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Posts posted by Dreamer

  1. Dreamer held herself in a weird position sitting on the tree. Meh, I liked the band My chemical romance when i was young. They attempted to slit my throat when i set it as an alarm, but my brothers sang along every morning and my sisters ALWAYS listened to that crap, One Direction was it? She laughed at the morning memories. Yes, She was poor but her family always had been so fun. 

  2. They despised me. She muttered and suddenly a grin came upon her face. She stood up on the branch she was on. She opened her mouth and started shouting the song that made her sisters despise her. WE ALL GO TO HELLL she repeated this line for a minute and looked down to see woman, children and men staring at the strange girl on a branch. She turned red but stuck her tongue out at the people. When everybody went back to their daily lives, Dreamer sat back down. And THAT Gaster, is what made my sisters hate me. 

  3. Dreamer saw a butterfly. She LOVED butterflies. She chased after it and fell on the grass laughing. At some point she started to dance, realizing what she did, stopped andput a serious face on. What better way to be serious, Then meet new people! She ran towards a bench, two older men sat there. Hello, Hi there! She rushed and ran other benches. When someone whispered to their friend and laughed, Dreamer felt it was impossible to be serious, and she would never be able to do anything with herself. When she turned to be an adult, she vowed she would explore the world. THIS WAS NOT EXPLORING THE WORLD! She sank down to her knees. 


    I'm so useless....No wonder I have no job, or friends, or a life...She sat under a tree that was swaying side to side, and she listened to the peace. 

  4. Dreamers felt droopy. That's a sad childhood...I should tell you mine. I had three brothers and two sisters. I was kicked out of school, so I was homeschooled. I never really concentrated. I was brought up by my brothers, to be a boy. My sisters despised me. She giggled at the memories and didn't get sad thinking of them. She would have moved out months ago because she turned 18, but she didn't get around to buying an apartment.

  5. She tilted her head, and a silly face overcame her porcelain skin. okay, SCAREDY CAT, you can sit there, just tell me more about your life, like family,  and i will tell you mine. She swung around on the tree humming a silly song that was released when she was a child. She waited for the man's answer. She then though about what she was going to say after he said his answer.

  6. Out of breath, Dreamer plopped herself under the shade of an overgrown tree. She thought about her home, and how she always listened to a certain band. She hummed the tunes she remembered. Then she stood up. She realized she was being too harsh to the little boy. Of course if you're in sword art online and a child, alone, you'll want to fight monsters to prove to the older people you were brave and strong. She followed the small footsteps that led to where another man was talking to the boy, asking him a question. She stood behind the man and coughed, signalling that she wanted to speak to him. 

  7. Dreamer sat up and saw a young child run past. Thanks for talking to me, But I can't let little brats take over sword art online. She immediately got up and ran off towards the kid. She turned, out of breath and saw a figure running towards the child Must be a shop owner...She panted. She soon caught up with the brat and grabbed him. 'No! I need this, You know...To fight monsters!' He yelled. You're too young to be fighting! She shouted at the innocent boy. She grabbed the dagger and gave it back to the man. The she turned her face back to the boy. Don't let me catch you doing this again. He ran off. 

  8. Well...I think....I'm uncomfortable, If you know what I mean? Maybe some more space is needed. Follow me. Dreamer said to the person beside her. There was a tree somewhere across the town that she ran to. She expected the man to follow and she climbed the trees. At some point her heel of her boot almost broke but luckily it didn't. She reached the top branch and cheered. Her brothers taught her to climb trees and she loved to climb to the tip of this particular tree. 

  9. Dreamer heard a kind voice speaking to her and looked up. Being the aggressive person she was, she wiped her eyes and scowled. I'm fine! why the actual heck would you think I, Valentina Abrovm- I mean Dreamer, Would be a crybaby? She looked at the persons face and though he looked kind. her face turned into a frown. I kept falling while dancing....They started laughing at me, and now i just want to give up dancing...Her face dug into her knees once again but she didn't dare cry in front of strangers. 

  10. He never told us...But the remaining looked like he was building some kind of tree thing that watered itself. She replied. Are you uncomfortable? Sorry, I'm not used to human contact. She muttered and Moved away. She stayed quiet for a while, Even if the man said anything. She was thinking about everything that had happened, from the death game to the bench.

  11. Dreamer bit a lip. An inventor? She knew an inventor. Her oldest brother, and her kindest brother. He taught her all the things she knew. My brother....He was an inventor....Until...The experiment went...wrong. She stumbled along her words. Her brother was dead. The chemicals in n invention exploded and got in his lungs, killing him before he could run.

  12. No...I can't do anything...I'm pretty useless.. Dreamer said. She was never optimistic about herself. In fact, She was almost never optimistic even when she felt she had to, mostly because she never spoke to anybody. She though for a while and decided maybe she should go to an inn. It was getting pretty dark in the town. At the same time she didn't want to leave and wanted to learn more about the person next to her. May I ask...She took a deep breath What are you doing in sword art online? Also what's your story?

  13. Dreamer was bored on the streets one day and realized she had heard two women talking about a wedding that day. They weren't going but Dreamer instantly Knew she had to go, especially to meet new people and have fun. At the last minute she ran into the shop where the ceremony was going to be held. She ran in and went to where the wedding was and waited for it to happen, Hopefully nobody noticed or cared she was late! 

  14. Dreamer had pulled her knees up and had her face buried in the top of her sharp knees. She faced her head up and wiped her eyes. She looked at the girl who laughed at her once more and saw the girl was telling all her friends and they fell on the floor laughing. I am Officially DONE with all that crap,and I hope that girl and her friends fall into a pit of flames and then their souls will not go to heaven, but down to hell and then they will be killed in hell. Dreamer had insanely said all those thoughts out loud and many woman and men were looking at her like she was crazy, which she was, and then a young girl ran to the dancing girl. The dancing girl picked her up, and Dreamer glared at both and saw a young man staring at her. She glared at him to. 

  15. Dreamer heard him almost say Valentina. She stopped and looked to him. I don't want to be called Valentina because the name has haunting memories, such as the fact my parents always screamed it when they beat me Dreamer stopped and stared to space again. The real reason her grandmother, Who she was so close to passed away on Her birthday. Her father pretty much blamed her for the death and beat her even more. 

  16. So, Of all Benches in the town of beginnings, why choose this one? Dreamer asked the mysterious man, Once in a while she caught him catching a glance. She knew he was trying to keep himself to him, she once did that. She reflected on all her memories and decided she quite liked being in this death game. Other innocent people, such as the man beside her, Might not have liked it, but Dreamer was NOT innocent. She was always in trouble and once in a while, drunk while being 16.She turned back to the man after all those memories hit her and decided to give a proper introduction.

    Hi there, My name is actually Valentina, but you have no right to call me that. Call me my username, Dreamer. 

  17. Dreamer's eyes went big and she froze. Um...Hello.... In this world she couldn't manipulate strangers, They were too clever or else she would be banned if reported. She started blinking again and relaxed her shoulders, and just stared into space. She though about how people never knew what other people though and that sometimes she wished they did.

  18. Dreamer sat on a town bench with her legs crossed. She was looking around and laughing at little children running around. She looked at disgust at the women who had a perfect body and perfect face. At some point she got up and pushed one over. The woman ran away, clearly afraid. Whenever someone sat down beside her, she walked away to a different bench.She saw a man window shopping and prayed he WOULDN'T sit down beside her. 

  19. Dreamer was dancing around when she heard Mysterious music. She heard thumping of feet but couldn't find out who it was. Soon she saw a girl who was amazing at dancing. Dreamer attempted to do that type of dancing but kept falling. The girl turned around and laughed meanly at Dreamer. Dreamer was hurt and sat on a bench. She vowed to never dance again because she couldn't beat everybody else. 'I'm done with dancing...' She mumbled with her head down.

  20.                                                                                                               Dreamer.


                                                                            Basic Profile     

                                                                                                                           Username: Dreamer     

                                                                                                                           Real name: Valentina Abrovm 

                                                                                                                           Age: 18                                                                                  


                                                                                                                         Gender: Female



                                                                 Dreamer, Or Valentina Has porcelain skin, That can be burnt quite easily So she has to be careful. She had short, Brown hair but without her mothers Permission to change her hair, added extensions, dyed her hair white and dipped the ends pink. She has huge curls at the ends. She wears a sleeveless top that's pink and white and held to her neck with a cream/green net. She has a white collar and a black and pink choker. She has a pink and black skirt with a blue arrow top rim. Wrapped around her arms and down her back is blue net cape with a black top. She has gloveless gloves that are black and pink. She has long light pink stockings up to her thighs. She has black and pink heel boots covering most of her thighs. She has pink eyes and a button nose, with a headband in her hair.    


    Valentina has quite a manipulating personality. she acts all innocent at times but can have a dangerous side. Her eyes are fairly big, resulting her to flash them and expects to be treated like a queen. She treated her parents like servants and she's quite arrogant, but past all the arrogance, she can be quite lovable. She is loyal to her friends and if she or her friends get harassed or something like that, She will attack that person. Overall she is pretty lovable if you get past all her bad spots. 


    As a young girl, Valentina's brothers taught her manipulation.She used it in class, resulting in her getting boys lunches. Soon the headmistress found out and expelled her for manipulation. No school would take her, so her parents decided to teach her at home. Her mother gave up her job as a nurse, meaning less money was coming in. She soon became less interested and her family became poor. They moved to quite a small apartment, especially for 3 boys and 2 girls, not including parents. Valentina started going out to pubs more and ended up underaged drinking. She came home drunk often and her parents would beat her, even if it was illegal. After talking to psychologist she became sober. She grew closer to boys more then girls, often making fun of her own gender. Her brothers played video games a lot. She was never allowed play. One day all her brothers were out and her sisters were doing hair and make up, she stole the nerve gear and sword art online and started playing, before her brothers of course. 


           0488f8fe312c17624c19e40bf4c33694.jpg                                                                                                                                                                         fa924f996c25d42a3efb2a9e745637e413791281


                                                                                                     Manipulative: This is virtue and flaw. For it to be a virtue, She is very good at manipulative actions, It is good for her to get what she wants,

                                                                                                     Usually she gets what she wants or else ends up have a hissy fit. The person usually does what it is even if it is hard and awful.                  

                                                               Commitment: Apart from school work, valentina has a promise in her big heart if she starts something and to finish something. If she starts a video                                                                  game she will not start a new one until the current game, meaning she never really played much games since there was 3 boys, 1 girl and 1 television                                                              in the apartment. 

                                                               Beauty: Valentina has a beautiful sense of style, inside and out. Her personality is kind if you are her close friend and outside of her heart she has a                                                                  beautiful face and sense of clothing. She puts her soul into looking presentable, even just to play video games with her brothers. Her brothers don't                                                                 understand it but her sisters do. at some  point in her life, she asked her sisters for a makeover. They declined. 


                                                                 Childish: Growing up with 2 younger brothers and an older brother who were quite childish, she gained the habit of being childish. If she doesn't get                                                                   her own way, bam, temper tantrum, chocolate or anything messy, bam, all over her. Just like a child. 

                                                                 Clumsy: Never trust Valentina with glass or something valuable/delicate or else she will drop it and then maybe fall on glass or fall and bang her head.                                                               It is actually quite frustrating since you cannot trust her with anything. and then of course she's clumsy with words and feelings, meaning her to take                                                                 speech therapy and hurt people's feelings. 

                                                                 Glutton: Growing up in a house of boys and girls is hard. The girls eat their food nicely but her older brother taught her to eat it like a pig and not to                                                                   care about anything else other then food. She adores food and plans to marry it. She also eats food like a pig.





    Most likely future blacksmith. 




    Total Skill Points Used: 5

    Total Skill Points Unused: 0

    Total Skill Points Gained: 5




    â™› Athletics ~ Locked / 0 Skill Points invested


    ♕ Precision ~ Locked / 0 Skill Points invested


    â™› Search and Detect ~ Locked Rank 0 / 0 Skill Points invested


    ♕ Extended Weight Limit ~ Locked / Rank 0 / 0 Skill Points invested





    â™› Battle Healing ~ Locked, Rank 0 / 0 Skill Points invested


    ♕ Parry ~ Locked / 0 Skill Points invested


    Charge ~ Locked / Rank 0 / 0 Skill Points invested


    Weapon Skills


    â™› One-handed Curved Sword ~ Unlocked Rank 1 


    Armor Skills


    â™› Light Armor ~ Locked / Rank 0 / 0 Skill Points invested






    Bread x10 

    Water x15





    Plain Rapier












                                                                                    STORY THUS FAR


    Stuck in sword art online. 

    4 hp.



    the last dance- Ronin, Khrysaor, Lee-song-fang, Hydra. In progress

    Taking time-Gaster. In progress


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