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Posts posted by Sophy

  1. However, she did not stand up as she sat upright and let herself fall to the side and then slowly rolled her feet away and turned towards the rock. She could see the flowers, like right there, as she was almost with her nose in them. She then picked it up and her quest updated once again, this time sending her back to the city. She rolled onto her back away from the rock and looked up letting out a sigh. "Fine Fine, I'm getting up." saying this she got up from the ground and cleaned herself off from the dust. Staring at the flowers for a bit she then turned around getting ready to make her way toward the city knowing that after this she actually gained EXP via questing, and everyone knew the fastest way to level is by doing quests. Sure she may have done near to nothing, but that was because she got busy trying to get her emotions under control as well as that she just got lazy.

    Rolling 181090 LD 14+1=15


  2. She jumped down from the other side of the rock where she came up from. it was much easier than getting up, still, it was a bit scared to hang and not feeling where the ground was. But she knew that she was not scared and she let herself go only for her to lose all her balance and fall on her butt on the ground. For a moment she sat there getting her barrings a bit only for her eyes to look upon more flowers. Guess her Luck didn't run out just yet as she looked at the flowers and picked them up from where she was sitting. Yep, these were the flowers, as soon as she picked them up she got a new notification that she had 4 out of 5 items gathered, meaning she needed to pick up one more that was laying RIGHT there. Smiling a bit she tried to pick them up but knowing she had to get up from her ass.

    Rolling 181089 LD 13+1=14


  3. She looked and looked, sure the rock was quite a bit taller than her and for sure bigger as well. but it seemed none of the white flowers for Zackariah was there. But Sophy got the smartest, in her head, to be honest, this would probably end completely wrong, Idea she had. She put her back around her other shoulder and placed the dagger back in its holder before looking the rock up. Then she started climbing the rock, one step at a time. Her grip was weak as she tried sliding down with her feet the moment she tried to get on. but then she took quite a few steps back and took a sprinting jump on the rock for her only to push herself back by the force. But she did not stop and she tried again this time making it up.

    Finally, on top of the rock, she looked around holding her hand over her eyes to make sure the sun didn't shine too bright into her eyes. She was trying to spot the items from here and didn't seem to have much luck at all. Well, it was suspected that her luck was about to run out.

    Rolling 181087 LD 6+1=7 

  4. She looked at the foot of the rock and smiled picking up yet another item from the ground, with a smile and joyful eyes she placed it into her inventory, Or rather her bag she had around her shoulder. She got now 3 items meaning she only needed two more and that didn't seem to be a problem right now. With a smile and some a sigh she actually quite enjoyed gathering items. It was not dangerous or something that would be bothering her mostly. She smiled and took out her Dagger from under her bag and cut apart the plants from the rock only to find out not all items are gathered materials... "So a few items aren't good for gathering and are just normal things like normal things," she said to herself making sure to take the item she needed to gather for Zackariah and looked yet again at the foot of the rock.

    Rolling 181086 LD 11+1=12


  5. She got up from her knees and looked at the flower in her hand, now it was gonna be way easier, but she also knew that her luck was now at the point of running out. Always if she needed things they did not appear, and always if she didn't need them anymore they disappeared. For some reason as a child, she thought that for some reason the things like, in games with item drops could read her mind and said NO you dont get that Item. It kind of was funny thinking back to that and she even laughed a bit moving her hand through her white lock of hair and spun a red lock of hair around her finger.

    Before spotting a bigger rock, not too far away from her, where it seemed a few of the flowers grew. She walked over and picked them up and before she knew it, the notification popped up again making it clear to her that she had 2 of the 5 items.

    Rolling 181085 LD 12+1=13



  6. Taking a bit of time looking for the plant Zackariah asked for, They didn't look too hard to spot and Sophy was looking quite a bit around only to spot a small group of flowers near a rock. She walked over to it and looked for a second and kneeled down to pick up the white looking flowers. Before confirming with her own eyes she forgot for a second that she was in a game... Stuck in it... And a small notification popped up at her view. "Wah~!" she let out before looking at it as she was not suspecting the sound. It said 1 out 5 Flowers Found. It was clear that she was in a game again, and she kind of felt a bit down remembering the past and why she got stuck here.

    She lets out a sigh looking at the rock only to see that she trampled the other flowers and with a look of disappointment picked them up only for them to not count as the rest of the items she needed to find.

    Rolling 181083 LD 19+1= 20


  7. Sophy looked around here and there, some red flowers, some white but not the one she needed. Sure the flowers here looked pretty and she enjoyed the few here and there, but right now she needed to find these items. It was handy that she did take a path on an interest that she liked. As she was really good at finding things, but not the best yet it seemed as she still had a lot to learn as well by the time she got here. But no matter she smiled and slowly kept going looking for the item so that she could take a big nice old rest again, at some point. maybe sooner or later... Okay maybe she did sleep a little too much and walking around seemed to also just wake her up, plus she liked this as well. But it meant that she needed to get up more often and move out of town at some point. She never really got to any other location but the town and surrounding area.

    Rolling 181082 LD 8+1=9

  8. Getting out of the town she looked around walking along the path for a second only to start walking onto the grass and to the edge of a small forest. She smiled and took in the area around her. It was so calm here and nobody was around to move her around. She never really got out here and well not the fact that she did not like being, it was more the fact that she was just too lazy to move outside of the wall and do things. But she felt like she wanted to help Zackariah so she did that.

    The plant she got shown was a small little plant that really didn't stand out at all So looking for it would be a little bit of trouble, and hearing that it was not the most rares plant either made Sophy sigh a bit as she moved toward the edge of the forest where she stood still for a moment only to get a  cold rilling over her back. "Alright time to find these plants I guess," she said to her self before she started.

  9. Zackariah moved about in his shop and took some stuff from shelves, then took a small plant and showed it to Sophy, "I need you to find these little fallas in the wild and bring them here, I just need five of them so It should not become a problem." Sophy looked at the item and inspected it for a second, she nodded and smiled "Can do, It should not be hard really," she said as she smiled a bit before making a turn towards the exit of the shop. "Be back soon!" she said to him before walking out and starting to make her way toward the exit of the town.

    She moved about and looked left and right looking at shops. People moved around doing normal stuff like buying here and there something and then moving on to do other things. It almost looked like a daily thing some of these people did. But here and there there were people running, kids playing and from time to time, people in big armour and weapons washed into the town.

  10. As Zackariah finished his meal Sophy looked at her back and the dagger that was attached to it. While it was not out in the open she had a weapon on her, she was also not hiding it. Its a weapon, and she learned that even the smallest weapon can be dangerous, plus, she also got this weapon, and she was well set on using it... at some point... again. Once Zackariah stood up Sophy just did the same and followed him outside the inn. The weather was nice and it only was just 8 in the morning so walking around here right now, well she could get used to it really. Well, she got used to it. A lot of other people ignored her as she walked passed them and some even looked at her for a second like they saw a ghost or something but then breezed it off like it was nothing. "We are here," Zackariah said to her after a time before coming to a stop of a shop.

    being let into the store by him she looked around and the smell of all sorts of things entered her nose, it really smelled like an alchemy shop in here."So I was wondering if you would like to help me with something, in turn for your help you can have something from me as well." He said to her, and all Sophy did was still looking around like a kid in a candy store, "Um ah, sure I can help... Just tell me what to do and I will help you," she said sounding happy while looking around.

  11. Walking downstairs from her room she hoped a bit making a few twirls here and there as she entered the lower area of the inn. "Morning Mister Hector!" she said to the NPC owner from the inn who was busy making a small meal it seemed. "Morning Sophy, could you help me for a second, this meal needs to go to that person over there, it is just about done." He said to Sophy where Sophy reacted on with a smile and nod before hopping over to the counter and taking the meal. Avoiding any patrons in the inn she walked over to the gentlemen giving him his food. "Here you go, one meal for this good sir," she said happily placing it on the table.

    Before Sophy could walk away the man halted her, "It's not known to see Adventures helping an Inn owner," he said as Sophy turned in surprise. Now getting a clearer look on him, Sophy saw an older man sitting with a beard and long white hair. "Don't be surprised to miss, Name is Zackariah. Alchemist here on town," He said with a friendly smile. Sophy slowly walked over to him and sat down across from him "How did you know I'm an adventurer?" she asked him curios. where he reacted upon by pointing at her dagger on her bag she was holding over her shoulder. "You don't hide it, plus I have a neck for seeing a strong person," He said to her "Why not help me out a bit after I'm done eating," He said to Sophy before she accepted his over as he seemed like a nice man. 

  12. Sophy Well down, into the darkness. It took ages and the voices felt like they kept falling and falling away. The Last Words, from who were those words, 'Dont you Worry' were they her own... yes, Sophy recognised her own words clearly. but who were the other voices, friends... allies. Then a loud crash and ...

    Sophy has spun around in her blanket, handing around her leg as her face was on the ground, "Auw" she said slowly only to just ignore the fact that she didn't even feel the pain from her fall out of bed. Was it a dream, a nightmare... yet it felt all so real. Why did it feel so real and not only that, it felt so close at heart. How could this be, why did this nightmare, this dream feel like it was happening. But Sophy ignored it and stood up. Walking over to the mirror she made a little spin in front of it for her nightdress moved with her. "Gooood Morning Sophia, its a good day to move around." She said looking at her own reflection. Then she walked over to a chair and got dressed. Wearing a white dress with red markings and black bottom, as well with a blue cute little bow, and then a hairband with two small little horns on them. "Looking all good again Miss Huntsman you're ready to go!" she said looking once again into the mirror with a smile

  13. No, not again, not like this... Darkness fell down into the dungeon as the torch that was being held fell to the ground and extinguish. It was completely dark apart from the small lights around here and there, Why did they do this. With no light, they didn't see a thing and it was completely dark here. Hearing water drip from the ceiling onto the path ahead knowing it was all just a game. But not just any game, a death game they all got stuck in. "Alright stay close to my voice!" Someone said from the dark, and before you knew it you could hear about three other pair of feet move around. "HEY! that's my feet!" someone said in the dark. The banter was around and three voices or was it four started speaking. "We gotta keep moving," "No stay close Dont move too far!" "Where is she!" "I'm here dont you worry" those words filled this empty darkness, Don't you Worry. It was clear that the players here were having trouble trying to find their way out now after losing their source of light. "Alright I got it, I can see some light over there," one voice went. The three pare of feet walked after the voice and towards the lights ahead.

    Before anything, it was quiet and then.


    Level: 1
    HP: 20/20 // EN: 2/2 // MIT 9 // DMG 2 // EVA 0 // ACC 0

         SP 5/5

    • Searchingimage.png.a6180cb242402eec59736a39d96d9715.png
    • ...


    • ...

    Battle Ready Equipment

    • Oni Fang
    • Leather Jack
    • EMPTY
      • *5 Starter Healing Potions
      • EMPTY
      • EMPTY
      • EMPTY
      • EMPTY


  14. STATS

    Level: 1
    HP: 20/20 // EN: 2/2 // MIT 9 // DMG 2 // EVA 0 // ACC 0

         SP 5/5

    • Searching Rank I
    • ...


    • ...



    Battle Ready Equipment

    • Oni Fang
    • Leather Jack
    • EMPTY
      • *5 Starter Healing Potions
      • EMPTY
      • EMPTY
      • EMPTY
      • EMPTY


    • Oni Fang ( Dagger // T1 // Uncommon // DMG 1 )
    • ...


    • Leather Jack ( Light Armour // T1 // Uncommen // MIT 9 )
    • ...


    • *5 Starter Healing Potions (50 HP)
    • ...


    • 2,500 Col
    • 10 T1 Mat
    • 0 T2 Mat
    • 0 T 3 Mat
  15. Information


    Name: Sophia Huntsman
    Username: Sophy
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: UK
    BoD: November 13    Age: 19 21
    Height: 176cm   Weight: 64kg

    Born in the UK, near the border of Scotland, Sophia was not always who she is today. Growing up in a family of four with her Father, Mother and Older brother she used to be quite a handful. Having the luxury of a caring and close family she was loved by her whole family being the small one, even is she became one of the tallest members of her family. But she was not always known as Sophia, As before she was not who she is today.
    Her early years were a bit lacking social interaction completely. Having just one good friend at school, and being easy picking for bullies as well as other people who seemed to have a bit of power of other social groups. Not getting much help from her teachers she kind of hid it away. As in her eyes, it seemed normal. Her last year at primary school didn't end to well as she was not the smartest person in her class. As her middle school didn't go as planned either. for 2 years she hid away from people not making any new friends in school and just following the main group around to have a bit of feeling to be part of something. But the two years ended quickly and she had to move school.
    On her new school, she made at least some friend but still felt like she was not part fo this small group. but she made it past her years of middle school with the few friends she had. Once going to a college from there she went on do technic architect. She found it fun at first but slowly after a few months of working she came behind and yet again without friends she was quite alone. Slowly but surely Sophia started to be more and more absent and soon her own thoughts were getting corrupted. She had thoughts of suicide and other mentally ill problems and skipped her college completely. Soon enough her family caught on before it was too late and helped her get out of her problem.
    It was after the fact that she got helped that she still didn't feel at home like she was not who she wanted to be and over the time that she got helped she changed quite a bit. She became more open, carefree, and showing. She was starting to show interest in people and stood stronger on her on legs. This made her into an optimistic few of the world accept what you are given and live your life.
    As after she started over completely she went to a new college and a new course, starting her learning abilities on IT. Here she became the new face, with new people and she made friends quickly, it was a bit quiet at first but soon she got herself a mouth full of her own pride. Growing into a sort leader, she got to know a lot of helpful people. Over the years she kind of slowly started to creep back into her past and she felt like she didn't belong there. But soon after talking with some people, she took part in a whole transformation. She changed and became who she is today, only to find herself in the stop that she is here today.

    Virtues and Flaws
    __kawai_rika_wonder_egg_priority_drawn_by_yossyun__sample-b758f1643788552971651ce8b0b7d9e8.thumb.jpg.d80f0c03dc8faaa1455088e1000410e7.jpg Caring  Sophy is very Caring and likes to help people, most of the time she helps people even if she doesn't know people trying to be friendly and giving a good listening ear. Most people find her caring nature a good fall back to a point where they ask her for advice for things like love, life and more. But her Caring nature comes at a cost. As she will ignore her own care and if she is close to this person she cares for she will even worry to a point where she makes herself sick.

     Stubborn  Do be warned, as Sophy is very Stubborn and is to a point where she loves to push her own opinion onto people. When in a heated argument where she thinks she is right and she is not, she will try and prove herself and other she is right anyway. Not only that but she doesn't believe and act like she can kind of take people on and act a bit like a brat around people because of how stubborn she can become. NOTE: Don't try to disagree with her unless you want to sit there for 5 hours.

     Open  Sophy is very open, she doesn't really have something to hide from people at all, Showing her emotions on her sleeve as well as her opinion. She doesn't really mind that people know things about her or that she is known as that person. Her strong opinion and carefree spirit, and her not caring about peoples opinion set her free to go as she wants, looking bright at things in the world. But it does come at a cost as she also doesn't hide her desires.

     Lazy  Its sadly true, but Sophy is not the most active person there is, sure she can have her burst of hyperactivity but most of the times she is too lazy to do things. Sitting down and just starting out in front of her is her best option in her opinion. As result, she cut things short and always tries to see if there is a short cut available, even if there is a hard task. Most of the time when a difficult challenge is ahead she kind of ignores it or slowly does it not to do too much.

     Courtesy  She is a kind and caring soul now, and people call her polite as she treats everyone with respect, to a point where she is willing to give people a second or even a third chance. It's rare for her to judge people by their appearance as she is used to talking to people online and those who treat her with respect get treated with the same, maybe more amount of respect as well. However, she can come off as a bit mean when you attack her and betray her trust completely.

     Defensive  Her caring nature comes with a set back as well, getting along with people trying to help where she can make her less focused on herself. With her past, she has become quite defensive about herself and others as well. No matter how good you know her, she will snap at you if you get her on the fence. Most of the times when people have a stronger opinion than her and she can not place it down she gets angry and tries to defend herself.

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