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Posts posted by Makoto

  1. Observing her actions was the only thing the young teen could do, afterall there wasn't anything interesting going on around on this part of the floor. There was a lingering feeling for combat, just thinking about it made his heart ache. He hasn't felt the rush of adrenalin in a while and it made him want to taste it.

    "Hey, do you like fighting?" He spoke up probably catching Haine off guard with a question like that, seeing that she was so far above him was undeniably the reason for why he was feeling so.. Lonely. What would become of a commoner like him? If he doesn't take the initiative then he will never reach the upper parts of this 'castle'. Mitsunari gave a slight smirk, waiting for the girl to respond.

  2. By the look of it this conversation wasn't going to be very productive for both sides. Yue was being very unfriendly which was pretty rude to Mitsunari who was only trying to befriend the familiar. Whatever. He wasn't going to let that little furball ruin his mood. Even if it kills him, yup. Either way he saw that nothing would come out of listening to Yue, she was feisty.

    "Yeah, whatever." Mitsunari brushed off Haine's words trying to stay calm as much as possible, it was best not to agitate him when he was in that state. His personality wasn't the very best to begin with. He then started looking around, as if he was avoiding Haine's and even Yue's eyes. As if he was searching for something only to be disappointed in the end as he let out a sigh to signalise it.

  3. Hello, I just wanted to know everybody's opinion about FPS (First Person Shooters).

    What do you generally think about FPS games? Like them? Dislike them?

    Personally I've been playing the CS franchise for a long time. You can say I practically grew up with it. Half-Life, COD, Battlefield... Does anybody play them?

    MMO's are great, I love RPG's, but how do you feel about FPS games?

  4. "Mitsuko-kun!" A gentle voice that had a hint of sadness called out, though his eyes were closed he could feel warmth around him and gentle tears falling on his cheeks. Mitsunari (Mitsuko Miyazaki) felt as if he was laying on something hard while his body was being pressed down, his body hurt all over as he gasped for air.

    "We have a victim ! A sixteen year old boy was hit by a truck!... Needing more backup! We can't move the debris off of him..!" A young paramedic called out in despair, while working with his fellow colleagues to move the debris while keeping Mitsunari out of more harm. Unfortunately each move they made caused him only pain. Many of them started to curse hearing his screams of pain while more and more civilians started to observe the scene.

    "You can't escape your memories my 'other half'.." Blacky's voice felt close, as if he was laying next to him and whispering them in Mitsunari's ear. "Even forgeting about the person who turned you into this pathetic state.." Blacky's voice was fierce and burning with hatered as he watched 'Mitsuko' struggle in pain.. A lot of blood was present and at that time it would be hard to believe that Mitsunari would actually survive the horrific accident...

    "Please save him!!!"

  5. "Well what do you want to do Yue?" Mitsunari scratched the back of his head wondering what a familiar would find interesting. Perhaps running around, playing hide or seek? Hunting monsters maybe? He put a lot of thought into it yet he was lacking so much information to start with.

    Haine really did have a unique personality, it made Mitsunari quite interested in her actions and reasons behind them. He often asks himself what would Haine do only so he could have a few laughs guessing. It was because he admired her in some way that even he couldn't explain it right now.

  6. "That's great to know. I hope that I get a chance to meet them all!"For Mitsunari this was something else, a new kind of experience that would probably change him for the better. Meeting new friends and working to achieve the same goals, just the thought about it made him feel excitement which was clearly seen in his eyes.

    Then out of the blue Yue started to chew on Haine's boots.. Mitsunari had completely forgotten that Yue existed. He chuckled at the scene, but tried to hide it with his hand covering his mouth.

    (( Sorry for not replying sooner, I had grading for the 3rd kyu in karate and needed to prepare :) ))

  7. Barely holding off from the inevitable onslaught, Mitsunari kept Blacky in check by slightly lowering his stance. His breathing was strangely fast and his head was aching as if it was starting to put the pieces together. Though Blacky grinned at how hopeless he was. Was this really all he was worth?

    Blacky opened his mouth to speak, "Murde~" only to be interupted by Mitsunari's retort. "Don't call me that!"

    For some strange reason Blacky was being pushed back. Mitsunari managed to push him back while holding the deadlock in his favor.

    "I'm not like that!" It was as if Mitsunari knew what Blacky was going to say, by then Blacky was desperately trying to stop his sudden burst of strength. Confidence, though it was only a fabrication of his mind. Blacky could see that he still denying the fact. Probably because he could not remember.

    "Perhaps you should relive those memories..." Blacky suddenly overpowered Mitsunari and broke the deadlock. He then suddenly vanished from Mitsunari's sight, only to reapper under his vision with a kick upwards in the chest. The kick had a lot power in it, it managed to send Mitsunari flying backwards right into the pond. This time he really was out of breath..

    "Have fun~" Blacky spoke, putting his sword back into it's sheath. He then crouched and gently touched the water, his body soon desolved and turned into the same liquid.

    Mitsunari felt something deep inside of his brain, memories long forgotten started to reappear..

  8. Mitsunari carefully inspected Haine and her body language while talking to the guild leader, ofcourse it didn't take long to realise that his intuition on these kind of things was bad. Hence he was prepared for the worst.. Even though a spark of hope was still in his heart, only hopping that it would be answered with a 'yes'.

    Hearig Haine's words felt like a dream, although it started as a hellish nightmare it soon turned into a very beautiful dream. In that state he smiled childishly while checking his profile, seeing the proud name of his new guild <<Phoenix Signers>>.

    "I'll do my best to not let you guys down.." Mitsunari spoke what came to mind, though he couldn't quite think straight from the way things turned out.. You could say he was happy, in his own way.

  9. Besides the obvious fact that Haine was only trying to be polite to him, Mitsunari could only give a small smile to her suggestion. Pondering about the whole idea at first he was hesitant to speak, though he finally summed up the courage at the end.

    "First contact your guild leader. If he/she gives the green light then it won't be a problem." Mitsunari spoke, stretching his arms upwards awaiting for Haine's answer.

  10. Taking a deep breath, Mitsunari looked at Haine's expression. Great, now she was slightly disturbed by his pressence. It couldn't be helped, things like this tend to happen when Mitsunari had company. There was a trigger in his head that kept clicking at random intervals, which made him unpredictable, able to even harm his own teammates at a whim.

    "Don't get me wrong, it's not like I feel pleasure doing such things." A reflex made him touch the back of his trousers, as if he was looking for a pack of cigarette. This would often happen when he tried to control himself.

    "Heck even I'm sick of myself. Because of that I believe that I would bring only bad luck to guilds." Mitsunari admited, looking at Haine's eyes as if he was trying to understand what she was thinking.

  11. Haine's sudden outburst made Mitsunari question his actions up until now. A large hole in his memory was the scariest of it all, perhaps there lies his weakness, the reason why he is still like this. There was no denying that Haine's wish came true, but that is because she was different. Each of us dreams of acomplishing something, some try, yet others give up. Mitsunari is in the middle, despretly trying to continue, while haunted and forced to stop. A urge to harm others could not be repressed that easily.

    "Then what about how I feel..?" Mitsunari asked, lowering his look at Haine's neck. His crimson eyes this time felt slightly hostile. "Something wants me to hurt you..." He then reached slowly for her neck, with a grin widdening the closer his hand got.

    "You better wish that I don't succeed. Pray that I don't get stronger." His hand stopped just a few inces from her delicate neck, at that moment he used his other hand to bring it back before he did something very awfull.

    "I get a feeling that many people could die if my wish comes true." Truthfully Mitsunari spoke as his hands started to shake, regaining his composure..

  12. Just maybe making friends out of these 'strange' people can be interesting. Haine was a great example of a friend, even though Mitsunari could never be like her...

    "I don't need to be the greatest. Yes, it is my dream, but it's way out of my reach." He used his hand to display that act, how he could never reach the sky even though he tried and tried. "Dreams are ment to be chased forever..." An understanding that he has been thought, words that he would never forget. But he could not recall who spoke the same words to him.

  13. Mitsunari sighed when she mentioned 'good' blacksmiths. It wasn't problem in the weapon themselves, every sword made by a blacksmith has it's good points and atributes. Maybe he just needed to practice a bit more. "Thanks Haine!" A smile crept on his face though it soon faded.

    "Eh, it sounds like a great guild.." Mitsunari added placing a hand on his temple, trying to stay normal as long as he could. With all the holes in his memory he would ocassionally need to relax or try to calm down. He could hear a voice demanding only balance, a reason why he is so hesitant in joining a guild. That sense of 'balance' was really distorted, hence many would isolate him even further.

    Fear of rejection? Perhaps.. Though it was maybe a fear of oneself.

  14. "That might be true, but I don't know if there is a right weapon for me... Each time I hold a sword I feel that there is something missing.." If Haine's previous speculation suggests that he might have lost his memories, then that means the answer can be found in them. Ofcourse it was still theoretical.

    Guild? Mitsunari has heard of them recently being active, some of them were joining the front lines while several were support types... Groups of people with a common goal. "I've heard of them.. Many of them are well known, but I don't think they are looking for a person like myself." That was the vibe he got from them atleast. "Besides, nobody would like a messed up guy like me~" A innocent smile appeared on his face, a rare sight indeed. Knowing full well that he couldn't be trusted even the slightest.

  15. Still unexperienced and not knowing that the whole 'leveling' thing ment, Mitsunari sighed while Haine spoke of such things. Clearly she was stronger than before, but this was rediculous. A clear gap between them could be drawn. Was it because he didn't focus on becoming stronger? In reality it is his dream to climb on top of this world and rule it..~ Uhm, or maybe his wild dream that is. Knowing that it isn't possible to close the gap he only had one option left. To never give up that is.

    "Hm, still those boars would give me trouble.. Well I was just exploring on my own. Maybe I should buy new gear or something..?" Mitsuari thought about many things, but he has hardly had any combat while in a group, soloing things was bad, especially when out numbered and forced to flee.

  16. His cover was blown quite fast, though he was expecting her to notice him, but that was a pretty random time to turn around. Up close Mitsunari could instantly remember Haine, though was puzzled why he couldn't identify her in the first place. Maybe he was really loosing it, since the day he met Haine things changed drastically for him.

    Before he wouldn't openly roam in this world. Since adding Haine in his friends list he would occasionally glance at it with hesitation. Mitsunari still had long ways to go if he wanted to fit in society, but this was a great start. One person at a time. Perhaps he would lead legions in the end. A grin appeared on his face just thinking about it.

    "You can call me a first rate stalker." In reality he often would ask around about Haine, if she was okay and where she was at... Being curious was the only reason, right? It wasn't because they were friends, not in the slightest... Standing up and brushing his clothes, Mitsunari glanced at the pond with his crimson eyes, he the moved his look at Haine who stood only inches away.

    "Just kidding. How have you been?" He questioned with a gentle smile, crossing his arms as he looked away from Haine.

  17. For some Floor 2 was heaven, though Mitsunari thought of it as a living nightmare. Not being strong enough was one thing, but being forced not to engage the monsters on this floor was another thing. Because of that he came to gather info, maybe he could find a weakness. Though Mitsunari's greatest weakness was indeed his gear and lack of combat experience..

    "Perhaps I should just head back and~" Catching a glimpse of a fairy by a pond, Mitsunari lowered his body and observed the scenery. "A tenshi*?" Radiating a strong pressence unlike anything he has seen before, the delicate creature threw a rock in the pond. Another perfect chance!

    Doing his best to sneak up behind the tenshi*, Mitsunari prayed that he wouldn't be discovered. Despite his best efforts on a sunny day like this he was bound to attract unnecessary attention to himself. Each step he took closer the tenshi* seemed more familiar and familiar.. Yet he still could not find a reason why...

  18. It didn't take Mitsunari long to get out of the pond, both of them were facing each other on the ground. Focus. Breathe. Looking at the person who looked just like him, Mitsunari placed his hand on the grip of his sword. To that the man chuckled, as if he found it amusing to watch his opponent be careful.

    "Where did the fighting spirit go?" 'Blacky' asked Mitsunari, with a teasing grin even he had the habit to hold the grip of his sword.

    "Don't worry, it's not going anywhere~!" Mitsunari dashed at Blacky with a <<Sonic Leap>> pulling the sword over his head and then slamming it downwards at him.

    "Predictable." Blacky sidestepped dodging the sword with ease and shocking Mitsunari. He then connected his fist with Mitsunari's face making him stumble to the side. Enraged Mitsunari continued to send volleys of <<Slants>> and <<Uppercuts>> that all ended with Blacky dodging with light movements and slamming his fist into Mitsunari's undefended face and chest. Even with a bruised face, Mitsunari had no intention to back off, giving a slight faint with his shoulder Mitsunari quickly used <<Sprint>> to get behind Blacky and then execute <<Vertical Arc>>. Yet even then Blacky managed to intercept Mitsunari's sword skill, this time drawing out his own sword and locking it with Mitsunari's. It prevented both of them from executing blows, facing each other face to face...

    The similarities were something else. Someone would mistaken them for twins if Mitsunari didn't have red highlights or crimson eyes. It was a slight, but noticable difference. Blacky wore a disgusting grin, showing the difference in their power, though Mitsunari didn't back down. Instead his anger only grew and the desire to beat the smirk off of his face only grew.

    "Your mind is a mess, you know that?" Blacky broke the silence with his know it all tone.

    "Ha~ I knew it, but I really do hate your guts!" Mitsunari retorted slightly gasping for oxygen. Feeling slightly lightheaded Mitsunari couldn't move from the current deadlock.

    "Perfect. So you admit that you hate yourself..."

  19. Ah, it was suffocating. Lungs filled with water, unable to resist the temptation to sleep in the cold yet relaxing water forever. Starring up at the surface the boys body slowly started to sink towards the bottom of the pond. At first he struggled to free himself, though at some point he just accepted his fate. There was nothing he could do.

    "Giving up already?" A voice similar to the teens spoke, making Mitsunari 'wake up'.

    "Why don't you just die?" Mitsunari felt something inside his head click. Before you knew it he regained control over his body and swam upwards, he needed to inhale fresh oxygen. He emerged from the water, hearing the waterfall's calming sound. Was it all his imagination?

    "Ah, so you finally came." A voice louder than the waterfall caught Mitsunari's attention. There was no mistaking it, this voice was his own. Though looking at the source he found it hardly plausible. It was like starring in a mirror, though that person was slightly different. Hair like char coal, red eyes.. Though they couldn't compete with Mitsunari's crimson ones.

    "Are you looking to die?" Mitsunari's voice was cold, sharp and threatening, though the man just chuckled and brushed his threat with a wide grin.

    "An imposter like you can't even put a scratch on me." Imposter? Now who was copying who! Mitsunari heard a snapping sound inside of his head, which made him burn with the desire to break that guys neck.

    "You really want to die!"

  20. After an extended rest Mitsunari had only one option, to continue this journey and see the quest through. Perhaps he was lucky, but at some point the teen tripped on a rock formation. Tumbling down a small hill he was 'lucky' not to slam his head into a tree or another rock. The vegetation had all sorts of exotic plants, well to Mitsunari anyway. Finally stopping at the bottom of the hill he could remember a very similar situation that happened some time ago. But this time he had hit the jackpot. Before him was a waterfall which reflected the sunlight almost perfectly giving it a more mysterious look. The rock formation was oddly perfect as well, everything about it screamed perfection.

    "Well what do you know.." Unbalanced in every aspect! Nothing was perfect in this world. Even the smell, sound and atmosphere felt different. Maybe he should investigate a bit closer. Using the rocks as stepping stones, Mitsunari aimed to get closer to the waterfall, maybe a hidden passage was there just waiting to be discovered. So far so good. A wide grin appeared on his face, while his crimson eyes focused only on the waterfall.

    "Why...?" A voice echoed in the back of Mitsunari's mind. "Why is a world without balance such a horrible place?" In that moment while jumping to reach the next rock his body froze and everything around him faded into darkness, only a loud splash as his body fell into the water could be heard..

  21. Flies? For a guy like Mitsunari they were probably strong enough to be his mortal enemies. Haine was probably a lot stronger than she looked, even Mitsunari could feel the difference despite the childish attitude. Who knew what she would do if she got serious or perhaps went into combat. Despite that he still couldn't imagine girls like Haine and... Uhh... Mitsunari realised that the little girl didn't even introduce herself.

    Thinking back he was positive that Haine mentioned her name.. It was for a brief moment but he knew it started with a A.. Or maybe with an K? Mitsunari felt slightly annoyed that he didn't catch the little girls name. Though he decided to stay quiet, not wanting to lash out his frustration for not listening closely..

  22. A loud growl could be heard which made the young teen flinch and pull out his sword. Scaning the area he couldn't quite pinpoint from which location the growl came from. There it was again! It was loud and close.. Wait.

    "Ahh, so hungry~" Mitsunari replied finding it funny that he couldn't realise it earlier. Why was it? Maybe because he was focusing so much on keeping his defense up. Opening the HUD menu and with a light touch Mitsunari navigated through it and going in the <<Inventory>> category and then into the <<Items>> sub-category. With a sigh he selected the only thing he had, bread. Looking at it he sweat dropped figuring out that he was running low on col, hence he will need to start looking for a way to earn just to eat something.

    Taking a bite out of the bread many things came to mind.. Just thinking about this world made so many questions pop up. Even though he can remember living here since his birth, he was forgeting something really important... With a shrug Mitsunari concluded that he was just imaginating things. Eating the bread a bit faster he was determined to finish this quest a lot faster. Mitsunari thought about looking for a part time job, perhaps a blacksmith needs some assistance..

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