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Status Updates posted by Joker

  1. Evening citizens of SAO-RPG. Self proclaimed "Prince of Crime" here. Anyone wanna walk Mr. J through the basics of GGO?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Harley Quinn

      Harley Quinn

      Kinda hard to string him up!! WHEN HE IS MOVING ALL OVA THE PLACE, PUDDIN! -calms down- :D 

    3. Joker


      -sighs and rubs temples- Must I do everything myself? Honestly Harley, what do I pay you for? 

    4. Harley Quinn

      Harley Quinn

      I'm sexy and ya know it! Clap your hands! :D 

  2. You make one joke in Skype and everyone laughs...

    You post it as a status, and everyone loses their minds...

    1. Harley Quinn
    2. Joker


      Harley, darling, how are you?

    3. Harley Quinn

      Harley Quinn

      Oy! Mista J!! Ya know me! Always have a smile on my face! :D 

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