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Posts posted by major_cat

  1. "link start" these words where the last things i said in the real world. My friends Alex, Mathew, and Adrian where waiting for this for about three months now we agreed to meet in the game hopefully. at first it was a rush a vrmmo, it was incredible but i couldn't log out but why "hey guys i can't log out" "dude your such a noob man... look in your menu for the log out button" was Alex's response to the situation "it's not here" i told him Mathew opened his menu "i don't have it either" we began to panic until we heard bells Adrian ran after the bells as we all followed.

    where in the middle of a huge crowed area when a man dressed completely in red showed up he began explain why we couldn't log out i couldn't why we where all trapped here a large panic spread over us like wild fire. my friends grabbed and ran i picked up the pace once we where away we began deciding what was to be down about this "shadow what are we gonna do" wow did he just call me by my first name "well clearly we need to beat the game... it's our only hope" and so it began slowly we completed floor after floor, but who knows if well live to see tomorrow.

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