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Posts posted by Aegis

  1. [character image]

    Username: Aegis
    Real name: Theodore Maxwell
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'

    About: History/personality

    Kind-Hearted: Theo is a man who only wishes to see the world smile. He'll do everything he can, that he thinks is right, to make someone smile. He's always thinking of other people as something that needs to be protected from emotional damage as well as physical damage.

    Gutsy: Theo's body is a temple. Working out helps him relax and while it doesn't offer any in game benefits his hard work into toning his body shows. He's carried his gutsy can do attitude into the game, where he believes anything is and can be possible.

    Loyal: Once Theo has made what he perceives to be a friend, he'll do everything he can to protect them from harm. He'll follow that person to the ends of the Earth if need be. He doesn't often leave a friend behind if he can avoid it, or if the person deserves it.
    Dullard: Where heart is overflowing, and body is strong something must be weak. And in Theo's case, it is his mind. Theo never did well in school, and he's always slow to pick up on social cues and interactions. He struggles with understanding most things, and does need some things explained to him in a more slow and concise manner.

    Gullible: The eagerness to make new friends and him being a dullard lends him to believe almost anything someone says. He'll believe any old sob story, tragic background, or straight up lie told to him. And in turn he'll try to comfort and support them through it.

    Sensitive: Every person has feelings, Theo is just more attuned to his than other people. He's liable to lash out at things in anger, break into tears when something of his is critically judged, or break into song and cheer when something goes right. Emotions are dangerous when out of control and his rarely are.

    Unemployed :c





    Weapon skills:


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    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


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