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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. Good morning San Diego, I am Atticus - known in other areas as a variety names, however I decided Atticus was a fitting start here. I'm a pretty big open book, feel free to ask me anything. Nice to give a little life to a dead board ;)

  2. large.jpg

    ♔Atticus Ishmael

    Username: Atticus
    Real name: Atticus Ishmael
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'10

    History & Personality

    Originally hailing from The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Atticus was orphaned from a young a age after his parents - both having grown up in the crime ridden city of Belfast, went a long night of drinking that eventually led to a long and drawn out argument. To this day, he still isn't sure what it was about - but it led to an almost unheard of topic within the country at the time - double murder. The entire night was a blur, the police called - blood on the walls. The only thing that was certain however, was Atticus's lonesome welcome to the real world.

    From age 10 to 15, Atticus jumped around in boys homes around the country - sometimes only staying for days at a time due to overcrowding within the youth system. Feeling alone in the world, he developed what many teens can and will develop - depression. He took out his hatred on not just his conscious, but also his physical body as well. Slowly, and over many years of this continued abuse towards himself - Atticus found himself an addict to his own pain. He took pleasure in watching blood drip to the floor, and felt an over whelming love the idea. Eventually he grew out of small things, like choking and cutting his legs to larger things - such as walking dark and dangerous neighborhoods at night, hoping to get jumped.

    However, his dreams never come true - at age 16 Atticus was disciplined for poor academics and kicked out of the system, no one found for use for him and the boy fell to desperate measures to escape death. Now, you may say to yourself - "As a masochist, isn't the best pain a final death?" But dear reader, you are very wrong. Continued pain is a drawn out pleasure, death is one and done.

    After years of living on the streets, living by with street smarts and himself - Atticus got the opportunity of the lifetime. Hearing about a schooling opportunity for troubled youth in Japan, Atticus took it upon himself to get forged documents from a few friends across his escapades of homelessness. Through quick thinking and a bit of persuasion, Atticus found himself on the long trip to a foreign land. However, he would never reach that school for the troubled youth - as on display at one of the very shops he came across was a limited edition Nerve Gear, he'd heard of them but never seen them in real life. In broken English, the cashier asked if he wanted to try the product - Atticus said yes, planning to steal the gear for his own monetary gain. Some might say he did, indirectly, steal the Nerve Gear.



    Atticus's morals are strong, and can stand up to the strongest of enemies - whether that be a boar, the boss on Floor 100, or even himself - Atticus prides himself on his ability to honor agreements, other people, and the very foundations that keep Aincrad running. Atticus would rather loose a finger than cheat - albeit, if someone offered to cut off the finger Atticus would jump on it, but I digress. To say that Atticus is a cheater, is like saying that your favourite vegetable is brussel sprouts, its just plain wrong. His respect for those above him, is that of a dogs obedience to their master.


    Atticus has a strong sense of Justice, and will stand up with his morals to the largest enemies. He disobeys his sense of Honour, tossing it to the dirt when he feels like others rights or feelings are being violated in a sense that is unjust or inhumane. He's the one to bite the bullet, and put the foot down on issues that most others would be arbitrary about. If anything, he's the kid who stops the bully and tells them to pick on someone their own size - and then get punched in the nose.


    Perhaps less of a virtue, and more of a problem for those around him - Atticus is, in his own words, not forceful, just assertive of himself and his beliefs. He won't unduly push those ideas however, but will make the just about as known as he thinks they should be - which most of the time tends to be at the front of the line. He's loud, and although he doesn't try to yell, it comes out like that anyway. He'll assert just about anything, his beliefs onto someone he disagrees with, himself when being criticized, and he will most certainly assert his spear into an enemies stomach.  



    Perhaps one of the more simpler ways to describe Atticus, by all means he fits the definition of Narrow-Minded. Atticus has a very strong attitude and once he has focused in on something, it's almost impossible to get him to a see a more logical side. For this reason, he often has difficulties working with others and tends to be terrible at conforming or listening to others. If you were picking lab partners in science, Atticus would be the one silently counting the amount of people in the class - hoping to escape the punishment of a partner.


    Other than failing to work well with others, Atticus tends to forget most things, including such things like quests, shop names, where he was going, or even what floor he was on. Everywhere he seems to go, there has to be a bit of pondering - ''What was I going to do at this house again?'' He'd ask himself, only to get frustrated and kick the siding, injuring himself just a little. Its as if everything necessary would disappear in moments, forcing the male to keep notes a small journal about his current affairs.


    The dark side of Atticus is plenty dark, even from a young age he enjoyed pain and the idea of death - only the feeling itself could sate the hunger inside of him. In the middle of the night, he may get urges - the hope, or idea that he wants to be harmed. However, due to the consequence of Sword Art Online giving players no pain, he's been forced to adapt and gets excited at the very idea of falling into the red zone. There's never quite enough to make the male happy, and as such the undue harm he must cause upon himself may offer greater risk than reward.






    Weapon skills:
    » Novice Two Handed Assault Spear

    » Starter Iron Breastplate

    » Two Handed Assault Ji (Spear)

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


    Story Thus Far

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