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Posts posted by Aeon

  1. “Heh heh. No, no tricks this time. You will get to break out that sword of yours.” Lyle seemed genuinely amused at the idea of someone else using his forge.

    ”Okay. Deal.”

    [Complete: Talk to Lyle Tealeaf]. [Quest Complete:<<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>].

    [Quest Rewards: +2 SP, +1 T1 HP Potion, +1 Damage Potion, +1 Over-Health Potion].

    ”Nice.” Aeon said, seeing his rewards. “Did you say something?” Lyle asked. When he looked up from his display, Aeon saw a Quest Giver marker above Lyle’s head.

    “Oh... uh... nothing.” Aeon said.
    “This job I have for you,” Lyle leaned over the counter “I’ll commission you something as payment. Weapon, armour, you name it, you got it.”
    “Hell yeah.” Jackpot. A quest with custom rewards. He had to take it.

    [The Second Lesson, Is Also Free]

    [Do you accept this quest?          ]

    [    0 Yes.                         0 No         ]

    [0 Yes]

  2. [Menu >>Invent ory>>Quest Items>>Healing Potion>>Give>>Lyle Tealeaf]

    ”There you go.” Aeon said. [Quest Progress Updated: Delivered Potion to Lyle Tealeaf] [New Objective: Talk to Lyle Tealeaf]. ‘Weird. The quest should be over.’ Aeon thought. Lyle spoke up. “Thank you. I suppose Zackariah told you I gather my own materials. I’m too old for that sort of thing, but you have to know what you’re looking for. No substitute for your own work. Unless it’s something you can buy from me.”

    ”...Right.” Aeon said. ‘So there are crazy NPCs.’ He thought. ‘Or maybe they’ve gone insane too since everyone got trapped.’

    “Say, you wouldn’t happen to be willing to help an old man out, would you?” Now it made sense to Aeon. It’s a quest chain. One isn’t over until you pick up the next. Not exactly what he had signed up for, but so be it.

    ”Do I have to craft anything ?”

  3. Aeon jumped. “I was just trying this one out. I’m still happy with the last one you sold me.” Lyle nodded. “I remember that one. Nice to see you’ve manag ed not to break it. Or... die.” the old man morbidly joked. “What can I do for you?”

    ”Oh. Uh. Zackariah sent me with a Healing Potion for you.”

    ”Ah. Good man. Let me guess, he made you craft it and ship it? He loves doing that to young adventurers like you.”

    ’It’s worth it for the SP.’ Aeon reminded himself. “Yeah. That’s about the size of it.” He returned the sword in his hand to the rack and walked over to the counter. He saw what the smith had been making resting on the counter. A gorgeous silver rapier. Probably a commission if he put his heart and soul into crafting it. Someone would have to be fairly wealthy to buy a thing like that.

  4. Aeon finally found his feet and started walking again, turning down various streets, passing Zackariah’s again. He wandered past every kind of shop i maginable. One tailor’s shop window caught his eye. A nice piece of light black armour was displayed in the window. After hunting for a while, he found the price. 1400 Col. He promptly walked away. 

    He came to Lyle’s smithy. He stepped through an open door. There was no one behind the counter, but from the distinct smell of smoke, Aeon guessed he was forging something. He browsed the racks of weapons, tempted to buy one or two swords as he passed by. He even picked one up and tried it out, feeling its balance.

    He gave it a few test spins. The spins turned into full test swings, and before he knew it he was trying Sword Arts.  

    ”Interested in buying another sword fro m me?”

  5. Aeon walked across town towards Lyle Tealeaf and his shop. In a small square, a crowd was gathered anticipating something. Aeon managed to peak through just in time to see someone accept a duel challenge. The crowd cheered.





    A man, Aeon guessed at about 20, average size, wielding a 2 handed sword charged what could only be described as a giant with an axe. The giant sidestepped his attacker and took one massive swing at his back. He lost half his HP in one hit. ‘Half his HP is gone, but the duel’s not over?’ Aeon questioned in his mind. “No.” It must be a duel to the death.

    The smaller man came back with some sword art. He barely diminished his opponent’s HP before getting hit again and disappearing in a cloud of shards like every other player who died. He challenged someone leagues above him, and SAO lost another player. The crowd cheered. In an ordinary game, this would be fine. Good sport even. A test of the gamer’s skill, and all they’d lose was some SP and items. Only the giant seemed to know what had happened as he stalked off without a word.


    The crowd dissipated, but Aeon couldn’t move. Here in town, SAO almost seemed like it was still a game. Maybe everyone had grown that accustomed to it.


  6. “Here.” Kayin was holding bread out for Aeon. He took it. “You’re going to give me this on a maybe?”

    ”Consider it paying in advance.” Kayin said with a smile. As Aeon looked at him, he wondered about himself a little. The bright-faced kid in front of him was hopeless outside of town, but he seemed to have made himself happy in the surreal death game they lived in. “You don’t need to learn how to fight. You need to learn how to survive. If you’re going solo, DPS and Tank are your only choices. There’s no need for Support when you’re out there alone. You... are not a Tank. So, move fast, hit hard. Muhammad Ali: ‘Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.’ That’s what you need to know. If you’re not coated in armour, keep moving, keep slashing.”

    ”That’s it? What about Sword Arts? What weapons do I use?”

    ”You’re tiny, so I’d suggest daggers or shortswords. Maybe a katana, if you’re feeling brave. Sword Arts... you just have to get the feel for.”

    ”It’s just that easy for you?”

    ”The piece you’re missing is confidence. If you’re worried about chopping your own arm off, it’s not going to go well.” Aeon finished his breakfast just as he finished his lesson. “Thanks for the bread. I have a quest to finish. See you around.”

  7. Shuffling through the streets in the early morning, Aeon heard a familiar voice. “You look like hell.” Kayin appeared, chipper as when they met. “You see that well over there?” Aeon pointed to a well about 50 feet away. Kayin nodded that he saw it. “Leave me alone or I'll drop you in it.” Kayin looked underwhelmed. “You’re not a PKer.”

    ”Who said anything about killing you? Well’s not that deep.” Aeon replied dryly enough he almost sounded serious.

    ”Ok. You’re not a morning person. What if I offered breakfast? It’s just bread, but I have some butter too.”

    ”Why are you offering me food?”

    ”A trade. A fighting lesson for breakfast.” Aeon stared at Kayin like he was speaking some other language. “I’m not interested in having a protege.” 

    “Not a protege. One lesson.” Aeon thought for a moment. “Maybe, maybe, later. For now, I have things to do.

  8. Morning came. Bang. Bang. Bang. ‘Christ.’ Aeon thought. Bang. Bang. Bang. ‘Someone’s knocking on the door.’ He got upright. Something of an achievement when he saw out the window that the sun was barely up. “What’d you want?”

    “Time’s up. Either pay for another night or get out.”

    ”Ok. Sure. Yeah.” A groggy Aeon replied. He had 2500 Col, he could afford another night, but he wanted to leave town soon. Extending his stay at the inn seemed like a waste.

    He got out of bed and went to the window. The sun was only just rising over Aincrad. It was quite the view. The death game had its moments.

    He stumbled down the stairs. “Come again.” said the same voice that evicted him. “Will do.” He shot back sarcastically. As he opened the door, a brutal wave of sunlight struck his eyes. He pul led the hood of his cloak up and kept his head down.

  9. As he ate his dinner Aeon thought about real life for the first time in a while. As much as the NerveGear could do, this piece of bread would only satisfy the sensation of hunger and he couldn’t log out to eat. If he wasn’t in a hospital in real life, he must need full time care. But could they see what he was doing? Did they have some way to tap into the NerveGear to see what he was seeing? 


    He didn’t like to think about these things. He tried to get back into the game as the last of the bread disappeared. [Menu>>Quests>>The First Few Lessons Are Free>>Objectives>>Deliver Potion to Lyle Tealeaf]. Not a whole lot of details. He remembered Lyle from when he bought his sword, but only vaguely. And who was to say that shopkeeper Lyle and quest NPC Lyle behaved exactly the same way?


    ‘I’ll handle that tomorrow.’ Aeon thought.

  10. Night had fallen and it was starting to rain as Aeon emerged from Zackariah’s shop. He put up the hood of his cloak. [Menu>>Map] He looked at a map of The Town of Beginnings. It wasn’t so much that he needed to consult the map, as he couldn’t think straight. He had one night left on the stay he had paid for at the inn across town. An NPC blacksmith’s shop would probably be open, but it had been a day. Lyle Tealeaf could wait.


    When he arrived at the inn, he lowered his hood and walked straight up the stairs and to his room, greeting no one. As he closed the door to his room, he removed his cloak the way he would in real life and placed it on the back of a chair. He sat down on the edge of the bed. [Menu>>Inventory>>Food>>Bread>>Use] The last piece of food he owned appeared in front of him. Supper.

  11. Aeon sprinted out to the front room. Kayin was on the floor, his HP bar in the red. Zackariah came out to Kayin’s side with a small HP Potion. “What happened?” Aeon asked. After drinking the potion and recovering some stamina, Kayin replied “I ran into a boar. Apparently you can’t kill those things with a dagger.”

    ”What the hell were you doing out there? You should’ve been back at the inn.”

    ”I’m not a child! And I can’t stay here forever. I have to get out.”

    ”Your sense of adventure almost got you killed.”

    ”Why do you care? I thought you didn’t get attached.”

    ”... I try not to. But you, you clingy little bastard. When you talk to somebody, they end up being a person. Join a guild. You know, so you don’t die.”

    ”Still not gonna-“


    Aeon stood up and walked out, trying to detach himself from everyone in there.

  12. “And now we shall see what came of your efforts. Aha! I told you! Got it in one. Didn’t just get it.” Zackariah ladled the concoction into a vial. “It’s damn near perfect. Not as good as mine though.” He said with a wink. 


    “Now. A dear friend of mine, Lyle Tealeaf, will be needing this. He’s a blacksmith. Owns his own smithy and everything, but he insists on going out and getting his own materials, so he constantly needs Healing Potions.”

    ”I actually know him. Sort of. I bought my sword from him.”

    ”Perfect. Then you know right where to deliver this.” Zackariah shoved the potion into Aeon’s hands. [Quest Progress Updated: Craft 1 Healing Potion]. [New Objective: Deliver Potion to Lyle Tealeaf].

    ”Um. Okay.” [Added to Inventory: +1 Healing Potion]. As he turned to leave, Aeon heard the sound of something hitting the floor in the front room of the shop.



    Craft Healing Potion - Roll: 8 - Success (Rare), ID: 109508



    “Ok. One problem. I’ve never crafted anything. I just buy what I need.” Aeon said. Zackariah tutted. “You have no idea how much I hear that.” The old man took a long, heavy pause. “Alright. Look at your recipe.” When he saw Aeon didn’t pull up the recipe he said “Go on, look at it.”

    [Menu>>Inventory>>Quest Items>>Healing Potion Recipe>>Open]

    ”Now.” Zackariah said “We can begin. It only takes a few ingredients, a tiny bit of skill, and a scoche of luck to get this right. I know you can get it in one. Start by mixing these-“ The old man launched into a lesson on potion making. From the sound of it, it had been programmed for players like him who had no crafting skills at all. He found it hard to focus. It was like a dull lecture at school. ‘You need the SP.’ He reminded himself just to get through.


  14. Aeon followed the old man into the back of the shop. Behind the door to the back room there was a chaos only an alchemist could create. Papers w ere strewn everywhere, brews in various states scattered about, and vials of mysterious liquids on every table. The place reeked not only of Zackariah’s everyday work, but the previous crafting failures of others who had accepted this quest. There must have been hundreds, Aeon guessed, using the stench and shrapnel of endeavours past as evidence.


    ”Here. Come, come.” Zackariah beckoned him. He cautiously approached a workbench. [Added to Inventory: +1 Healing Potion Recipe] “Now. There’s the recipe. And here are the ingredients.” Ingredients for a Healing Potion and a cauldron appeared on the workbench. “Go on then.” The old man looked at Aeon expectantly. He gulped. He almost started in, following his instincts. But his instincts said that he would be wasting everyone’s time.

  15. Somehow the city seemed colder than usual, even though Aincrad was made up of stable biomes with stable climates. Aeon hurried a little as he walked back down the streets towards the old man’s shop. He wrapped himself in his cloak. Even though it came just from cold, a relatively tall guy in a black cloak with a longsword on his back may have appeared dangerous.

    Aeon arrived back at Zackariah’s shop to deliver his collected materials. As he opened the door and the bell jingled, Zackariah turned and said “Ah, my friend. You have returned. And not a moment too soon.” [Quest Progress Updated: Return To Zackariah]. [New Objective: Craft 1 Healing Potio n] Za ckariah continued “Do you have the materials I requested?”

    ”Yeah” [Menu>>Inventory>>Quest Items>>T1 Mat(5)>>Transfer to>>Quest Giver]

    ”Ah. Very good, very good indeed. Not everyone I send out for supplies even comes back, much less with everything we need. Now, come around to the back room. I need your help crafting the potion.” 

    [Welcome to the Potion Crafting Tutorial!]

  16. Aeon stood there, stunned. He turned back to his work. “When people are dying all around you, it’s easier if you’re not attached.” He got his target on the first try. [Added to Inventory: +1 T1 Mat]. [Quest Progress Updated: Gather Materials 3/5]. He walked a little over to the next one. Kayin followed. He was uncharacteristically quiet. Aeon tried the next one and couldn’t even get it to budge. He drew his sword and slashed it, this time getting what he needed. [Added to Inventory +1 T1 Mat]. [Quest Progress Updated: Gather Materials 4/5]. “Well. That’s one way to go about it.” Kayin remarked. Aeon barely looked at his next target as he slashed at it. [Added to Inventory: +1 T1 Mat]. [Quest Progress Updated: Gather Materials 5/5]. [New Objective: Return to Zackariah].


    Aeon returned his sword to its place over his back. “This was fun. Let’s never do it again.” He stalked away from Kayin, hoping never to see the boy again.


    He returned to the city, thinking more than he would like. [New Message!]


    [You’re going to need friends to clear the game.]

    [I can’t get you free room and board, but I can    ]

    [get you a discount.                                                 ]


    [0 Reply]



    He walked down the street, wondering if the kid was right. The lone wolf act would have to go if he ever wanted to get out. Couldn’t be true. He’s just a kid, he doesn’t know anything. 



    1st Loot Attempt - Roll: 13 - Success, ID: 109499

    2nd Loot Attempt - Roll: 2 - Fail, ID: 109500

    3rd Loot Attempt - Roll: 19 - Success, ID: 109501

    4th Loot Attempt - Roll: 20 - Success, ID: 109504


  17. Aeon took another swipe at it, cutting the stalk away from under a plant, but not quite finishing the job. Then again, the same scene played out. This time he got it. [Added to Inventory +1 T1 Mat]. [Quest Progress Updated: Gather Materials 2/5]. “I got this Kayin, go home.” He examined the field for more. He spotted another patch not far away. He moved on to his next target and failed to retrieve it. “Damn it!” Plants. Plants were besting him. He tried to compose himself, with little success.

    ”Are you sure you don’t need help?” Aeon turned to Kayin with a stare that could kill the Floor 100 boss. “What part of the phrase ‘work alone’ do you not understand?” The death stare didn’t seem to be phasing Kayin. At least not in the way Aeon had intended.

    ”I don’t understand why you do it.” Kayin said. Aeon froze in place.



    1st Loot Attempt - Roll: 10 - Fail, ID: 109492

    2nd Loot Attempt - Roll: 15 - Success, ID: 109493

    3rd Loot Attempt - Roll: 10 - Fail, ID: 109494


  18. Aeon st arted out searching for materials. His list of necessities was distinctly vague. He wandered the fields near The Town of Beginnings. He checked his list over and over again, comparing the scenery to what he needed. Eventually he found what he was looking for. He looted one. [Added to Inventory: +1 T1 Mat]. [Quest Progress Updated: Gather Materials 1/5]. He came to his second target and had no success looti ng it. ‘Just not a natural born gardener.’ He thought. He hated fetch quests like this.

    [You ha ve received a party invitation from Kayin]

    [             0 Accept                    0 Declin e                 ]

    The boy’s voice came from a few feet away. “We have a garden at the inn. I know about gathering plants.”  

    [0 Decline].

    Kayin looked dejected. ”Oh come on! I need the SP. You need the hel p gathering mats. We’re a natural fit.”  
    “I’ll figure it out on my own.”

  19. Aeon pressed [0 Yes]. Zackariah started giving quest details immediately. “Thank you for your help. You’ll be rewarded fairly, and I trust you’ll learn something too. First, I need you to gather some materials, then we’ll be brewing a healing potion.” [Added to Inventory: +1 List of Materials] “Now, off you go. Don’t want this to take too long.”


    Aeon left the shop and headed for the gate to leave town. He had made the journey before, so he walked on autopilot. “Hey! Hey you!” came a voice from behind him. Aeon turned. It was a twig of a boy. He couldn’t have been more than 5’5” and he was as skinny as could be while remaining visible. “You just took that starter quest from the old guy right?”

    ”Yeah.” Aeon replied. The boy opened his menu and pressed a few buttons.

    [You have received a party invitation from Kayin]

    [             0 Accept                     0 Decline                 ]


    ”Aw, come on man. I’ve never even been out of The Town of Beginnings. I need help.”

    ”I work alone.” Aeon started to walk away. Kayin caught up. “At least show me how to do things myself.” Aeon took a deep breath. “That’s what the guidebook is for.” Kayin didn’t seem to lose hope that he’d persuade Aeon. “Come on. I’ll trade you. I work in an inn. Free room and board!” Aeon laughed. “Ok. If you can actually make that happen because I helped you on some fetch quest, you have a deal.” Kayin’s face changed. He stopped following Aeon.


    When he came to the gates, he double checked his list. A pretty generic list of 5 materials. Weeds and plants. “Now I’m just a glorified gardener.” He whispered.



  20. Aeon swiped down in midair and opened his player menu. Menu>>Inventory>>Vanity Items>>Black Cloak. He tapped the item. [Would you like to equip this item?] He tapped confirm. A cloak formed around him, leaving only the silver blade suspended over his back exposed. He retreated a few menus. Menu>>Quests>>[Empty]. With nothing to do, he wandered around The Town of Beginnings for a while, looking for quest-givers, or if he got desperate, a party.


    Eventually he came to a shop. Zackariah’s Apothecary. Peeking in through the window, Aeon saw that this Zackariah had a quest-giver indicator over his head. Lowering the hood of his cloak, he entered. Zackariah greeted him “Hello Young Sir! Feel free to browse the shop for anything you need. I also craft on request, though that does require time.” Aeon answered him only with a slight smile and courteous nod. “Say. With that sword strapped to your back, you look like you’re prepared for a little task, if you don’t mind helping an old man.” Now Aeon’s ears perked up. He walked over to the counter and saw a dialogue box.


    [The First Few Lessons Are Free]

    [Do you accept this quest?          ]

    [    0 Yes.                         0 No        ]



    Username: Aeon

    Real name: Sam Pennington 

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’10”


    About: History/personality


    Sam was born into a middle class family in LA. He did well in school in subjects that interested him, and poorly in those that didn’t. He never had any particular interest in going to college, seeing it only as more school. His parents hesitantly agreed to a gap year to figure things out. It was during his gap year that SAO came out.


    He had always been interested in computers and gaming, so he took immediately to VRMMOs. Upon announcement of Sword Art Online, he was intrigued. It seemed so skill based. Levelling wasn’t obsolete, but the superior swordsman would almost always prevail. While he failed to get into the beta, he called in a favour with a friend who worked at a games store to get a copy on launch day.


    Since becoming trapped in the game, he has stayed on the lower floors. While he’s good with a blade, he hesitates to move towards the front lines. Until now.




    Persistent: He will do anything to finish a quest. Even knowing his life is on the line. He refuses to leave any objective incomplete.


    Observant: Having spent most of his life outside society, watching, he has developed a keen eye for detail and behaviour patterns. He can read people well when he does deal with them because of all of this study. He has a knack for reading mob attack patterns for the same reasons. Everyone has a tell.


    Persuasive: He can usually put together a good argument for doing things a certain way. People seem to understand his plans. This seems to be another side effect of social isolation. He developed a keen sense of logic.



    Lone Wolf: Sam has always preferred to be alone. It has always been a social limitation, leaving him with few friends. He usually only got along with gamers. He ventured into SAO as a way to meet people he could relate to.


    Pessimist: Always sees the worst in a situation. Even when presented with a solution, he sees its flaws and potential to go wrong. He sees victories as fleeting, only leading into the next problem.


    Prideful: He has an image he wants to maintain. He doesn’t want to be the richest person in SAO, or the strongest. He wants to be respected.














    Weapon skills:






    Set B "DPS Package"

    1 Handed Straight Sword Tier 1 [1 Damage, 1 Bleeding]

    Vanity Black Armour

    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials




    Quest History:

    <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>  - Complete, Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17282-sp-f1/


  22. Hello,

    I’m Sam and SAO was really the only anime ever gotten into. I write in a couple forum RPs, so I’m excited to see what this one is like. I guess all there is to say is: Link start!


    (I hate myself for that, but the thought popped into my head and I had to do it.)

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