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Posts posted by Hekima

  1. Hekima nodded her head in approval... As if the man was seeking her permission to leave. However, she knew better. He was someone that had been on the frontlines and was full of power and reputation... He needed to seek nothing from her. The man had practically carried her through this quest... It was the first quest that she had completed so it was nice and expected that someone strong had helped her through this. Even so, even after completing this quest, she was sure that Takao would never willingly talk to her again. She had a fierce personality, one that tends to chase people away from her... But that was who she is, a strong-willed woman filled with wisdom and dignity. With a rare smile, she lifted up her head and turned away as well.

    "I guess this is our parting. The fact that you said 'hope to see you in the front lines soon' makes it seem as if we won't be meeting any time soon outside the battle field. I hope this is not the case through. I find you very easy to communicate with." Hekima said, turning around and walking away so that she could get back to the first floor and find a random hotel to take a quick little nap in. Hekima sighed. The day was a fast one.... One that didn't have lots of action but did have lots of action. Yet, she had met someone that she could find herself respecting depending on the man's further interactions with her.

    She is going to be very honest. She liked Takao. Not in a deep way but like. Indeed, the man was easy to get along with yet contains some wisdom about the game as well. A delightful man who seemed very happy and didn't show too much excitement either. In ways, the two were very alike, yet so, so different. Just like how flowers could be pink, blue, yellow, and green.

    Yet... In the end... They all die.

    Thread Complete:

    +2 SP
    +200 Col
    +<<Martial Arts>>|Rank 0
    +1 SP
    200 Col

  2. DAY ONE


    ID: 53665
    CD: 12
    [Perfect Item Created]

    ID: 53666
    CD: 3

    Hekima walked into her music studio. It was a great day and set up has finally been completed. She expected pretty much no customers as this was one of the most unpopular professions throughout the entirety of Aincrad... Perhaps it would even be THE most unpopular profession but it was one that attracted Hekima the most and hence, she was stay here and make some sort of living through the creation of music. It was a place where she could unlease her gentleness... A place where she didn't have to be so fierce everywhere. Music is very similar to acting... All musicians can play their instrument well but almost none can act... And that is their downfall. Hence, Hekima would be creating a recording of one of her most favorite songs. Soon, after a while of crafting, she had succeeded and created the recording. First recording is a perfect. Hekima thought. Delightful... Delightful indeed.

    -2 Materials
    +9 EXP


    Name: Watashi no Uso
    Your Profession: Performer
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: 53665
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Recording Crystal
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 1X Familiar Call
    Description: Watashi no Uso from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso


  3. ID: 53662
    BD: 8

    (Sorry it took so long)

    Hekima smirked. She had conquered the word impossible since she was born multiple times and she was fully aware that nothing is truly impossible unless one makes it impossible. Especially in a video game. A video game is created so all people were to be equal. It depends on the player to find loopholes through the system and if they do find a loophole then so be it. Uniques dropped from the bosses weren't going to belong to one person and she was fully aware of it. She was fully aware of the sneaky businesses that goes on in this fantasy world where one can obtain a unique through unjustified methods.

    One thing that Hekima had noticed since her time in this game was the fact that this game favors the strong. Indeed, once you have a unique and belongs to the front lines, you will continue to get uniques and hence, the people that are lower leveled than you would no longer have a fair opportunity at them. Technically, one could basically start a monopoly of uniques and the more uniques they have, the more it makes for players to catch up. Hekima sighed and looked at the rock.

    "Impossible means nothing to me. Sure, the difficulty would be great as he has an unique and I possess nothing of the sorts. However, I believe that devotion would take me ways... Or else this game is a pathetically designed game. If that is the case... It would kind of be like socialism right? All are supposed to be equal... Yet it isn't the case. Certain players have advantage of others... Even a newbie such as I am fully aware of that fact." Hekima said, stubbornly looking at the rock before charging and striking it with anger. 

    Hekima: 4/4
       Energy: 0/1 (-1) (+1)
    Takao: 174/174
       Energy: 41/42

    Boulder: 1/50 (-1)

  4. Price:


    Good Item: 100 Col
    Uncommon Item: 200 Col
    Rare Item: 400 Col/1 Material
    Perfect Item: 600 Col/3 Materials

    Order Form:


    Your Profession: Performer
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: [Live Performances, Recording Crystals]
    Tier: [1 or 2]
    Quality: [Good, Uncommon, Rare, Perfect]
    Enhancements: Enhancement Guide
    Description: [Please include the link of youtube video and what anime it is from]




    Rank 1: Musico Primo (2 Crafts Per Day)

    [1] = Critical failure (Cannot erase song from recording crystal)
    [2-4] = Fail (Cannot erase song from the recording crystal)
    [5-7] = Bad item (Possible to erase song on a 15+ loot die result)
    [8-9] = Good item  
    [10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    0/40 EXP




    None ;)


  5. Hekima's Studio of Anime Music


    What is this? A studio? From the outside, music could be heard clearly. From the different rooms inside this gigantic shop lays different types of instruments that were used to create many different music. Indeed, every music of anime is available for the owner of this shop to create and record. This was both a performance studio and a recording studio. Indeed, this was a place where people can come in and play instruments for free, have fun, and take pride in their music. Yet, who runs such an entertaining and delightful place.

    Her name is Hekima, the professional performer who is striving to be the best musician in the game and bring others into the joy of music. Her style? Minor pieces... Otherwise known as sad, emotional pieces. These were her style and this is what she likes to create. In her music studio, she studies the various amount of music that is available to her and finally recreates it in this game under her name as the music in the outside world was not made available. So come in and take a sip of hot chocolate from the neighboring NPC cafe and sit back, relax, enjoy the waves of emotion and enjoyment that is about to overcome you from the main hall.

    Now, the structure of this. Like all studios should be, this one was gigantic. There was the piano room, violin room, flute room and finally a room designed for all other types of instruments as they were rather uncommonly used within this game. Each room with their own recording set. Of course, there was the guest/waiting room and finally, there was the biggest room of them all. The performance hall was its name and there were rows and rows of seats with an elegant stage. The entire place, the entire hall was kept in a neat, attractive and elegant features. The only place with no elegance was where the owner lived... And that was the back of the violin room where she stored her most priced violin for her own enjoyment.

  6. Soon, Hekima was able to come back home. To the safe zone and she was pleased with the amount of materials and Col that she had managed to obtain from today's journey. The most important, however, was the fact that she had gotten a good deal of skill points and earned herself the ability to open a shop. It was a win-win process. Sure, she had spent a great load of time in attempt to finish off the quest and learn how to material gather but in the end, it was certainly worth it. Hekima smiled, entering her inn just as the clock ticked down to 10PM and with that, a pop-up button appeared in front of her. QUEST COMPLETE. It read and that brought a huge smile upon Hekima's face. She had done it... She had accomplished something by herself... Just like how it should be.

  7. ID: 52722
    BD: 10
    MD: 8
    CD: 7
    LD: 15

    Hekima smiled when YET ANOTHER wolf popped up. It seemed like the wolves traveled in groups yet she didn't expect there to be this much. At this pace, she was about to whip out all of these wolves and hence, their entire tribe might be ruined because of her. Because of one player. I like it. She thought allowing her self to push forward. In this game, one must fight... Or die fighting. She thought, and hence, she cut down upon the mob, causing a critical on it, dealing a grand total of four damage. However, the strong wolf made a mistake by attacking her and hence, the wolf faced death due to her thorns.

    HP LIST:
    Hekima: 12/12 (1 Damage) (27 Regen)
       Energy: 0 (+1) (-1)
          Materials: 7
             Col: 60

    Wolf: -3/12 (1 Damage) (14 Thorns)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 3

  8. ID: 52721
    BD: 9
    MD: 7
    CD: 3
    LD: 4

    Hekima grunted and saw that yet another wolf had appeared. How many are there in this area? She questioned no one in particular but her mind. With a sly grin, she struck suddenly, catching the wolf off guard and forcing it backwards. With a grunt, it charged forward with its deadly red eyes, damaged Hekima yet damaged itself even more in the process. What a great farming technique. She thought, watching as the mob fell dead and soon was forced into millions and millions of green and blue particles. How useless these mobs are. She realized before walking away to hope for lucky loot.

    HP LIST:
    Hekima: 8/12 (1 Damage)
       Energy: 0 (+1) (-1)
          Materials: 6

    Wolf: -3/12 (1 Damage) (14 Thorns)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 3

  9. ID: 52719
    BD: 7
    MD: 6
    CD: 4
    LD: 5

    Hekima smirked as she prepared to strike a new wolf that had appeared. Night was upon the world of Aincrad and soon, the quest would be over. During this time, no matter how repetitive, Hekima would continue to swing her war hammer in hopes of finishing this quest, get the skill point and go start the shop the next morning to try her hardest to gain a method of having her interest satisfied in this cold game of Sword Art Online. With a grin, Hekima charged up with her heavy war hammer and with one yelp, damaged the mob only to be damage by it immediately. Hence, yet another mob had fallen down to her weapon of blood. Her deadly thorns. She was like a rose...

    HP LIST:
    Hekima: 9/12 (1 Damage)
       Energy: 0 (+1) (-1)
          Materials: 5

    Wolf: -3/12 (1 Damage) (14 Thorns)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 3

  10. ID: 52718
    BD: 8
    MD: 8
    CD: 3
    LD: 6

    Hekima watched as yet another wolf appeared at the scene. It was becoming repetitive now as she was confident that no matter how many wolves came out charging at her, she would handle all of them with equal confidence... Even if they came out at her at the same time. Suddenly, a strange thought occurred in her mind. Indeed, she pictured Bach doing this on his own... Oh, how funny would that be. However, she doubted the musician had to do that as he was, of course, an NPC and NPCs are certainly given their own materials to work with. Hekima sighed and looked around, noticing that no other mobs were around. Easy... She thought and struck the wolf only to be struck back and that was the end of the mob.

    HP LIST:
    Hekima: 10/12 (1 Damage)
       Energy: 0 (+1) (-1)
          Materials: 4

    Wolf: -3/12 (1 Damage) (14 Thorns)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 3

  11. (I rolled twice accidentally. Disregard the second roll. The first roll was worse anyway.)

    ID: 52716
    BD: 3
    MD: 7
    CD: 2
    LD: 3

    This time, it was yet another wolf... And this time, the same thing would occur. Hekima would once again take the initiative and strike first only to miss once more. She was noticing a pattern and she was fine with the misses as long as she was inflicting damage as a result of the miss. Like such a turn, the wolf would once again try to strike her and Hekima held her ground with stubbornness as the wolf managed to deal damage to her. With a smile, she watched as the wolf was engulfed in an ocean of particles. Brilliant. She thought sarcasically as once again, she was not provided with a tad of loot.

    HP LIST:
    Hekima: 11/12 (1 Damage)
       Energy: 0 (+1) (-2)
          Materials: 3

    Wolf: -2/12 (14 Thorns)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 3

  12. ID: 52713
    BD: 4
    MD: 8
    CD: 7
    LD: 9

    This time, Hekima was standing in front of a wolf with its red eyes glowing of menace. Somehow, she felt the feeling that the wolf was way beyond what she should be fighting yet she didn't care in particular. Indeed, her thorns were devastating to low leveled mobs and even though this wolf was stronger than the boar she had just fought, her death trap... Her own body, would be able to strike down the wolf and send it away on its journey to hell. Hekima smiled and made the first move... However, her attack surprisingly missed the mark and as a result, she was countered by the wolf. With a grin, she was hit and the wolf, with a sudden yelp burst into millions and millions of particles following the attack.

    HP LIST:
    12/12 (1 Damage) (27 Regen)
       Energy: 1 (+1) (-2)
          Materials: 2
    Wolf: -2/12 (14 Thorns)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 3

  13. ID: 52712
    BD: 7
    MD: 8
    CD: 7
    LD: 2

    Hekima smiled. The boar seemed to have waken up. And finally as well. However, it might already be too late as Hekima had already dealt the crucial first damage to it. The first damage was always the most crucial one as it is the one that damages the opposition the most because once the first hit was made, you immediately have the upper hand. Here, Hekima struck once more with her war hammer and just like last time, the boar's futile effort to dodge failed drastically. However, this time, it launched a semi-decent attack at Hekima and Hekima stood her ground, making no efforts of dodging. Hence, the boar fell for her trap, landing right into the spikes of her shield and with a smile, she threw the boar off her shield and shrugged. Not bad. She thought. Hence, the boar burst into millions and millions of particles. Basically, Hekima was a death trap.

    HP LIST:
    12/12 (1 Damage) (27 Regen)
       Energy: 2 (+1) (-1)
          Materials: 1
    Boar: -10/6 (1 Damage) (14 Thorns)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 2

  14. ID: 52710
    BD: 9
    MD: 4

    Hekima took a deep breath. She was about to make the first move that she will ever take in the world of Sword Art Online. Yet, she was courageous. Although this was technically her first combat experience... She had fought a rock before and from that, she was sure that she could land a few hits if not all the hits. Plus, she would have to mostly rely on mobs to attack her for her thorns to damage them then to actually be dealing damage herself. This time, she was able to strike the boar, landing damage. Unfortunately, the mob had missed its attack and hence, she was unable to test her new gear that she had bought from donations of a kind, pink haired lady of beauty.

    HP LIST:
       Energy: 2 (-1)
    Boar: 5/6 (2 Damage + 1 Critical - 2 Mitigation = 1 Damage)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 2

  15. Hekima walked onto the starting field. There it reeks of dead boars and dead meat. Indeed, it was the place where most players stay in order to fight boars. Of course, Hekima was one of those players. Believe it or not, she had actually never been in combat before and this was her first time. There was a first time for everything... After this, she was bound to be able to fight like a naturalist... or at least... Tank like a naturalist. Fighting by herself would be easy... But when fighting with others, life might become difficult as she would have to concern for other people's health. She did not like that aspect of this game yet the key to success was teamwork. "Will you look at that? A boar." She exclaimed, pulling out her basic war hammer with absolutely zero enhancements. This might take a while. She decided, knowing full well that she had absolutely no damage at all.



    Level 3
    Health: 12/12

    Damage: 2
    Accuracy: 0
    Evasion: 0
    Damage Mitigation: 27
    Paralyze: 1
    Regen: 3
    Thorns: 2

    One-Handed War Hammer|Rank 1


    Starter One-Handed War hammer
    Heavy Leggings (3X Regen)
    Heavy Chest plate (2X Damage Mitigation, 1X Paralyze)
    Golden Shield (1X Damage Mitigation, 2X Thorns)



  16. Soon, Bach informed Hekima on what she can do as a performer, what she should wear and other information that Hekima had already known. Basically, musicians must be on the stage with their hands held high in pride. No matter how intimidating the audience was, she must remain natural and even if she messed up, she must not show emotion and continue. However, emotions were critical to a performance. During a minor piece, one must be sad and during a major piece, one must be cheerful. That is the way of a musican. Music is acting... Bach smiled after finishing talking and informing Hekima of all the basics. Now, a musician must earn money not just from performances... And this is where recordings come from. Yet, the recording requires materials to make and one must gather materials from mobs and other sources. Hence, without hesitation, Bach sent Hekima to go seek materials for the rest of the day and by then, she will have completed the quest and earned the title of performer as well as the ability to open a shop.

  17. However, before Hekima could begin to play a piece that she liked, she was taken to the piano by Bach, her new musical mentor. Of course, Hekima was never really the best piano player. In fact, she had never really played the piano before in her entire life. She was about to complain to Bach but soon, the man insisted that she felt the keyboard. With a sigh, Hekima looked down at the grand piano and allowed her hands to move smoothly through the white and black keys as if she had already known how to play the piano. Music flew freely through the air and immediately, Bach jumped up in excitement. Apparently, she had musican's gift, able to play anything as long as they had experience with it and learning a new instrument was hilariously easy for her from what she heard from Bach. Maybe... Maybe I should change my career path once I get out of this game.

  18. Hekima, after obtaining Bach's approval, went ahead to the wall and picked up golden violin from the wall. Indeed, soon, after holding the expensive instrument for two minutes, she began to feel the feeling that she usually got when she touched an instrument. With a smile and a wave of instincts, she placed the instrument on her chin and began to play. At first, she didn't know what to play but soon, she realized that she was rusty and needed a warm-up. Immediately, she began to play possibly the hardest scales ever written. The name was c sharp minor and yet, despite her rust, she was able to play the scale perfectly with absolutely no mistake.

  19. Hekima smiled as she saw the mouths of the artist move. Indeed, she respects the man greatly and she considered him one of the most amazing musicians in the world despite the fact that he died with poverty. Despite this fact, there was no doubt that he was one of the world's greatest musicians. Or was that Mozart? She thought, already forgetting some of the things that she read. You know.... If that book used bigger font... I would've probably paid attention more. She thought and soon, redirected her attention to Bach. After conversing with the gifted musician, Hekima soon walked upstairs where she was immediately intrigued by the amount of expensive... Glorious musical instruments. This was what Hekima wanted her studio to be... And even though it might be hard for her to grind to this spot, she knew that to be unique player, she needed a method to be known and at the moment, the only option was for her to involve herself with music. 

  20. Hekima was stunned to see Bach in this game. Indeed, she had already known what the man looked like from the numerous "History of Music" games that she used to read for fun even though the font was pretty much the same as New Times Roman 6 on a nowadays Word Document. Yet, Hekima read one of those books each week and ended up finishing the whole series of books before the next week arrived. When was this? When she was about six or something? Yeah, it was a brilliant time of her life when she tried her hardest to seek out knowledge. Now, she was going to use that knowledge to seek out power in this game.

  21. Hekima sat down, noticing that no one around when she heard music coming from upstairs. As she listened carefully, she realized that it wasn't the classical music that she had expected to hear. Actually, it was rather the opposite. Indeed, she was very familiar with these music... Because every single song that appeared into her ears, she realized that they were all anime related songs... Each one occurred in an anime at some point. With a smile, Hekima looked back, realizing that someone was walking down from the stairs and with one glance, she recognized the ancient face. It was Bach, musician prodigy. Extraordinary musician and here he was... Standing in front of her.

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