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Posts posted by Maddix

  1. Abalasster mentioned that the thing that laid on his shoulder was a Scarab and that this scarab thing is his most trusty traveling companion. This made Maddix wonder what the hell Abalasster considered a companion

    "Who would carry around a bug as their traveling companion," Maddix thought to herself. She considered a traveling partner to be that of dog or maybe even a cat. But a friggen bug? Maddix couldn't see in te slightest how he found solace in a creature like that. Abalasster then tried to tell Maddix that the bug was friendly, but Maddix didn't really care. That bug on his shoulder freaked her out. However, Maddix didn't want to let her disease for the bug turn into malice for Abalasster. The player did offer to help her after all, so the least she could do was be civil. So she dropped the subject entirely now and began to advance towards the questing location. Abalasster followed.

    As the two moved towards the shop, her questing companion asked her if this was her first quest.

    "Yeah, it is" she replied enthusiastically. "I hope to make fond memories of it as well" Not long after that, he then asked if she would like to go out to a restaurant with him after the quest. Maddix pondered what to do at first. She was quite hungry as of now, but at the same time, she'd be eating with a person that was a borderline stranger. She kept going back and forth. That was until the thought of food made her tummy rumble.

    "Yeah, we can go out to eat after this" Maddix replied. 

    It wasn't long before the two reached the shop of Zackariah.

    "Well, this is our destination," Maddix said, as she gazed at the door

  2. Maddix followed the silver-haired player out into the field where the lone player was lying down in the field of grass. She didn't follow too closely to the silver-haired player, knowing that she might irritate him more, seeing how she had just knocked him to the floor. She kept her distance by a few feet, just to ensure that she wasn't so close to the player. Eventually, the silver-haired player stopped a few feet away from the player who was lying in the grass. The player seemed to be asleep.

    "Is fighting really that tiresome in this game?" Maddix thought to herself. However, she was dragged out of her thoughts by the appearance of a new player. He rushed out to the field in a set of heavy armor. Maddix was impressed. His armor was certainly better than that of the cloth set that she still had equipt from the game start. And the way that he ran full speed even in that suit of armor proved he possessed some strength. This new player seemed to be very bulky indeed. 

    He player then tried conversing with the one who was lying asleep on the ground. This prompted a response from the silver-haired player, saying that the player was probably asleep. Maddix smiled at this, seeing how the newly arrived player did, in fact, try conversing with a sleeping one. 

    Maddix then looked around trying to find the other player that was in the group. Eventually, she spotted her leaning under a tree. Her blonde hair was flowing in the wind as she waited in the shade, just staring at the rest of the group. Maddix thought that her appearance was beautiful and envied her for her beauty. However, she also wondered why the girl had spaced herself so far from the rest of the group. Maybe she was just a solitary person. Nevertheless, Maddix waved at her, beckoning for her to come over. Maddix wanted for her to be a part of the group as well. She didn't know how'd she respond though. If she didn't come over, oh well. She just wanted all the group to come together.

    It wasn't long after she beckoned for the girl to come over that the silver-haired player introduced himself as Abalasster and asked if everyone else was here hunting.

    "Yeah, I'm here for the hunting" Maddix said enthusiastically. "Well, mostly I'm here to learn the basics. I've never been in combat before. And I'm Maddix, nice to meet you Abalasster"

  3. Maddix stood at the quest board, waiting for a response from Abalasster. After she sent the message, she initially thought that Abalasster wouldn't respond. He had only had one interaction with her before, so she was skeptical that he'd respond. But, for the meantime, she just stood there at the board waiting.

    Maddix was alarmed when Abalasster responded. It hadn't taken very long for him to respond either. He said that he would be willing to do the quest and that he was on his way. Maddix was ecstatic.

    "Well that's good," she said as she read the message. So, to pass the time, waiting for Abalasster to show up to her location, she began to read the details on the quest.

    "So I need to get mats. for Zackariah" Maddix said as she ready the info

    " Hey Maddix!" she heard from behind her. She turned to see that Abalasster was approaching.

    "Hey!" she responded cheerfully. She looked to see the creature that was on his shoulder and she was started.

    "Oh my God," she said, "what's on your shoulder". The thing appeared to be some sort of insect or bug. Maddix was rather creeped out by it. However, she let it go. 

    "Yeah, let's do it!" Maddix said. "Our first stop is Zackariah's shop". Maddix started to walk in the direction of the shop's destination, beckoning Abalasster to follow.


  4. Maddix was sitting on a bench in the market district of the Town of Beginnings. She was still fairly new to the game and was still adapting to everything that was going on. She was till baffled about how everyone in this game just ran by so swiftly. How they just blasted from checkpoint A to Checkpoint B like it was nothing. Maddix knew what it was like to run through area's in an RPG with mastery on the in's and out's of that area. Maddix had played her fair share of RPG's and knew full and well what it was like to run through an area without any care. But to her, this was different. In those circumstances, the player is using a keyboard or controller to move their character through an area. However, this wasn't like that. The player wasn't using a mouse and keyboard or controller to navigate. They were instead controlling themselves and moving with their arms and legs. And in this game, the character was the player and vice versa. However, Maddix tried not to ponder on this too long. 

    "I've been sitting on this bench for at least an hour" She groaned to herself. "Time to get up and do something". So Maddix got up off of the bench and began to move around the district, looking for something to do. That was until she found a quest board. She looked over the available options and found something that suited her

    "The First Few Lessons are Free..." she said to herself as she read the quests name. Next, she looked over the details of the quest and was hooked.

    "This'll help me learn some of the mechanics!" She said, somewhat excited. Maddix then saw that she could participate in this quest with another player. She pondered whether she should or not. She looked through members whom she had played with recently and saw that Abalasster was the only one online

    "Might as well give it a shot?" Maddix said as she messageAbalasster. 

    "Hey @Abalasster, I was thinking about taking this beginning quest and wondered if you may want to participate. I'd appreciate your co-op presence. And maybe we could get to know each other better- Maddix"

    She sent the message and waited for a response...or a lack of one...  

  5. The player Maddix knocked over fell face first into the ground and Maddix could tell by the way that he hit it must have been painful. She didn't think she had run into him that hard but she must have overestimated her force and her weight.

    "I'm such a klutz," she thought to herself. "I should've been paying attention." Maddix stood over the player and extended a hand for him to grab onto and pull himself back up. All the while as this was happening, Maddix noticed that a new player had appeared in their presence. The new player was a girl with flowing blonde hair. However, she had paid no mind to what had happened between her and the silver-haired player. This slightly relieved Maddix. The less ridicule, the better she thought to herself. Maddix turned her attention back to the player whom she had knocked to the floor. The player had now turned himself onto his side and was looking up at her. He also had one hand on his head, assuring Maddix that her knocking him down caused a mighty blow to his head. When the player initially turned over, his face was that of pure irritation and frustration. Maddix braced herself for the certain backlash that would occur. "You just had to knock him down Maddi," a voice inside her head said. "Nice going". However, Maddix witnessed his expression change from this of irritation to one of sympathy and understanding. This relieved Maddix.

    "Oh thank god," She thought to herself. "He doesn't seem upset". The player ignored Maddix's attempt to help himself back up and used one hand to pick himself up and the other to cover his head. Maddix still felt terrible. However, she diverted her attention to the field, where she saw a lone player lying down. Then, not long after, the player she had knocked down made his way out into the field. 

    "Well, might as well follow," Maddix said to herself, as she followed the silver-haired player on into the field

  6. Maddix was scanning her surroundings in the Town of Beginnings. The place was like a maze for her. She hadn't familiarized herself with the starting Town. As she walked around the place, she constantly bumped into people. She felt bad for doing it too. She didn't quite know how to navigate her way around and was obstructing the paths that people who were more proficient at the game. She was overwhelmed with the sight that was the city. She was amazed about its eloquence, how shops lined every corner, how cafe's and restaurants were everywhere. And the aromas that seeped from these eateries made her stomach rumble. However, something new appeared in front of her that grabbed her attention. It was a message and it read 

    "Going hunting in the wild, any players in the area wish to join? If so meet me at the exit to the town of beginnings" The message was from a player named Stryder. This puzzled Maddix, for she had never received a message before. She then pondered what to do

    "Hm, do I accept this," she thought to herself. "I am pretty much a noob so getting into a fight this early isn't probably a good idea" She was about to click out of the message before she had a sudden change of heart.

    "You know what," She thought to herself again. "I will go and do some hunting. I'll get to meet some people that I can probably team up with that can hopefully show me the ropes. That's what I'll do"

    So Maddix messaged Stryder back and opened the map from her inventory to try and find the exit. She was relieved to find that she wasn't that far. So she began walking. 

    It didn't take her all too long to reach her destination at the exit. However, when she made it, she was so busy looking at her map that she bumped into a stranger. She took down her map and instantly apologized for her clumsiness for knocking into the silver-haired stranger

    "Great start" She thought to herself


    Username: Maddix

    Real name: Madison (Maddi) O'Neill

    Age: 16

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 162 lbs

    Sex: Female

    Orientation: Straight




    Madison was born to a large American family in the Mid-West. She was the first born of 3 other children. Madison's family traveled a lot, for her Father was a member of the military. However, even though that the family moved from place to place, they all still had each other.  The constant moving often excited Maddi, and she loved seeing the different atmosphere's that were around her. However, she also despised the constant moving. She was never in one place for too long, leading to a lack of friendships. Maddi was never able to hold on for a friendship for too long after moving either.

    Maddi's family wasn't particularly an affluent family either. The money that the military gave the family for her father's service wasn't all too much and her mother had to work 2 different jobs just so that they family could pay the bills. Maddi's life was particularly filled with loneliness. None of the siblings in her family quite got along. On top of that, Maddi's Father wasn't home much, seeing how he was out all day doing military duties. Maddi's mother also didn't come home till around 7 o'clock and when Maddi's mother did get home she was utterly exhausted from work. This also led to another problem for Maddix. Around Maddi's Eighth grade year, her mom practically gave up on cooking, and just had Maddix go and get fast food for dinner each night. Because of this, Maddi began to gain weight rapidly. From Eighth grade to Freshman year, Maddi went from 90 pounds to 140 pounds. Kids at school would also make fun of her weight, leading Maddi to be more insecure about herself. She could hardly look in the mirror for she was scared to see her gut sticking out

    Maddi's one escape from reality was video games. Maddi loved gaming, especially RPG's. And, of course, when Sao was announced, Maddi began saving and stealing money to save up for the game. And eventually, she did. She was so happy to get the game. She could finally go into a world where she wasn't going to be ridiculed for her body and that she would finally have a solace that could shield her from the pain of this world. 


    Kindness/Charity: Maddi is a fairly kind soul. Even when people would insult people for her weight she wouldn't retaliate against them and would treat them with kindness. Maddi likes to help people and especially those less fortunate than her. She likes to treat people with utter kindness hoping that someone will see past her physical appearance and want to befriend her.

    Honesty: Maddi always attempts, to tell the truth. She hates lying, for in her childhood she would always be told the lie that they wouldn't be moving anymore. She is very trustworthy and doesn't intend to backstab anyone. She puts her faith in others to be trustworthy as well, leading to her being rather gullible as well

    Charismatic: Maddi is a very vibrant person on the inside. Most of the time she is smiling. That is if she's in a situation where she isn't being made fun of. Maddi likes making others smile as well and wants to share positivity and happiness to others. Her smile is rather infective. 


    Gluttony: Maddi is a heavy eater. Ever since that year between Eighth and Freshman year, she has loved food, a little too much. And her stomach as paid a price for it, swelling up to a chubby plump tummy. However, even despite this Maddi still loves food, and won't turn down a meal. The meals she eats are also of a greater portion, seeing how she needs more and more food to satisfy her tummy

    Gullible: Maddi always tries to see the good in people. She believes that people have goodness in all of them and that no one is beyond saving. However, this leads to people to using Maddi and tricking her into believing things that aren't necessarily true. And she usually ends up believing what people say.

    Insecurity: Maddi is a fairly insecure person. She has been insulted constantly for her body so much that she hates stepping on scales or looking in mirrors. She hates that she's chubby but just can't stop eating. The insecurity also affects Maddi's confidence in other abilities of hers, usually making her not very confident in anything she does

    Dependent: Maddi isn't a very independent person. People can walk all of her and she wouldn't stick up for herself. She is constantly bullied into doing homework for others and other such tasks. Maddi despises this about herself but she knows deep down that she won't change and that she just doesn't know how to change.

    Accident-Prone: Maddi is a fairly clumsy and awkward person. She isn't all that smooth on her feet and is prone to falling over, knocking things down, tripping herself or others, and just all around klutz. She is usually the one in trap filled dungeons that would end up setting off a booby trap. 






    Weapon skills:

    »2 handed Battle Axe

    Cloth Armor


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)





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