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Posts posted by Shae

  1. She flicked a strand of hair away from her face as she leaned against a set of stone fences. 

    Man, where did all of the hot guys go? 

    She grimaced, pressing her palm against her cheek as she let out a heavy sigh. They probably wouldn't be a bum and stay down in the very first town, huh? She guessed that a couple of years was enough for all the good ones to level up a couple of times. The bicolored girl mumbled a variety of curses under her breath as she tilted her head.

    "Darn, guess I have to finally do something in here for once," she grumbled, pouting. She had never really been one for video games unlike her brothers. The reason she got this game was probably somewhere in her head, but was she willing to put brain power into finding it?

    Absolutely not. 

    A short and quick ding rang out through the air. "I really hope it isn't that guy from last week," she drawled, frowning before she opened up her menu-- something she was still not necessarily used to as much as others in this hell.

    A soft laugh escaped her when she realized it was her brother dearest. She smiled to herself before sending her own message, then pushing herself off of the wall. She stretched her arms above her head and grinned. Time for a little family reunion. . !

  2. shae.thumb.jpg.02b4e00deaac27b2e28f37f9455ff5b2.jpg


    U S E R N A M E: S H A E



    N A M E: O K I N O  N A O K O



    A G E: 17  19 y.o.



    H E I G H T: 5'4" 



    W E I G H T: 121 lbs.



    N A T I O N A L I T Y: J A P A N E S E




    V I R T U E S:

    ➵ SOCIABLE: Naoko isn't all bad, come on! She's not a complete jerk, well not all the time, at least. In fact, she's quite friendly! She's just an average bubbly girl with odd hair and a little too much sugar in her blood!
    ➵ CHARISMATIC: What's not to love about her is the real question? She has a way with words that can charm the heart of almost anyone. . ! Almost. Confidence and optimism or key for her because you can't get attention by acting like a rock!

    ➵ CREATIVE: As you can obviously see, Naoko has to get a bit... creative, y'know? I mean, look at her hair! She has the skill to sprout ideas from that little noggin of hers from nowhere. Whether it be good or bad she always has an idea! Although, it's mostly always bad, but it couldn't help to try, right?

    Okino Naoko, the only female to be born in a pair of triplets. She'd like to say that she was the odd one out from the start, but that would be a complete and utter lie. She had to give that award to her younger brother.

    She may not have been odd, but damn, she was certainly not your average everyday girl. Actually, she strived to stand out. She did all she could to stand out. Dying her hair unnatural colors, taking on an incredibly unordinary style of clothes. It was all to stand out.

    Constant neglect of attention, affection-- you know, the things that parents should give to a child-- from her “parents” left her in a constant state of seeking attention from others. In the end, she ended up a complete and utter mess like her dear younger brother.

    Though, what was she going to achieve if she copied him?    Be the second funniest person in the class? No, that didn’t work too well with her. She settled for an. . . alternative, probably not a good one but an alternative nonetheless. 

    She knew what she was doing was wrong, but somehow, she just didn’t care. Screw morals amirite? 










    F L A W S:

    ➵ FLIRTATIOUS: Gotta get attention somehow, amirite? We all can't be like Hiroshi over here. Okay, okay, she's a flirty type, but it's not that bad. Okay, maybe it's pretty bad but hey man, when she sees something she likes, she's going after it... or him or her. 

    ➵ GREEDY: When you're a triplet, you tend to not always get the things you want, ever. Yeah, you heard her! Don't touch her stuff! It's hers and hers only, you hear? Not really the best characteristic of hers, but it's certainly the most notable.

    ➵ EGOCENTRIC: Yes, yes, everything has to revolve around Naoko- and she's pretty sure it runs in her blood or something. To her, she's the best of the best. The very best, that is! Er, well at least she tries to believe so, you never know!














    R1 2H Assault Spear: +3 DMG




    ➵ Beginners 2H Assault Spear: 2 ACC
    ➵ Vanity Light Armor

    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials














    +5: Starting Amount
    -5: R1 2H Assault Spear Skill

    SP LOG: 0/5







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