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Posts posted by Star

  1. Star observed Haltar's answer with much interest. But once she had heard that it was something he had related to his fighting style, Star's mood declined a little. It wasn't that she wasn't good at anything, it was just that she had no physical activities that she was particularly good at. Her talents lied mostly in speaking and negotiating; things you'd use in a business setting. She did like to let herself go every once in a while, but there wasn't an activity that she had done before that was anything like fighting with a sword. She'd just have to practice and get better.

    "That's alright, thank you for the advice." Star looked at her sword as Haltar asked if she wanted to go first this time. The idea rolled around her head and she decided it may be a good idea for her to do so. If Haltar did go last and Star hit the boar, maybe it would go after him instead of her. He took no damage from the boar's attacks after all. It seemed he had gotten quite a good set of armor. "Yes, I'll go first this time. I can't expect to get better if I follow your lead all the time."

    As she said this, a group of two boars could be seen. Star looked around for a single one, but it seemed that two was all that they could get for now. Well here goes nothing, I guess. Star didn't even think to ask Haltar about his opinion on the matter of fighting two at once, but she decided to go for it. She attacked what she deemed to be 'Boar A', lunging towards it and making a downward slash.

    Star's closed her eyes as bit as she suddenly felt resistance against her sword. She heard the boar cry out as a red "3" came out above the boar. "Ah!" Star had cried out in surprise. She wasn't certain her attack was going to hit, but it seemed that she had done well. Alright! Now to make sure I do that next time!

    @Haltar Dhrim

    BD: 8 (Success!)
    DMG: 3

    [Rage: 0] Haltar - HP: 20/20 - EP: 2/2
    [Rage:1] Star - HP: 20/20 - EP: 1/2
    Boar A - HP: 7/10 - DMG: 3
    Boar B - HP: 10/10 - DMG: 3

  2. Star couldn't deny that Akiris was right about them being stuck in a rut, but even so... She had to continue pushing on. This was her first competition after all! She had to show Akiris that she was one to be rivaled with! Even if they both didn't seem to be very lucky in regards to picking out herbs, there were other competitions that were likely to be less hard.

    Alright, you've got this. It's easy. Just find one more herb and this'll be over for you and for Akiris. Star continued to look around the spot where she was searching near Akiris. Maybe Akiris had picked over this area already, but even so... It was likely that she had missed some in the tall grass.


    ID#116861 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 7 (Fail!)

    T1 Materials Found: 4/5

  3. Star cursed herself again as she found nothing once more. There must be some kind of trick to this that I'm not seeing. To think that the first quest would take so long to finish up. Who would've thought that they would create such a complex system for item searching? Although... I suppose if materials were as easily accessible as money might be, that could be a large problem. Crafters would have a huge advantage against people who would actually go out and fight. Seems the people who created this game were thinking about the player economy as well.

    Star continued to search, occasionally glancing at Akiris to see how she was doing. I wonder how she's fari- A notification popped up. It said that Akiris would like to become her friend. Star laughed a little bit. "Akiris, I'm right here." Star quickly hit accept and went back to searching. "If you were hoping to distract me with that, it won't work! Even though we've both hit a rough patch in our competition, I won't lose!" Star stuck out her tongue a little as she continued to search.


    ID #116360 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 14 (Fail!)

    T1 Materials Found: 4/5

  4. Despite the fact that no loot had spawned for her, at least she got some extra Col and some tier one matierals. Money like that was valuable and if she wasn't able to get some armor out here, at the very least she could always go out and buy some. But now was not the time to think that she wasn't going to get some armor from these enemies. It was certainly time for her to think back on the battle and see if there was something she did to hit that last strike so successfully. It seemed Haltar was itching to go out as she was, but they probably needed to rest for a moment for her to recover a bit. Even if she didn't get hit, she was certainly a bit winded.

    Star sat for a moment, thinking to herself. I wonder if Haltar has a specific way of hitting enemies that I could try out too. He didn't really give me specific instructions on how to hit something. I just happened to do it when I was really desperate. I wonder if I have a secret skill that makes my strikes really effective when I'm really desperate...

    Star turned to Haltar. "Thanks for the help. Is there anything you do to hit enemies more effectively that you could share with me? I know I'm inexperienced in fighting, so I'd like to know if there's some sort of trick to it."

    @Haltar Dhrim

    Out Of Combat: 1/3
    Haltar - HP: 20/20 - EP: 2/2
    Star - HP: 20/20 - EP: 1/2

    50 Col & 2 T1 Materials Collected!

  5. Star didn't find anything as she searched in that small patch of grass that had caught her eye. The part she was looking in seemed to be without any materials, so she decided to move closer to Akiris. In fact, she moved very close to Akiris. A few feet, in fact. "The spot I was looking in seemed dead, so I decided to move over here! Maybe if I finish things up, I can search for you and you can collect the ones I find!" As Star said this, she knew that what she was saying was likely ludicrous, but Akiris didn't seem to be finding many at all.

    Star began to search once again, this time with a newfound vigor since she was in a new spot. C'mere planty planty plantyyyy. All I wanna do is complete this quest so Akiris and I can move on to the next level. C'mon planty planty plantyyyy.


    ID #116259 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 10 (Fail!)

    T1 Materials Found: 4/5

  6. Star nodded and said, "Alright," in response to Haltar. She needed to hit it this time. She had to. It was ridiculous that she had already missed her target this much. It was... Unacceptable. She wasn't going to stand to miss another hit. If she did, well... She'd deal with that if that was the case. But to miss another time would be strange. However, it was her first combat. Maybe there was a special mechanic for battling that she wasn't realizing? Maybe... Maybe there was something she was missing. Focus on trying to hit it. You don't even need to hit that hard. It's got very little health left.

    As Star focused her mind on the target, she leapt toward it. Please hit!

    Star's blade made direct contact with the boar, hitting with extreme force. It seemed that despite the fact that she wasn't hitting, she had critical striked the target when she had. A red number 5! appeared above the boar and Star laughed pompously, covering her mouth as she had seen those ojou-sama characters do when they were looking down on someone. Finally.

    As the boar began to disappear, Star saw that nothing came out of the boar. "E-Eh?" She looked around the area around the boar to see if there was something else that might've spawned. "Come on!!" Star smashed her foot into the ground. Guess it was time to fight some more boars and potentially get lucky with those ones.

    Roll ID #116257
    BD: 10 (Crit+2)
    DMG: 3+2 = 5!

    MD: 5
    DMG: 0

    Roll ID #116258
    LD: 2+1 [Searching Skill] = 3 (Nothing!)

    50 Col & 2 T1 Materials Collected

    @Haltar Dhrim

  7. Star watched as the Boar struck Haltar, but it seemed to do no damage. So this is the power of armor, I assume. Either that or he has a skill to counteract any damage coming onto him. Interesting. This strengthened Star's resolve to get herself some armor. If she could outrightly cancel out the damage from a boar, then it would be impossible for it to kill her and she'd be set to start doing this on her own!

    But for now, it was time for her to end this quickly. As the boar retreated a little from the attack that Haltar had taken, Star decided to capitalize on this opportunity. C'mon Star, you've got it. This is a level one opponent. Things should be very easy for you, even if you are also a level one. Haltar might leave if you don't prove yourself now after all. You can't afford to miss this!

    Despite her plea, Star's attack once again didn't connect. WHAT THE HELL, I'M STARTING TO GET REALLY PISSED. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO HIT THIS STUPID BOAR?! Star turned to Haltar, "I'll make sure to hit it next time! I know this might be a waste of time, but you can cancel out the boar's attacks! Please leave it to me for the next round!"

    As Star said this, the boar attempted to go in for another hit. Unfortunately, it had failed in its attempts to hit Haltar again. It was likely a little tuckered out from the last attack it had made against Haltar. 

    Roll ID #115958
    BD: 4 (Miss!)
    DMG: 0

    MD: 2 (Miss!)
    DMG: 0

    [Hate: 3] @Haltar Dhrim - HP: 20/20 - EP: 1/2
    [Hate: 0] Star - HP: 20/20 - EP: 0/2
    Boar - HP: 2/10 - DMG 3

  8. Star looked up from her searching for a moment and took a deep breath. It's going to be fine. Your life doesn't depend on finding these plants after all. Finishing this quest is just going to be good for me in the long run. It gives some good SP and I need that if I expect to keep going up in the ranks for the front runners. Star felt it was about time for her to stop acting like a child, despite the fact that she was much older than a child. By world standards, she was very clearly an adult.

    Star continued to pump herself up. "Alright, let's go! Finding this should be one of the easiest tasks! I can't get weighed down by this if I truly expect to grow and become number one!" With a newfound drive, Star moved towards a smaller patch that had caught her eye.


    ID#115957 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 3 (Fail!)

    T1 Materials Found: 4/5

  9. Star frantically searched around, but still found nothing. She cursed herself as she scoured the dirt for something to light up for her with her skill, but to no avail. Unbelievable. I thought this would be somewhat easy, but searching for materials is harder than I thought it would be.

    She searched again. She needed this win. The first win of her time within the virtual world.


    ID#115821 [Search Roll LD+1] = 8

    T1 Materials Found: 4/5

  10. As Haltar danced around, Star took notice of his movement. What a strange way of moving around, but even so... It did save him from an attack of the boar. I'll take note of that for the future. As Star saw that, Haltar took advantage of his position and hit the boar with what seemed to be a very effective strike. Was she sure that Haltar was a level one? It said on his status, but even so... He seemed to be doing extremely well.

    As Haltar called her over, she nodded in kind. It was her time to make sure that this Boar suffered. She'd make sure that she'd get some good armor off of this boar! But as she went in, she missed again. She cursed herself. How could she be so bad at hitting a level one boar? It was extremely slow after all! This was ridiculous!

    The boar paid no attention to Star in the slightest, especially considering she did no damage whatsoever to it. It charged at Haltar with extreme power, it almost seemed as though it was using a charge skill to inflict damage! Star clicked her tongue as the boar ran into Haltar. Can't even hit a stupid boar. Guess I'll have to practice lots more before I can even think of fighting one of these by myself. However, even with the critical hit that the boar got, it seemed like Haltar mitigated all of the damage done to him.

    Roll ID: 115820
    BD: 4 (Miss!)
    DMG: 0

    MD: 10 (Critical +2)
    DMG: 3+2 = 5!

    [Hate: 3] Haltar - HP: 20/20 - EN: 0/2
    [Hate: 0] Star - HP: 20/20 - EN: 0/2
    Boar - HP: 2/10 - DMG 3

    @Haltar Dhrim

  11. Star couldn't believe it. She had found another one! It wasn't too far from where the last one she had found. It seemed like she had found the holy grail of materials! She just hoped her Search skill would let her continue to find things like this with great accuracy! "I've only got one more to go! You better hurry!!"

    Star continued to search, hopefully with just as much luck as she was having now. Please oh please oh pleaseeeeeee give me the last one I need!


    ID #115818 [Search Roll LD+1] = 9 (Fail!)

    T1 Materials Found: 4/5

  12. Star cried out in joy as she found another one hiding between two tall patched of grass! She was over halfway there now! "Found another! I'll be there before you know it!" She was going to beat Akiris! Although her skill was a bit of an unfair advantage in this situation, but she was going to win!

    Star looked over to Akiris who seemed to be a little bit distraught that she was running behind, but it was alright. Star knew that Akiris wasn't going to fall behind too much! Otherwise, she wouldn't have the competitive spirit to match Star's! You got it Akiris. Maybe this time you'll make a secret comeback and beat me!


    ID #115810 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 20 (Success!)

    T1 Materials Found: 4/5

  13. Star smiled as Haltar began to engage the boar that she saw. She watched as Haltar quickly struck the boar and it seemed to do more daamge than what Star would've thought the blow would do. Seems this was the power of Sword Arts. It would be wise for her to invest in a skill that would allow her to use Sword Arts as well. After all, it seemed that the damage coming from the Curved Sword that Haltar wielded became stronger as well.

    Star looked at the boar and focused on the movement of the boar, predicting where it would go as she slashed at it. It was time for her to shine like the Star she was! Unfortunately for her... Her attack missed. It seemed the boar was a bit faster than she anticipated. Star clicked her tongue as the boar's health stayed the same. And as she struck, the boar attempted to strike at Haltar. It seemed it was mad at Haltar for hitting it in the first place.

    Thankfully, the boar also missed. It seemed Haltar was much more capable for a level one than Star was. She'd have to prove herself, even if this was her first battle. "Looks like I'll be relying on you for the majority of our hits. I can't hit very well, but with the weapon I've got, I can hit hard."

    Roll ID: 115809
    BD: 5 (Miss)
    DMG: 0 (Miss)

    [Hate: 1] Haltar - HP: 20/20 - EN: 0/2
    [Hate: 0] Star - HP: 20/20 - EN: 1/2
    Boar - HP: 6/10 - DMG 3

    @Haltar Dhrim

  14. Star smiled as she heard what Akiris was saying. It seemed Star was getting a little luckier than Akiris in this situation. It was probably due to the Search skill! Seems she spent her 5 starter SP on something good! Star saw that Akiris moved into a different area to search, but she seemed to be having some luck looking around the area that she did.

    Star really hoped she'd find a few more things. She wanted to finish this quest as fast as possible, but... It was fun doing this with Akiris. She never expected to find a dear friend this close to the beginning of her climb to the top of the ranks.


    ID#115806 [Searching roll LD+1] = 17 (Success!)

    T1 Materials Found: 3/5

  15. Star smiled as she found another. Ah! Perfect! How lucky that I got them twice in such a short time! Maybe I found a big patch of them! Star called out to Akiris. "Yeah, I've gotten lucky! I've already gotten two! Don't fall behind now!" She laughed to herself a little as she continued to search.

    This reminded her a little bit of the time that she spent with her Mother in the garden she grew on their back porch. It wasn't very large, but there were all kinds of plants compactly planted inside of their containers. This was like searching for a specific one within all of those plants. And the plants inside this game were so lifelike and there were all kinds that Star had never seen before. It was... Fascinating that things like this were created by the makers of the game. She couldn't wait to see what other kinds of things were laid out on the coming floors for her!


    ID#115802 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 2 (Fail!)

    T1 Materials Found: 2/5

  16. Star continued to walk, listening exactly to what Haltar was wanting to get out of this. She clicked her tongue as he asked for her name again. "My name is Star, as I just told you. And I would expect nothing less than giving you an equal trade. I'm not looking for favors after all."

    As she ventured out a little bit into the grasslands, she stopped when she a boar within her view. "Alright. Before we get caught up in this battle, what kind of skills do you have? And it looks like you've got armor. I assume these boars aren't going to hit very hard, but I've got a skill that will let me get some good loot if I kill it. So if possible, I'd like to hit them last so we can get some nice stuff. So try to let me hit them last if possible. If it doesn't happen every time, so be it. We'll split everything evenly except when it drops armor. If it drops armor, you can have everything else except the Col. I'd like the Col split evenly every time. Does that sound alright?"

  17. Star looked at Akiris as she began to gather as well. Star wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for, but it seemed that something lit up when she got near a random plant. Guess this is something I need to find for the quest. Hopefully I can get them quicker than Akiris will. She seems faster than I am, but I've got my Search skill, so things should probably be a bit easier for me! I won't lose!

    As Star picked up her plant, she looked around to see if Akiris had found something as well. It seemed she was reaching down to grab a plant as well. Shoot... I've got to move faster and find them! "Seems we're equally matched for now, but I won't lose!" Star continued to look around for materials, hoping she would be able to get lucky again.


    ID#115796 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 20 (Success!)

    T1 Materials Found: 2/5

  18. Star continued to look through her equipment and saw that her glaring flaw was that she had no mitigation from her armor. If she got more hits on the target than her counterpart, she'd likely be taking a lot of damage at once. If she got a lot of hits, she'd probably have to pull back for a moment so that her partner could take some heat away from her. Oh well, either way, Star would heal out of combat. She was hoping that there would only be one or two enemies to deal with in the time that she spent fighting. If there were any more than that, Star was sure that she'd have to run away. She'd have to be careful not to aggro more than she needed to.

    As she finished this train of thought, a person approached her. He asked if she was waiting for anyone and she smiled. "Only you." As she said this, she sent a party invite to Haltar quickly. How lucky that I ran into someone so quickly! "Let's head out, we can talk on the way to the grasslands."

    As she began walking, she turned her head back a little bit so she could look at Haltar out of the corner of her eye. "My name's Star, I'm a new player around here. You don't seem too experienced yourself. I'd like to fight as much as I can today so I can get some decent armor. If we fight enough things and you get an armor drop and I do not, I'll trade you the things I don't want for the armor. Does that sound acceptable?"

    @Haltar Dhrim

  19. Star looked at the girl she was following and smirked a little bit when she heard Akiris was planning to run a rogue or assassin playstyle. It was exactly as she predicted, but that fit with her perfectly. A tank would be the perfect addition to their little party, giving them perfect balance. Star was happy when Akiris said that Star's 'scout' build would be suitable with her. She figured that was the case, but it was certainly another thing to hear it without giving that compliment provocation. "Well I wouldn't pick anything that wouldn't suit me. Plus, I'm quite used to these kinds of things." Star winked a little as she smiled and walked.

    When Akiris suggested the idea of a guild, Star shook her head. "No no no, I think you misunderstand. I don't want to be part of a guild or start my own. I suppose that could be a long-term goal of mine, but that's not what I'm shooting for. Being part of a guild would mean I have to give credit for my progress to others, but I wish to prove myself with my own effort. Normally I fall in line with a guild because it has different benefits, but if this game has none, then I'll be using a regular old party for most things. I'm sure I can rely on you to be a consistent member of that party."

    As she finished this, she put a finger to her lip. "I suppose we should start searching for materials now. We each need to find five, right? Let's make it a race to see who finds them first! With that, I'm gonna start!" Star laughed heartily as she began to search for materials.

    [Searching Roll +1 LD] = 19 (Success!)

    T1 Materials Found: 1/5

    ID# 115781


  20. Star finished gathering up her equipment, looking at herself in a little handmirror she had, smiled and headed out to the edge of the town. She wondered if she would see anyone as she travelled through the beautiful buildings and the scenery that had become her new home for the time being. It was only her home until she could safely move onto other floors, but it seemed she wasn't going to be able to do that for a while yet. She'd have to level up a few times and probably get some better equipment. Star also wondered if she could ever get good loot from monsters she fought. Well... There was only one way to find out. But she hoped she could get someone else to join her. After all, she heard it was much better to be part of a party when doing quests or adventuring out. It was possible to get more out of the venture if there were more people there. SP wasn't abundant for her after all.

    As she arrived at the gate to the town, she wondered if there would be any adventurers who were planning to fight some level one monsters. She surely hoped there would be someone to assist her in her endeavor, since she felt she needed some good loot and some decent experience points. She looked at her status and her items as she waited for a worthy candidate to approach her or for her to spot someone out of the corner of her eye. Hopefully someone shows up soon. I don't want to have to wait around forever. That would be a waste of time and a pain.

    @Haltar Dhrim

  21. It seemed that Akiris was as similar to Star as she was hoping with weapons and her armor set. Akiris seemed a bit confused by the question she had asked about what kinds of skills she wanted to acquire, but kind of answered her question in a roundabout way so Star wasn't all that thrown off. "Personally, I'm talking about an all-around playstyle for you." As Akiris said she wanted to be fast and light, Star covered her mouth a little bit and chuckled. It's quite easy to see through someone who wants to build into a rogue-like build.

    "Light armor and quick blades, huh? Seems like we'll be needing a tank to round us out." Star wondered if she would bump into anyone of that sort in the future. Hopefully she'd get lucky enough to find someone quickly after completing this quest.

    "For weapons and armor, I'm thinking medium armor. I've already got a one-handed straight sword, but I've heard that you can get a fisticuffs skill later in the game. Not sure whether I'll try that out or not, but it would be interesting to see how that would work out. For the most part, I'm hoping I can strike powerfully and intelligently. Finding an opponent's weak point or finding hidden enemies is what I'm hoping will be my specialty. I've heard they refer to people with my kind of a build as a 'scout'. Seems I'll be depended on to find traps and the like in the future. Hopefully I can find plenty of treasure while I'm at it too." Star almost took a wrong turn at this point, since her sense of direction was absolutely awful. But it seemed that Akiris knew where they were going, so Star followed her without trying to give away that she wasn't sure where they were going. It seemed they had finally exited the town and were entering into the grasslands that completely surrounded the Town of Beginnings.


  22. Star smiled widely as Akiris commented on how everyone looked different despite the fact that they were all using the same base model. "Well I think things changed a little bit since the game now takes after some of our physical atrributes. It is quite amazing though, to think people could make something like this almost seems beyond something real."

    Akiris said she was a very ambitious person, and Star could've very well said the same about herself. As Akiris continued to go into detail, Star couldn't help but feel that she had the same affinity to live through this as Akiris did. How interesting to have met someone like this on my first quest. Hopefully we can stay in contact with one another. I have a feeling that things will get interesting if I stay around her. And I'll make sure she doesn't pull ahead of me anytime soon. A small fire was now lit in Star's heart. Akiris wasn't necessarily a rival, but she now had someone whom she could compete with in regards to moving up the rankings.

    As Star saw that Akiris accepted her party request, she couldn't help but smile. Akiris was also a level one. Star wondered what kind of skills this girl already had and what kind of character she was hoping to build. She didn't seem like she'd build a tank. Assassin seemed like it would be well-suited to her, but even then... Star couldn't be certain that Akiris was going to head that way. After all, she wasn't entirely sure what weapon she was using. She'd have to ask that question later.

    Akiris explained that she liked darker colors better and Star had to agree that they did suit her well. Her bright eyes made for an interesting pop of color against the dark shades. And when she spoke about her family running a cafe inside of the real world, Star's eyes lit up. "That's quite lovely. I can respect anyone who draws inspiration from their family. My model is like this mostly because I've always liked flashy things. Blonde hair has always been a staple of all my characters and acting like a rich heiress has always been a particularly fun piece I always add. So to match that personality, I have to make things look as put together and elegant as possible. This jacket that I wear over my shoulder is mostly for cosmetics. I did get the DPS set, so this is just vanity stuff anyway. Once I get a real coat, I'll make sure to match it with these colors!" Star paused for a moment. "What set did you pick? And do you have any clue as to what kind of skill-set you're aiming for?"



  23. Star saw that Akiris' expression was one of concern for a moment. Her eyes darted up to the crystal that hung above her head. Star was a bit confused by this interaction, but it must've been a fluke. Surely she just saw something in the sky or something behind her. No matter what it was though, she did turn her attention toward Star. And strangely, the woman reached out to grab Star's face. As her hand reached out, Star made a confused look and stepped back a little bit.

    "It's alright. I just... Wasn't expecting that, is all. Indeed, the graphics are quite realistic." Star put a little smirk on her face. "I'm sure there are places you can go if you do wish to experience all of the graphics of a person, quite personally." As she finished this, she let out a hearty laugh.

    "Lovely to meet you Akiris. Seems we'll both be venturing through this world a little late to the party. But I don't plan on falling behind. I hope you've got the same determination to head up towards the front-runners of this game." Star began to walk a bit. "As such, I'd like to get moving as quickly as possible. I do hope you don't mind me rushing us a little bit." As Star walked, she sent a party invite to Akiris. "Your character model is quite lovely if I might say so for myself, did you take inspiration from anything in particular?"



  24. Star smiled as she saw a woman head into Zackariah's home. It seemed her patience had paid off. Of course, nothing less should be expected from her. Lucky or not, she had found someone to accompany her and she was happy enough with that fact. As the girl was exiting the house, Star pushed herself off of the wall that she was standing on near the house. She looked the woman who had exited the house up and down. Hmm... Interesting outfit. Personality doesn't seem to clash with mine. This should be a fine partner for me, as long as they listen to what I've got to say.

    Star quickly walked up next to the woman, saying, "Hi, I saw that you were also starting the starter quest. I'd like to accompany you if possible since I'm also doing that quest. I'm hoping that it will make things quicker."

    She was a bit... Well... She was a bit shy since she had never interacted with another person as herself really, so it was hard for her to get up the courage to act as she usually did from behind her usual screen. She was this character now since she couldn't log out. Things... Were going to be a bit different for a moment. But she had to be brave and strong to keep this person from brushing her off so easily.

    Star scratched the back of her neck a bit. "Ah... I suppose I should introduce myself as well. I'm Star, and you are?"



  25. Star yawned as she leaned back in a bench that was close to where she had spawned into the world. This world was brand new and yet... She now found out that she couldn't leave. Well, at the very least, things would get interesting from here on out. Most people seemed to be used to the kind of lifestyle here, but since Star was brand new, it seemed like she'd have to acquaint herself with a few things before venturing out into the world. And the first quest she saw, which she assumed to be the tutorial quest, caught her eye.

    Star smirked as she ventured toward the older NPC and accepted that first quest, "The First Few Lessons Are Free!" Although it didn't seem to require any combat yet, this was a good opportunity for Star to branch out and use the skill she got at first level. Searching; an interesting skill that allowed her to find things more easily. Maybe it would come in handy for this beginner quest. This was a good way for her to test out how this system worked and get used to the movement mechanics within the game. It could also give her an idea of what kind of build she was hoping to get later into the game. She was somewhat hoping to keep with a DPS-style knightly slash rogue-ish build with a focus on scouting and perception.

    Star wondered if there would be anyone else somewhat new to the game. She thought maybe she was joining the party a bit too late, but who knows? Maybe she'd get lucky and accidentally bump into someone. Star began heading out, looking quite flashy as she did so. Hope gathering these materials won't take too long. I've got a lot of catching up to do it seems. A partner would make things move quicker. Seems I'll have to keep my eye out. As Star thought this, she decided to stick around a little bit near Zackariah's home to look for some promising candidates.


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