat rises up again on his two legs and leans over to Nixon. "Hello there, aren't you a cutie?" Kouta's cheeks are red because he is clearly drunk or drunker than Antofer. "Once we get back to the real world, I'll put a ring on that finger, whadd'ya say?"

  6. CookieKat came bursting into a tavern after running what seemed to be a marathon. "HELLO ALL! LET'S HAVE A PARTY, DRINKS ON MY TA-" These were the last words he ever said, HE DIED! collapsed on the floor with bruises on his legs and hands. Kouta starts murmuring language that cannot be understood and his mind is lost in a blank space ( Baby, and I'll write your name). 'Damn, I wish Kazuki is here, parties are boring without someone telling you you cant go." He snaps out of his delusions and sighs. "KAZUKI, WHERE ARE YOUUUUU!" CookieKat shouts menacingly.

  7. As CookieKat gets up he sees Kazuki. "Hey Kazuki, what's up! You had a fun time with those boars I'm guessing, right? RIGHT? Just kidding Kazuki, at least you made it out alive." CookieKat looks back at the group and realizes there are a lot more people than before. "More people? That means a party right?" Kouta puts on a big smile and takes out his spear, spinning it. "Looks like we've got an enemy on our tail! C'mon, let's show it who's boss!" CookieKat charges the boar with a battlecry and his spear. His behavior would remind the others of Iri, and he has a gut feeling that he and Iri might just get along pretty well. "Here I go!" He activates the Sword Art >>Snake Bite<< and fails! "Damnit, got the angle wrong."

    ID#47569 Results:

    Battle 3


    CookieKat 8/8 HP 0/2 Energy

    Boar: 4/4 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT



  8. CookieKat runs through the fields shouting, "OH MY GOD, BOOOOARS!" His eyes are closed and his arms are up in the air along with CookieKat's mouth repeatedly shouting, "HEELP!" He keeps running until he sees a group of people and stops, panting. "Can you guys." He grasps for air. "Tell me if there's a boar." He grasps for air again. "Behind me?" After speaking that one sentence, he falls on the ground in snow angel form. "That must've been a marathon!" he says. "H-Hey, who are you? Creepy guy in blue armor and brown-haired shorty?"

  9. CookieKat (Kouta) listens to Kazuki's (KazuAnaka's) serious words, and nods. "Don't worry about me Kazuki, you should worry about yourself because you're the one who's going to die if you keep looking out for me." Cookiekat (Kouta) shrugs them off like they're nothing, and gathers one last time at the forest. The odds were against him, but he found a suitable material. "Catch ya' later Kazuki, don't die!" he runs off with the two materials in the direction to the town on the first floor.

    -CookieKat leaves the thread

    ID# 47471 Results:

    Loot 16

    +1 Material (2x)

  10. CookieKat tunes out all the noise surrounding him, and focuses only gathering materials. "I am one with nature, I am a tree, I love materials. I hear nothing, I see nothing, I only see materials that I am set out for to gather, I am the gatherer." Kouta says, almost mesmerized. He enters his 'meditation' mode and starts to breathe in deeply, and out slowly reaching the calmest state of mind. He reaches out on the ground and picks up a material as if it were a baby bird that fell from its nest.


    ID#47466 Results:

    Loot 20

    Find a material

    +1 Material



  11. "Alright Kazuki, let's search." CookieKat gets motivated, and looks around him with erratic head movements. "See look! I'M DOING IT AM I KAZUKI!" his head movements start to get slower as he calms down. Kouta gets serious about this and carefully checks his surroundings, paying attention to every single detail in the landscape, including the boar that had almost killed them. "Kazuki! I found something! It's a rotten apple!" CookieKat holds up the apple in admiration and enthusiasm, Kazuki only looking at it with dissapproval and telling him to get back to work.

    ID#47466 Results:

    Loot 11



  12. CookieKat ventures into forest," Whoo! This is awesome !" he shouts while running across the bushes in the middle of his bush-running activity, he spots someone who looks very familiar, in fact, he almost knew him . "Hey, aren't you Kazuki?" CookieKat examines the guy , recognizing the signature button shirt and satin pants. "Woah it really is you Kazuki where have you been man?"      

  13. Profile
    Username: CookieKat (Nickname: CK)
    Real name: Kouta Izuho
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'6

    Appearance would be my profile pic, like Kouta I'm too lazy to insert it in here.

    About: History/personality

    Back when Kouta was a little boy, he was diagnosed with A.D.D. and heart conditions. Despite that, he wanted to make a change and proved that he could become a great athlete. Since age seven, he's been training for hundred meter sprints, super-marathons, intense weight lifting, and many others physical activities. His endurance is top notch, as he achieved all of those with heart coniditions; something that would prevent most other people from doing these amazing feats. Like most athletes; he's also a lady's man, flirting with all the cute schoolgirls in his japanese highschool, and winning over some of them. Sadly, none of them ever worked out and each time he got dumped, he would lay on his bed, crying his eyeballs out. It wasn't until a special morning did he get a very special gift from an anonymous person. Kouta had just got the NerveGear, and after that he waited in line for the selling of the game Sword Art Online. He figured that since he was strong in real life, it might carry over to Sword Art Online, but sadly, it didn't. He is now very weak in the game and wants to get as strong as possible so he can get out of the game and show everyone his physical prowess.



    Energetic: The energy is real within this one, chugging a gallon of punch, drinking an entire milk carton, eating a chocolate bar, this will all give him energy and will add on to it. To many, he reminds them of a rabbid bunny raving around after it ate something weird. Oftentimes, this energy ends up destructive as he starts growling, screaming, and yelling some random and crazy thoughts in his head.

    Friendly: Often the life of the party, and is somewhat of a true free spirit. He is not interested in pure excitement but loves to stand up for his friends and create emotional bonds with them. The emotional connections he makes with others are unforgettable to him, and he cherishes every single moment he has with his friends. His friendliness also gives him a bit of charm; something to help him win over the ladies.

    Cautious: When making new friends; although he is friendly; he likes to filter them out in a certain way before they are actually his friends. He sees if they are kind, compassionate, fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, or like him; emotional. Strangely however, he likes people who can stand up for themselves, and has been looking for someone like that to date for quite a while. He hopes to find a girl like that in SAO.


    Highly Emotional: Although it helps him a lot of times, and is healthy and natural for him, all that built up stress can explode and cause problems for him and his friends. Criticism and conflict bring Kouta under the most stress, and he will try to get away from them immediately at almost any cost.

    A.D.D.: Although he loves a certain few things with great passion, he finds it hard to focus on them for too long as the tasks just fly away like paper. What was that? We got a paper? Nope, I got a party later, c'ya later suckers! Doing this, he appears like an absolute idiot to almost everybody around him. Even his teachers have suspected him of having ADD, and turns out, they weren't wrong.

    Laid-Back: A lot of the times when there's a project or a test, or even a state test, he'll just blow it and it won't really be a big deal to him. He knows how to let loose and go with the flow, and most of the times it's pretty bad. His grades are pretty low, and the only thing he's good at is Physical Education, which he excels at. His parents aren't really that proud of him, besides his physical education grades; and most of his other classmates are surprised he hasn't been kicked out of highschool yet considering most of his grades at B's and C's, and the occasional A.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)




    Weapon skills:
    »One Handed Assault Spear: (Lvl: 1) (Invested SP: 5)

    » Beginners Pack
    -10 Bread
    -15 Water

    Cracked Spear


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