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Posts posted by Kaitan

  1. Appearance



    Username: Kaitan 

    Real Name: Kat

    Gender: Male

    Age: 21 (23 in game) 

    Height: 5'8

    About - History/Personality: Include a descriptive background for your character that is at least 2 paragraphs (5 sentences each). Since this is what brings your character to life, please add as much detail as possible!

    “George gasped. ‘That's some nice equipment you have!  How the hell can you hold a job and play games like you do? You're not foresaking that promotion are you?

    ‘Of course not,’ Kat replied with a smirk. George shot a suspicious glare. ‘Ever since you bought that headset your screen time has went through the roof. I saw on the news that the RPG you spoke about sold out within minutes. You should be worrying about things more important than losing the lottery. 

    “I pushed aside the mouse with a rejected sigh. My brother was true, and i know my family has been worried.  It was them who supported me, after all. I was nothing when i first stepped into that Tokyo  highrise two years ago. They forewent a summer in Hawai and worked overtime to make my rental bond. I moved to Tokyo that spring, ready to put the past behind me"

    “I spin a pen between my fingers , just as i had all those years ago in that grandoise lobby"

    ‘Why would we hire someone like you’ the man said, readjusting his tie and leaning forward assertively. 'What could a man with nothing really provide'"

    ‘My life' I retorted, shifting back to meet his stupor. I have always idolized those who can give their everything. I want to accept nothing less from myself.

    ‘Haven't seen you make a face like that since your demotion from director’ George's voice jolted me from my reverie.  I swallowed, cursing my lack of awareness. 'Cheer up buddy, i'm graduating next year and we will be in the same boat!' he said playfully, yawning and heading for the door 'I have an exam tomorrow and need to hit the bed. Speak tomorrow night'.

    Ding! I recieve the message i have been waiting for. I exit my dishevelled family home and hand a briefcase of neatly stacked bills to the stranger. In exchange for every cent i have the man hands me a box labeled "Sword Art Online" and shakes my hand as we part ways. 

    Link Start. 



    • Fixated: Applies a substantial level of intensity and focus towards a goal which they set to achieve. This results in them going one step beyond the "expected" level for the sake of fulfilling tasks. This applies both inside and outside of combat. 
    • Decisive: Experienced and highly competent in making spot decisions in critical situations and where many others cannot act. Due to the naturte of this vurtue, it manifests itself strongly in a combat scenario and less strongly in major decision points. Able to quickly interpret suggestions and use them to influence these decisions. 
    • Problem Solver: Highly curious with an inquisitive mindset. This results in him being able to think outside of the box and find unconventional solutions to problems. This applies both inside and outside of combat. 


    • Fixated: Applies a substantial level of intensity and focus towards a goal which he sets to achieve. This results in him being unable to focus on multiple priorities. His fixation also leads to him having a general disregard for his own wellbeing. 
    • EccentricDoes not conform to the thoughts, or beliefs of others. Others may consider him strange as a result, taking longer to build strong relationships and trust.  Sceptics may consider him offputting. Although, other characters with eccentric personalities could bond faster. 
    • Perfectionist: Holds himself to an unrealistically high standard. Rarely celeberates achievement yet percieves faliure where others would not. This may result in him taking responsibility for things outside of his control or reacting overly strong to certain situations.  







    Weapon skills:


    1H Straight Sword (Uncommon)

    Armor (Uncommon) 

    (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials


    Authors note: This will be edited and enhanced over time as i participate more. However, this is the skeleton for approval purposes. 

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