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Posts posted by Pyroth

  1. Eyes shifting between the two, Pyroth walked over to the table taking a seat. He smelled something sweet. "Is that tea?" he asked. Of course it was why even ask? Pyroth wondered. It had been a long time since he had had tea... Milkshakes were more his style. Though, he didn't know if they even existed in this game. "Are you okay?" He asked as she didn't look as if she was pleased at the moment. Did I do something wrong? He wondered to himself turning to the Male player raising an eyebrow. Then he turned back ripping a small pice of bread off of the loaf and eating it.

    Whoa... It tasted almost real, Pyroth let a confused look out onto his face looking down at the bread. Swallowing he looked up. Waiting for a conversation to start. He wasn't much for words. But he didn't want to sit in awkward silence with two strangers. Of course he didn't feel like initiating the conversation. The girl seemed too um... Sophisticated , While the guy seemed... Well not so much. Pyroth ripped another piece of bread off of the loaf eating it. Pyroth thought quickly about all the ways this conversation could go. Horribly, Good, Kinda Good Or Horrid... He caught the mans name at the end of the thought. 

    "So, Um... How are you, Both....?" he asked, It was his go to question in the real world whenever there was an awkward silence. He looked between the two. Questioning if his question was even a valid one to ask. They were trapped in a game eating virtual food. Talking to strangers. Probably all homesick just like him. It didn't help that every little thing reminded him of the real world. He wished he could go home already. But then he snapped back to reality. He asked the question it was best he heard the answer before getting lost in his own thoughts. Then he remembered he hadn't even told them his name... Well that could wait for now. Maybe...

  2. Pyroth wandered along the Woodland 2nd floor just outside of the settlement, when a crying NPC approached him. She was very erratic, "Help me! Help me please!" She bawled to him. "What?" Pyroth asked confused at what in the heck was going on. "Slow down... Explain." He said as calmly as he could. "Th- The- They took... They. They took-." She couldn't finish her sentences, whatever had happened she was broken up from it. It confused Pyroth. "Took what?" He asked. "I can't help you if you can't tell me what they took. Or who took it." The NPC started to cry louder, "The Monsters! They took my baby!" She yelled at him in a fit of tears as if he was the one not listening. "Okay, Calm down. I'll  see what I can do." Pyroth's journal lit up as soon as he finished his sentence. He swiped his hand in the air a few times opening up his Journal. Added quest. <<Let there be Light>> What? Pyroth asked himself. How did this start a quest... He asked himself as he walked to the cavern the waypoint had marked.

    Upon looking inside it was dark... very dark. It was almost pitch black. Pyroth swiped his hand to his Inventory. Come on... I don't think I even own a torch. Pyroth looked around... Sure would be helpful to find something that could light the way... Maybe he would just need to go it alone and in the dark... No... He was still level one... That would be a terrible Idea... He looked up to his health bar. 4/4 It still read. Such low health, If anything were to agro out here he would surely be a goner. What now? He thought to himself. Looking back in the direction of the crying mother. Even though she was part of the system he still felt bad. She was programed to suffer. More or less like the rest of the Non-NPCs in the game...


  3. Pyroth walked over to where the boar had shattered into light shards. He bent over and picked up a bit of Col, 10. "Nice." Pyroth also noticed a small tooth. Deciding to pick it up Pyroth bent down slowly examining it carefully. Maybe he could make something of it at some point. Or maybe he could get someone else to make something for him with it. Pyroth looked up, maybe he should attempt to fight something else. No, Just a few more maybe? Pyroth pocketed the new items to his inventory and got ready for the next fight. He had been untouched last fight. Hopefully he could keep it up.

     ID# 54477 results: LD: 15

    Items added:

    10 Col

    1 Materials


  4. Pyroth swung the dagger down as hard as he possibly could into the boar, A red dash marked its back and rear. A small puff was let out of its nose and then it shattered. "Ha, Stupid pig!" Pyroth yelled out. The battles were helping him get his anger out. But also doing something to his mind. He enjoyed it. More than he should. It was wrong on him, But he felt as if they deserved it. Though they were only MOBs somehow they deserved it. No. Not them, The system. The game. Everything in this world deserved it. Not just the Boars. They all needed to be gotten rid of.

     ID# 54474 results: Battle: 10 (1+2)

    Pyroth - HP: 4/4

    Boar - HP 0/2

  5. Back in town Pyroth had just got finished going to fight a few boars, He wished he had killed more. It was truly a treat to watch them explode into tiny shards of light. But for some odd reason it make him a bit hungry... He had some bread and water in his inventory but he wanted to sit down. Looking around he wandered the streets of the town, jumping over the water fountain pyroth looked down at his feet watching as he quickly glided over it. Then the impact from the ground. It had been a while in the game but he couldn't get use to how real it felt.

    Upon impact Pyroth looked up seeing a bakery sign, Pyroth waved his hand in the air opening his hud. "Yup... for sure a bakery. He said as he looked under the image of the sign and in small white text it said "Bakery" Closing his hud the word disappeared. That also meant that the bakery was NPC ran. Walking in Pyroth looked around, There was a man leaning against a counter roughly his height. But maybe a few years older. There was also a girl, shorter. About his age. They seemed to be in conversation so Pyroth approached the NPC "Bread." He said in a cold tone laying down some Col. He wasn't much for other people and conversation. He didn't want to spark anything up that he didn't have to.

    Once the bread was handed to him he looked around the bakery. It was just them. He wondered was it best to ignore them and go back to hunting. Or should he attempt some socializing. He couldn't do everything alone... Or could he? Would it be better if he did? He paused for a moment. He knew he was going to regret it. Pivoting on his foot he turned to the two others. "Little empty, Mind if I join you two?".  There he went, Getting himself into situations he wouldn't be able to control again.

  6. The boar turned to face Pyroth breathing out in heavy puffs. "What? Tired already?" Pyroth mocked as he got ready for another charge. The boar put down its hoof digging it into the ground then attempted to charge "Gotta be faster!" Pyroth said as he attempted to slash and dodge at the same time. It didn't work out for him so well, He simply didn't hit the Boar. Maybe there was a better way? Be more aggressive? He wondered to himself as he got ready to attack it form behind. "Don't go moving now!" Pyroth joked as he attempted to ready himself. 

     ID# 54360 results: BD: 2 MD: 4

    Pyroth - HP: 4/4

    Boar - HP 1/2

  7. "Come on!" Pyroth Screamed at the boar before racing to attack it again, Upon reaching it. Pyroth slashed its side and turned to face it. "You're finished." Pyroth said as he laughed,  as it attempted to ram his leg. In response Pyroth jumped over it to face it again on the other side. His thoughts were suddenly flooded with a wave of emotion. He wasn't fighting for himself. He was fighting for the people on the outside. Just as they fought for the people on the inside. He couldn't assume they were going to solve the problem. He had to fight on the inside too. That was the best way to finish this.

     ID# 54357 results: BD: 7 (1) MD: 2 

    Pyroth - HP: 4/4

    Boar - HP 1/2

  8. Moving to the next group Pyroth felt a strange feeling in his gut, He decided to charge attacking first, He swung but missed, Immediately dodging the incoming boar ahead by diving over it and springing into stance, he pivoted on his foot to face it. "Come on! You saw what I did to your buddy!" Pyroth yelled in a mocking tone attempting to anger the beast. Though it was only an NPC he felt as if he could make it feel the way he did. Angry, Confused, Humored and Saddened all at the same time by the cruel fate it would be dealt. It was angering him slightly that there was no response, not even a squeal from the small boar.

     ID# 54356 results: BD: 2 MD: 3

    Pyroth - HP: 4/4

    Boar - HP: 2/2

  9. In a state of awe Pyroth stepped back. It wasn't the first time he had ever killed something in the game, But something got him this time... Something seemed to seep its way in unlike the others. It felt right. It felt as if he was getting back at the game for taking his family away from him. It felt dark, Mostly sad. Deep down he wanted to kill more. He wanted to be on the front lines like the rest of them. He wanted to kill the screw ball that locked him into the game in the first place. Once he was out. Once he was free... Pyroth promised himself he would work to the best he could to help the effort of getting out. Nothing would get in his way. But for now. Now it was time to collect. Pyroth walked over to where the boar remained. "Nothing..." he muttered to himself. As he started walking again to the next group ahead.

     ID# 54355 results: LD: 1

    Regen HP: +3, 4/4

  10. Pyroth - HP: 4/4 DMG: 1 EN: 1/1 MIT: 0

    Boar - HP: 2/2 DMG: 1 MIT: 0

    Before the Pyroth has a chance to make sure everything was ready the Boar charged him, Pyroth realized this at last moment and attempted to jump out of the way, His leg was caught with a tusk laying a red gash mark across his leg "Ahhhh!" Pyroth yelled as he moved as quickly as he could tucking and rolling then popping back into a readied stance with his dagger drawn "I wasn't ready yet!" He yelled as he slashed its rear end. "Ha! Stupid piggy! Take that!" He yelled as he jumped backward as the boar tipped over Shattering into what seemed like a million pieces... the death in this game... It was so... So... Beautiful. Deceiving is what it was... Nothing like the outside world. 

     ID# 54348 results: MD: 7 (1) BD:9 (1+1) 

    Pyroth - HP: 3/4

    Boar - HP: 0/2 (Dead)

  11. Pyroth laid under a tree, Alone in the best mood he could be. It was peaceful in this moment. Birds chirping the wind blowing the leaves on the trees, the warmth of the sun on his face. This was a perfect moment. This is what the game should have been. Not the deathtrap it is now. That thought in his mind Pyroth stood, he walked a few steps and stretched out it was time to do some leveling, no use in wasting time. Pyroth started walking along the fence line swiping his hand around in the air getting use to his hud. He adjusted his hud a little so his Health bar would always be a main attention. But it was time to test the new hud out. Pyroth reached his destination, A few boars out in the field. "Here we go baby." Pyroth cracked his neck. "Come here piggies!" He laughed as prepared for combat. Swiping his hand around making sure he had all of his current equipment equipped.

  12. "Gah!" Pyroth let out as he did a small jump as to because he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He was more tuned to what he was going to collect. "Sorry, Scared me." He said as he started to come back to the real world. Well... not the real world. But his new world... "Just starting a quest. Little new to the whole taking action thing." Pyroth chuckled as he examined the player he was now facing. "Care to help a Noob out?" He joked. "I would be thankful." Pyroth smiled a bit as he swiped his finger across the screen opening his Quest. "Just need to collect materials." Pyroth swiped his hand again to close the window in his hud. He then looked down to his shoes, then back up at the player. "What do you say? Help a noob out?"

  13. Pyroth looked to a group In a conversation, He felt as if he should attempt to make some friends this was his real world now. Maybe meeting some people would be good for him? Then again did he really want to meet people. It could be a waste... But, he needed allies if he was ever to get anywhere in this world. He couldn't solo everything. It could get him killed. Maybe just meeting them would be good for now. Work on allies later. Now it was time to make acquaintances. Pyroth attempted to approach them. Then stopped about half way. "Hey." he said Awkwardly as he approached hopping he wasn't interrupting things.

  14. Pyroth jumped at the words he hadn't realized anyone was watching him. He spun around to face her at lightning speed "No! I'm fine." Then he was facing her he opened his eyes a bit wide surprised at her outfit but decided not to comment on it. "Um. I, I Um. I'm sorry you just scared me. Actually I'm not one to regularly ask but uh... Could you help me?" He looked back at the boar. "So I just run at it right? It will agro.. And then I can kill it?" He asked taking a few steps toward the girl, Who was now about 5 Feet away.

    Pyroth had a somewhat confused expression on his face. He wished he could do it without asking but finding out he wasn't in a game changed everything. Why would he put his life on the line because he cant figure out how to swing a weapon. Better safe then sorry. At least thats what his father would say. Pyroth decided to ask the girl questions before he did anything stupid to the 2 boars ahead of him.

  15. Pyroth paused... All he has was this tiny little dagger and he was suppose to go out and kill things... This game had become real life, Did it matter his ability in real life combat or was this all through the game? Pyroth let out a small chuckle. "Guess I will find out." Pyroth took off sprinting into the field. It was time to do something. Pyroth quickly made a list in his mind.

    - Kill

    - Loot

    - Sell

    - Buy

    Those were the steps he had to follow. But that would only be the beginning, He needed to do so much more. But one step at a time. One small step at a time. Pyroth stopped upon approaching some small Boars. "Piggies." Pyroth chuckled drawing his knife in a quick motion flipping it around all of his knuckles. "Let's get cookin', Okay that was bad..." Pyroth admitted to himself still smiling. He took a few steps around the mobs. He wasn't sure exactly how to start combat. "Swing at them?" He questioned aloud. He then looked down at the Dagger. "Here we go!" He said starting to run his way toward them.

  16. @Greg Baxen @Grave

    Description: Every player, to survive in this death game, must make some form of Col. For some, they just hunt mobs. For others, they may earn a living and take up a profession. may meet During your search for a profession you meet a friendly NPC who will train you with your profession. You will have to material hunt and craft your item, or receive a free basic item from the NPC (such as an instrument or fishing rod for performers or fishermen.) Profession options and guides can be found here

    It was time to move on, this starting town had gotten sickening to Pyroth due to the fact that he was getting nowhere by standing around and doing nothing. It was time for him to start moving onto bigger things. This was a world where risk was rewarded. Time to get off his lazy butt. Pyroth swiped his finger in the air opening his Inventory. Just the basics food, water... And a Starter Dagger equipped to his side along with his casual clothing. It was time to go collect things, but he had no idea what to collect. Then he remember overhearing others about choosing a Profession. Maybe that was somewhere to start? Would it be worth it? Well the only way to find out is to attempt it. "Lets get this over with." Pyroth whispered to himself. Heading over into the direction of town they were. Pausing he looked at his options. "Tailor. Blacksmith. Artisan. Performer. Alchemist. Merchant. Fisherman. Cook. Oh boy thats choices... Guess I'll will go with Alchemist and see where it gets me..." Pyroth mumbled as he walked over. The Alchemist gave a long boring speech that Pyroth paid no attention to, Then a ding went off in Pyroth's Journal activating the quest. Pyroth started walking out too the feilds, he was going to collect plants...Maybe a few weird things.... This was a video game after all.

  17. Username: Pyroth

    Real name: Jake Highborn

    Age: Seven-Teen

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6’2




    • History/About:

    That moment… “Link Start.” Those words… They echoed through his head, those words changed his life forever. He told his mother he would play only a few minutes before dinner…A new game… Only a few minutes. Only if he knew. Only if he would have realized. Only if. But he couldn’t have known. Now all they did was try to get out. People didn’t realize that they were already dead. It didn’t matter if they tried or not. It didn’t matter if they did their best. A joke it all was. But who would have thought right? Who would have known that this is what it would come to. Twirling a dagger around his fingers in some Tavern of some low level city he never cared to learn the name of.


    Remembering was painful… But it could never escape his mind the way his sister Sollstia would make strawberry milkshakes. The sweet taste in his mouth, even when he called her names. His little sister was always there for him. His mother’s cooking, How bad he missed the actual taste of food, Traditional home meals were something his mother absolutely couldn’t live without. She had everyone join together at the table and eat discussing their day, And more. Missing it was only normal… Pyroth missed his fathers strong voice, Harsh but loving. Always sheltering him from the outside world. Everything that could hurt him… He was protected. But, It would never stop hurting. Ever. He needed to get back to them, But what use was he if he got himself killed he would be gone forever. He would never be able to go back to his home, He would never be able to see them again. The thought ran through his head a few times. “Never again.” He would never see them again if he sat around and did nothing either. It was time to grow up and find a way out of this “Game.”




    • Virtues:

    Determination, Once he makes up his mind about something his mind is made up there is no point in trying to persuade him otherwise. He has a strong will to work for what he wants or needs. He tries his best to do what he can for things he has determined himself to.


    Empathetic, Pyroth has a strange sense of empathy for others. When they are In need he will often offer a helping hand without expecting a payment or a favor in return. Though he may judge them while doing so he tries to be of a help if he can. He is also empathetic in a sense that he often feels sorry for someone who has it rougher than him in life, if he realizes that the person may have it worse off he will attempt yo help them in the best why he can.


    Loyal, Loyalty is something that is gained through trust and time. To Pyroth this is something that is of the highest regard though sometimes confused if two friends are fighting Pyroth can be a good friend and a loyal one. “Betrayal is a once in a lifetime choice.” Was something his school teacher had always said in class when speaking of traitors in history.


    Self Sacrificial, Pyroth is willing to do the best he can for others if he thinks they truly need it even if it means that he must go without or needs to suffer from it. Pyroth will put himself in the way if anything bad were to happen to his friends. He would take the fall for them in both cases of Law and Death.




    • Flaws:

    Hypocritical, Pyroth is A hypocrite because he holds all to the standard of being nice to one another and treating one as you wish to be treated. This is a false reality because he doesn’t treat others in that way. Pyroth does what he wants to because he feels he has the right to. That being a variety of things. But if others acted as he did he may make Sarcastic or Joking comments on how they behave. 


    General trust Issues, Pyroth has general trust issues because despite the fact that he holds everyone to a standard of being nice, thats not how the world works and he realizes this, He distrust people because they have a free will to break his standard though he likes this free will he finds it quite annoying because people don’t have to listen to him, nor do they chose to.


    Judgmental, Being judgmental was a trait passed onto Pyroth by his father, He often finds that he doesn’t like people because of they way they look or sound until he later learns their personality. He would never admit this problem because he doesn’t like to acknowledge he has it. Often times it can get him into sticky situations or problems that he just makes worse for himself.


    Blunt or Rude, Naturally sometimes Pyroth can be a bit of a jerk. He sometimes takes his sarcasm to a rude level to make a point. Being overly blunt about things can sometimes repent people from him. At times he thinks others are stupid or just being slow and most of the time it because they have different Ideals then he does.


    Stubborn, Pyroth is very headstrong and stubborn. Once he makes up his mind about something his mind is made up there is no point in trying to persuade him otherwise. This can get him in trouble because he will choose not to listen even when people are telling him these things for his own safety. This is one of his most dangerous flaws.


    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)



    Passive Skills :

    Weapon Skills :

    One-Handed Dagger:

    5 Ranks (Rank 1 - 5SP)


    The effectiveness with which a player can use knives and daggers. (Example: Pugio, Stilleto)


    Armor Skills:




    Starter Dagger

    10 Bread

    15 Water

    Simple Clothing




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