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Posts posted by ACH1IVI

  1. Profile
    Username: ACH1IVI
    Real name: Achim Alex
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Height: 173 cm

    About: History/personality
    My parents are from germany, but they emigrated to japan when i was 14, so i lost all my old friends and we play many RPGs to stay connected. Time past by and we lost each other. In school i can not find many frinds so i spend the most time playing viedeo games. After the release of SAO i knew i need it! It looked just awesome!!

    Most times i play ego shooter, but i hope to find more connection other people and this is difficult in a game where you just run and shoot. SAO has a big social part so i can add maybe some friends with familiar intrists.

    At the day of the realise i slept in a tend to be one oof the first oner of SAO. It was fun to talk with the other campers about the game and dream of all the posibilitis. My hands were shaking when i buy it.

    The weeks before the realise i studyt much so my parents allowed me to truancy school for two weeks. So i can enjoy two weeks of gaming


    He allways sees the things how they reale are. So he would never use any energy for a futile situation. And he tries tonstay cool in every situation and do not fall in panic.


    He loves too play stretegy games like chess or RISK. He always thinks a lot before he make a move or answer, so many people think he is a little bit slow. Sometimes he is too bussy with his own plans so he do not know how to act if somebody differ from his plans.


    He loves silence and hates loud place, loud people and loud stuff. He hates when people talk to much about unneccecary things and always wants to get a quivk point. So he prefers to be alone where nobody anoise him.


    He is selfish. He uses people to get what he want. Afterwards he feels guilty but in a game of liefe or death you have to do what you have to do to stay alive. He always tries to get the collaterals as low as possible.


    If you want to meet him at 3:00pm you can come an hour later. He is annoied by people who can not arrive at time, but he arrives always later. It is not that he can not look at a clock, but he goes punctual to a meeting and arrives too late it is like a mystirium of the universe.


    He tries to compansite that the others annoys him with a lot of sarcastic special by too optimistic or pessimistic persons. If somone do not get his comments he always berated how stupid the others are. If others get sarcastic he feels affection.





    Weapon skills:
    »Two-Handed Straight Sword rank I

    • Two Handed Straight Sword

    • 10 Bread

    • 15 water

    • cloth


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