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Posts posted by Kashima

  1. As a gentle breeze wafted by, Kashi squinted her eyes slightly as her hair begin to flow gently with the current. Glancing over at the handsome young man, she smiled softly while making certain her weapon was clear to draw at a moment's notice as he sidled closer, showing his menu to her. Eyeing his info warily, she did her best to play along as being welcoming and friendly, just in case he turned out not to be. She ensured her hand was near her weapon and ready to draw, despite their difference in levels and gear. In a game like this, skill and creativity could be as much a difference in battle as anything else, so while it was a consideration it was one she wasn't very concerned with. Stepping a few steps away and meeting his eyes with a smile, she commented, "Alrighty, New Aswell, good to know." with a giggle before continuing, "Like I said, I kinda wandered around the safer areas. Although, don't feel bad about being scared. I think only an idiot wouldn't be scared to be trapped in a situation like this."

    Tossing him a friendly wink to accentuate her lack of judgement, she continued, "To be upfront with you, which I think is both right and fair, before we do anything, I should say... I don't trust you. And you probably shouldn't trust me, since we just met. I think if we get that out in the open, we'll do a lot better than scheming and watching each other. It's not like I mean you any harm or anything, I just don't trust people immediately. If you're okay with that, I would still love to help you with your quest."


  2. Spoiler

    Image result for female leather jerkinOutfit!  Image result for kana kojimaMe!

    Smiling a bit wider at his overtly welcoming response, Kashima relaxed a bit. It was a bit weird for her, approaching a stranger like that, but she could use the help, and figured he probably could at least use a distraction. "Well hello, Tanoshi! I won't lie to you, I've kinda been wandering around for... Well, the whole time."

    Not certain how to explain without sounding the part of a coward, she laughed awkwardly, "So, uh... I'm fairly new, even though I'm not. But, I do have a blade and armor, and I've explored most of the safer zones so far. What about you?"

    She wasn't entirely certain of his intentions, but she intended to make the best of it in any case. Either he was legitimate, or he just wanted under her jerkin; either way, she planned to at least accompany him on the quest. His actions, on the other hand, would determine whether she fought, ran, or tried to be friends with him. After all, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and she hadn't even read that much, yet. 

    Clasping her hands behind her back, she leaned back on her heels as she awaited his response, still maintaining her smile. She neither made any move to show off, nor hide, her assets. She wasn't one to flaunt her appearance, but she also wasn't going to correct someone's eyes if it were to her disadvantage. While she displayed a welcoming air, it was not inviting, and while her smile was warm, her eyes were neutral. Clearly, she wasn't saying everything, but nor did she seem in any way hostile.

  3. Spoiler

    Kashima LV 1  | HP 20 | ENERGY 2
    DAM:  3 | EVA: 1  | MIT: 0 | ACC: 0 | 
    (=3) Uncommon Curved Sword; +1 Damage

    (=3) Uncommon Leather Armor;  +1 Evasion


    Rank 1 Skills
    Curved Sword

    Rank 2 Skills

    Rank 3 Skills


    Rank 4 Skills

    Rank 5 Skills


    Kashima, up until now, had avoided combat in lieu of learning more useful things. The lay of the land, game mechanics, how different things function, all at her own pace. She had never been one to worry about tutorials or silly things like that, especially since they rarely gave the player all the information they would need. Instead, she simply wandered alone, avoiding combat and working from the towns to explore as she could. However, travelling about on Floor 1, she stumbled upon a young man interacting with an NPC. Just barely able to hear the discussion, she noted that the boy's gear was of comparable quality to her own, although a bit better. Having already decided to try and make some real friends, she made her way closer as the NPC began to explain about a location, a hidden garden, bountiful in both natural and living resources. "Some extra materials never hurt anyone. Mind if I join you? My name's Kashi." She smiled as she introduced herself, attempting to make it a warm introduction.



    (FC: Kana Kojima)


    :| Profile |:

    Username: Kashima

    Real name: Kamishi Setsuna

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5’6”



    :| About |:

    Raised in a Japanese household of split values, Setsuna was exposed to both traditional and modern culture in near equal parts. Her maternal family was an old family that still held to more traditional values and practices, her grandfather being the master of a kendo dojo and supporting the household, and her grandmother always managing their household affairs. Meanwhile, her paternal family were more transitioned into modern society, her grandmother having taken up work alongside her grandfather after the war. This was rarely in issue in her home, as her mother worked in finance and thus already was better able to handle the family’s household affairs, while her father worked at a major corporation, controlling a small office from which he would sometimes work. Despite their careers, they would both often work from home whenever they were able, so as to be able to spend as much time with Setsuna as possible. Whenever they couldn’t be home, she would be sent to spend time with one of her grandparents until the busy period was over.

    Growing up with an active and comfortably funded household, Setsuna had her choice of activities and availability to pursue her interests, and did so freely. While she studied kendo with her grandfather, she also pursued knowledge of other martial arts, as well as more traditional sword techniques whenever she could find a teacher. However, her parents were insistant, not that she truly minded, that she pursue intellectual interests; thus, she would spend quite a bit of time in libraries or engaged in online research, and even read simply for leisure. However, when not engaged in any of those pursuits, she indulged in her one vice: gaming. She had loved video games ever since she was a child, her father having gotten her into them at an early age. Growing into her teens, she developed an (un)healthy gaming collection, even though she rarely had time for them due to her extracurricular activities and academic pressure. However, that would all change once she graduated; she quickly got hired on with her mother’s financial firm and acquired her own apartment, having lived with her parents all the way through University.

    Moving out on her own, she quickly devolved into a hapless game addict, working from home in order to allow more time on her games. Admittedly, she simply used the open working hours to work and play in equally long periods at the expense of sleep. However, she consistently remained on top of all of her portfolios, every client was content, and while she was often exhausted, she was running a smooth one-woman household. Just as she was entering this phase of her life, the NerveGear came up for sale along with the new VRMMO, Sword Art Online, just one month after her 22nd birthday. Deciding to treat herself, yet again, she preordered well in advance, and excitedly acquired her new toys as a birthday present to herself. Slipping her NerveGear on, she loaded up SAO and said in a tired voice, “Link start…”



    :| Virtues |:


    Honorable (=3) As an individual, Setsuna adheres to a personal honor code. While she doesn’t necessarily hold others to her personal creed, she consistently tries to act in a manner which she deems both honorable and respectable, regardless of consequence. While this can leave her in a sticky situation on some occasions, she rarely mounts any complaint, preferring to press forward rather than wallow in her situation.

    Well-Educated (=3) Raised within a somewhat well-to-do family, Setsuna received a thorough education and was actively pursuing her career after graduating from University when her trouble-making older brother convinced her to try a new game with him. Setsuna officially studied in IT, specifically as a Web Developer, though her knowledge is broad and sometimes deep as a result of various tutors over the years. While she still has more to learn, and acknowledges such, she still often knows more than other folks in the room. 

    Overtly Humble (=3) While not part of her honor code, humility is a value that Setsuna deems both important and respectable. While she is not so foolish as to not recognize her own capabilities, she still tries to avoid showing off beyond what is necessary. However, if her life is on the line, she won’t hesitate to go all out.


    :| Flaws |:

    Self-Important (=3) Setsuna secretly considers herself more important than others, believing herself to be generally superior. She will almost always consider her own safety, first and foremost, barring cowardice. While her code of honor comes before her own wants, it is often a bit of an internal battle.

    Secretly Arrogant (=3) Between her education, comfortable upbringing, and her propensity for ‘taking the high road’, she often considers herself better than others. While she keeps quiet about her thoughts, she oftens notices and makes mental note of others’ inefficiencies or inadequacies. This can lead to her making a swift and poor judgement of others at a moment’s notice, disregarding them as useless or inept.

    Push-Over (=3) Setsuna sees herself as a bit of a push-over, often trying her best to please those around her, just as often in an attempt to make her feel better about herself. This tendency to please others often, instead, reinforces her view of herself as a push-over, causing her to try even harder. It is a harsh and repeating cycle that she regularly struggles with.




    :| Skills |:


    (=3) N/A



    (=3) N/A



    (=3) N/A


    Weapon skills:

    (=3) {Curved Sword} { Lv. 1, "Novice" }



    (=3) N/A



    :| Inventory |:

    Basic Package: 2,500 Col | T1 Mats: 10 | T2 Mats: 0 | T3 Mats: 0 | T4 Mats: 0


    (=3) { Uncommon Curved Sword } { Damage 1 }

    (=3) { Uncommon Leather Armor } { Evasion 1 } 

    (=3) { Starter Healing Potion } { Heal 50hp }



    :| Roleplays |:

    (=3) [SP/PP/OP] LinkedTitle

    (=3) [SP/PP/OP] LinkedTitle - in progress



    :| Relationships |: (optional)

    (=3) None! (D:)



    :| Story Thus Far |: (optional)

    None! (D:)


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