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Posts posted by Zero_The_Wanderer

  1. ☪ The Soul Of Curiosity




    • Profile •

    » Username: Artemis Lockser

    » Real name: Seras Tsukia ã€Seras' last name comes from the word "Tsukiakari" 月明ã‹ã‚Š meaning moonlight in Japanese.】

    » Age: 16 Years Old {December 16th, 1997}

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5 '6"

    » Weight 114 lbs

    • Description •

    Artemis is a very slim figured boy who has a moderate build, the average muscles for one of his age. His hair is messy and slightly ruffled from all of his adventuring, and its color is a dark brown shade, but the tips of his hair are a slight color of dark honey brown. His eyes are a vibrant shade of element, and are always open wide and filled with curiosity. There's so much to discover in an ever changing world... He always holds a friendly and welcoming expression, his lips curled into a cheerful smile. He has a welcoming aura and is willing to be friends with anyone who is willing to keep up with his personality. He wears a black coat that is always closed and has unique designs of green on it, and his top consists of a long sleeved dark green shirt. His jeans are a dark color and hug his skin tightly, but allow him to stretch easily at the same time. His boots are rather heavy and are also black in color, he calls them his trusty old boots.

    • History •

    Seras was just a normal boy in high school who enjoyed every day of his life to the fullest.He always tended to fool around and do immature things to pass his boring life by. And no matter what happened, he would have a positive demeanor. Throughout his school life, he was always the class clown, because of all his witty puns and hilarious comments. Although he was always the big goof off, he knew when to be serious if the time called for it. But one day the rumors spread out like a wildfire about the new VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), he was eager to find out more about the software and the extra details. Later on when the video game was finally released, he did a couple days of begging for his parents to buy him a copy. Then sooner or later.. he entered a world that was now his new reality. Welcome.. to Sword Art Online.

    • Personality •

    » Virtues:

    Optimism- No matter what may happen, Artemis holds a very positive and cheerful attitude, which can get him through the toughest of times. After all, "After every storm... there will always be a rainbow.. so when things seem bad, there's nothing to worry about! For one day everything will be alright. He is the type that does not panic when he is worried, instead he shrugs it off and wears a smile. He will keep on telling himself to just smile. And now that became a habit, and he is RARELY ever negative.

    Kindness- He has a very kind personality, and is willing to reach out for others. It aches his heart when people cry or feel sad, and he is willing to do anything to make someone themselves again. He is also the type to do random acts of kindness every now and then, and he never expects anything in return. He follows the simple rule that is well known: "Treat others how you want to be treated."

    Loyalty- Once Artemis is your friend, you earn his absolute respect and trust. For him, his friends are just like family. He will always be there for them no matter what it may be. He is never the type to turn his back on a friend either. True friends stick together.. no matter what. And especially, he is completely devoted to his comrades. In a perspective, he is just like a dog.. always looking after those dear to his heart. A loyal person makes a better comrade after all.

    Persistence And Determination- "Once I have a goal, I wont stop till I fulfill it! The reason why nobody gets what they wish for.. they simply don't T-R-Y! That's the secret! Just keep on looking forward. And when you do fall, you have the authority to get back up. So.. do it. Jibun Wo Shinjite!!" that's the words that Artemis speaks. He will NEVER give up, because he knows losers never get what they desire. And he doesn't want to give up, he wants to stand out and do what his heart desires. And only death can stop him.

    Bravery- Artemis does the craziest things you can ever imagine. He'd take on a monster floors above him even. In the world of Sword Art Online, bravery is a very scarce virtue. Many people are still trying to cope with their new reality, but its merely too hard to cope with. This was the same for the young adventurer as well, but he was able to cope rather quickly indeed. But for the emerald eyed boy, he was able to do the riskiest tasks with ease. He understood that if he dies, he dies. That fact doesn't seem to bother him anyways. Why let the fact that death lingers around you bring you down?

    » Flaws:

    Witty And Sarcastic- Artemis tends to have quite the jokester personality. Sometimes he can get carries away and say pretty rude things without necessarily meaning to hurt someone else's feelings. He also tends to make a lot of puns on the spot, and they can agitate others quite a bit too. Sometimes the class clown can be extremely annoying too.

    Curious- He can be a little too curious at times, often leading him into barrels and barrels of trouble. Artemis tends to snoop into things he should rather not look into also. of the situations he gets in are huge mobs, sticky situations, and even traps! But he luckily manages to get it out on time and safe, but always on the brink of chaos.

    Unpredictable- It is actually very hard to read Artemis's mind at times, he can do the least expected in battle. He tends to go his way if a peers battle strategy doesn't seem plausible in his perspective, he will surprisingly abandon the plan and go all out and do what he thinks is right. His actions are very bipolar, and one minute he can be joking and the next minute he'll be off attempting to kill a monster in a higher level then him. You never know what to expect from a person like him.


    • Skills •








    Weapon Skills







    » None yet..

  2. Rui walked lazily down the fields as she swung her sword around swiftly, apparently not even caring about her surroundings whatsoever or even the probability that she might possibly bonk someone in the head. But you know what everyone else says, YOLO! You only live once. Makes you jealous about those felines who apparently have "nine lives". The blue eyed girl would not hesitate in the slightest to kill any creature that got in her path anyways. If its annoying, the logical explanation is to get rid of it. And so she did.

    In the distance she spotted a figure and creeped up behind it. She thought of some low-life things to do for no apparent reason, and obviously who the hell would jump in on a stranger and say hi? That would be a total creep out. But she had to train hard enough, and one day she'd get into the front lines if she could!

  3. It was awfully confusing.. the system.. how did it work again? What do you do? All that Rui knew for sure, it was a combatting system that they had to use. And that it was the newest buzz in Japan.. So many people would line up to get their hands on a copy of this. But she did have to admit, the mastermind behind this project truly was a genius. Everything around her, it looked so real.. the moss still smelled the same as it did in the real world. And so she knew, she could use her five senses in this game also. How convenient.

    The blonde girl would occasionally pop her knuckles as she watched people walk on past her, minding their own business. But now they had started to crowd the area she was currently standing in at the moment. But they eventually left, and that was absolutely wonderful.

    As she would move she spotted a figure sleeping on the other side of the tree she was by. Rui shrugged it off her shoulder and walked away slowly, ignoring everyone she saw.

  4. "Link start!" the blue orbed girl shouted before a whole new world would appear right before her eyes.. And she knew that she would experience a whole new adventure. But she never what entering this world would bring her... she would experience a world full of adventures she never had before... Sword Art Online.

    And now she arose, her surroundings far from identification. All that she knew for sure, this was Sword Art Online. Looking around, she could hear the voices of so many people filled the atmosphere.. and tall buildings surround her. Rui didn't fancy people being too loud and "annoying", so she shoved them out of the way swiftly before sighing and taking a run from the huge scene. There she found a place that was quiet so she could catch her breath and think of what the heck she should do. Ain't nobody got time for sitting around! She had to figure out the way things worked here.

    (Takes place before the truth about SAO's reality.)

  5. tumblr_n3qns7wQ4q1trl5j1o1_500.jpg


    » Username: Rui

    » Real name: Rui Matsuhima

    » Age:15

    » Gender: What do ya' think I am genius? (Female)

    » Height: 5 "3"

    » About: Rui just your average high school student. She doesn't do very well academic-wise and is always goofing off and playing sports with all the boys and tomboys whenever she can. She is only popular for one reason.. she can bash the strongest boy in her school and that makes some boys "intimidated by her awesomeness." Make her mad and she will rat your brains out. She secretly wishes to be more feminine and lady-like. Her life is full of the general highschool drama. One day while hanging out with her friends, she somehow wounded up buying a copy of SAO... and that's how she entered the living hell!

    Personality: She is very competitive when it comes to challenges and craves for being the winner in everything.. she will challenge people to a million duels or fights and often wounds up barrels of trouble. Rui is very cold and harsh and likes to speak her mind out.. not to mention she's quite the blabber mouth! She is often defined by the stereotype "tsundere". She has a VERY short fuse and tends to curse and lash a lot. She is also a jokester and a keen observer. She'll stalk all she can with her eyes.

    » Virtues:

    . Persistent- Once Rui sets her interest in something or forms a goal, NOTHING will stop her from obtaining what she wants and the only reason for her to back down is when she is DEAD. She has very unrealistic goals most often and that is no excuse for her to back down either.

    . Confident- She is of a very high self esteemed nature. She thinks of herself to be just as valuable as anyone else. And when someone talks bad about her or bullies her in any way, she will not hesitate to bash the living daylights out of them. She may sometimes even stand up for those who are weaker if she "feels like it" or if she's in a "generous mood".

    . Quick Thinker- Hit her with a sticky situation, she'll solve it speedy quick! She's always quick to do anything and this is a great advantage since thinking swiftly is a critical skill in SAO. Sometimes she is able to come up with a battle strategy on the spot very quickly. You could only hope they would work.. but most of the time they do! So that isn't much to worry about.

    » Flaws:

    . Competitive- She is very competitive in everything. She will crave to be higher or stronger than anyone else and is always up for a challenge or such. She often gets too out of hand and can become violent in the process. Rui wants to win no matter what.. literally that is. She can also become a braggart at times and will rub her victory in their faces.

    . Violent- She has a very VERY short fuse and will snap aggressively if you anger her. She doesn't handle little kids well because she will most likely jack up their childhood by shanking them or something similar to that. She likes to play rough and most likely gets in trouble with some people due to her challenging and violent nature. Make her mad.. and you wont walk straight for the rest of your life.

    . Insensitive and Straightforward- Rui tends to be very reckless and naïve at times. She likes to speak her word and say things just the way she sees it, and really doesn't take the time to think of what she says before saying it. She has quite the loose mouth and speaks about 99 curses a day.. but that's just her nature. She won't play nice to even an innocent four year old.









    Weapon skills :






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    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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