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Posts posted by Kazu

  1. Kazu watched as the boar began to restore it's movement. The mob gradually stood itself back up, while Dominion was only now about to attack. He was still able to hit the boar, but that didn't stop it from fighting back. As Dominion recovered from the blow, Ignavus charged in and successfully attacked the boar. After Ignavus reminded Kazu to stay focused, he charged readily towards the boar. When Kazu reached the mob, he dug his trusty rapier deep into the beast. The sword severely pierced the skin of the boar as it let out a loud, painful scream. Kazu pulled the sword out of the boar's body and jumped back. He had just achieved a Critical Success, which was able to damage the mob much more than a normal attack. The mob's expression looked surprised, as if it was not prepared for the sudden impactful attack. He wondered if the mob's increasing anger towards each teammate would cause it to soon change targets.


    ID# 74383

    Battle: 9 (Critical Success) (2 DMG)

    Dominion: 156/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-10

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-4

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-4

    Boar: 52/80 HP, 10 DMG

  2. The fight was taking quite some time. Dominion prepared his axe to attack, but clumsily hit the boar. His axe was gripped incorrectly and the boar was hit with an odd part of the weapon. Surprisingly, he was still able to achieve a Critical Success. The boar fell onto the grass insensibly and was unable to move. Kazu was surprised to discover that players were capable of paralyzing mobs.

    "Wow. Nice job!" said Kazu.

    The mob's lackluster body lied almost lifelessly on the colossal green fields. Ignavus successfully attacked the boar, and next came Kazu. He knew that the strike would be easy. The mob was paralyzed, after all! He effortlessness launched himself towards the boar to attack, but his rapier flew straight above the stiff body. Kazu landed on his feet, bearing a face of disappointment. He must have gotten too comfortable with the paralyzed state of the mob.


    ID# 73999

    Battle: 5 (miss)

    Dominion: 160/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-8

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-3

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-2

    Boar: 60/80 HP, 10 DMG

  3. It was now Kazu's turn to strike the boar. Both of his teammates had successfully hit the mob, and Ignavus managed to obtain a critical hit. Dominion's Battle Healing skill proved to be very useful, as he was already back at full health. Kazu braced himself once more and got into position for combat. He took a deep breath and took off towards the mob. Charging in for a quick blow, he pierced the side of the boar. Kazu's second successful attack had taken effect and marginally damaged the mob. Glaring at the boar's health bar, Kazu noticed they still weren't even halfway done fighting it. It was inevitable that the fight would last a while longer. He mentally congratulated himself for his prosperous attack and looked back at the mob. It's eyes were glowing red, ready to seek revenge for the substantial amount of damage it has been victim of.


    ID# 73481

    Battle: 7 (1 dmg)

    Mob: 8

    Dominion: 160/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-6

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-2

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-2

    Boar: 66/80 HP, 10 DMG

  4. Kazu watched as both his teammates attempted to strike the boar. Dominion successfully attacked the mob, but that didn't stop it from fighting back. He was able to quickly recover from the harsh blow, only losing a very small portion of his health overall. Ignavus missed his attack, and fortunately he was unaffected by the boar. It was now Kazu's turn. He gripped his rapier and prepared to charge towards the mob. After failing on his last attempt to attack the mob, Kazu was sure that he could injure it this time. He swiftly ran to the boar as his rapier ready to puncture the mob. The sword struck the boar, and a slight decrease in the mob's health proved that Kazu had successfully damaged it. He felt great relief when he discovered the attack was triumphant. His first successful attack had just taken place, and he expected many more of them to come.


    ID# 73481

    Battle: 7 (hit) (1 dmg)

    Mob: 5

    Dominion: 156/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-5

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-0

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-1

    Boar: 73/80 HP, 10 DMG

  5. After his teammate attacked the boar, it became Kazu's turn. He braced himself before pursuing into battle. He tightly grasped his rapier and looked at the multiple health bars in his peripheral vision. Dominion seemed to be keeping up very well, even after his numerous attacks to the boar. Kazu readied himself to fight the boar and belatedly charged towards it. His rapier missed the side of the monster's body and his weapon flew through the air. Kazu was disappointed, as he previously had a lot of confidence in defeating the beast. This was his first battle in SAO, so he knew that he had time to improve. Kazu grabbed his rapier and stepped back, waiting for his teammate to strike. Even with his unexpected failure, Kazu was still having a good time. He knew that the fight would be a difficult one. The boar seemed to be stronger than he had previously expected.


    ID# 72852

    Battle: 3 (miss)

    Mob: 8

    Dominion: 158/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-3

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-0

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-0

    Boar: 77/80 HP, 10 DMG

  6. Kazu was waiting patiently from the sidelines, ready to jump in and help attack. He decided to wait at least a few strikes until he joins, or at least whenever Dominion suggests that he should. Kazu watched as his teammate forcefully hit the body of the boar with his enormous battle axe. An impressive display, at best. Kazu studied the attack to further prepare for his own turn at fighting the mob. He wouldn't be surprised if his teammate has had any previous experience with swordsmanship, as it seemed like he was very familiar with what he was doing. Kazu stared into the boar's stern red eyes as it was still recovering from the harsh blow. Even after Dominion's impressive attack, the mob still seemed to be far from an empty health bar. From this information, Kazu concluded that the fight was certain to be a challenging one. He tightened his grip on his sword and prepared for his first battle in SAO.

  7. Kazu and Dominion approached the mobs whilst Ignavus was lagging behind. The two teammates were just out of range from attack, preparing for their first battle within SAO. Kazu swiftly unsheathed his rapier and shortly examined it. The sword was very thin, and it appeared to be lighter than he had first expected. The weapon was sure to be perfect for Kazu's strategies he had initially planned when creating his character. Fast, swift attacks. He gripped the sword tightly and looked behind him. His other teammate, Ignavus, was closing his menu and catching up with his teammates. He approached them and asked if Dominion was ready to begin. Kazu analyzed their plan in his head to prepare for the fight. First, Dominion would draw the attention of the mob. Then, Kazu and Ignavus would plunge in and attack it to the best of their ability. The three teammates lined up next to each other and awaited a response from Dominion to begin the battle.

  8. "That sounds like a good plan to me," Kazu said willingly. He was ready to fight a few mobs and see how easily he could handle SAO's combat system. His rapier was dangling at his side, ready for action. He thought the weapon was a perfect choice for a fast, lightweight character. Although he was still unfamiliar with how SAO's combat worked, Kazu was filled with confidence and excitement. This was his first VRMMO, which made him eager to explore the vast virtual world. Kazu spotted some mobs in the distance. He wasn't entirely sure, but they seemed to resemble boars. They looked to be a good target for low level players such as ourselves. "Let's head over there, shall we?" said Kazu, pointing at the nearby mobs. With two other people in his party, he knew failure was a slim chance. Kazu put a smirk on his face and set foot towards the closest mob.

  9. Kazu quickly tapped on the accept button. He wasn't sure if he would be able to find anyone else who was this friendly, so he had no choice but to accept. So far, his experience has gone well. Finding allies wasn't as challenging as he first planned that it would be. Kazu thought the two players seemed to be nice people, contrary to his beliefs when first confronting them. After all, the trio might make a better team than he expected. Kazu was eager to commence and see what his acute rapier was capable of. Ultimately, he hadn't even set foot in a VRMMO battle yet. Fighting mobs would prove to be a perfect way to acclimate himself with his virtual body and learn the basics of combat. He has had seldom past experience with swordplay, but still was keen of himself. "Well, what do you guys think? Should we go fight some mobs?" Kazu asked queerly.

  10. "Yeah, I assume so." Kazu replied. There's always a few people who get their hands on a game early, or endlessly grind immediately when the servers open. From what it looked like, all of us had yet to progress from our basic starter gear. Their hands that were previously holstered on their weapons were now being lowered to their sides. Kazu started to feel more comfortable around the unfamiliar players. Normally, he would join a new game with friends, but since the price of everything needed to run the NerveGear was a hefty one they were unable to join him on his ventures. This didn't phase Kazu, as he knew that he would still be able to find new friends within the game. He could tell the players were still skeptical of each other, so Kazu tried to approach them in as much of a friendly manner as possible. "I don't think I got your names. I'm Kazu, and you two are?"

  11. Kazu was heading towards the two players he had seen moments ago. He didn't know how trustworthy they were, for all he knew they were a team who killed all new players that had built enough courage to leave the safe zone. This wouldn't bother Kazu, as he knew that he would respawn at the starter city shortly after. The feeling of pain in a virtual game was something he had wondered about since picking up SAO, and something that he will soon discover. Kazu was approaching the two men, who seemed to be conversing. One was wielding a large axe, another wielding what seemed to be a broadsword. When Kazu reached the players, he was asked if he knew the person he had approached. "Er, no. Sorry if I'm bothering you. I was just looking for someone to team with." Kazu replied nervously. He still didn't know if the men were going to try and attack him or not. "Anyways, are you guys new players as well?" Kazu asked, showing a friendly smile.

  12. Kazu was overwhelmed by the size of the game he was playing. Although he had played many others before, the MMO genre was one that he had never touched. This was his first time using the NerveGear, and his body felt significantly different than it did in real life. He had chose to wear lighter clothes, along with the rapier as his weapon of choice. The size of the starter town set Kazu off guard, and it took him a while to find the way out. After a series of wrong turns, he left the city and set gaze upon the wilderness. The cool wind blowing on his face and vast fields ahead of him was truly a scene he would remember. This technology felt dreamlike to him, and was something he had fantasized about doing ever since he was introduced to video games. He saw a group of players ahead of him, who looked to be unfamiliar with this game as well. With hesitancy, Kazu set foot towards them, ready for any adventures that lied ahead of him.

  13. Profile
    Username: Kazu
    Real name: Kazuki Takezou
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'11"

    About: History/Personality
    Kazuki was born and raised in Osaka, Japan. He grew up along with two parents and an older brother. Although they teased each other often, Kazuki and his older brother always got along. At the young age of 7, Kazuki's parents had been through enough problems. His father had been going through financial and mental issues. His parents divorced, and his mother gained full custody of both children. This deeply saddened Kazuki, and led him into a constant dreary attitude. His older brother, who had always been playing games and tinkering with new machinery, introduced video games to Kazuki. He immediately gained interest, and soon all he thought about was leveling up his fictional characters. When Kazuki discovered the Nerve Gear, he was instantly intrigued. The idea of leaving reality and being fully immersed in a game was surreal to Kazuki. He spent his summer working a part time job to try and collect enough money to buy a Nerve Gear. He tirelessly worked for months until eventually gaining a hefty amount of money. 
    With that money, Kazuki had ordered a Nerve Gear; along with a pre-ordered copy of Sword Art Online.

    Practical: Kazu can be very serious when desired. He can stay focused which could possibly lead to an advantage over an enemy. If something is needed of him, he can do it without hesitancy.
    Bondable: Kazu can easily bond with somebody if they are somewhat genial. This leads to healthy relationships and likeliness of good allies. If he makes a friend, he makes sure to stick with them until the end.
    Patient: Although Kazu enjoys going straight to action, patience is a virtue. The ability to wait for something without getting upset is a valuable quality. His patience also allows him to carry conversations for a long while.

    Gullible: Kazu is quick to trust strangers, as long as they seem amiable. His high amount of honesty leads him to believe that others will treat him equally. This flaw allows others to easily manipulate Kazu.
    Soft-hearted: Kazu is very sympathetic when others present a problem. He doesn't resist helping somebody who seems to be in trouble. Having this softness of the heart can easily lead him into trouble without thinking of any repercussions.
    Childish: At times, Kazu can be playfully childish. He might not be able to recognize when he is pestering others. Some people react well to Kazu's childishness, but some do not take it as light-heartedly.

    » N/A

    » N/A

    » N/A

    Weapon skills:
    » One-Handed Rapier

    » One Handed Rapier
    » Starter Cloth Armour

    » N/A

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