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Posts posted by Wolf_of_Darkness

  1. Electing to run, Wolf starts to run. However, Before he knows it he is on the ground, face in the dirt. Without another Moments notice he finds that the boar had dug its tusks into him. He watches his health bar drop to 0 and his eyes close. No choice but to accept his fate. No ability to try to survive.




    ID# 70786

    Craft: 1 (Fail)

    Mob: 6 (Success)

    DMG: 10


    Wolf - Dead


    HP: 0

    DMG: 2




    HP: 4

    DMG: 10


  2. Wolf used the now prone boar to his advantage and made a quick and hard slam to the back of its head. However, he realized that he would have to take a hit in order to adjust his fighting style. Allowing the boar to get up it rushed him and slammed into his chest. "How was I so unprepared?" he asked as his health dropped by half. He looked around and began to consider his options. He didn't want to run but he wasn't sure if he would be able to beat this creature. He remembered, suddenly, of a Small  village nearby. He may be able to make it if he ran fast enough, but he also knew how fast this boar could run.




    ID# 70785

    Battle: 10 (Crit Success)

    DMG: 4 (2 Base + 2 Crit)

    Mob: 8

    DMG: 10





    HP: 10

    DMG: 2

    Energy: 1




    HP: 4

    DMG: 10


  3. Wolf elected to waist no time and do what he could to efficiently and effectively kill the beast in front of him. Lunging at the Boar he seemed to take it by surprise, seeing as it failed to retaliate. With a hard slam he brought his Mace down on the boar and watched as it fell to the ground. Though, the lack of significant change in the Boars Hit Points was concerning. "I hope I'm not in over my head..." He thought to himself. "I need to analyze my chances of success. However, I have to see what kind of damage this thing can do first."



    ID# 70783

    Battle: 7 (Success)

    DMG Dealt: 2

    Mob: 5 (Fail)

    DMG Dealt: N/A




    HP: 20

    Dmg: 2

    Energy: 1




    HP: 8

    DMG: 10


  4. Wolf's eyes shot open suddenly. "What the hell just happened?" he said to himself frantically. "When did I doze off, and what was that noise?" The now darkened sky loomed overhead, the sun was quickly setting. Wolf looked around and heard the noise again but couldn't place the beast it was coming from. Suddenly he saw it, a boar strolled past him, whilst he was sitting still as he could. "I should kill this and get it over with." he thought to himself. Swiftly Wolf stood and removed his hammer from his waist. This would be his first combat, he hoped he didn't mess up and screw himself over as he so often did.




    HP: 20

    DMG: 2

    Energy: 1




    HP: 10

    DMG: 10


  5. Hello, 

    I am "New" to this sight. (my character is new). And I haven't anyone to roleplay with. I would love some friends to join me! I have just one request. Please read the History/Personality, Virtues and Flaws sections of my journal before you decide to RP with me. This way if your character cannot mesh with my character we can avoid and awkward thread or worse. I look forward to RPing with you all!

  6. After a little while of searching the menu, Wolf found a notepad feature. "This will work" he said in his dark, deep, and mostly monotone voice. He sat for a while thinking, "What should I write? I feel like Haiku's would probably do the best for now." He decided this and reached into the depth of his mind, trying to find what it was he lost. He began to tap into his raw emotion, or at least to the best of his ability. He found that the only way he could feel is by writing it down but as soon as he stopped he lost it once more. After some time of sitting and contemplating what he wanted to do he found the words he wanted to write. (Please note, This poem is by Jonathan (Wolf) Rich. Anyone wishing to use it must cite me or ask for my permission first. Thank you.) PAIN: Blood, Red, Runs Unseen; Darkness Engulfs Consciousness; Past, Never, Will Fade.

  7. The city of beginnings, bustling as it has and pushing forward, seemed unmoved and uncaring to Wolf. He was never really fond of the place but he didn't really have a choice anymore. He had let himself fall so far behind the other players that if he didn't do something soon he would surly end up without a legacy. "How stupid can you be?" He muttered under his breath as he entered the town square. "You cant keep running from your past". He wasn't really looking around at all, he hadn't a clue who was there. Wolf sat down on a bench and opened up his poetry, that which he uses the games notepad for, and read back over what he wrote.

  8. Wolf opens his eyes slowly as he wakes from a short and restless nap. "I haven't slept well recently... not like that anything new" He says to himself as he watches the clouds slowly flow by. The tree overhead rustled softly with the breeze. Wolf slowly sat up and looked around, though he couldn't quite remember where he was or how he got there. He shrugs laying back down. "I wonder if there is any way to write down my thoughts." He once again said out loud, assuming he hadn't anyone around to hear him. Wolf wondered what the intentions of this new world was, the community he had never met and the people he had avoided.

  9. Hello,

    I should probably start with an appoligy to all those who have incomplete threads with Nixon. Life went to hell and I had to drop SAO-RPG for a while. Also, I elected to make a new character instead of trying to pick up where I left off. I am a Laser Technologies student for those what want to know about me. I have tons of hobbies and a plethera of IRL skills (or so ive bern told). I am looking forward to rejoining the community.

  10. Profile
    Username: Wolf_of_Darkness
    Real name: Xix Zander
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5ft 11in


    Eyes: Heterochromia (Left is Emerald Green, Right is Gold)

    Hair: Short Black
    About: History/personality
    Once upon a time Xix was a good person. He was warm hearted and caring, loving and accepting, kind and genuine. Some people think that he still is. However, it changed when he met his birth mom for the first time. His father had died when he was 12, because of this he was forced to move in with his birth mom (Seeing as his parents were divorced). His mother gave him a constant barrage of verbal and emotional abuse from the moment he walked in the house. Xix always knew he was a mistake but he never realized how much his mother resented him. The girl he found as a romantic partner at first was not much better. She was so much like his mother that she would constantly drive him to the brink of suicide but guilt trip him off the edge. He grew to resent emotion at age 18 when he finally left his home and became known as cold. He never forgave his mother or ex-girlfriend for what they did, but he also never learned how to trust anyone from that point on. He joined SAO to try to figure out what teamwork really was, and how he could re-learn how to trust others.





    Though Wolf doesn’t like others, he is still completes any task he agrees to. He will go so far as to take a promise to the grave if he needs to. He doesn’t take well to liars and won't stand to lie. He can always be counted on by those who he trusts and respects; and even those he doesn't. This does mean, however that Wolf is much less likely to agree to something unless he has good reason too. He is very weary about giving out his word but is not opposed to it.



    Wolf tends to do his own thing. He doesn’t need or rely on anyone else to help him survive because of his past. This can make him seem cold or uncaring, but the reason is because he looks out for himself first (Unless there is a valid reason for him not to… see Reliable virtue). Wolf wants to make sure that no matter what happens to the world around him, he can keep moving forward.



    Wolf is very sharp witted and easily spots the weakness in those that he talks to. Even more so in those he fights. He has a way of analyzing everything around him all at once. However this does take concentration, or a amount of time to gather his thoughts. Wolf will use spare rounds in combat to analyze a situation to ensure victory if he needs to, but it tends to come to him in the instant the fight starts.


    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html



    On the outside, Wolf doesn't really seem to care about others. He also doesn’t seem to have any emotions. However this could not be farther from the truth. In fact he has more impulsive and strong emotions than most people. Wolf had been forced to suppress those emotions for so long that he has forgotten how to unlock them. He wants to feel what he locked up, he just doesn't know who has the key.



    Because of his mother and ex-girlfriend, Wolf has major trouble trusting others. He also tends to go into situations with primarily skepticism and doesn’t want to trust anyone or anything unless he is given a good reason to trust them. This is not an easy task because those who strive for his trust have to find ways to convince them to trust them that his mother and ex-girlfriend didn't already use against him. He wants to trust people like he used to but doesn’t know how.



    Because of all of the time Wolf has spent suppressing emotion he tends to come across to others as harsh and uncaring. He is very blunt and doesn't seem to care about others emotions at all. Primarily because Wolf forgot what emotions feel like. He has no reference to what is hurtful or not so he primarily says the straight truth. This can lead to a lot of hurt feelings and quickly end friendships.


    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)




    »One-Handed Warhammer:
    1 Rank
    5 SP
    The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed Hammer or Mace type weapons.

    Weapon skills:

    » 16th Century Italian Mace
    » Starter Iron Breastplate

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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