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Posts posted by Jiro

  1. Jiro walked around in his suit and tie, happy that he could make it for an event. He had been staying on the first floor for awhile and wanted to go to the valentine event so badly, that he struck up the nerve to go and see what the higher floors were all about. Once he got there with his child-like mask, he went inside and right to the punch bowl. Being a small kid, he had to jump a little bit to see what was on the table, but he was soon able to grab a few snacks and a cup of punch, then sat down in a nearby corner, out of sight. He gave a small laugh as he nibbled on his treats, happy with how things had gone. Things seemed to be safe here, so he would play it safe and just stay out of the way of the people there, and let them all have fun.

  2. Jiro nodded at the boy as he said that he was happy to help. He was glad that he had a person to trust in this game. Because other than his brother, he didn't know any other player in this game, and he was glad to find an ally. He gave him a warm smile and sipped his water, when Iri asked if he had a placed to stay. He stopped and finish his sip, then stared at the player. A place to stay? He didn't have more than a city curb or a bench to sleep on. He gave him a small frown

    "W-well... not really..." He said. The player said that he could stay at an inn that he was staying at. He gave the player a large smile "Really? You mean it?" He said happily. He didn't believe that he had offered him something like that. 

  3. Jiro blushed madly, feeling his cheeks flush quickly as the girl gave him a small kiss on the cheek. He wasn't use to anything like this, and he was sure not ever going to expect it. He felt his heart pumping madly, and butterflies in his stomach as she sat beside him, thanking him for sitting, then called him her friend. He looked and she seemed embarrassed by her actions and he gave her a small nod

    "N-No problem..." He said with a very small, very faint voice. He breathed quietly and did his best to avoid eye contact with anyone, doing his best to hide his blushing.

  4. Jiro gave a small smile as the girl said yes to him sitting with them. As he was about to sit down, she stood and nudged his shoulder, asking him if he was knew. He nodded silently, not having to say anything more than he already had. He didn't trust his voice enough to want to say anything, but he knew that he could trust this girl, as she already seemed to be very friendly towards him. As he went to sit down, he got a faceful of pink hair, and it felt almost.... soft, silky-like. He felt a small blush tinge his cheeks and he lowered his head, waiting for the moment to pass as he didn't want to be embarrassed.

  5. Jiro watched as multiple players left and entered the building in but a few moments. He knew that taverns usually filled up quickly, but he didn't expect it to empty as quickly as it did. He looked around, but saw no one that seemed to be both alone and friendly. He looked at the group of people in the corner, and he saw a younger player there, and she seemed to be comfortable. He breathed and got up from his seat, then started to come over slowly. His heart was going nuts, as he wasn't sure if the players would be either friendly or hostile, and they could all easily kill him. He breathed and came to the table that they were sitting at 

    "E-Excuse me..." he said "C-Can I sit here?..." He said with a small smile. He hoped that they would let him, or he would feel completely and totally embarrassed. This was way out of his comfort zone, but he had to start making allies and make them now, so he could soon become strong and help them to become strong. He wanted to help them all get out of here, and training was the best thing that they could do to get stronger

  6. Jiro looked around, and heard a small sound of the door opening, and looked to see his "Master" Manta. She was the one that had given him the darkened blade, and she went to sit down with the large group of people. He was unsure of what to do, as she seemed to know all of them, but he knew none. He sighed and took another sip of his water to calm his nerves. He knew he would not have the ability to walk over there without feeling intimidated. He knew none of the players there, and they all seemed to be higher leveled, against his still level One. He breathed and looked around, seeing if anyone was around that he could talk to, but none of them seemed to be around his level. He breathed and decided to wait to see if anything would call him, or if he would be forced to be alone

    In his time of sitting, he thought about his older brother. He knew that he was out there somewhere, but he just had to get stronger to fight them. He sighed and looked down at the floor, unsure of where his brother could be. He knew his brother liked the heat, and hated the cold, so that could take out possible floors, and he could cross them out as he explored the upper levels when he was ready to be there, but until then, he would have to stay here, until he was at least level 5 or higher. He felt he would be able to hold his own then, be able to deal a good amount of Damage against enemies.

    But he knew he couldn't do all of it alone, some of it would have to be with other players. He needed to join a guild, somewhere where he could help them, and they could help him. He pulled open his HUD and looked at all of the Guilds that were avaliable. As he looked, his head went lower as all of them were made for incredibly higher levels. He sighed and closed it quickly, unable to see any that he felt he could join without feeling completely weak compared to them. He hung hid head silently and rested the top of his head on the counter of the bar, finding himself staring at the floor again

  7. Jiro walked into the tavern quietly, not expecting to see a large group of people around him. He kept his head low and continued to walk into the tavern silently, avoiding every kind of eye contact or glance at the people, not wanting to interrupt these people too much in their conversation. He held onto his new Rapier, the Darkened Blade, and went to the small bar that stood there. He looked at the man and gave him a small smile.

    "Excuse me..." He said shyly "Could I possibly get a small glass of water?" He asked. The bartender gave him a nod and brought over a small cup, and he grabbed it, taking a small sip from the glass. He enjoyed the feeling of the cool liquid cooling his tired throat. He sighed and set it down, pulling his Rapier and placing it on the counter. He held onto the grip of the blade, and sighed. He knew there was something unique about it, but he could not yet tell what it was. He sighed and put it back into his weapon holster, leaning onto the bar, tired from his recent adventure

  8. Jiro gave her a big smile, happy that she had been so nice to him, and it turns out her name was Manta, like a Manta Ray. He hugged her a little more then let go. He stood back and enjoyed the feel of the new Rapier on his side, as it felt right to him. He gave her a solemn nod as she told him to not let anyone have it

    "I promise miss, I'll keep this one forever and ever!" He said. He gripped his new Weapon again, and held it up. He stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to call it. He couldn't just call it by it's name "Darkened Rapier," He had to make a connection to the weapon, become one with it. He breathed and thought for a moment. He had learned Japanese when he was younger, as his relatives knew it, and he liked to name anything he owned in Japanese, it made him feel at home. He gave a smile "I'll call you.... Kurai yoru..." He thought to himself

  9. Jiro was amazed. She had held out two Rapiers for him to choose. One white, and One black. He stood for a moment, unable to decide. He knew that the white would contrast his black clothing, but there was something.... Different, about the black one, as if it was trying to get his attention. He couldn't take his eyes off of it, so he decided to take the black one, it soon appearing in his weapon holster on his left side. The black blade seemed... almost content, comfortable even. He picked it up, and swung it, before taking a small moment to practice with it. It was the most comfortable he had been with a weapon yet, against his regular Rapier anyways. He gave her a big smile, put away his new rapier then came over and gave her a big hug.

    "Thank you so much!" He said, hugging her even tighter. "It means so much Miss... Miss..." He looked at her with curious eyes "What's your name miss? I don't know it. My names Jiro!" He said with a big smile plastered on his face

  10. Jiro held his stomach slightly, gripping onto his rapier tightly. He knew he could hold his stomach, but his fear was getting to the best of him. He stared at the ground, shutting his eyes tight to stop his spinning eyesight from making him anymore sick. When his vision became normal, as far as he could tell, he opened his eyes slowly and saw that his vision was normal again. He breathed in deeply and looked up. There was no way that he could do this alone. Suddenly, he heard a voice call his attention. He looked to see a player, much older than him, asking him what was wrong.

    "N-nothing!" He stuttered out. He said, standing "I-I was just getting back from fighting Mobs, and I was low on health is all." He said, trying to make him not look weak. He had always felt weak compared to his brother, but this time he would try to be the tough one. But sadly, his body said otherwise. At the word "Mobs" his knees shook, and he could feel a bead of sweat trickle down his head. He knew that it was easy to see he was lying. He sighed and hung his head "A-Actually.... I-I'm too scared to leave town...." He admitted shyly "S-See.... I wanna get stronger, and go look for my brother.... But i'm too scared..."

  11. Jiro smiled and listened intently to the names of the players, but none of them rang a bell. But his brother could have purposefully given himself a different name to throw him off. The name "CaptainUndead" sounded possibly male, but he wasn't sure. the name Zandra sounded of feminine origin, but he wasn't one-hundred percent sure about it. The name Yuji also sounded like a name that his brother would use, as was their custom to use names like that

    "Well, can you tell me about some of these players characteristics? How they look?" He asked, trying to see if he could put a face to the names, and see if any of them could possibly be his brother. The boy suddenly seemed to be very happy that he was calling him a friend, and he gave him a nod. The boy did seem very hyperactive and did talk a lot, but it broke the silence between them, so he didn't mind it. "And thank you for helping me try to find information about my big brother, it means a lot." He said happily

  12. Jiro nodded at the boy who seemed to understand, and asked what he wanted to talk about. He thought for a moment, unsure of what they could talk about. He had never really been a big people's person outside of SAO, and he usually kept silent, not giving his input in the conversation that he was barely apart of. He thought for a moment, then looked at Iri with a small smile

    "Well, some info would be good." He said, pondering the thought "Do you know any information on the players on the floors above?" He asked, wanting to see if he could find any info on his brother's whereabouts. The boy asked if they were friends, and he was taken aback. He had never had friends either in the outside world, so this was all new to him. He looked at the player, who seemed scared he would say no. This player had taken the time to help him, and gave him the time to talk to him as well. He gave a small smile and nodded. "Sure, were friends. You've been so nice to me anyway, how could we not be?" He said with a small laugh

  13. Jiro was walking around the First floor silently. He still wasn't sure if he would be ready to be able to leave the floor, but he knew that he would have to eventually. With a heavy grip on his blade, he made his way towards the gate. He gulped and gripped his blade even tighter, as he knew that it would be the only thing protecting him from any of these mobs on the outside. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he knew that he had to do it, for his brother

    "Well... Here goes nothing..." He said as he breathed deeply, and was about to take his steps when he froze, his fear had overtaken his willpower, and he shrank back. He knew he was still too weak to fight, and he knew he would die easily on his own. He breathed and sat down on a nearby bench, unable to move any further without feeling the urge to throw up

  14. Jiro shook his head. He was glad that the other player wanted to help him, but he knew that he wanted to get the things himself, because it would make him more proud of what he owned, and he would be able to fight. Although, he wouldn't mind a new weapon, he didn't need it now, as they were just planning to chat and hang out, as far as he could tell. He gave Iri a small smile and shook his head again

    "That won't be necessary, but thank you for asking." He said politely. He took another sip of his water and breathed calmly "I'm not in the mood to travel much today anyways, I would much rather stay here and just socialize." he said quietly. He had hoped that he wouldn't hurt the players feelings, but he wasn't sure of how he would react. He would just have to wait and see

  15. Jiro watched as the young player went to get their drinks, and he watched his hands carefully, as to make sure he didn't try to put anything within the clear substance. If that was the case, he would excuse himself and escape the back entrance. When he came over, he checked the glass carefully before grabbing it and taking a small sip. He felt nothing wrong with himself, and he took another small sip before placing the cup down. The boy asked about family in the game, and he gave Iri a large smile

    "Yeah, my big brother is in the game too, and I know he's up on the higher floors, so i'm gonna get stronger and join him, then he'll see how I can be just as good as him!" He said with determination in his eyes. He knew that one day he would see his brother again. He knew it and he was going to keep climbing to the top, until he couldn't climb any more higher than some of the strongest players in the game, so he could battle his brother and win, something he had always dreamed of doing

  16. Hikoru followed the player, who's name was Iri if he remembered correctly, as he lead him to the nearby tavern. He asks him about not using his rapier, and he nodded. He only did it for comfort, but he didn't feel like having to explain that to him. He lead him to the empty building and nodded as he took a seat on the other side of the player. He asked him if he wanted anything, but he just shook his head

    "Nothing but water thanks, I had already eaten when you bumped into me..." he said. Although, he was sure that he could eat a horse anytime. He loved to eat when he needed to, but at the moment he wasn't hungry, which was odd for him. But he just shrugged it off as being nervous around a new person, even if he was alone in an empty room. The room could easily be filled, and he wanted to be ready to move in case this happened

  17. Jiro looked up and saw that the young man seemed to realise that he had brought up a touchy subject. He breathed in, and the sound of staying in a tavern was a good idea. He nodded silently at the man, who seemed lost in thought. He grabbed his rapier in comfort, as he knew that it was the only thing protecting him in this game. He breathed in deeply, then gave the man a small smile

    "A tavern stay w-would be nice...." He said silently. He knew that he was nowhere near ready to face any sort of monster, and the thought of being killed scared him more than anything. He hoped that one day, he would be able to leave the first floor and be able to enjoy the wonderous views the different floors he had heard rumours of with his own eyes, not from the eyes of others.

  18. Jiro was walking calmly through the first floor. He hadn't really explored much of the world outside but what he had already seen on his own, as he was too afraid of dying. He was here with his older brother when the news had broke, then panic struck and everyone tried to leave. He turned for one moment, to see what was going on, and when he turned back, his brother was gone. He had heard around that the older players were up on higher floors, but he was too afraid to leave. But now he felt he was ready to go out and explore, but was suddenly struck and pushed to the ground in his train of thought. He went to grip for his rapier, but saw that the man that had pushed him had not meant to, and said it was on accident.

    "No no it's fine, accidents happen." The young boy said, taking his hand and getting up. He brushed off the dust on his clothes, and as he did so the boy seemed to freak out about him having a rapier. He looked at the young boy with a raised eyebrow, not understanding why he was acting out so much. But when the boy brought up going out to train on some mods, and he was instantly scared "O-Outside?" He young boy said through a shaky voice "I-I'm not sure i-if I w-want to..." He lowered his head, as he was embarrassed by his fear, and hoped that the other player wouldn't judge him on it.



    Username: Jiro
    Real name: Tyler Ouzgud
    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'5

    About: History/personality

    Jiro grew up in a very quaint family with his older brother, and his mother and father. Always loving video games, he would always play the "good guy" in games, and in exchange, his brother would challenge him and be the "bad guy" being the good brother that he was. He always loved the challenge his brother gave him, and looked up to him lovingly. Jiro isn't much of a social child, and will only open up to people that he trusts, which would be his brother and his parents, and his best friend Tony that he left in the outside world. Other than that, he stayed away from other people, as he was afraid of being hurt. He had unusual dark brown eyes, that would sometimes turn red when he was either angry or anxious and wanting to do something really, really bad. He has a kind heart, and always looks out for others before himself.


    Kind: Jiro loves to help people, and will do his best to help anyone that needs it, even if it would cost him something in return. He has always enjoyed of helping someone, and the graditute from the other person is enough for him to be happy with. He would rather see a person happy than a person sad any day of the week.

    Adventurous: Jiro loves to explore new places, and when he gets a chance to he would take it in a heartbeat. He always loved to explore every inch of a map in any game that he played, always wanting to be able to explore all the amazing sites and the places to explore. If he ever sees a beautiful spot or something that looks amazing, he will stare for a long time, making sure to analyze and remember every detail of the image he was viewing

    Analytical: Jiro loves to be able to analyze and make sure everything is planned before he makes any movements. Although sometimes he forgets to, this is the most important thing for him to remember to do, as it makes him feel safe with the plan or the idea that he is thinking of. It's his comfort, as it reminds him of his older brother and how he used to have to analyze and know when and where his brother was going to attack him on the games they played before he was trapped in SAO


    Anxious: Jiro loves to get things done, and get them done the first time. But when he decides to get something done, sometimes he will do things sloppy, and it could be the cause of something catostrophic happening to him and the people around him. Jiro does his best to control it, but sometimes he can't help but get sloppy, and it could cost him his life

    Fixation: Jiro is fixated on finding his older brother. Him and his older brother had bought the game and planned to play together, but both got split up on the first day. He was scared at first, but now feeling brave, he was ready to look for his brother. But not knowing what his brother's username is, he has had no luck in finding him. He is bound and determined to find him if it's the last thing that Jiro does, and it very well could be.

    Timid: Jiro is not a fan of big crowds, or for a lot of people for that matter. He would tend to stay alone at times, but he enjoys the company of close people he trusts. But if he is in a very large group of people that he doesn't know, he will tend to stay very silent and keep to himself, not sure if he would be comfortable in himself or trust in his own voice.

    Fearful: Jiro is deathly afraid of dying, and not being safe. He will never go out of town alone, as he is too afraid to even leave the gate. It makes him hard to level up without friends, as he is scared that he will die, and no one will know that he did, and that he will fail at finding his brother before he can see him again.

    Profession: None





    Weapon skills:
    » Rank 1 Rapier

    » Basic Rapier



    Story Thus Far 

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