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Posts posted by Musashi

  1. The sun is shifting itself close to westwards as in a few hours, sunset will occur. Musashi moves on by going back to where the city is, and explore the grasslands just around the walls. He is still bummed that he couldn't find any boars or wolves, and even if he does see them, they would either run away or get slain by other nearby players. Throughout his way to the city walls, he passes by a group of players sitting in a circular formation, fooling around. 

    All but one are females, so basically you have a typical harem situation here. So much for cliches eh? They are playing what appears to be spinning the bottle, and it doesn't take a genius to guess what the dares will look like and how they are carried out.

    Musashi only watches them for a few seconds, then he leaves as he has no business with them. After all, he thinks that it is better to be alone for now than having some friends here, as he had heard several stories of people getting backstabbed at some point in a raid event, dungeon event, you name em. The good question about players of Aincrad is, who can you actually trust? This is a lawless world after all, and if there are more evil people here, Aincrad will eventually be The Republic of F**king Greater East Asia or something. 


    ID: 83281

    LD: 5


  2. The hut smells like very old piss inside, but what is even worse is that a lot of valuables are here, as if the owner had no time to pack his s**t up and run away. Musashi thinks that there must be a corpse somewhere since there aren't any dirty, smelly clothes to be seen here. Holding his breath as long as he can for every few minutes, he begins searching the sacks and small chests in here, which might not make sense unless the owner either bought, brought or stole these things for the sake of furnishing his huts.

    Most of the sacks and chests contain nothing but junk, dried food, jars of murky water, and even a f**king skull adorned with jewels on itself. Musashi feels unnerved as he feels disgusted by what he had find in the hut so far. Whoever lived here must had been a sick, degenerate piece of garbage that deserves to die rather than staying alive. 

    At least the hut itself is abandoned, otherwise he would have seen the owner earlier, who may be just as bad, if not worse, than those decrepit items. As there is nothing that would be beneficial as a healing ingredient, Musashi leaves the hut hurriedly.


    ID: 83277

    LD: 1


  3. As Musashi is walking back and forth near the cobblestone path, he sees what appears to be a hut right in the middle of nowhere, located nearby the spot where he plucked the raspberry looking fruits. What the dickens could be a hut doing here? Whatever that is, it seems to serve more of a pit stop kind of shelter than a permanent one. Musashi approaches the shelter and sees that it is entirely made of grasses, tall ones to be exact. Built in dome shaped too, props to that. 

    Immediately to the left of its entrance, there is a small chest, unlocked. Musashi sees this and carefully opens it to find a plain, tiny sack, neatly tied. He picks it up and unties the bow, peeking inside the contents. Hallelujah, there are healing herbs that are dark green in color, sort of like earl gray. Confident that he has found the third object, he keeps it into his inventory and enters the hut, holding the handle of his sword in case something hostile is inhabiting inside.


    ID: 83259

    LD: 2


  4. The mushroom feels soft to the touch, and even better to Musashi, it resembles his favorite mushroom, a shiitake. But picking up the fungus has a negative effect to the rest of the plants: all of them wilted and die in mere seconds. It seems that the mushroom is the source of life on the 'fairy ring.' Thank you, Musashi. Thank you so much for committing genocide against these beautiful plants you sick, stoic clod. 

    Musashi then leaves the ring as he takes the mushroom with him, hoping that it contains healing properties at minimal. There are more fairy rings around with the same kind of mushrooms standing at the center, but one is probably enough for him thanks to its size.

    So far, there doesn't seem to be any mobs here, and this disappoints him a little as he expects at least a single combat section. At least he has time to familiarize himself with the world of Aincrad for now...


    ID: 83179

    LD: 11

    Found 3/5 Quest Material


  5. The cobblestone path is smooth to walk on, but, especially in Musashi's case, it looks like it is leading to nowhere. It just keeps going and going like Lester Road minus the canyon. He wonders if there is anywhere he can go to walk off the path, and sure enough, he sees what appears to be some kind of 'fairy ring' adorned with shrooms and flowers. He walks towards it and, without stepping into the centre of the circle like an idiot, examines the plants closely. Some of the shrooms and flowers look like they could be manufactured as drugs or medicine, but Musashi isn't sure.

    There is one mushroom that stands out from the rest, and it is the type with the cap being inky at the edges. It is entirely peach in color, and it gives off a smell reminiscent of almonds. Carefully, Musashi plucks the mushroom from the ground, and examines it closely.


    ID: 83171

    LD: 11

    Found 2/5 Quest Material


  6. Alas, Musashi found a particular fruit that looks like a raspberry, sporting a pinkish red color. He climbs up the tree and picks it up, dropping onto the ground as he examines it closely. The fruit's textures matches that of a real raspberry, but it doesn't have a hole on top of itself. Just for s**ts and giggles, he pops it into his mouth, finding out that the taste and sweet and as soon as he swallows it, he feels...very refreshed in the heart. Maybe this is one of the ingredients he is looking for.

    Musashi looks upwards at the direction of the same tree to find more of them growing among the leaves. He climbs up the plant once more and takes and keeps some of the into his inventory. One down, four to go. As the rest of the existing small trees do not bear any fruit or herbs, he leaves the area by taking the cobblestone path, wondering where it would lead him in this field. He has no plans in smoking right now as he is afraid he might start a wildfire or something among the plants.


    ID: 83170

    LD: 6


  7. Like finding Easter eggs, Musashi searches high and low for the required herbs as he reaches a small part of the field that is adorned by bushes and some small trees. There is a cobblestone-like path that leads to who knows what, it is large enough for three people to walk on at the same time. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know s**t about alchemic herbs or whatnot, so he couldn't be sure what this flower is supposed to be, or this grass tastes like. He doesn't even try to taste them, as he thinks it is suicidal to do so in case they are so-called poisonous. 

    After scourging every bush available on this spot, he lets out a sigh as he gives up, looking at the trees that happen to bear some unknown fruits and more flowers on the branches. Rubbing his hands sub-consciously, he reduces his walking pace as he stares at one of the trees, examining the flowers and fruits as part of him hopes to be lucky that he finds one that might resemble the fruits on Earth, like strawberries or grapes.


    ID: 83102

    LD: 14

    Found 1/5 Quest Material


  8. Without any signs of hesitation, Musashi nods, eager to take his first quest in Aincrad just for the sake of early in-game items and leveling up. Zackariah gives him a smile so wide, for a second he looks like a child wearing a false beard. After being wished good luck, Musashi exits the store and off his goes to the gates of the Starting City. The weather's being kind to him today, as it is now fairly windy, and the sun ain't bright enough to cause a sunburn.

    While still walking on, Musashi dons his first piece of armor, an iron breastplate, over his hakama clothing. The breastplate provides decent protection, but it sucks at bouncing of blows from blunt weapons, powerful swords and projectiles. Still, Musashi doesn't mind as he remains steadfast in his believe that he will get better armor, and an actual katana if he can find or afford one. For now, he has a simple curved sword, and it would be his best friend suited for his low level state.


    ID: 83101

    LD: 4 


  9. 5a60b020c9f18de463c459660cac8d91_-elixir-of-life-image-elixir-of-life_1046-763.jpeg


    "The elixir of life, something I sought to create for a long time," says Zackariah as he is leaning against his chair, smoking his good ol' pipe while staring through the window. Outside, the Starting City is crowded with NPCs and players, the latter being more prominent in terms of numbers. These players are no different than what they are on Earth. You have players who is moving on like normal, planning to advance the front lines and in the worst case scenario, resort to banditry. 

    Our man, Musashi, is smoking this long cigarette that rich women used in the 1900s and, him smoking alone maybe define his character a little more. Tall, strong, straightforward, violent, honorable, all of these properties are written in his face, but if only we can actually see that through his stupid scowl. Like come on man, can't you at least emote like a human being?

    So basically, this old man wants to create an elixir of life, or maybe a potion that is powerful enough to heal even lung cancer, ok? So what happened just a few moments ago was when Musashi entered this room, Zackariah, smiling that there is another player willing to help, explained what materials to get outside the city. A simple task, but Musashi's gotta look harder to find all five of them.

    "Once you have all of those stuff, bring em to me. In return, you can help me create my desired potion, perhaps you will gain benefit in starting as an inept alchemist," he says with a laugh. "You can also have some of my potions as rewards for your efforts. Ok?"

  10. kibagami_genjuro_by_victorbang-d6k2fqp.j

    Name: Musashi Kiisumo

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    HP: 20/20

    COL: 0

    SP: 5

    Level: 1

    Energy: 2/2

    Sword Art Rank: 1

    DMG: 2

    MIT: 0

    Skills: One Handed Curved Sword (Rank 1, DMG +1)



    Let's start with the face that this guy here is the finest human being on Planet Earth. Sorry to bust your balls but if you think you want to send a Musashi Miyamoto to duel with him, think again. He could cut down your sword if he has to, and by all means, brute force is his method of fighting should his sword fails to please his fighting spirit.

    Musashi Kiisumo. Yeah, he has the same first name as the legendary swordsman, but it was his mommy's idea, especially since her husband was a master of his own kenjutsu school in Japan. Everything went dandy, but Musashi grew up to be one that is okay with good people, but a sadistic lad to bad people. Whatever pipsqueak that messed with him will have himself being beaten all the way to Kingdom Come. Besides that, our hero also mastered the way of the blade, and several times he asked his daddy to have a odachi in his school even though that sword was totally obsolete due to its ridiculous length and size.

    Now one day, as Musashi played video games like he always to, there was a loud knock to the door. Accompanied by Mommy, Daddy got up from his rest and opened the door to find his school rivals wanting to duel with him, like a rematch. He beat them twice in two separate, arranged duels. Long story short, Daddy refused angrily, and in response, these pipsqueaks decided, "You know what, let's kill that sunnuvabitch and his wife, and so they did.

    Only Mommy's screams attracted Musashi's attention, and he went downstairs to see the gutted corpse of his dad and his mom preparing to get the same treatment. Musashi went berserk, grabbed a prized katana hanging at the wall, and killed those bastards, but not before he received a large cut on his back. That answers your question about his notable scar there.

    Both him and his mom mourned Daddy's death, and after the funeral, they relocated to a new city while somebody suitable in the school took place of the dad's position as master.

    Musashi continued honing his swordsmanship, and at the same time, he would play games in some effort to make himself at least not sad. It isn't until when he was in his current age, the grand VMMORPG, Sword Art Online, was released worldwide, and it made fat stacks of money particularly in Japan. Musashi, of course, bought the game, but this is where his story of his past ends here, and the new story begins.



    Let's talk about virtues first.

    Strong: Musashi is a strong person indeed, and a single punch can potentially break your ugly, miserable face. This is also good for him to wield larger weapons, doesn't matter which. Being grappled by his hands is a no-no, because you rather get slashed honorably than having your brain being crushed like a grub. Besides, this guy also endures loads of pain. I thought the scar already proved that.

    Kind: Now despite the fact that this guy is a major madman and an A-hole at some point, that would only happen towards bad guys and monsters. Musashi has a kind heart if you prove yourself to be his true friend, because that is what he values so much in his life. If you don't, well, he would be okay with you, but don't expect any favors.

    Sense of honor: If the opponent has or does anything that impresses Musashi, he would thus develop a sense of honor towards his enemies. For example, that guy happens to be very good in kenjutsu, this is something that should be respected in Musashi's perspective. All the grappling and kicking will not happen at this phase, only his own sword will do the job. Sometimes, if the opponent is lucky, he or she would be spared should they lose the fight.


    And now, the bad and the ugly.

    Temper: The scary thing about Musashi is that you can't even tell when his mood would change. He is like a ticking bomb, and you would want to be careful to not get yourself caught in the boom. When he is pissed, he really means it. He would go berserk, destroying whatever valued by his opponent, and so on. He will also be moody towards his friends randomly, and unless you can comfort him somehow, he won't stay calm in a while.

    Mercilessness: This is probably what makes him a formidable foe. No care is given in most of his fights. After all, he fights to win, not to impress. If possible, he can exploit weak points of his opponents, especially if they are human. With that advantage, they can meet their demise in a shorter time.

    That frequent scowl on his face: Scowling, scowling, scowling. That is what he mostly expresses on his badass looking face. It doesn't matter how you want to cheer him up, if he choose to not grin like an idiot, he will do so. But don't look at that scowl as a sign that he is forever angry. He isn't, just...this is probably his way of being 'stoic.'





    Name: Iron Curved Sword

    Description: A generic curved sword. If you are into such swords, this would be your first weapon. Get used to this baby first.





    Name: Iron Breastplate

    Description: A typical breastplate. It looks old and a little erm, fragile I guess? Even though it doesn't look like it. Again, get used to the weight of a heavy armor first.



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