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Posts posted by Trixie

  1. The fun stopped and Trixie stopped laughing once she felt the dagger pierce her. Her HP bar dropped to zero as she fell to the ground and landed on her back on the snow. Fae had apologized, but Trixie still couldn't bring herself to be mad at the girl. This was all Trixie's fault. She set out to kill someone, but ended getting herself killed.

    Trixie looked up at Fae as the "You are dead" message started to appear in front of her. "Fae, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Don't blame yourself for this. I did this to myself. I wanted to die anyway, so thank you putting me out of my misery. If you ever meet someone named Kotone, tell her that Setsuna is watching her from above." Trixie requested as she lost all feeling in her body and she started to glow, almost about to shatter into crystals. "One last thing. Fae, you go be the best dragon you think you can be. I'll be watching you too. So, good bye." Trixie finished, before exploding a shattering into hundreds of crystals.


  2. Trixie just couldn't stop laughing at Fae. Now she was asking Trixie to stop what she was doing? As if! This is part of messing with your opponent. "Why would I ever stop!? This is fun if not anything else! You say I should put my clothes back on? I won't ever do that if it means I get to keep messing with you like this!" Trixie taunted as she continued to run circles around Fae.

    The wind was starting to blow a bit harder, which made it a bit more cold for Trixie. She shivered breifly, but she dismissed the worry of the cold and just enjoyed taunting Fae. Then Fae said that she wasn't going to move until Trixie would stop doing her running. That was perfectly fine with her. Trixie swung her sword at Fae, but still somehow missed her. Trixie didn't mind too much though, since Fae's reactions were just too funny.

    ID: 89229 BD: 2

    Trixie: 2/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 53/60 HP 1 Energy

  3. Trixie continued to laugh at Fae as she tried to act brave while covering her eyes. The two don't really go hand in hand. You can only do one or the other. Since Fae had her eyes covered, Trixie decided to mess with her. Instead of attacking right away, Trixie started to walk circles around Fae, kicking snow just to throw her off.

    After around half of a minute of this, Trixie decided to finally make her attack on Fae. She lunged at Fae from where she was standing and swung her sword. She missed, but landed on her feet quietly, hoping that Fae wouldn't be able to hear it. Trixie was thinking of taunting her again, but decided not to until her next attack. For good measure, Trixie walked in circles around Fae some more until she was on the other side of the little girl. This was starting to get fun.

    ID: 89227 BD: 2

    Trixie: 2/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 53/60 HP 1 Energy 

  4. Trixie laughed upon seeing Fae cover her eyes, her tactics were working. It even showed when Fae walked right past her and tripped. "Ha! You can't fight like that! Open your eyes, the world isn't a pretty place little girl! If it was, none of this would even be happening." Trixie taunted as she watched Fae stand back up.

    As Fae started to back away, Trixie darted at her and got a firm grip on her sword, "Oh no you don't! Don't think you can run away now! You should have ran away from the very beginning, it's too late for you now!" Trixie yelled as she raised up her sword. She swung at Fae's head, but barely missed and Trixie fell forward, getting a mouthful of snow. "Pleh! I'll get you any you'll be dead before you know it!" Trixie declared as she spit out the snow and stood up.

    ID: 89225 BD: 4

    Trixie: 2/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 53/60 HP 1 Energy

  5. Trixie was even more angry at Fae than before. Teach a lesson? Really? That made no sense at all! In a fight to the death, there shouldn't be lessons involved. Trixie scoffed at Fae and raised her sword. "You can tell me as many times as you want, I'm not going to listen though, so I suggest you save your breath for your final words." Trixie said as got ready to hit Fae.

    Trixie this time jumped up and tried to swing down at Fae's head, but it was finally inaffective as before because she missed twice by just running at her, but now the jump had helped her strike Fae and get one more point of damage in. 

    Fae then asked a question that caught Trixie off guard, what would her family think of her death? Trixie hadn't even considered this yet. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at the thought of how her parents would feel if she died. "I don't care what they think! You just need to die!" Fae lied, still shaking from the thoughts.

    ID: 89220 BD: 7

    Trixie: 2/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 53/60 HP 1 Energy

  6. Trixie shook her head and kept her sword aimed at Fae. "No way! This is completely your fault, not mine! You didn't have to stab me there in the first place you little brat! I'm not putting them back on!" Trixie replied angrily as she got ready to strike Fae.

    But then Fae had stabbed her other breast, and Trixie's eyes widened. She almost looked like she had the air knocked out of her air after that. "Y-You little jerk! What did I just tell you!?" Trixie yelled as she ran toward Fae. Trixie swung her sword down, aiming for the head again, but missed just like last time, but this time fell forward in the snow. "I don't care about your stupid point! I just want you to die! Dignity means nothing to me now!" Trixie shouted back as she stood back up and backed away from Fae.

    ID: 89218 BD: 1

    Trixie: 2/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 54/60 HP 1 Energy

  7. Trixie yelled in pain as Fae slashed one of her breasts, holding it up and glaring at Fae. "You little brat! You don't stab someone there! Ever! It's just wrong!" Trixie yelled as she raised her sword to attack Fae again. Trixie hadn't even been paying attention to her health bar now, which was in the red at this point. Only 4 left before she would die.

    Trixie swung her sword straight down at Fae and tried to get her in the head, but she missed and fell backwards into the snow. It was now that she realized just how cold the snow was now that she was naked. "Ah! Cold! Cold! You'll pay for this!" Trixie shouted as she got back up and wiped the snow off of her backside. Fae was really getting on her nerves now, and this just had to stop. But even Trixie knew at this point that she was going to die.

    ID: 89216 BD: 4

    Trixie: 4/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 54/60 HP 1 Energy

  8. Trixie barely managed to dodge Fae's stab to her back, and Trixie started to laugh. Fae had tried to tell her why her logic was bad, but to Trixie it just came off as meaningless words from a little kid. "Oh! So that's you think things should be? I just take off all my clothes? You know what..." Trixie said as she opened her menu. She swiped down to her clothes and unequipped them all. She didn't even have armor in the first place, so being naked didn't affect her in any way.

    "There you go! Are you happy now? You asked for this, and now it's time for me to kill you like this!" Trixie exclaimed as she flashed a quick pose before raising up her sword. She didn't even care about dignity anymore, she just wanted Fae dead. Trixie felt lighter on her feet than before, so she darted straight at Fae and slashed at her hip. She landed a critical hit, and dealt 3 damage. "Ha ha ha! I guess maybe you had a good point! It's way easier to fight like this!" Trixie exclaimed as she held her sword with the blade aimed at Fae's face.

    ID: 89214 BD: 10 (Critical)

    Trixie: 8/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 54/60 HP 1 Energy

  9. Trixie was getting more and more frustrated with Fae, and less and less guilty about trying to kill Fae. The worst part was, Fae was right. There was no good reason for this. Trixie had just blindly walked into this fight, and now she was about to pay the consequences of being killed by a little girl. Trixie was below half HP,  but Fae was still perfectly fine. Looking at Fae, the way she had almost the same pink hair, the same innocence at first, Trixie started to see herself in Fae. "Just, stop being alive! You should be dead by now! It's night time!" Trixie yelled as she got ready to swing at Fae again.

    Trixie lunged at Fae and swung her sword quickly, but Fae still managed to dodge the attack and Trixie nearly tripped. "I can't... lose... to you!" Trixie said, nearly out of breath from constantly missing.

    ID: 89200 BD: 1

    Trixie: 8/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae 57/60 HP 1 Energy

  10. Trixie clenched her teeth in pain after being stabbed in the stomach and gasped when she saw her HP bar drop more. She was almost halfway out of HP, which was bad, since she had hardly made a dent in Fae's HP. "I'm not the bully here! I have my reasons! This is perfectly just! Now stop whining and just die!" Trixie shouted as she took aim at Fae and gave her a menacing glare.

    Trixie ran up to Fae and swung her sword at her. Fae dodged the attack though, much to Trixie's dismay and frustration. "Be a good girl and stay still! I'm going to make it quick if you could stay still and let me end you!" Trixie shouted as she backed away from Fae and held up her sword in a defensive position. Fae was stronger, and Trixie knew she could not keep going for much longer at this rate.

    ID: 89198 BD: 4

    Trixie: 12/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae 57/60 HP 1 Energy

  11. Trixie's eyes widened when Fae told her to just stop all of this. Trixie lowered her sword and looked at the little girl. Then a thought hit her which caused her to panic. What if Fae were to tell someone about what happened? Then Trixie would be hunted down by someone eventually. Trixie shook her head, "No, I can't stop. You are a witness, you could tell someone what happened. I've gone beyond the point of no return. One of us will die here, and it won't be me!" Trixie shouted as she raised her sword back up at Fae and got ready to slash again.

    Trixie concentrated more and lunged at Fae again and swung, this time successfully hitting her and dealing 1 more damage. There was still a long way to go before Fae would be killed. She still had 57 HP, which was a big issue since Trixie only had 16 HP.

    ID: 89196 BD: 6

    Trixie: 16/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 57/60 HP 1 Energy

  12. Trixie put her hand to her chest upon Fae stabbing her there. Despite Fae being young, she still hit hard. "You'e all talk! There's no way you can be as strong as a dragon, so stop comparing yourself to one and just die already!" Trixie shouted as she got a firm grip on her sword and prepared to strike Fae again.

    Trixie took her hand off of her chest and lunged at Fae, swinging her sword at the girl's head as she did so. The attack missed though and Trixie almost fell into the snow after missing the swing. "Ugh! Why can't you stay still!? You're like, 8! You shouldn't be so nimble!" Trixie yelled in frustration, turning around to face the little girl. This was harder than she thought it was going to be. It was going to be humiliating if she died, dying to a little girl like this.

    ID: 89193 BD: 1 (Miss)

    Trixie: 16/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 58/20 HP 2 Energy

  13. Trixie had trouble bringing herself to attack Fae, and now she was crying, which made this all even more difficult. She couldn't back out of this now, so killing Fae or dying were her only choices now. Fae was starting to back away, but she had her dagger out, so she wasn't going down without a fight. Very well, she was going to get a fight then.

    Trixie gripped her sword and darted at Fae and swung her sword at her, landing a critical hit and dealing 2 damage. Then something Trixie hadn't been paying attention to suddenly hit her. Fae had 60 HP. She now had 58, but this was still going to take a while.

    Fae had asked why Trixie was doing this whole thing, but Trixie had a hard time coming up with an answer that made sense. "Fae, you wouldn't understand. This game has driven me crazy, I can't go on, I need to kill." Trixie answered.

    ID: 89191 BD: 9 (Critical Hit)

    Trixie: 20/20 HP 1 Energy

    @Fae: 58/60 HP 3 Energy

  14. Trixie couldn't hold it in anymore and she couldn't bring herself to hold back what she was about to do, so she took a deep breath and lifted up her sword. She stood up from her fort and walked slowly to Fae's fort. She held her sword firmly in one hand, ready to strike Fae and kill her. 

    Trixie sighed and lifted up her sword. "Fae, I didn't honestly call you here for a snowball fight. This will be quick, so just close your eyes and let this happen. I'm very sorry about this." Trixie apologized in advance as she kicked down Fae's snow fort.

    It was going to be hard for to kill Fae, but she just couldn't set up another trap like this. Trixie tried to tell herself that this was all Fae's fault for coming out here in the first place, but she couldn't bring herself to believe that. Fae was just too young to blame.


  15. Trixie started to fill with more and more guilt as she watched Fae dart off and get started on her fort. She seemed so happy and excited about this too, but in the end, Fae wasn't going to get her snowball fight. If Trixie had known Fae was so young, maybe she wouldn't have set this whole thing up.

    Trixie built up her snow fort just on the front, and made it about a foot high. She opened her menu and equipped her sword, setting it on the ground, hidden out of Fae's view behind the snow. "We'll be starting soon Fae!" Trixie shouted as she looked over at the little girl. She was working way more dilligently, with her fort covering her entirely. "Alright, let's begin! Show me what you've got!" Trixie exclaimed as she formed one snowball and tossed it over her fort and towards Fae's fort, directly from the top.


  16. Trixie was rather surprised to see a little girl running up to her saying hi to her. So this was Fae. "Oh god, I don't know of I can do this to a little girl..." Trixie thought to herself as she put on a smile upon seeing Fae. "Hey Fae! I didn't know you were so young! Are you ready for our snowball fight? I hope you're ready!" Trixie asked enthusiastically.

    Trixie looked up at the sky for a moment and sighed. This was going to be hard to do. "So Fae, I'll make my fort right here, you make yours a little bit away from here. I'll give you the signal for when we start." Trixie said as she knelt down in the snow and started to bunch up piles of it. It was already hard for Trixie to even focus with all the thoughts going through her head.


  17. Trixie had arrived just outside the forest on the fourth floor, where she and another specific player had agreed to meet. It was freezing cold, and Trixie hadn't even thought to bring some form of a cloak or jacket. The winds were blowing rather hard, which made things even worse for Trixie. Why had I agreed to come here?! Trixie kept thinking to herself as she waited for the player to arrive.

    It was almost night time, and Trixie wanted to get this done with as soon as possible. The player she had messaged seemed to be a good person for what she had planned. Trixie had just about had it with being in this game. It was already starting to drive her crazy. Being trapped in here was not something she had wanted to happen in the first place. At this point, she would be perfectly okay with dying.


    Trixie's Stats

    Level: 1

    HP: 20

    Energy: 1


    2H Straight Sword


  18. Trixie had paused for a long moment, deciding on if she wanted to continue like this. She had lost her focus already, and she just couldn't continue like this. "I'm sorry, I just can't continue after that. I need some sleep." Trixie answered, putting her hand in her face. She still couldn't get over what she had done, even with Domarus's reassurance. 

    Trixie opened her menu and unequipped her sword. After doing that, she noticed a message in her inbox. She read it, then closed it immediately. "Yeah, I need to go. I'm really sorry about all this. I'll keep practicing more, and maybe I can be of some help in the future." Trixie said as she turned around and started to walk away. The sky had already turned a nice orange now, and time had passed. "I already have a place to sleep, so I've got that covered. That's one thing I did right." Trixie said as she continued to walk back to the town.



  19. As soon as Trixie had walked back from attacking the boar, she realized what she had done. She got too excited with herself and had attacked it. She watched Domarus stop the boar from killing her and jumped back. The boar slammed into the tree and shattered into pixels, while Trixie was left speechless. She had already almost gotten herself killed. "I can't do this. I just can't keep going after doing that. You told me to wait, but I didn't. A sword art wouldn't have helped do much ore damage even." Trixie said, shaking her head. She just wasn't cut out for combat. "I'm sorry, I feel like a complete idiot right now. I got excited, and I already forgot what you had told me to do. I'll definitely start waiting a lot more from now on." Trixie apologized. She tried to hide that she was upset with herself, and just tried to keep it to a frown.


  20. Trixie was a bit overwhelmed by the whole list of skills Domarus had thrown at her, but most of it made sense to Trixie, she would just have to look into the other 10 percent of the skills that she didn't quite get. Trixie tried her best to lock that order of skills Domarus had told her in her memory, but it was a little bit hard to do that as she was about to attack a boar.

    As Trixie watched Domarus strike the boar with his axe, Trixie realized just how under levelled she was compared to the top players. She really need to step up her game if she wanted to get stronger and catch up to the top players. Trixie lifted up her sword and ran over to the boar, then swung at it's back. She only did 2 damage, but it at least she hit it. "So, was that good?" Trixie asked, turning back to Domarus.

    Trixie: 20/20 || 1/1 || 2 Damage

    Boar: 193/429

    ID: 88359 BD: 6


  21. Trixie smiled and gazed out at the field of boars while listening to Domarus. So her idea of battle healing was the right one, just as Trixie had thought. "Yeah, I hope we can be good friends in the future. Maybe not Aereth levels of friendship, but I would still try my best. I'll work on first aid, then battle healing, got it. Is there anything that would fit my role as a support and tank build?" Trixie asked, getting her curved sword out of her inventory as she asked.

    Trixie then noticed Domarus looking at one specific boar that had just spawned, so she assumed that the boar there was their target. The black blade on Domarus's axe made her shudder. She pitied whoever was on the opposite end of that thing. He had then asked her if she knew how the combat system worked, to which Trixie nodded, "I know how it works. Sometimes I come out here to watch other people fight mobs, so I think I got it." she answered.


  22. Trixie listened to Domarus as she followed him through the streets. He wasn't a celebrity, just a lot of people knew him. Very similar, but Trixie didn't question it. Keeping everything nice and smooth is what she would prefer to do than ask annoying questions. "I know I can't go out there on my own to fight monsters. That's one of the main reasons why I wanted to go out and hunt some boars. I didn't want to look weak at first. I'm just glad you're here." Trixie explained as she started to walk ahead of Domarus a little bit. 

    The two were nearing one of the border gates of the Town of Beginnings, Trixie was now skipping instead of walking, looking back every few seconds to make sure she wasn't getting ahead of Domarus. "Alright then, so I'll build up first aid in that case after I do the quest to become a blacksmith then. I would do a more tanky build, so I think battlehealing would also be good to build up, right? Or do you have something different in mind?" Trixie asked.


  23. Trixie was walking trough the Town of Beginnings as she always did, but this time she had aplan on what to do today. She had been searching for the NPC that would start the quest that would give Trixie her profession. Domarus had told her that she should become the guild's blacksmith, so that's what she had planned to have as her profession. The sun was still high in the sky, so Trixie knew she still had a lot of time to find this NPC. She had put up a request if anyone wanted to help her out, but it wasn't really working too well so far.

    Trixie walked over to the fountain in the center of town where she had first put up the notice if anyone could help her get her profession. There seemed to be other players waiting around for their own requests. It wouldn't be too hard to notice Trixie, since her hair was bright magenta, hard to miss.


  24.  Trixie followed Domarus out of the building and into the streets, scrolling through her menu, gettting her curved sword in the first slot to keep it ready for combat. Trixie then watched as Domarus equipped his armor. He looked even tougher than before, like a retainer to a king tough. This had clearly caught the attention of the other players in the area, whom most seemed to recognize him. "Are you some kind of celebrity? You're drawing a lot of attention to yourself." Trixie commented, looking around at the players that were staring at Domarus in his armor.

    Domarus then asked the question if she had any friends, and what build was she looking for. Trixie shook her head to the first question, "You're the first person I've met in this game practically. So I don't have any other friends. As for my build, I was hoping to go for a supporter build." Trixie answered, looking up at Domarus.


  25. Domarus told Trixie that it was no matter about the whole thing, and Trixie sighed. "Alright. I'm fine now. The food here was really good, I'll probably come here sometime in the future." Trixie commented. Then Domarus laughed about her joke, and she laughed a little bit with him. It wasn't really that funny, but it worked as a joke, so Trixie laughed along with it.

    Domarus had questioned her thought of him persuading her the whole time, to which Trixie shrugged. "I dunno why I thought that. You just said you were good at persuasion, that's where my train of thought went. I'm not accusing of you or anything like that." Trixie said, standing up right after Domarus.

    "I'm ready to go out and kill some mobs then. It probably be much fun, but it makes for good training. I'll follow your lead." Trixie said stepping away from her seat.


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