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Posts posted by kidjab

  1. 43528.jpg

    Username: Aegisa
    Real name: Eden Janno
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'3"

    About: History/personality

    Eden was born in a small town not far from the onslaught of constant technological advances in the world. As such she was adept in most things technology and her parents worked for the many companies in the region as consultants. Eden didn't see her parents much due to this and grew up mostly on her own. Having to learn how to cook and take care of her self she also had to teach her self how to protect herself.
    During a long walk from school during her high school years she came across some hooligans harassing a young girl, without hesitation Eden ran over brandishing what ever she could find at the time. she swung wildly and with the intent to kill. It wasn't something she thought about having stayed mostly to herself human life wasn't something that she saw as sacred.  That all to slowly change as the young lady she saved became her best friend, Yumi was her name. Yumi taught Eden to be more gentle. Her ferocity never changed but Eden began to have a soft spot for Yumi.  They became closer over the years and with the introduction of the Nerve Gear and Yumi's persistence Eden dived into the world of SAO.



    Aegisa is known for her strong convictions. Being stalwart and without give in her morals and decisions she makes good on her promises. This has also led her to be known for going the extra mile to keep to her word. Aegisa is rather one track minded once her heart is set on something.


    Being born into a family that lacked strong bonds Aegisa is very protective of her friends and those she deems worthy of love and kindness. She will sacrifice of herself both bodily and monetarily to make sure those around her are taken care of. Aegisa has always been the kind of girl to protect what she cares about even to the point of martyrdom.


    Aeigsa  is an optimist and trys to see the silver lining in most things. This view of the world is sometimes unrealistic and impractical. But staying true to her fierce nature Aegisa is guided more by ideals than by practicality, an endearing trait that draws people towards her like wild fire.



    Aegisa although protective and warm when those she cares for are hurt in anyway she can become rather spiteful. She is known for holding grudges both in the real world as well as in the game. Do not cross her or you may find yourself at the end of her rage.


    Aegisa has no sense of humor it takes rather a lot to make her laugh. People can't get pass her serious exterior and feel drained when around her. Her serious nature is born from years of having to grow up too fast. That being said she takes most things rather literally.


    Aegisa cannot resist helping someone in trouble or suffering, and often doesn't think of the repercussions or situation before doing so. She has been put in more than one bad situation in her life because her soft spot for tears makes her rather gullible. Aegisa's moral compass can be manipulated sometimes due to her being nothing but a big teddy bear on the inside.




    Weapon skills:


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