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Posts posted by PrinceSanjaya

  1. Sanjay was kinda confused as he watched what was happening. He realized it would be a waste of time just standing there, so he decided to proceed further into the game. The best way to beat something is to get through it without being side-tracked. He slowly began heading toward the the giant tower connecting to the next floor.

  2. Sanjay lvl-1

    Hp:[][][][][] [5/5]

    Sanjay had slain the alpha, and sheathed his blade. He looked over as he saw a group of people who were far higher in level then he. Suddenly their was a burst of yelling as some annoying female happened to intrude on the group. Sanjay decided to introduce himself, and considered joining them, however he felt slightly out of place to just request to join like that. He then considered simply to watch what would happen, so simply sat down by the tree and waited.

  3. Sanjay now faced the wolves in a frontal assault where he had the advantage. He customized his character as a highly evasive unit, which meant he could easily avoid their moves as long as he had a good position.

    With the odds obviously against the wolves, one of them decided to flee the battle. Now Sanjay only had to deal with two of them. The odds were defiantly in his favor, so he decided to finish them here. His blade originally extended forward now moved to his side. The winds had picked up as the breeze carried the leafs onto the premise. Within a flicker Sanjay had dashed forward with a crescent downward clash with his iron sword. His target was the wolf to the left, which was now victim to his blade. That was finishing blow for that one. With that his focused changed to the wolf which seemed different from the rest. He seemed of have misread the level. The final wolf was the alpha, which happened to be stronger then the rest.

    Sanjay didn't want to change the momentum of the battle, so he quickly held his hand upward as a dagger materialized.

    "Take this!" He said as he launched a dagger towards the alpha wolf, however to no avail. The wolf was a split second faster and evaded the attack.

    -Alpha Defeats Sanjay: 0

    -Alpha Succesfully launches counter-attack: 1-5

    -Sanjay defeats Alpha: 6-10

  4. Sanjay lvl-1

    Hp:[][][][][] [5/5]

    The wolves growled as their feral teeth showed. Their faces cringed with rage, and their instinct to kill was evident. For a game it was rather frightening. Sanjay wasn't exactly an amazing fighter, he did take some martial arts classes in junior high, but never really found it interesting.

    "Its just a game." Sanjay told himself as stood their taking in the situation. Just when he was about to calm down, the wolf to his left pounced with its claws extend. Almost instantly Sanjay dodge rolled forward allowing the wolf to jump right over him. Without a moment wasted he pulled out a dagger from his belt and threw it with tremendous force into the back of the wolf[1]. Sanjay was in awe at what he had just done, but his self-complimenting was halted as the other two wolfs rushed at him from both sides one after another.

    Sanjay dashed forward as he drove his into the side of the wolf[2], and continued the chain with a another uppercut into the wolf that followed.

    Now he was in the open, but the wolves weren't done yet. He had the upper hand, and he was surprised. His adrenaline was pumping, he had never felt so alive.

    Dice Chance:

    0: Wolves Call in reinforcements [2 more arrive]

    1-2: Wolves still willing to fight. They circle Sanjay and attack from every sides Successfully.

    3-4: Wolves attack from using a frontal strike one at a time, and 1 of them successfully land a hit.

    5-6: 1 Wolf runs in fear, attempts to attack both, 1 successful attack, and 1 miss

    7-8: 2 Wolves run in fear, Sanjay successfully attacks remaining 1

    9: 1 Wolf dies from previous attack, Sanjay successfully attacks reaming 2

    10: Sanjay Slays all 3

  5. Sanjay lvl-1

    Hp:[][][][][] [5/5]

    Sanjay eagerly waited on a nearby tree. His target was a Wolf [Npc lvl-1] which was scanning the grasslands. It just within reach for a surprise attack. Sanjay considered all the possibilities of attack. He figured that the if he could get right above the wolf it would be easy to dive down and impale it making for a quick and easy kill. He then took a good look at the tree and noticed one branch which would be perfect for him to reach his target. While the plan seemed perfect Sanjay never expected what would happen next.

    He slowly walked on the branch seeing as its game it would be alright as long as he didn't slip, however he never thought a game would include gravity. A snap and a sudden thud would follow as Sanjay found himself on the ground because branch had broke. Not only that but the wolf he was about to attack was now aware of his presence and was glaring at him with vicious eyes. If that wasn't enough, now two other Wolves [Npc's lvl-1] had appeared from the thick tall grass. It was all a big trap.

    Sanjay stood up as he pulled out his blade and extended it out. His back was against the tree and he didn't have many options. He prepared himself for the worst, but little did he know if he died here it would be the end of the line.

    Dice Chance

    0: Sanjay fails to dodge

    1-2: Sanjay dodges 2 wolves, but is bitten by the third

    3-4: Sanjay dodges all the wolves attacks

    5-6: Sanjay dodges all the wolves attacks, and counter-attacks 1

    7-8: Sanjay dodges all the wolves attacks and successfully counter-attacks 2

    9-10: Sanjay dodges all the wolves attacks, and attacks all of them elegantly.

  6. «Name» Sanjay


    » Username: Prince Sanjay

    » Real name: Sanjay Seguir

    » Age: 18

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'8

    » About: History/

    "I dont really have a epic back story."

    Sanjay wasn't amazing, he was rather average. If you could pick a color to describe his life it would be "gray". His parents are hard workers, so a majority of the time he was home alone with little to do. Since he graduated from high school his life was glum. He invested most of his time watching anime, or working out. While the rest of his friends had relationships and beers, Sanjay simply sat around waiting for something to happen. Until one eventful day while watching tv he saw an ad for a new game developed by Argus. Seeing as he had nothing better to do he went out and purchased the game.

    ....And so his life in the game began.


    Well his calm and collected, or that the persona he gives to the world. On the inside he is a very adventurous person who enjoys the thrill of the unknown. Most people see him as a odd ball who is too quite and boring, but that wasn't true. He simply didnt enjoy the company of people that surrounded him. Everyone wanted to be the hero, the underdog who rises to the top. He thought it was a pathetic pursuit, and so he simply isolated himself from such a world. There was no point in dealing with them or wasting his emotions on them. If he showed them who he was they would just use it to get something they wanted.

    » Virtues:

    Honest. Sanjay has always believed that honesty is the best policy. He will not lie to someone even if it means hurting them by telling them the truth. "Its like ripping off a bandage fast, it will hurt for a bit, but you wont have to suffer through it."

    Maverick. He doesn't like to follow the average story line where the underdog makes it big and lives happily ever after. He enjoys a realistic point of view on things where life is what you make it, and true power comes to those who truly try to achieve it. He will always strive to become better for himself.

    Leadership. "No one gets left behind, and I will be the one to carry them to victory." He will make even the saddest day brighter by sharing your burden. He is a natural leader who will live for his friends, and guide them to victory.

    » Flaws:

    Blunt. He doesn't care if it hurts you, he defiantly doesn't care if you will hate him, but he will flat out tell you what you do wrong or right without second thought.

    Complex. His hard to understand, and can easily be offended when people insult his beliefs or ideals. His ego gets in the way of his actions sometimes, and this causes him to push people away even if they might be looking out for him.

    Greed. "Never enough money in the world." Sanjay doesn't care if he earns a million, he will always want more. Their is always satisfaction at the end of the road because their is always more for him. This could be his greatest downfall.




    » Medicine Mixing




    » Battle Healing

    Weapon skills :

    » Curved Blade

    »»Single Shot - (1-hit strike) - A beginner Knife Throwing skill.

    »»Reaver - (1-hit strike) A basic sword skill.

    »»Fell Crescent - (1-hit strike) A high-class charge-type sword skill that delivers a downward blow and covers a distance of 4 meters in 0.4 seconds.

    »»Spinning Shield - A defensive skill that involves spinning one's sword like a windmill, forming a half-transparent shield with the sword.



    »Iron Sword

    »Cloth Armor


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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