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Posts posted by Rayleigh

  1. “Thirty percent, huh?” That might have been short-changing him a bit. In middle school, Vince had rocked the awkward-but-still-boyishly-charming look. Of course, at that age, Ray hadn’t exactly focused on his good looks. She’d just found him interesting, when few could keep her attention for more than a minute or two. He kept her guessing, and his explosive personality so perfectly filled spaces her reserved one couldn’t reach. ‘Completing her’ was such a cliched concept, but where their friendship was concerned, he had. That was why she had called him her best friend, not his good looks. 

    Now though? Unabashed, she studied him as he dragged her to an empty table. He certainly stood taller, and the long hair looked really good on him. He’d filled about a bit, in all the right places. And those pants fit really well...

    ”Oh yeah?” she asked, after he deposited her in the chair across from him. “Tell me everything, and just grab me whatever you’re having to drink.”

  2. "Well, I'm still really sorry and- oof." His arms came around her, squeezing tight enough that he lifted Ray off her feet. Embarrassment burst like a firework, sending red streaking across her pale cheeks. "Vince," she drawled, voice pumped with enough annoyance to cover the delight. Her booted feet kicked, though not with much gusto, as she wasn't entirely unhappy to be back in a famous Vincent Cain bear hug. 

    How long had it been? Nine years? Ten? Jesus, an entire decade had passed since she'd seen her oldest friend. They'd been inseparable, once upon a time. Then Vince had moved, and they'd lost touch. Ray wasn't one for social media, and hadn't been then, either. She'd dropped the ball dozens of times when it came to emailing him, and after a while, the correspondence had simply stopped. It wasn't that they'd had a falling out. They'd just... fallen apart.

    But now he gave her one final squeeze before planting her in front of him. "Yeah, it's me," she confirmed, reaching to shove her brown hair back from her flushed face. "And you! You're... so different."

  3. "Hey, come here often?"

    She could make it look like an accident. Hell, in the safe zone, it wouldn't even take a chunk of his health. More importantly, it wouldn't change the color of her cursor. So what was the harm? The guy was being an ass, following her after she'd so politely made her get-away. This guy had a real set on him if he was willing to follow her to the bathroom. And using the same terrible pick-up line again? Was he mentally defective?

    So she pivoted, a balled fist lashing about a foot above her head. It was where his face likely was, if she'd correctly judged his height (you never really knew when they were sitting on a barstool). It appeared she was right on target, as her knuckles made contact with skin and bone. The muscles in her arm rippled with the force of it, and even though he wouldn't feel the pain, she felt the satisfaction. 'Oh, I'm sorry,' she could bluster, batting her lashes and fanning her flushed face. 'Fighter's instinct, I'm sure you understand.' It would be total bulls*it, but she was cute, and she could get away with it.

    The words died on her lips as recognition swamped her. That mop of golden blonde hair, those crystal-blue eyes. His face was contorted in surprise, but if it weren't, she figured it would be wearing that same old goofy grin. It was the grin she remembered most. "Vincent?" Her own emerald eyes widened. "Oh my god, Vince!" Then those eyes narrowed, and the startled joy fled her voice. It was replaced with mortification. "Oh my god, Vince." Horrified, she reached for his face. "I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you."

  4. I don't need your pity-help. The words sprang forward, but she clenched her jaw before they could escape. The truth of the matter was they did need help, especially with someone as carefree and daring as Vincent. He would happily throw himself off a cliff if there was "fun to be had," and in her current state, Ray just wasn't prepared to stop him. Or catch him, whichever way it went. "Yeah, sure," she finally answered, inclining her head in a small nod. "The help will be nice."

    The words had hardly left her lips before Vincent snagged her hand, squeezing it fiercely with his own. She really should have seen it coming. The brilliant hundred-watt smile blazed as brightly as a green light on a race track. But she still let out a small yip of startled surprise as he yanked her off her feet. As she was clumsy to begin with, it took a few steps for her to get her feet beneath her. Until, then, she flapped like a rag-doll as the surprisingly strong man towed her toward the edge of the safe zone.

    "He does this kind of thing a lot," she told Cordelia, slightly winded by the jarring transition. Besides, her short legs really had to pump in order to keep up with the blonde. Something caught her eye, and she thought it might have been one of those mats she was looking for. But as she squinted, she realized it was nothing at all. Good thing I didn't say anything.


     ID# 137443 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 5 Loot: 5 MOB: 9

    No mat found.


  5. de57f08867572cd4c56e7ea172d7ce80.jpg
    Closed to Vincent Cain

    "Haven't seen you around here before. Do you come here often?"

    The mousy brunette would not even dignify that with a turn of her head. Instead, her emerald eyes cut to him, daggers still managing to reach her peripheral vision. "Are you serious?"

    Perhaps he did not pick up on the venom in her tone. Perhaps he figured any response at all was promising. But the heavily armored man with the shaggy brown hair broke into a grin. "Yeah," he answered eagerly.

    Ray's eyebrows winged up, and she blinked, finally turning her head to face him. "You're not using the phrase ironically?"

    This time, the other player blinked. Confusion muddled his dark eyes, but the goofy smile remained. "Yeah." Then his bushy brows furrowed, concentration bursting, sending deep lines across his weathered face. "I mean, no?"

    The woman nodded slowly, sucking her teeth as she pushed back from the bar. It didn't matter what floor, or what tavern - even in a death game, there were weird men with bad pickup lines. And the alcohol didn't even help. "Hey, I need to go to the bathroom," she told him, shifting her weight and slipping off the stool. The small heels of her tall brown boots clapped on the dirty wood floor as she straightened, then clipped away. She had to put as much distance as possible between herself and her would-be suitor before he realized bathroom trips were entirely unnecessary in Aincrad. Unless, of course, he never actually noticed. He was not a horse that she would bet on.

    Her long brown coat flapped as she strode toward the door. The Jolly Otter was hopping this time of night, primarily with the burlier type. It was a popular hangout for guilds after a day of raiding, and bar brawls were almost commonplace. As such, the the small woman was careful not to elbow anyone as she navigated her way across the minefield, weaving through tables packed with rowdy players. Booming laughter rolled like thunder, accented with occasional shouts for more ale and voices raised in triumph or anger. The decor here was different, like something out of Pirates of the Caribbean, but at the core? At the core, it was like every other tavern. I'll just stop into the next one.

  6. Yeah, that sounded like him.

    "No combat?" Ray echoed, eyes narrowing to slits as she turned the concept over in her mind. If there was no fighting, that meant no risk of death, right? Honestly, it sounded a little too good to be true. But as someone with absolutely no MMO experience, the woman had no way of knowing if these gathering quests were commonplace. She'd have to ask Vince, but not now. No use looking stupid in front of Cordelia.

    After another moment's pause, Rayleigh nodded. "Alright, fine. I'll go with you, and help you pick up the T1 materials." The words were clunky on her tongue, evidence that she had no idea what a 'T1 material' was. But that hardly mattered, as she'd already committed herself to the quest. She would have to figure it out as she went, which was, fortunately, one of Ray's strengths. With plans A through Z, she was always able to problem solve her way out of a pinch. That was, if Vince hadn't already charmed their way out of it. That was his superpower. 

    With that in mind, she couldn't help the small smile from forming as she studied her charismatic counterpart. He sure was a goofy one. "Deforestation reference. Cute."

  7. Ray scowled at Vincent as he scampered across the road, dragging another player along by the hand. No, not just another player. A beautiful player of the female variety. Eyeing the runway-ready woman, Ray felt herself tense. But why? Was that jealousy? Disgusting.

    Hearing him refer to her as his best friend did soften the blow, and she slammed the door on the friendzone train of thought before she could start over-analyzing. It was far easier to build up her walls, donning emotional armor before proceeding. "I never asked you for your opinion of my pants," she growled back, rolling her eyes before settling them on Vincent's flushed, cheery face. "You just wanted to look at my ass and give your feedback, because you're a pervert."

    Knowing the introductions were a necessary step, the brunette looked at the bombshell. Looked up at her. F*ck, she's tall too? Of course she's tall. The tiny woman's jaw worked, green eyes hardening to emeralds before she jutted up her chin. "Hi," was her only reply to Cordelia. She could have done better, if she'd put her mind to it. But she didn't.

    Finally, Vince's words registered, and Rayleigh turned back to her friend. "Tell me what this adventure is."

  8. The ping of an incoming message shot Rayleigh out of her dream and into reality. After a fleeting attempt to bring Hugh Jackman back, the brunette grumbled obscenities into her pillow. "Someone is about to die," she snarled, rolling over to stare at the ceiling of the tiny room. With a a flick of her wrist, Ray summoned her HUD, blinking back sleep before squinting against the bright light.


    To: Rayleigh


    From: Vincent Cain

    "No, no, no." The young woman's face hardened as she quickly blasted back a reply.


    To: Vincent Cain

    No you aren't.

    From: Rayleigh

    Then another.


    To: Vincent Cain

    STAY WHERE YOU ARE. I'll be right there.

    From: Rayleigh

    Like a bullet from a gun, Ray shot from her bed. She equipped her cargo pants and t-shirt even as she burst out the door and into the hallway of the inn.

    "Miss, is there something I might help you with?" The NPC inquired as Rayleigh tore down the steps and across the tavern.

    "Nope," came Ray's easy answer. "Just an idiot being an idiot."

    If the barkeep had a response, Rayleigh missed it as she shouldered her way through the front door and exploded into the warm sunlight. Her combat boots pounded the sidewalk as block after block blew by. The cheery storefronts blurred as tunnel vision took hold. She could practically see Vince waving a sword in the air, giving a speech to make a Paladin proud, then throwing himself at a boss. That was so like him. And while she wouldn't admit it to him, she really didn't want to lose the only friend she had in Aincrad.

    Cheeks flushed, chest tight, Ray spotted him across the street. "Vince," she roared, a lion sound from a mousy woman. "What are you doing?"

  9.           - R A Y L E I G H -          




    AGE:    20 y.o. ▶ 22 y.o.
    HEIGHT:    5'0 ft. 
    WEIGHT:    115 lbs.



    - V I R T U E S -

    Rayleigh's father instilled within her a desire to work hard. She never slacks, or "burns daylight," as he would refer to it. Every moment of every day is used, and only when the job is done, or she's completely exhausted, will she stop.
    It's not that Ray doesn't notice differences between people - she simply doesn't care about them. Race, disability, socio-economic, even differing beliefs don't faze her. People of all walks of life need mechanics, and Ray has worked with them all.
    Wanderlust has taken hold of Ray, and all she wants to do is explore. After a lifetime spent in one place, she is eager for new places and new experiences. The hunger for new knowledge is always present as well.


    - F L A W S -

    She is offended by the concept of doing a job half-way, or leaving something for tomorrow. She will only put her stamp of approval on something if it truly meets her incredibly lofty standards. Ray insists on similar perfection when it comes to most things in her life. She does not settle. More often than not, this results in frustration and disappointment.
    Rayleigh refuses to back down from a challenge. Her pride is a weapon easily used against her, as she's willing to takes unnecessary, even dangerous risks to prove herself. This manifests in a mean stubborn streak, and she has a difficult time admitting when she is wrong. 
    It doesn't take much to get Rayleigh's blood boiling. She's something of a powder-keg, and often reacts in a manner far more dramatic than the situation calls for. She does have a tendency to shout, and the words aren't particularly PG.



    - H I S T O R Y -

    Rayleigh never knew her mother. Though this reads like the first lines in some epic tragedy, she never really felt that anything was missing from her life. If there was some great hole left behind by her mother's passing, she did not notice. Perhaps this was due to the love that her father had for her, and the fierce admiration that she felt in return. Though he often struggled with expressing himself, Rayleigh understood how much her father cared for her. They had been each other's best friend for as long as she could remember. Hours spent in the shop brought them together, and not even her father's gruff attitude could drive any sort of wedge between them. As Rayleigh grew, she absorbed as much information as she could. When she was finally old enough, he allowed her to accompany him into the city. The child fell in love, and she knew that she wanted nothing else in life but to work with the wonders that surrounded her.

    Unfortunately, the bliss could not last forever. Her father's poor lifestyle, with his drinking and smoking habits, eventually caught up to him. He fell ill, and he never recovered. Rayleigh was devastated. The next two years were spent working the shop that her father had left for her. She felt that it kept him close, and for a while, that was enough. But slowly, she realized that she simply was not satisfied. The woman met with the same clients, and worked with the same machines every day. It seemed she had exhausted the supply of knowledge there, and she would have to travel if she were to quench this thirst for information. College was out of the question, as the funds simply weren't there, and she wasn't particularly interested in the scholarly route. But gaming might give her a temporary escape, so the woman who had never picked up a controller dove into Sword Art Online.



    - I T E M S -


    ✿ Beginners 1HSS: [Van.]

    ✿ Beginners Light Armor: [Van.]

    ✿ Starter Healing Potions x3


    - U N I D E N T I F I E D / Q U E S T - 



     "That is simple existence and - S K I L L S -






    - S T A T S - nothing more for a living being."

    LVL: 1

    HP: 20

    EN: 2

    DMG: 1

    MIT: 0

    ACC: 0

    EVA: 0



            - S P   L O G -        

    TOTAL SP: 5/5


    - [5] Starter SP.


     Written by Shelby

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