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Posts posted by Kazukaro

  1. Profile
    Username: Kazukaro
    Real name: Shinichi Yagara
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'9

    Faceclaim is profile picture.

    About: History/personality


    Deception Radar: He hates it when he asks somebody about a rumor and they don't tell him. This has lead to his evolution of the inbuilt bull radar, it really comes in handy when there's a ridiculous question on a math test or talking to his school advisers when they don't give him any info. The kind of laser eyes guy who isn't easily lied to, deception does not work on him very well.

    Playful: Being the sort of 'cant-get-serious' guy, he likes games that interest him. It doesn't matter to him what kind, it can be math, eating, running, basically anything that makes Kazukaro's heart race. VRMMO's especially got his heart racing, just thinking about them got him excited. This excitement soon exploded as soon as he got the NerveGear and yelled "Link Start!"

    Energetic: When he's not lazy, he's like a rabid chihuahua on red bull. Got a problem? He'll fix it. Want to dance? He'll do it. Broke a computer? He'll break it even more just to release that energy! The master of hyper-ness, but to his misfortune his energy only comes when playing VRMMO's like SAO.


    Lazy: Ever meet a guy who doesn't want to do much? That's Kazukaro for you, he won't do anything, and by anything I literally mean it. Unless it's something cool like SAO or beating the final level of an MMO, he won't do diddly squat. School wasn't much of a problem, because he wasn't trying. Yes, he got perfect grades without trying. Astonishingly, he was born to a wealthy family in Japan and bought the NerveGear with his hourly allowance. Little did he know that SAO wasn't pay to win (****!)

    Troublemaker: Wherever he goes, whether it be a coffee shop, supermarket, or even home, he brings a gigantic wave of trolling, laughter, and bad pun. This makes him seem like the fun-loving guy that everyone thinks he is, but in truth he does these sorts of things just for his own satisfaction.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)




    Weapon skills:
    » ►One-Handed Dagger:

    5 Ranks


    The effectiveness with which a player can use knives and daggers. (Example: Pugio, Stilleto)

    »Beginner's Stuffs
    10 Bread, 15 Water, 1 Tailcoat, 1 Butcher Knife

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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