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Posts posted by SeaGaul

  1.  ID# 65102 results:

     Loot: 7 Fail

    Victoria frowned, staring at the annoying person who was accompanying her. This woman was annoying as hell. "I dont know why im out here with you. You arent even doing anything but bothering me and complaining!" She exclaimed as she continued to look around for materials, trying to ignore the other woman as much as possible. She certainly wasnt about to pay the woman for following her around and complaining, she had better find some materials or start being a bit politer. Victoria was actually debating whether or not to find a weak mob to attack, but quickly decides better of it. She wanted a few level ups before she actually fought anyone or anything.

  2.  ID# 65001 results:

     Loot: 3 Fail

    Victoria frowned to the other woman. She certainly didnt sound very reliable or helpfull. She wasnt even sure why she was bothering to go out of the safezone with someone who couldnt protect her and was bound to tun off at the first sign of danger. She walked out of the border, glancing around the surrounding area for anulything that could be used as a material, but not finding anything. She glanced back at the other woman before sighing and sending her a party and a friend request. All she needed was one material and she could go back in where it was safe and warm, and start making progress with her business. She was already bored with material hunting, she wasnt sure how other people did it as a job.

  3. So neither of them had any fighting skills? This didnt sound good. They wouldnt be able to defend themselves if they came across a mob. She frowned. "Im a transporter, not a fighter." She stated, making sure that the other woman knew that she couldnt protect them if they came across an enemy. "Lets just run out and grab a material so that I can get this quest done. Just going out and straight back in so that we dont run into any enemies." She stated, explaining exactly what the gameplan was. She was sure that neither one of them wanted to die, so it was best that they played it as safe as possible.

  4. Victoria nodded slowly to the other woman, although she did raise an eyebrow. "Why would you want to sleep in my shop when you could just sleep in yours?" She queried. The deal was a good one, and she certainly wouldnt mind letting the young woman sleep in her shop, she just didnt understand why, and as such she was suspicious of the proposed deal, just because it sounded so good. "Ill accept your deal, on the condition that you keep the mobs away and protect me for the short time were outside of the safe zone." She said, not mentioning that the reason for this was that she didnt have any skill points in her weapon.

  5. "Im sorry, but it would be idiotic on my part to agree to a deal that ill help you with any future battle or quest, just in return for gathering a few materials." She stated. The positive benefits she would get from that proposed deal were heavily out balanced by the negatives. "As it happens this is my earning a living quest, but unlike you, im not in the same situation as you. In the real world I was two years into my business major, so I understand how that sort of thing works." She paused for a moment. "Now, if your going to help me get some materials, in return for a single favor of equivalent value, please do. However, if you wish to continue proposing heavily unbalanced deals, or just want someone to be your verbal punching bag, please leave." She stated seriously.

  6. Victoria stared at the woman as she offered to help get her materials in return for col. Victoria would never pay someone to do something that she could so easily herself, especially in the amount that the other woman was bound to ask for. If she had any col that is. Strangely enough she hadnt acquired any in the time that she had been in this game. "No, i dont have much, and even if I did I wouldnt give it to you." She stated, gripping the handle of her now sheathed curved sword. "Of course, you could always help me fom the goodness of your heart, and I might owe you a favor then..." She suggested with a smirk.

  7. Victoria turned to face the newcomer who immediately greeted her with a snarky comment. "No, im not, thank you for asking." She replied as politely as she could, heat starting to build in her gut as her anger awoke. She held it in, and hid it from showing though. Even rude people could be useful, and many were rude because they thought that they were better than others. That sort of cockiness often meant that they had lots of materials, col, or were a high level. She sheathed her sword, placing her hands on her hips sassily. "I was just about to head out and get some materials for a quest, not that it should matter to you."

  8. Victoria adjusted her grip on the handle of her curved sword as she waited by the exit of the fourth floors main settlement and safezone. She needed to get a single material to be able to start her profession, but the truth was that she was a bit nervous about leaving the safe zone at all. She was a prospective business major, not a gamer like her sister or a fighter like her old roommate. She glanced around again. It was middday, and snowing as usual, and she couldnt help but wonder if any of the passerby would offer to help her or at least ask her why she was just standing inside of the safezone holding a starter weapon like she was going to beat someones head in with it. Perhaps it was the crude way that she was holding the weapon that was alienating her from the other players? Or maybe they just didnt care.

  9. Profile
    Username: Sea Gaul
    Real name: Victoria Sameuls
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'11"





    About: History/personality

    Victoria was born into a family of lawyers. Her parents had wanted a boy, but were determined to do their best with her, even so. Her parents  would always take her on their business trips with her, if not into their actual meetings. At the age of four, another child was born into the family. Her parents had planned for a boy, even though they had been told that they were going to have a girl, and named the young girl Monty instead, despite her gender. Her parents had wanted an heir to carry on their legacy and were disappointed by the new childs gender, leaving the girl in the care of various maids and nannies, rarely seeing the child themselves. In the meanwhile, Victoria was learning all about psychology and the way that people act, learning how to deal and talk, and make deals with slippery wordings. She wasn't the kindest child, but her parents were happy with her razor sharp wit if not her morality or kindness to others. A lot of time passed, during which Victoria sometimes sent letters to her sister,just to try to gain another ally, honing in on her sisters passion for the history of the Gauls and the french. It wasnt long before Victoria just stopped sending letters, although she continued to receive them, the letters becoming more and more personal, a diary of sorts, as her sister obviously thought that she neglected to read them. She continued on her life, going into college for a business major, when news of SAO started flying online. Victoria wasnt a gamer in any way, and didnt plan on playing the game, but the next letter from her sister got her ever so slightly interested in the commerce and trading systems of the game. She got the required console, and the game the day it came out, and logged in under the username Sea Gaul, as a pun and a joke, referencing her sisters passion. Little did she know that she would be stuck there.

    Indifferent: Victoria is very indifferent to other people. She has a very strict code of honor, but even when following that code it isn't because she cares about anyone else. She doesnt do things because its kind, she does things to gain more influence, money, or materials. 

    Experience in Business: Victoria is very experienced in business and how to bargain, mainly due to how she went on business trips with her parents all the time and developed a passion for buying and selling, mainly on the stock market but also on some online sites. She is very good at bargaining, and holding her own end of a deal, as well as creating a functioning business.

    Motivated: Victoria is very motivated towards her own ends. She knows what she wants, money, fame, and power, and is determined to get it. As such she doesnt waver in her decisions, and she knows what she wants and how she wants to get it.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
    Inexperienced in Gaming: Sword Art Online is Victoria's first virtual reality game. She isnt very familiar with the concepts and how the menus etc work. She isnt a gamer, and as such she doesnt know how to exploit the system in the way that many other players might be able to. 

    Selfish: Victoria is very selfish, doing everything for her own personal gain. This allows her to be able to make split second decisions regarding her safety, but also alienates her from many people. Her selfish nature often shows through the friendly guise that she puts up and causes her to lose allies she might otherwise have.

    Anger: Victoria may seem calm and friendly most of the time, but she gets angry easily, and that anger builds up. She doesnt like emotional outbursts, but she often finds herself making them, just because she's so angry. Victoria especially dislikes being tricked, or spoken down to.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)


    » Extended Weight Limit: 1 (5 SP)



    Weapon skills:

    Total SP Spent: 5

    Total SP: 5

    » Starter One Handed Straight Sword

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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