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Posts posted by Skye

  1. Why was she just now deciding to become a crafter? Well, there were several reasons for that, first being that she formerly didn't really know about the quest. When she did find out about it, she avoided it as she knew she wouldn't be able to complete it, considering that she would have to go out of the safe zone (at least that's what people told her). She really didn't want to put herself into a dangerous position, as she knew she would most likely not make it alone. Even after people had offered to help her, Skyler preferred to just stay safe and make the best out of the situation up until she would be forced to leave. Her reason to do the quest now wasn't because she was forced, though, it was because she wanted to get out of the city as it was making her feel miserable. As time went on her interest in crafting grew as well, so eventually it became very tempting to do the quest. She wasn't going to spout out all those reasons though, instead just deciding to keep it simple. "Well, I've always wanted to become a crafter, but that meant having to go out of the safe-zone to gather, which I was quite scared of. I've kind of gotten over that fear now though, which is why I'm doing the quest." Skyler said as she proceeded to walk towards the shop. It was still quite a long answer, but much shorter than naming ever tiny reason that made her decide to start this quest.

    Just a short while later, Skyler arrived at the shop's entrance, walking straight in as the door was already open. The interior of the small shop wasn't exactly spectacular, just white walls, a white counter and several glass boxes scattered around with mostly jewelry and what seemed to be lucky charms. The wall behind the counter was covered with simple but well-made paintings, which was quite interesting to look at. How the shop looked didn't really matter though, all that did was the NPC and what she needed Skye to do.

    A female NPC was standing behind the counter with a sweet smile on her face. The woman seemed to be over the age of 65, as her face was rather wrinkly and her hair was completely gray. "Hello there, how may I help you?" the woman said as Skyler walked towards the counter and stood in front of it. "Hi, I was wondering if you could teach me how to craft?" The woman's face lit up, seemingly happy about Skye's question. It was as if she could really feel emotions, which was sadly not true. "Definitely! If you could collect a few materials for me, I can show you the basics." as her sentence ended a small screen popped-up in front of Skye, showing the specific requirements for the quest. They would have to collect a total of 4 flowers, each needing to be a different colour, that would afterwards most likely be turned into dyes to paint with. Skye quickly clicked accept. "Thank you" she replied, to which the woman simply nodded.

    After her lovely chat with the NPC, Skyler turned towards her companion. "Could you maybe lead the way to the fields? If I do it we'll most likely get lost." Skye laughed, knowing all too well that there was actually a chance of them not finding the exit if she wat put in charge of directions.


  2. Skyler was pleasantly surprised after hearing the stranger's answer. This meant she wouldn't have to waste even more time searching for someone else, which was great! She could focus on gaining her profession now, not about the small possibility of getting into a 1 v 1 fight with some stupid boar. With an honest smile still stuck on her face, she responded. "Alright! Thank you, again." A quick chuckle followed, proving that she was really happy with him tagging along.

    "My real name is Skyler but you can just call me Skye if you want." Skyler replied after Fell had introduced himself. She thought his name was rather odd, but that occurred quite often within the gaming world. Skyler usually just shuffled around her real name's letters and using the outcome as a nickname, but a lot of people seemed to prefer other methods to choose their names. She had absolutely no clue how on earth someone would think of Fell, but it sounded nice. It was also rather convenient that it was short so she wouldn't have to scream out an insanely long name if one of those rude monsters would come after her. Anyway, the moment she noticed Fell stuck out his hand, Skyler grabbed his hand a shook it. "It's nice to meet you, hope we can get along"

    Now that she had gone through the usual introduction, it was time to actually start the quest. To do so, she would obviously have to walk to the store first, so that's what she was going to do right now. She wasn't alone though, so it was most likely a good choice to quickly give Fell a little information about what they were about to do. "The quest we're going to do is called Earning a living, so we need to head to that artisan's shop so I can get our little adventure started." Right after saying that, Skye turned around, ready to finally head to her destination. "Let's go~" She cheered as she started moving towards the shop at a rather fast pace. She couldn't wait to finally start her first quest.




  3. A laugh wasn't something Skye saw as a valid response to her question, not really knowing why it could be considered funny as she had asked a really normal question. This soon became a little more understandable though, as it appeared she had walked right past the location she was searching for. Did she feel stupid? Kind of, but she didn't blame herself for failing to notice that stupid little sign. It's as if they made it so small on purpose just to make life harder for everyone. On the positive side, she had finally found an artisan that would probably be willing to teach her the basics of crafting in SAO, something she was really looking forward to.

    After having given the shop a quick glance, Skye let out an awkward laugh while scratching the back of her head, something she often did when feeling nervous or slightly uncomfortable. In this case, her own stupidity had made her feel not-so-great and just ever so slightly embarrassed. "Wow, can't believe I didn't see that" she said, her eyes aimed slightly up as the stranger was a bit taller than her. "Well, thanks for your help. Bye." slightly raising her hand, she performed a quick wave before turning around and heading towards the shop, just to turn around after a few steps and head back to the stranger. She had just realized something quite crucial, the fact that she was alone and about to start a quest that would most likely need her to go out of the safe zone to collect materials. Though people had told her fighting wasn't a part of the quest, there was still the possibility a rude boar or wolf (The only two mobs she had actually seen so far with her own 2 eyes) would come right after her. She was fine with leaving the safe zone alone, but fighting, even if there was just a tiny chance of it actually happening, wasn't something she would solo. Definitely. Not. So, the first and only solution Skye's brain could quickly think of was asking the stranger for help. Was it normal to ask a completely random person to just help her? Not really, but she was too impatient and lazy to go and get someone else to help her.

    After having gotten back to the stranger, Skyler quickly asked her question, not really sure how he would respond. "Excuse me, but would you be interested in joining me on a quest? I could really use some help, I'll even give you half of the reward."

    Skye didn't really care about the reward, she just wanted to be able to start a shop, so nothing else was that important.She hoped that the stranger would be alright with tagging along, otherwise she'd be forced to search for someone else.

  4. The starting city, the place she had spent most of her time in since that horrible announcement that changed everything. After having been told that they were stuck, some people seemed to have immediately gone out to level up, while others just kept themselves within the safe-zone, waiting until they gathered enough courage to finally leave the walls. Skye was one of many that just roamed the streets of the starting city for a while, not really knowing what they wanted to do. At the start, she still was hopeful, hopeful that they'd quickly beat the game and she could get out as fast as humanly possible. But that hope slowly crumbled, getting smaller and smaller as the days passed. She kept herself busy by just having a nice time with fellow cowards, mostly spending her time in inns and all that. Though she did everything to distract herself and have a good time, Skyler slowly stopped seeing her surroundings as a beautiful city with lots and lots of lovely people in it, instead of viewing it as a prison. This prison had one slight problem though: it had a giant hole that allowed everyone to escape whenever they wanted. She could've left at any point, but she didn't. Why? Fear, that's why.

    What was once the one and only place where she felt comfortable, was now nothing but a boring old city that she wanted to get out of. Now that she had gathered enough courage, she was finally ready to leave and go enjoy the virtual world, regardless of how dangerous it might be. But first, she had to do something, a very important quest (at least for her).

    Earning a Living

    She had heard of the quest before several times, becoming more and more interested every time she heard of it. Instead of collecting col by constantly murdering virtual beasts, she could also just earn a living with a successful shop, something that sounded like a much better idea. She wanted to keep her amount of time outside of the safe zones to a minimum, as she always felt uncomfortable outside of it for a very solid reason, the possibility of dying. Having a shop would allow her to be productive while also staying safe, which is obviously a great deal. That's why, right now, she was making an attempt at finding an artisan to start the quest with. 


    You'd think that someone who has spent so much time on a floor would be able to at least be capable of finding at least 1 Artisan's shop, but apparently, that's a task that's too hard to complete for Skyler. She had never really paid any attention to shops, mainly because she didn't really have any money to spend. She was 90% certain that she had walked past an artisan at least once or twice, but she couldn't really remember where. So now she was just roaming around, awkwardly inspecting the buildings with the hope of soon finding an artisan.


    After roughly 15 minutes, an amazing idea popped up in her head, why wouldn't she just ask someone? There were plenty of people around, so she had a great chance someone would be able to locate a nice little shop run by a friendly NPC. Without hesitation, Skyler walked up to the closest (what seemed to be a) player she could find, tapping his shoulder as an attempt to make him turn around. She quickly conjured a smile on her face before asking her oh-so-important question.


    "Excuse me, but do you know the location of an artisan's shop that happens to be NPC run?"







    Username: Skye
    Real name: Skyler Christinsen
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    5'6" (1.67m)

    About: History/personality


    Skyler was born into a middle-class family residing in a small town with nothing too special to it. There was a church that was barely used, an underpopulated primary school, an old hairdresser that was barely surviving, and a giant amount of 3 small shops. One of those shops belonged to Skyler's mother, a floral designer who, though not making a lot of money, made just about enough to keep the shop running and help pay bills. The majority of the money, however, came from her father. He was a Biology teacher at a secondary school, a job that he loved a lot, something Skyler never really understood. Anyway, the family didn't make ridiculous amounts of money but had enough to live a normal and happy life. They gave Skyler a healthy environment to grow up in.


    In her younger years, Skyler was a very energetic and sociable child that loved being outside as much as her parents. Like her mother, she was fond of flowers, always yelling that she wanted to own a flower shop just like her mother when she got older. Though her love for flowers has yet to have faded, the dream of following in her mother's footsteps would eventually disappear.


    Life changed quite a bit when Skyler moved on to a secondary school, where she befriended a handful of people that had a hobby she knew barely anything about, gaming. Thanks to them she joined the beautiful world of games, MMORPGs in particular. Though starting her gaming career as a DPS, she quickly switched to the healer/support position which she thoroughly enjoyed. She became slightly addicted to games, spending most of her time inside instead of enjoying the outside like before. Her addiction became worse as she grew older, and when she started to neglect school work to play games her parents only let her play 2 hours a day. Though she hated this at first, this change did help her school career and prevented her from losing some valuable real life friends she had barely been talking to. Skyler also started helping her mother at the shop, learning the art of Floristry. Though not spending as much time on games as she used to do, Skyler was still really enjoying her time playing MMORPGS.


    2 years after getting rid of her gaming addiction, Skyler found out about SAO, immediately falling in love with it. What was there not to love about a virtual reality game with a giant world to explore and plenty of monsters to battle. Skyler bought it the moment it went on sale, soon finding herself in the lovely virtual world. She had put a limit on herself to just play for 2 hours, which she spent roaming around the first floor's starting city. Those 2 hours soon turned into a day, two days, two weeks, a month, 2 months, 3 months, and so on. Like many others, Skyler had gotten stuck, left to battle her way out. Due to her being a giant coward, she never even considered going out of the safe zone. She has gotten sick of seeing the same city every day, though, and has finally gathered enough courage to leave the city and start leveling up. Her goal; becoming a successful crafter and support to aid those that fight on the frontline.

    » Honest: Skyler is a horrible liar, often providing way too much information (Most of which is usually irrelevant)  and very clearly messing around with her hair whenever a pair of dishonest words leave her mouth. She doesn't just avoid lying because she's bad at it, though, she simply finds that telling the truth is so much easier and that lying is wrong. Even lies that are told to make someone feel better (Example: telling someone their outfit looks absolutely fantastic, while it looks worse than anything you've ever seen) are things Skyler simply refuses to tell, mainly because she believes that these "harmless" lies will often become harmful later on.

    »Peaceful: Violence is something that Skyler isn't extremely fond of, preferring to avoid it at any costs. She has always attempted to solve things with words instead of fights, which worked out pretty well for her in real life. Sadly, in SAO monsters don't vanish if you apologize and say some nice things about them, so Skyler is pretty much forced to start fighting to proceed. She doesn't see violence aimed towards monsters as a bad thing though, as they aren't actually real. She is, however, 100% against player killing and would rather die than to take the life of another person, regardless of how many horrible acts said person might have committed.

    » Sociable: Skyler enjoys having people around her, actively seeking for company whenever she feels lonely. She has never really had any trouble with starting and/or actively participating in conversations, whether those are with an acquaintance or a complete stranger. Basically, she likes talking to people and doesn't have any fears or personality traits (like being shy) that are preventing her from doing so.

    » Cowardly: Skyler is an absolute scaredy-cat. She's afraid of far too many things that, if confronted with, will cause her to 1:  Panic 2: Run away 3: Scream 4: Perform a combination of the other 3 points.  Skyler also isn't very fond of participating in any situations where she might get hurt or even die, so she will rarely be found voluntarily going out of the safe zone and doing anything that's even slightly risky. After having been in SAO for a while now, Skyler has gathered enough courage to leave the safe zone, but still avoids fighting as much as she possibly can.

    » Forgetful: A curse that many members of her family suffer from, including herself. She has been forgetful for as long as she can remember, tragically often forgetting things of which the importance varies. Though she rarely forgets things that are important to her, it isn't too uncommon for her to forget things that she doesn't find too interesting/important, or doesn't want to do. She's also horrible at remembering directions, which has caused her to get lost several times in the past.  This severely annoying trait is being battled against with the power of making notes, a lot of them.

    » Distractable: This devil of a flaw works perfectly with forgetfulness, often being the cause of her forgetting things. Skye gets quite easily distracted, especially while doing something that she doesn't particularly enjoy. Her former Saturday morning routine (in real life) is a good example. This "routine" should actually just be making her way to the grocery store, purchasing everything on the list, and then go home. Instead, she often would walk into a few stores as well because they had something fun on display or she suddenly remembered she needed to get something from said store. In these situations, she would often lose track of time and be away far longer than originally planned, which isn't exactly ideal.

    Profession: None Yet





    Weapon skills:
    One-Handed War Hammer [Rank 1 // 5 SP]

    Starter One-Handed Flanged Mace

    » Starter Iron Breastplate

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