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Tachibana Akira

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Posts posted by Tachibana Akira

  1. BgTpPPl.png

    Username: GodHand
    Real name: Tachibana Akira
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male (Really, I swear!)
    Height: 5'1"

    About: History/personality

    Akira was born to a fairly well off family; both of his parents were in the development of technology. His life was a bit of a mess however; the feminine appearance that he calls a curse. High School life became a strange time for him. He wasn't able to get the attention of any girls with his girlish looks, and the constant badgering of boys and their confessions. Akira studied hard, worked out, and as a perhaps unavoidable outcome of his parents work, was in love with video games. He spent much of his time creating the perfectly manly man to perform great and heroic deeds. But he wanted nothing more than to actually be this strong and handsome man! His parents eventually began talking about their next project they were being put on; the Nerve-Gear. A virtual reality simulator that allowed one to be the character in games.

    He went his days, daydreaming about this new technology, a perhaps much more happy Akira. One day dreaming to be in these virtual worlds. His parents talked about it endlessly with him when they were home. Then summer vacation rolled around, and he took up martial arts to ready himself for this VR experience he promised himself, and a summer job to try and pay for this Nerve-Gear. The boy found himself more excited the longer time went on. When the NerveGear would release the following year, his parents surprised him with one that the company had given them. In his excitement, he would play various games on it.

    Akira applied in July to join the SAO beta, though failed to receive permissions to do so, and was disheartened, but happily pre-ordered the game so that he could play it on release. He waited at the store for days before being able to get the game and log in... He made exactly what he wanted to be, and had his fun adventuring; applying his martial arts practice to the game, enjoying the feeling the game gave, and the rush. Though, when his attempt to log-out was thwarted by Akihiko's plans... Finding himself trapped in a death game, Akira was distraught. Overwhelmed with the fact that he was forced to play this game until it came to the end...


    Kind-Hearted: Willing to assist others without the desire for a reward. Akira has always been willing to help others with just about anything they need; from little old ladies with groceries, to teaching people how to box.

    Enduring: With trying to make himself look more manly, Akira exercises constantly, and takes boxing classes in order to try and build muscle mass. He is physically fit, despite his body being lean, rather than muscular; however, he is capable of getting up after some decent hits, and can sustain physical activity for an extended amount of time.

    Loyal: Cherishing his friends, and even willing to go to the ends of the Earth for them. He is never willing to turn his back on them, even if it will get him into trouble, or hurt. Even capable of forgiving some of the worst of his friends, turning the fault on himself. This can be viewed as both a virtue, and a flaw.


    Stubborn: Akira doesn't like to give up, be it a long term goal, a game, or a bet. This extends to many aspects of his life, like refusing to give up on his dreams, or even a bet that might go against this desire. 

    TRAP!: Akira looks like a girl... Akira doesn't like that he looks like a girl, and tries to express that he is a male by trying to prove his masculinity. This leads to many awkward situations with others confusing him for a female, despite his protests.

    Overemotional: Akira's emotions are quite apparent and worn on his sleeve. This can make him seem overly attached, and sometimes irritating. Overall, Akira seems to not have a handle on his feelings, and sometimes gets them mixed up and can become a mumbling mess.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)

    Skills (SP: 0/5 | Total: 5 | Unspent: 5)




    Weapon skills:

    Weapons/Tools: (Support Package)
    » Plate Spiked Gauntlets [Vanity]
    » Leather Vest [Vanity]
    » 3 Starter HP potions
    » 2,000 Col
    » 25 T1 Mats

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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