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Posts posted by Shinzoku

  1. Listening to Aya’s response, I can feel the twitch of my lips as I nod with approval. “I suppose you’re right, to learn what they are about before committing to anything.” I reply as the purple haired girl finishes speaking. A small chinking comes from the side of me as the coffee and green tea arrive. Bowing my head in thanks to the NPC I take the coffee and slide it over to Aya, “You didn’t think I ordered both for myself now?” I pause as I take a sip of my tea, the steam wafting up my face and over my eyes. My natural instincts take over and I begin to blink rapidly in quick succession before pulling my head out of the steam. Letting out a breath I meet the girl’s gaze once again. “I was curious that was all, there are many guilds out there. The most prominent being the Knights of the Blood Oath it seems.”

    Raising the cup to my mouth I blow on the steam for a moment, trying to steer the swirl of thoughts that I was having. “In this game, in order to survive a guild is the best way to do that. A solo player’s life isn’t an easy one from what I understand.” A loud thud comes from the door to the inn, I glance up to see a burly red haired man entering the Hog’s Back Inn, shrugging I return to my conversation. “I am thinking of joining a guild but I wouldn’t know where to start, what about yourself has anyone approached you about membership?”

  2. My eyes are trained on the boar. The wind gently taking several strands of hair past my face. Breathing slowly I let out a long breath as the boar charges towards me. Bringing my blade round I parry the boar’s attack the blade locking into its tusks. As we tussled back and forth, a blonde haired player pushed his way towards me.

    “My death?” I looked at Oikawa and then around to the other players. I take a couple of steps backwards. Narrowing my eyes as the two handed weapon and then across to the blonde’s face I nod. “Thank you, you’re the one who kept an eye on X when he followed myself and my friend a few weeks ago were you not?”

    As a few more players appeared I looked around before looking back down at the boar that the blonde had forced his way further in between. “Thank you.” I manage to say after taking in the scene. A few steps to the side as I prepare to flank the creature.

     ID: 67070

    BD: 4 - Missed
    CD: 2
    LD: 7
    MD: 3 - Missed

    Shinzoku: 80/80
       Energy: 6/8

    Boar: 4/4

    DMG: 10 MIT: 1

  3. Ronin’s Back

    Settled outside of Delilah village on the third floor, a small hamlet could be seen. The rise that was on the mound. There was a white clay wall with a gnarled wooden gate that could be entered into a covered courtyard. In around the courtyard a variety of plants were spread about with a few rocks. In the centre is a statue of a man wielding a katana. His hair curling down and around his body, turning into a fox as it touches the water at the statue’s feet. Behind the statue lies the main doors to the building, opening into a single room where many a bolt of fabric and hide of leather can be seen. A man with black hair is settled on a pillow sipping from a stone cup. Placing it down he looks up at you inclining his head. “How might I aid you?”

    Tailor: Rank 1

    +1 CD, 3 Crafts Per Day, +1 EXP per craft, 0/20 EXP

    CD Results:


    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-4] = Fail (Lose materials)
    [5-7] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)

    [8-9] = Good item  
    [10] = Uncommon item 
    (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    Equipped Items:



    Item: Clay Sewing
    Item Type: Miniature Masterpiece
    Quality:  Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 Crafting Attempt a Day
    Description: A small clay statue of a sewing machine

    Item: Masterful Tailor
    Item Type:  Project
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 EXP When Crafting
    Description: A painting of a tailor creating a masterpiece.

    Item: Tailor’s Bracelet
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 CD to Crafts
    Description: A woven silver band, said to help increase crafting




    Custom Order Template:



    Name: (give it a name. What's the item called? What is it?)

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: (the dice ID)

    Roll: (what did you roll on the crafting die?)

    Item Type: (using cook as example, pick something from the bolded list in the profession guides... such as snacks, desserts, meals, or feast.)
    Tier: (Self-explanatory)

    Quality: (Uncommon, rare, perfect. Anything below does not need to be approved)

    Enhancements: (Self-explanatory) Can be found -here-

    Description: (Just a fluffy description.)

    Post Link: (Self-Explanatory)






    Tier x Item Cost

    Good Item: 400 Col – 1 Materials

    Uncommon Item: 800 Col – 2 Materials

    Rare Item: 1200 Col – 3 Materials

    Perfect Item: 1600 – 4 Materials



  4. Inclining my head to Aya, my own eyes meeting hers. “Knights of the Blood Oath…” My fingers drum rapidly on the table in front of me. I stop gently folding my hands amongst each other looking up at the waitress her came nearby. “Could I have a coffee and a green tea please.” I ask her quickly before turning my attention back to more important matters at hand. Chuckling at Aya’s description of X. “You’re right there is much to be desired by the boy’s singing. However, I do believe he is mostly innocent.”

    Taking a few breaths, I close my eyes for several seconds before reopening them. “The orange player seemed genuine enough. I’d hazard my guesses he turned orange through the quest on the fifth floor.” I stop talking my mouth feeling dry, “Is it worth risking everything for this? I’ll never know.” Slowly I take a deep breath before continuing to speak. “Aya, what would you do if you were scouted by a guild?” I let my lips fall shut, my ice likes eyes piercing at the woman.

  5. I heard a small ping, quickly opening up my menu I glance over the girl’s reply before dismissing the interactive display. “The Hogsback Inn.” I muse quietly, even as my mind is shouting louder than the sound of gunfire to me. “You really want to meet this girl here? You know things never go well with girls. Just look at what happened to your mother.” My face grimaced as the door opened to the Inn and Aya slid into the chair in front of me. “H-Hi.” I stumbled in reply gripping my hands tighter together. “Had she seen me in that state?” “You ok?” The next question out of Aya’s mouth caused a shiver to run down my spine. “Just about Aya, it’s been a long day.” I said offering her a smile, “What do you make of all that? The various players we met today? That Rain person and the Knights of the Blood Oath?”

  6. I looked across to Cygnus nodding. “Lets.” I reply. Following the man as he rounded the corner. My feet were falling hard against the cobble-stoned floor as I left the serene garden where I had been training not too long ago. Slowly I made my way back into the bigger hustle and bustle of the city. Spotting a café where I had been several times I step through into it, my eyes going straight to a white haired boy sat opposite a blonde boy. Turning to Cygnus I extend my hand, “Shall we take a seat and see what they do?” Pointing to the waitress who had just placed two green teas on the table. “Perhaps,” I began, “They won't be doing much to each other.” I finished hopefully. Then a voice inside my head echoed through my mind it belonged to my mother. “Don't be stupid Shinzoku, they're boys, they always brawl.” Letting out a heavy sigh, I speak to Cygnus a touch louder, “I guess we can hope but... Boys, are boys we were them ourselves at one point.”

  7. As he grasped my hand I nodded at the blue haired player. “So Calrex,” I began pausing for a moment to take a sip of the coffee that was in front of me. “What brings you down to this floor?” As my eyes glanced over him I made a small 'hm' sound. “Shinzoku... Watch yourself, he's a much higher level.” Pressing my hands together I leant onto the table my eyes focused on the coffee that had some white froth on top that was swirling around. “I mean, I can tell you've easily seen quite a few fights. The gait of your walk.”

    You wouldn't happen to be a front liner would you?” I asked my voice going quiet at the very end. Glancing up to his crystal I could tell from the green gem that he wasn't a player killer. “I'm sorry, that was rude of me to ask. Please let me get you a drink for my rudeness.” Raising a hand I beckoned the waitress over, gesturing to the man sat with me.


  8. My feet padded along the ground of floor thirteen as I made my way to the famed Artisan’s shop. I had heard rumours, the thought of which sent shivers down my spine. Had she really killed people? The building started to come into view, swallowing I pressed my hand against the door pushing. As it swung open I saw several people already in the shop in front of me. I recognised one of the people as the white haired blood knight recruit. Nodding to him I turned and began to browse through the items. Selecting three that I liked, I made a quick comparison as to her pricings and my inventory. Sighing I met the red head’s eyes when she had finished with her other customers. “I’d like these three items. For fifteen materials please.” I closed my eyes for a second, brushing a strand of black hair back behind my ear as I reopened them, placing the materials on the table. Waiting for the answer.

    Item: Clay Sewing
    Item Type: Miniature Masterpiece
    Quality:  Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 Crafting Attempt a Day
    Description: A small clay statue of a sewing machine

    Item: Masterful Tailor
    Item Type:  Project
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 EXP When Crafting
    Description: A painting of a tailor creating a masterpiece.

    Item: Tailor’s Bracelet
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 CD to Crafts
    Description: A woven silver band, said to help increase crafting

    -15 Materials

  9. The NPC looked at me and nodded, “Certainly. Here let me show you.” For the next several hours I was shown by the NPC how to cut fabric, hem the edges work it so that it’d be thicker. My hands were pricked constantly by needles to start with. Gasping each time I shook my hand, after the first couple of hours however I seemed to do much better, being able to make a small plushie correctly. My tutor looked at me nodding, “Good, now you just need to practise.” Handing me a small bag of materials I was ushered from the shop, walking slowly I found an Inn. My mouth opened slightly as I sounded the words out, “Hogsback Inn.” Smirking I step inside and order a room for the night, sending a message to Aya.

    “I’m in the Hogsback Inn within the Town of Beginnings.”

    I hit send. Before sitting at the table that was provided with my room. My hands together as I was lost within thought.

  10. Turning my head I look as Vyrtew walks away, stepping forwards I shrug before turning around to see Emblem following the silver haired boy away. Taking the now available seat next to Cygnus I nod at him, “Naturally he is, he seemed to be quite like our young Vyrtew. Although he is quite a bit older.” I pause leaning my head back, "Great just what I needed, some drizzle to mark the actions of players." sighing as the sun slowly disappears behind some dark clouds. “I would hazard a guess at he caused some trouble a while back. He seemed… More interesting that anything else to myself.” Rain started to slowly drop from the sky, standing I nodded at the fellow sat next to me, “Shall we find those two and make sure they do nothing they’ll regret later?”

  11. Turning my head I look as Vyrtew walks away, stepping forwards I shrug before turning around to see Emblem following the silver haired boy away. Taking the now available seat next to Cygnus I nod at him, “Naturally he is, he seemed to be quite like our young Vyrtew. Although he is quite a bit older.” I pause leaning my head back, "Great just what I needed, some drizzle to mark the actions of players." sighing as the sun slowly disappears behind some dark clouds. “I would hazard a guess at he caused some trouble a while back. He seemed… More interesting that anything else to myself.” Rain started to slowly drop from the sky, standing I nodded at the fellow sat next to me, “Shall we find those two and make sure they do nothing they’ll regret later?”

    <<<<Thread Complete>>>>

    1 SP To Cygnus, Emblem, Vyrtew & Shinzoku.

    100 Col to each player.

  12. “The eleventh floor?” I nodded at Rain “Thank you, although I don’t think a player will be able to give me the quest to become a tailor myself.” I turned waving at Aya, “I’ll catch you soon, here.” I opened my menu sending the purple haired girl a friend request. “If you ever need to get a hold of me, please message.” Nodding to the samurai I spoke a few words before departing. "It'd be a pleasure to talk to you some more, would you be around for a discussion over some coffee perhaps?"

    Following the rugged path back to the Town of Beginnings I enter the familiar safe zone, as I walk towards a shop I spot a tailors not far away. My slow meander turned to a meaningful pace. Upon entering the shop I call out, “Hello anyone there?” A reply echos from the back “Hello! I’ll just be a second.” The falling of boxes could be heard I dashed towards the back my arm catching the box as it was about to fall on someone’s head. “Are you okay?” I asked my eyes looking at the shopkeeper’s “She probably didn’t need any help, idiot.” The woman replied, nodding, “I’m fine, thank you for that. So what can I do for you?”  Swallowing as I felt the butterflies in my stomach start a circus performance I replied to her, "I wished to become a tailor and thought that your expertise may be able to help."

  13. As the boy with blonde hair spoke to me I nodded, before letting out a gasp as the water hit my exposed back. “What the…” I let out before turning around, “Be a little bit more careful please.” I requested "Do it." , turning my gaze back to the politer teen. “You are completely correct of course, at the lower levels your energy leaves much to be desired.” Before I had chance to gather my thoughts to continue the conversation, Cygnus spoke, asking me if I had seen combat.  I nodded, “Once, a simple boar on the first floor, however a man called X interfered and seemed to cause some strife with an orange player and a white haired one by the name of Rain.”

  14. I was sat in a café a small cake in front of me. The vibrant orange colour of the sponge contrasted by the green sauce that was seeping into it. Gently cutting into the cake I took a bite from it, the flavours washing through me. Smiling I looked up and around the café. My eyes taking in various players sat around chatting, eating, drinking and laughing. Enjoying themselves. My hand went down to the coffee that was steaming in the thick white mug, letting out a sigh I brought it to my lips, sipping.

    Just as I had done so the bell to the shop went. A player walked in and with practised ease moved to come to where I was sat. “Are you always in the way? It’s like this -everytime- isn’t it?” Looking up at him I gestured to the seat, offering it to him. Smiling I spoke, “I apologise my friend, I didn’t realise that this spot was yours.” Setting my mug back down on the table I offered him my hand, “Shinzoku, pleasure to meet you.”

  15. Glancing over in the direction of a new voice I raised a hand to the new comer. “The currently the most powerful?” I replied, “How long have they been in power then?” I paused waiting my hair tied at the back swaying in the gentle breeze. "Who were the guilds that reigned before them?"

    Walking over to the man clad in blue I offered him a hand, “Shinzoku, pleasure to meet you.” I paused waiting for his name in reply before glancing back at Aya, “If you excuse me now I need to find a tailoring trainer and soon before night falls, you wouldn’t be able to point me in the direction of one would you?” I  queried, "They'll hate you." shuddering I quickly glanced back over to Rain noddingat him, “My deepest regrets for the accusation earlier Rain.”

  16. I looked at the young blonde haired boy, a smile coming to my lips before I laughed. “It’s quite alright, many people usually confuse me with that.” I said dismissing his apology with a wave of my hand. Nodding at him I open my inventory, equipping the basic curved sword from within. “You mean like this one? It’s what I chose to start with. Even if I could take Katana straight away having several weapons in case your one breaks, is always beneficial.”  

    The questions that came from the white haired one, were interesting. A little annoying perhaps but understandable given his age. As I was about to respond the other man had already done so. I bowed my head to him. “You are correct, for the higher damage later on in the game sword arts are invaluable. But being able to fight without sword arts is a critical skill as well. Especially at lower levels.”

  17. A boar being kicked. A player killer. What was going on? I couldn’t understand, my eyes wide as I let out a heavy sigh. “Whatever you need to do, whatever trouble you lot have in between you. Keep it away from me.” Turning my clothing swaying in the soft breeze that gently glided past. “You should kill them.” I stood still.

    Turning to the blonde haired boy, “A Knight of the Blood Oath? I’ve not been paying much attention to the politics of Aincrad boy, tell me. What kind of guild is it?” The cloak that appeared on his shoulders, it was military in style. I shuddered. “Come on now, don’t take your time tell me.” My eyes flicked sideways to Aya “I wonder, can she fight at all? Does she have a spine?” Turning I nodded at her, my face not betraying my thoughts, “It’s okay, once I have my answer I will find a trainer to teach me the art of a tailor before I go on my way.”

  18. “Nice to meet you man.” Said the blonde haired boy, chuckling at him as I take his hand. “It’s a pleasure Emblem, however I must confess that I am a man not a woman.” As I release his hand I take Cygnus, whilst nodding my head at him, “I hope so. Tell me would either of you have any suggestions of how to improve my skills at all? The form I’m practising is quite rigid but soon I hope to progress onto a katana.” Finally the boy who had been watching from behind approached me. The honesty within his face causes a smile to come to my lips. Placing a hand on his should I reply to his question, “It was shinkendo. At least the basics of it.”

  19. When I realised Aya and X weren’t going to be joining in this fight a let out a low sigh. “Right then.” I muttered under my breath. “It’s because they want you to die.” Looking up at the boar as it ground its hoof into the ground preparing to charge I pointed my wakizashi at the creature. A movement caught my eye and I say a white haired boy moving in the forest, the trees swaying more than the normally do. “What now?” I said out loud before having to parry the blow from the Boar. As I locked my blade to its tusks I pushed the slim steel blade away before stepping back.

    Glancing over towards rain I spot the boy looking intently at the other side of the group, following his eye sight I see the orange crystals and a blonde haired person beneath it. “People hiding around us… This isn’t good… Perhaps they led us into a trap?” My eyes flicked to Aya, shaking my head before my eyes laid on X. “He probably…” Smiling I talk to X in a voice loud enough for it to carry across. “So, how are your assistants X? Are they well prepared for the trap you have led us into?”

    ID: 62708
    BD: 3 - Missed
    CD: 2

    LD:  15 – (Oikawa and Rain Spotted)
    MD: 5 - Missed

    Shinzoku – 8/8 Health 0/2 Energy
    Aya - ????
    X - ????

    Boar – 4/4 Health – 3 Damage – 2 MIT


  20. As my blade danced in my hands my arms moving on their own accord I spotted several players entering the garden. Two of them sat within. I nodded at them between a step in the moves. Eventually I came to a stop, sweat glistening on my body in the morning light. “Gentlemen.” I greet the pair of them, waving my hand at the boy who was hidden at the entrance. “Pleasure to meet you. I hope my training didn’t disturb your morning.” Giving the pair of them a smile, I turned to the fountain. Sticking my head underneath the stream of water for a few moments, taking my hair out of its pony tail I let the water wash away the remnants of my training.  Standing up I shake my hair, water spraying over. Before kneeling down and deftly tying my hair back up. “My apologies about that. My name’s Shinzoku” I continue holding my hand out to each of them in turn.

  21. Nodding my head along to the girl’s comments, I flashed a small smile at her as she decided to join me. “I’ve not fought before myself so perhaps we can work this out together.” I say to her as we arrive at the gates. Upon hearing a voice calling out behind us, I turn. Before me I see a boy with black hair and a golden head band, grinning at us. “X.” I say bowing my head to him. “I’m Shinzoku, pleasure.” Holding my hand out to the boy I turn taking a breath. “Right, let’s do this. Aya, stay behind me okay?”

    I breath slowly as I draw the wakizashi at my hip, walking forwards I roll my wrist finding my target. My eyes lock on to a boar. Its eyes meet mine I can feel the blood flowing through my veins. It was as if I was sparring again. A breath sigh a run forwards flicking my wrist bringing my blade to the boar. However I was too slow and the tusks of the beast block my weapon. A loud chink came from them and I circled the boar keeping the blade ready to defend myself. Waving with one hand to Aya.

    ID: 62366
    BD: 3 - Missed
    CD: 3

    LD:  5
    MD: 2 – Missed

    Shinzoku – 8/8 Health 0/2 Energy
    Aya - ????
    X - ????

    Boar – 4/4 Health – 3 Damage – 2 MIT

  22. I opened my eyes slowly, staring blankly at the wooden ceiling above me. “What will become of me? What will become of everyone…” I started to ponder. “They’ll all die, waste away.” Gritting my teeth I gently tapped my head at my temple. “Come on Seishin” I scold myself. Throwing the covers off, I slide my legs out from the bed and stand. Breathing gently I flick my fingers down and open my menu, equipping my hakama and half kimono. I take the wakizashi from where I had stashed it underneath the pillow. Attaching it to my golden belt I gently stroked the eagle before heading out of the inn. Making my way past a tea shop I smiled to myself before I found that garden in which I had found that girl in. “You probably scared her off.” My thoughts chide me, shaking my head and breathing I begin my exercises. Performing several Karate Kata’s and practising move, block and strike unarmed I continue like this the water from the gargoyle behind me timing my movements.

  23. As I turned I spotted a girl falling from a wall, her landing was flawless. I couldn’t fault it. My eyes met hers as she stepped into the doorway. Her voice carried over to me, the words disjointed, uncontained. Offering the purple haired girl my hand I give a friendly smile to her. “My name’s Shinzoku, pleasure to meet you Aya.” Taking a few steps back, I hook my thumbs into the waistband of my hakama “What brings you around here?” I ask, “For myself I’m looking at starting my own Earning a Living quest.” Glancing down to my own blade I let my hand fall next to it. Running my fingers along the sheathed edge of the wakizashi at my hip.

    I meet the girl’s eyes again. “Have you done much fighting in this game before?” I enquire, a brief expression pain crosses my face as several thoughts fire off inside my head. “Are you sure she wants you to ask these questions? You’ve just met her aren’t you pushing her too quickly? Fighting, alongside a stranger as if?!” I swallow, my eyes closing for a moment as I take a deep breath and then out again. “Sorry, I don’t mean to presume. You seemed to know how to handle yourself within the game Aya.” Nodding my head I turn to leave through the door. “If you would be so kind, your company would be much appreciated to help me gather some materials for the quest.” With that final statement I depart, making my way through the winding streets towards the gates of the Town of Beginnings.

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