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Posts posted by Rei29r

  1. Rei does get a little unsettled from the break of the illusion of reality, but then she remembers that NPCs are important for making sure that everyone doesn't simply die in this twisted and wonky death game... as are tutorials. Its like a normal MMO in that regard, really, though slightly different in that NPCs do more to move your progression and in this 'game', (though Rei isn't all that sure if she should even consider this a game except in the most twisted of meanings,) the shops run by NPCs aren't nearly as important for actually buying things. However, because a tutorial was actually what she was looking for, she goes with it by opening her map and asking the older (and seemingly quite helpful) NPC, "Where would you like me to go to find these ingredients? Also, do I need to worry about creatures on the way to these locations?"

  2. The older NPC smiles a gentle smile of relief and starts giving a scripted quest start in reply, "Then we shall begin our first lesson. You see, many adventurers that have met their end were only one potion away from winning their last battle. Buying potions is an option on this floor, but not always possible on other floors. Sometimes, its just better to make them... cheaper too. Making potions requires ingredients and ingredients can be found anywhere, if you have a keen eye or good shoulders, things that have begun to fade for me in my advanced age. In order for me to teach you, I will need you to gather some ingredients. Plus, gathering these ingredients will be a good lesson in of itself. You see, the first floor is quite a diverse place and the things we will be needing will also be quite diverse indeed." It is obvious from this that Zackariah, is, in fact, an NPC.

  3. After some navigating and a touch of getting lost, she eventually finds her way to Zackaraiah's shop. Rei peeps her head in, "Excuse me," she says as she does and when she sees a person in crafting clothes, she nods her head, "Is this Zackaraiah?"

    "Ahh, yes, that is me. Come on in!" Zackaraiah answers, "You must be a new adventurer. I remember when I was young and adventurous... But then I settled down and... Anyway, I am getting off track. As you are a new adventurer, I have potions for you, but more importantly, I have a few lessons... the lessons are free, of course, and they are quite helpful for new adventurers like you."

    “Well, I did hear that potions are important,” Rei began in reply, “but I have to be honest, I don’t know where to start as being an adventurer and I really want to stay alive on my adventures.”

  4. After Rei had returned to the Town of Beginnings with her new rapier and shield, she took it upon herself to seek out advice on how to survive in the floors above, at least, survive beyond the floor's town. Until recently, she had never even been to the floors above and the dangers to a low level player were apparent. After picking up several unhelpful pieces of advice and a couple of good suggestions, Somebody comments that, "You will need potions to survive out there, and more than just a few."

    Rei then asks him, "Where may I find a potion maker?" before pulling out her map of the floor.

    The man then points to a spot in the city, "His name is Zackaraiah"

    Rei thanks him and heads off to the place on the map.



    Character Name: Rei
    Level: 1
    HP: 20/20
    En: 2/2
    Weapon: Rapier " Coup De Grace ", Shield " Ragnar's Might "
    Armor: Vanity heavy
    Skills: Rank 1 Rapier
    Battle Ready Inventory: Rapier (+3 damage), Shield (+2 mitigation)
  5. Rei wanted to go adventuring, but she needed to get some gear that was worth anything first. What she wanted most of all was a weapon that can actually be used throughout the early levels, though armor wouldn't hurt either. She figured that the higher the level, the better the stuff that people would be selling to shops. With the 10th floor being very high in the 'lower floors', she hoped to find something there.

    When Rei arrived on the 10th floor, she expected it to be spooky, but there was a certain beauty to the place. It was dark and everything glowed. The town there was also charming in its own way and Rei spent a long time exploring before she found 'The Night's Watch'.

    Seeing that it was one of those older style buildings with a no shoes rule, she left her boots at the door and wandered the store, enjoying the old charm it had. It was a cozy place, despite being fairly dark, so she was in no hurry to leave.

    Eventually, she looked at the store's bulletin board and saw exactly the things she was looking for... A rapier and a shield. She would then find the shopkeep and begin using her best language, "Excuse me, may I please purchase the items 'Coup De Grace' and 'Ragnar's Might'? I hope to use them well to get myself started and get through my early levels," giving a bow as she does.

  6. About Me



    Username: Rei29r

    Real Name: 桜井 玲 (Rei Sakurai)

    Age: 25

    Gender: Female

    Height: 155cm

    Appearance: Short, dark hair and brown, monolid eyes. Slender frame and fair skin. 

    About: History/personality

    Rei has always been one to avoid being social. While many girls grow up trying to keep up with what's trending and the who's who, Rei didn't bother, instead opting to enjoy her computer. That said, she was a fairly good student, albeit sometimes lazy.

    Her home life was fairly good. Her family was comfortably middle class and living in Itabashi, Tokyo and her mother liked to go into the city to go shopping. Rei loved roaming the computer section of Bic Camera while her mother was on another floor. Her childhood was, overall pretty idyllic if you discount the fact that she had very few friends.

    However, she was never all that ambitious, as she ended up working in a department store in Ikebukuro and living on 7-11 yakisoba on her days off, while sitting in front of her computer. Upon hearing about the new NervGear system coming out, she made sure to save up and get a hold of it as soon as it was available.

    Because of that, however, she ended up being one of those that got trapped by the game.

    Her early days in the game were largely those of a non-combatant, opting to just survive. Eventually, though, that got boring as survival became easier and the starting town slowly shrank in population. The game forced her to be more social as the lives of those around her actually started to matter.

    Virtues and Flaws:

    V1: Rei thinks on her feet well, which helps keep her out of trouble. She can react to things quickly and can be creative in a pinch. I wouldn't go quite as far, however, as that guy who parried an entire Chun Li super in a tournament, but it is a goal to reach for.

    F1: Rei is socially awkward. Not only is she socially awkward, she is socially awkward while surrounded by a demographic that is noted for being socially awkward, which gets awkward at times. She may slowly ease out of this with time, as she is forced to interact with people, but it is never going to not be a problem.

    V2: Rei may be awkward, but at least she tries to be helpful and tries to avoid conflict. It might be part of why she always tended to avoid social situations... in that people are always full of conflict and problems. Nevertheless, she tries to be a good person.

    F2: Rei tends to be a purist about things that she is interested in. She has an extremely stubborn loyalty to certain ideas, groups, and things. If something conflicts with her loyalties, it tends to freeze her if its important, or makes her a passionate in her defense of it if its frivolous and the argument is friendly. It makes her quite stubborn and nostalgic about things.

    V3: Rei's unwavering loyalty, is, in the end, still unwavering loyalty. Once she puts her trust in someone or something, it will take a lot for her to break it. She will do whatever she can to support whoever she sides with.

    F3: Rei's trust, however, isn't impossible to break. She holds passionate grudges that are just as difficult to break. Just as she can be a purist for something, she can also be a purist against and tends to have an oddly disproportionate dislike for certain things.





    Weapon skills:
    »Rapier Rank 1

    Known sword arts:

    [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Rapier, Vanity Heavy Armor, 3 Starter Health Potions, 2000 Col, 25 Tier 1 Mats...

    » Name:  Coup De Grace
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID:  93092
    Roll Result: 18
    Item Type: weapon
    Tier: 1
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: +3 damage 
    Description: a rapier with an incredibly well-balanced feel, unfortunately, it is a normal one that is intended for killing.

    » Name:  Ragnar's Might
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID:  93187
    Roll Result: 20
    Item Type: shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: rare
    Enhancements: +2 mitigation
    Description: A shield with an insignia of two axes crossed and round in shape, must be a viking's shield. Protects and shields the user from any incoming damage though not that much.

    Roleplays (N/A for now)
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress


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