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Sina Veter

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Posts posted by Sina Veter

  1.     "Congratulations on completing the quest, Earning A Living.  You may now be a fully fledged blacksmith and can open up a shop in Sword Art Online.  Keep in mind that as you rank up, you will be able to craft different items.  Good luck on your new adventures as a blacksmith."  The NPC had the same near monotone voice that drove Sina insane.  She ended up having to sit and listen as she failed to get out of the menu for the NPC several times.  Once finally out of the menu she decided to go back to one of the NPC-run charities to take stock of her situation.

        She arrived at the tavern and realized that while she had begun to make progress, she would still need to do quite a bit before she would be able to fight up at the front lines.  From this point on, she would no longer let anything get in her way of making it to the frontlines and being there when the final floor was cleared.

  2.     Sina continued to work the forge, but could feel herself getting more and more tired with each swing of the hammer.  She ended up creating something unrecognizable, and completely wasted her iron ore.  She resolved to use her greatest item, the rapier she took to calling splinter, to complete the quest.  She took of her apron and walked over to the NPC's shop, where she confirmed that she wanted to complete her quest.


    [ID: 73815]

    CD: 2


        Lose 1 tier 1 material

        +1 Blacksmith EXP


  3.     Sina worked the forge just as well this time, but hadn't worked up any emotion into the piece she was creating.  While she now knew well enough how to make it, the item didn't have any flare to it.  She ended up creating a simple longsword of iron with an undecorated hilt.  While she couldn't necessarily call herself proud of the weapon, it would be useful to give to someone if they are in need of a simple sword.  Sina put the sword away and prepared herself to start crafting a new item


    [ID: 73814]

    CD: 8

    Good Item-

        Materials consumed

        +2 Blacksmith EXP

        Iron longsword (one-handed staright sword)


  4.     Sina was just about to the main gates of Starting City when she came across one last deposit of iron ore.  She quickly went over to it and mined it up to add her ninth piece of ore today.  Once done with the mining, Sina went into the city and walked over to the forges.  Once there, she put on a loaned out blacksmith's apron and quickly got to work to try and create more pieces of weaponry for others to use.


    [ID: 73813]

    LD: 16

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  5.     Sina could tell she was getting closer to the Starting city for two reasons.  The first was that grass was starting to get a bit more sparse from the heavy off-road traveling that most players did.  The second was the decreased number of spawns, including those of iron deposits.  While she was unsurprised, Sina was still hoping to get in one or two more pieces of ore before she reached Starting City.


    [ID: 73812]

    LD: 11

    No materials gathered


  6.     Sina had begun to walk away from the deposit before realizing that she had forgotten to check if it could be mined a second time.  Upon turning around, she was glad that she did so.  The rock was still gleaming with the metal it contained.  Sina quickly mined the deposit once again and felt some more energy drain away from her.  While the energy drain was still quite present, she felt it getting less every time she committed to an action.  With her energy in mind, she once again set out, getting closer to the city with every step


    [ID: 73810]

    LD: 19

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  7.     After continuing the search for about an hour or so, Sina came across another deposit.  She out her back to the sun and began to mine the material.  Once she finished, she wiped from sweat from her forehead and checked her inventory.  She was pleasantly surprised to find that she already had seven pieces of iron ore in her inventory.  While this would do nicely, Sina still wanted to get a bit more of a stockpile to ensure that she had enough materials to at least last a few days.


    [ID: 73809]

    LD: 18

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  8.     Sina got to the glimmer and saw that there was metal there, but was in such a low concentration that it was unmineable.  Perhaps if she had some better equipment she could get enough out of the rock in front of her.  Slightly saddened, she continued to walk closer to the town.  The sun was getting close to setting now and she wanted to get back to crafting soon, lest the forges be closed for the night.


    [ID: 73808]

    LD: 14

    No materials gathered

  9.     Sina continued on her path back to town, but it seemed as if she still had not diverged from her outward path enough yet to find any deposits.  She didn't let this discourage her though, and kept on walking.  On her way back, she took a quick seat just to make sure that she would have enough energy to mine just about all the ore she could before she got back to town.  While seated, she thought she spotted something glimmering in the distane and began to walk towards it.


    [ID: 73807]

    LD: 5

    No materials gathered


  10.     After walking for a little while and not finding any more deposits, Sina decided it would be a good idea if she started to loop around and head back towards the city.  She didn't want to be caught outside at night time in case there were more or harder spawns.  The last thing she could afford was being thrown into combat unprepared.  She wasn't finding any more ore and then realized that she was backtracking.  She then started to deviate a bit from her outward path to hopefully find some more ore.


    [ID: 73806]

    LD: 11

    No materials gathered


  11.     The animals must have been migrating to a new spawn area, because Sina saw them leave the area once she had taken the time to familiarize herself with her sword arts.  She decided to trek back through the area in case she missed out on a deposit, and sure enough she had.  She once again initiated a mining action and waited for its completion.  Once she had the new piece of ore in her inventory, she began walking to hopefully find even more deposits


    [ID: 73805]

    LD: 20

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  12.     Sina was trying to find herself more iron deposits, but kept having to dodge encounters with boars and wolves.  Her mind was so focused on staying out of combat, that by the time she got into a safer place, she realized that she didn't even know what  she could do in combat.  She promptly took the time to look at her sword arts in order to know them should she get into combat.  Once familiarized with her combat skills, she once again resumed her search for more deposits.


    [ID: 73804]

    LD: 10

    No materials gathered


  13.     Sina continued to sit in the grass, contemplating what she could do should she get out of this game of death.  She couldn't remember much about the real world, not even her original name.  At the very least she didn't have to worry about getting used to a new look, the game made sure of that.  She didn't even know if she would be able to go to a college because she had forgotten most of her schooling by now.  After sitting for a little while longer, Sina got up and continued her search to get closer to beating this game.


    [ID: 73803]

    LD: 9

    No materials gathered


  14.     Sina hadn't realized how much of a toll all this mining was taking on her body.  She ended up sitting in the grass as the sun was almost at it's peak.  As she rested, she once again thought about the lives she could've saved if she had gotten up from her own self-pity earlier.  There were so many names on the wall and already the were being crossed out at a quick pace.  She hoped to slow that pace down, and eventually help to free everyone from this nightmare.


    [ID: 73802]

    LD: 12

    No materials gathered


  15.     Sina must've had the games random number generator looking out for her, because this deposit also was able to be mined a second time.  She queued up the action and waited for the mining to finish.  Once it had, she found herself already carrying more iron than she could use for the day.  Not wanting to run out of a backup supply, though, she continued to search for more materials to use in her crafting.


    [ID: 73801]

    LD: 20

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  16.     Sina seemed to be doing extremely well today.  Only a few feet away from her previous deposit was another one waiting to be mined.  She once again mined and got more ore in her inventory.  After finishing the mining, Sina contemplated where the ore went, thematically speaking.  The game didn't show any max capacity for materials, so she figured that it just became strings of data in the game's code, but couldn't tell where the materials would go if the game were just that slightly more realistic.


    [ID: 73800]

    LD: 18

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  17.     Sina got up and noticed that the ore deposit she had just mined still had a bit of a gleam to it.  After trying to interact with it, she got a confirmation window asking if she would like to mine it again.  She pressed the yes option and waited for the action bar to fill up, which did so a bit more slowly than last time.  Once filled, Sina got another piece of ore and started walking to find another piece of metal to craft with.


    [ID: 73799]

    LD: 16

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  18.     As Sina continued to search, she found that knowing what to look for was really helping her.  She quickly spotted another deposit in the fields and went over to mine it.  She went through the motions and got an additional piece of iron ore in her inventory.  Once she finished the mining, Sina felt a bit tired and sat down to recover her energy.  While seated, she once again looked across the plains and took in the details, wondering what exactly she would do after finishing her current quest.


    [ID: 73798]

    LD: 18

    1 tier 1 material gathered


  19.     Sina was already feeling the initial adrenaline rush fading away.  Her pace slowed as she didn't find any more materials immediately after the first deposit.  Sina contemplated what she wanted to make next, and couldn't decide whether she wanted to make a sword or an axe to possibly give away.  Her thoughts wandered until she found taht she was standing completely still. Shaking her head clear, she started walking and searching for more materials.


    [ID: 73797]

    LD: 14

    No materials gathered


  20.     Sina Veter woke up to a brand new day with the sun just above the horizon, perfect for searching for materials.  She left the city through the gate and immediately went in the opposite direction of where she was the previous day.  Upon walking for only a few minutes, she stumbled across an ore deposit.  She interacted with it, confirmed the mining action and waited for the action bar to fill up.  Once the iron ore was added to her inventory, she immediately went to searching for more metal.


    [ID: 73792]

    LD: 20

    1 tier 1 material found


  21.     Sina had gotten herself into a bit of a rhythm.  As soon as she was done testing out her first blade, she immediately went to crafting the next weapon.  As she heated up the iron ore, Sina had a clearer picture of what to make.  As she pounded out the shape of a rapier, she decided to make some nice changes to it.  First she made the handle look like the clawed hand of a reptile, then  proceeded to create a barbed tip to give some extra damage to her thrusts.  As soon as she had finished, she knew that she had create a piece of art.  This weapon would serve her finely, but she still wanted to try and make more before she would finish the quest to make herself a fully fledged blacksmith.  After testing the blade, Sina went to sleep near the gate of the city, wanting to get out quickly the next day to get materials to make one or two more items.


    [ID: 73731]

    CD: 12

    Perfect item - 

        1 tier 1 material used

        3 enhancement slots

        +8 Blacksmith EXP

        item pending approval (Splinter)


  22. Spoiler


    Name: Sanguinem

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 73728

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Weapon - Rapier
    Tier: 1st tier

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: 2 slots of bleed (Activated on a successful roll of 9-10 with one slot, or 8-10 with two slots. Deals (12 * Tier Level) of damage for 2 turns for the enemy/mob. This only applies to natural rolls (unmodified). This ignores damage mitigation.)

    Description: A simple but sharp Iron rapier. The hilt is well weighted and allows the wielder to quickly thrust and swipe the blade.  The blade itself is a thin rod of iron that can pierce though hide without too much effort.

    Post Link: 




    Name: Splinter

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 73731

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Weapon - Rapier
    Tier: 1st tier

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: 2 slots of bleed (Activated on a successful roll of 9-10 with one slot, or 8-10 with two slots. Deals (12 * Tier Level) of damage for 2 turns for the enemy/mob. This only applies to natural rolls (unmodified). This ignores damage mitigation.) and one slot of paralyze (Removed enemy action for 1 turn afterwards on a roll of 9-10 if one slot is used, and 8-10 if two slots are used. This only applies to natural rolls (unmodified). Removes evasion properties from opponent while paralyzed.)

    Description: An iron rapier with a barbed tip, perfect for thrusting.  This wicked blade has a claw-like grip and is almost perfectly black.  When the barb is pulled out, the target is often cringing from pain and therefore incapable of doing anything for a short period of time.

    Post Link: 


  23.     Sina Veter had just gotten to the forge as many were leaving.  The NPCs gave her an automatic welcome speech to help with the mood of the forge.  She quickly got to work on creating a weapon that she would hopefully be able to wield.  As the ore heated up, Sina tucked her blue hair behind her ear, ready to go for a long amount of work, she wanted to take the time to get this right. The impurities melted away in the forge and all that was left was a lump of pure iron.  Sina took the iron and began to pound it into a recognizable shape.  She used the starter rapier that she bought as a model for her craft.  As she neared completion, she wiped the sweat from her brow and dipped the blade into a bucket of water.  She brought out the blade and gave it a couple practice swings.  After being satisfied with the weight of the blade, she slid her finger along the blade, which almost instantly cut her finger.  To confirm its sharpness, she quickly thrusted it in and out of a nearby dummy, doing so with little effort.  This was definitely a blade she could wield, but was she truly proud of it?


    [ID: 73728]

    CD: 11

    Rare Item-

        2 enhancement slots

        1 tier 1 material consumed

        +5 Blacksmith EXP

        Item pending approval (Sanguinem)


  24.     The sun was getting low, and Sina still had found no more materials.  After taking a few more minutes trying to find one last deposit, Sina decided to find a road and head back to Starting City.  The road was desolate of travelers and she walked along in silence, contemplating how to create something out of her ore.  Eventually, she got back to the city gate and navigated her way towards the communal forge.  Once there, she set to work on creating something out of what she had.


    [ID: 73727]

    LD: 4

    No materials gathered


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