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Status Updates posted by Nikodemus_Blackwood

  1. Whelp. I will be back in a about 10 hours or so. Off for the night. Cant wait to kill a bunch of minotaurs!

  2. That moment when you have 2 or 3 Threads on the verge of being finished and you are squeeing inside with joy and trying to distract yourself while waiting for posts.

  3. Whelp. Soon as all my RP's I have completed and submitted for today get approved and locked by Staff, I will officially be 5 SP away from Level 25! YAY! I'll also have Rank 4 One Handed Battle Axe and the matching Sword Arts!

  4. If anyone needs a sherpa or tank for some low level question, feel free to PM me. I am ungodly bored at work.

  5. So, if anyone wants to take me through/go with me on some quests, read and respond here!



  6. So, for the next 2 weeks, I will be on and responding as much as a I can when I can, but my work is going to be a bit hectic over the next 2 weeks due to our annual convention starting on the 22nd. I will make sure to post in the Asterios thread on my turn within time, and will respond to other threads ASAP. During this time, if I am in a thread with anyone, please have patience with my slow posting and also tag me for insurance that I will see it for sure. Thank you all.

  7. Calling all players who have done the arabian nights Night 1 quest! I am looking for 1-3 players to do night 2!!!! PM me for a spot in the quest!

  8. Sorry to all those I owe replies to. I have been on vacation for the 4th. I will be back tomorrow and will reply to everyone then.

  9. Almost caught up on replies. Almost. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

  10. Here I am, sitting at work about to leave for the day, watching two worlds devolve and come to a near ignition point. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.

  11. To anyone I am in RPs with. Work has begun a new transition for me, and with school, it has been hectic. I have not been on much, and will be on intermittent. I will still be part of the Nerius fight, and will check in here and there, but I may not be super active for the next week. It will be hard to be. I am sorry for any inconvenience.

  12. Soon my lovelies. Soon I shall return.

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