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Posts posted by Eknar




    Username: Vallendar

    Real name: Azuma Riku

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5,7


    About: History/personality

    Azuma Riku came from a small family, during his early years of highschool he always struggled to make friends, so he turned to gaming. Seeing no entertainment in the real world, he dived into MMORPGs, facinated by the control he exercised over his character’s stats and personality. Barely pushing through each school year, Riku became more and more closed off, so focused in gaming even the few friends he had began distancing from him, unable to keep up with his addiction.

    With the beta gameplay of SAO being made public, Riku immediatly saw in that game the potential for him to feel MMOs in a way he had never felt before. The new full-immersion technology was simply fascinating to him, even if he did not comprehend it. Unable to afford one of the first 10,000 copies, Riku searched everywhere for a way to get into one of those spots. Fortunally he found a local shop which had almost sold out the copies, but was offering the last few, along with the console, in a small tournament for a portion of the price of the actual game as the entry fee. Hoping his skill would be enough, Riku entered the tournament, barely squeezing to the finals of his group. The final match itself was very close, but Riku landed a lucky crit, getting him both the victory and the game.

    Anxious to try out the new game, he counted the days until the servers were to be made available. Laying down on the bed, his breath and heartbeat fastened, acking to get into the game. After a few hours of gameplay, Riku was estactic about this new world. This was until he discovered he was trapped in it. As chaos started to spread, what worried Riku the most was that he knew the Bosses of each floor would require a large number of players working together to beat them, but he had little experience with teamwork. Fortunally he could relly on his favored tank role to push through as far as possible, hoping it’d work out.



    Riku is loyal by nature, he’s always seen the value in returning favor. As long as a person has helped him or proven their loyalty to him, he’ll stay by their side. He’ll never cheat a person or trick them as long as they’ve earned that right.

    From humble beginings, Riku is never looks at his abilities with pride, regardless of how far he goes or how powerful he becomes, he’ll only seek to be strong enough. Riku will never see anyone as being beneath him and will treat all the same way.


    Riku values his friends very deeply, he’ll always make them a priority over himself. Regardless of what it means he’ll have to endure, Riku will always help out those he cares about. He’d rather be the first man to fall than the last man standing.



    Riku was always a nervous child, specially after suffering from bullying early on he was never able to calm down. It is basically impossible for him to sit still or feel calm when faced with a decision.

    Being shy runs in the family, both his sisters are incredibly shy children. Riku finds it difficult to make the first approach towards a person. Often worried they’ll dislike him or simply dismiss him.

    Once Riku becomes friends with someone he’ll pester them indefinitly. While he means it in the best of ways, it often comes off as annoying. In the past he had issues with keeping friends because of it.














    Weapon skills:

    » 2-H Assault Spear. Rank One(5)





    »Set C “Tank Package”




    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)



    Relationships (optional)




    Story Thus Far (optional)

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