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Posts posted by Bismuth

  1. Bismuth was glad that Nari had been able to work through some of her issues, he didn't really know what happened, and hadn't seen a lot, but in their second lessons he could definitely tell that she had changed a bit, and seemed darker than she had in their first meeting, though it wasn't bad enough that he even noticed it at the time. The animosity that she had seemed to be entirely aimed at NIGHT, but this implied that there was probably something deeper there, and while Bismuth craved that knowledge, he wouldn't pry. "I haven't made my way up there just yet, how dark is it?" Bismuth made idle chit chat as Nari's mood seemed to change, it seemed like she was thinking about something she didn't want to be, and Bismuth understood that, and so was trying to keep her mind off of it. 

    The trek to the edge of the floor where Nemo's dungeon was located, was not a very long one, and it was a safe one at that, the third floor not having much in the way of outwardly aggressive mobs. Nemo seemed to be the key to making it into the dungeons, because what had previously seemed like an unpassable wall of trees was now an opening that seemed to lead ever deeper into a wonderland of colors and plants. "I don't think i will ever stop being amazed at the sight of this place Nemo, it's always so beautiful." Nemo looked way at the compliment, seeming almost shy "Oh, I don't do much, the garden practically takes care of itself." It seemed like the dungeon was capable of moving around, or there were different ones for every floor, because this one was familiar but still, different somehow.

  2. Bismuth sat behind the counter of his small tavern, one of his large journal's spread out on the surface in front of him, and a vase full of oddly shaped and colored flowers beside it, the scratch of his charcoal pencil being all that could be heard through his bistro. He had decided to bring his work downstairs for the day, he had been cooped up in his small room upstairs for days, and the change of scenery was a nice one, he had been cataloguing the materials that he had gathered in Nemo's dungeon, and it had been a long process so far. Bismuth's work was cut short when he heard the telltale sign of someone entering his shop, a small bell that goes off when someone opens the door. Following soon after that Bell Bismuth watched a vibrant haired woman, barely older then himself wearing a yukata, which was nice, because Bismuth himself was Japanese. Smiling with his tired eyes Bismuth stood as the woman entered "Hello, welcome to the Bistro" walking around the counter, Bismuth was now in full view of his patron who had chosen a seat at random, Looking up she would see a tall man with long somewhat curled hair pulled back in a ponytail with a small goatee, a pair of tired green eyes hidden behind round golden glasses that contrasted the outfit he was wearing which could only be described as a pirate. Bismuth wore a billowing collared white shirt that tucked into his black pants, sporting a low v neck that could be fastened by a set of laces, fastened to his back Bismuth wore a cape that curved around to cover his right side where it was clear a sword hung, the cape was held in place by a cord that wrapped diagonally across Bismuth's chest and was covered in gold embroidery and topped with a layer of fur on top. A red sash with gold embroidering was tied around his waist and hung down his right leg. Simple black pants tucked into knee high black boots. The most out of place part was the set of buckles attached to his left thigh, clearly designed to hold something securely in place, but was currently empty.

    Bismuth made his way to the lady as another person walked in, this one a teenager who looked like he couldn't care less about anything in here, sitting down at a table as far from other people as possible. "I'll be right with you sir." handing the lady a menu she seemingly chose something at random before opening her sketchbook and getting to work on something. Turning away Bismuth made his way to the other person in his little restaurant, he was wearing what seemed like a school outfit, which was very different from his own. "Hey, what can I get for you?" Bismuth asked looking down at the bored man sitting below him, matching his bored look with one of extreme exhaustion, and holding out a menu.

  3. Bismuth didn't hear any of Astreya's support, too busy focusing on, well, not focusing. Bismuth knew that the moment that he stopped to think about what he was doing, that he wouldn't be able to fight anymore, If Bismuth was thinking logically instead of running on pure instinct, then he would have noticed that their gnashing teeth would be able to snap him in two in a mere few seconds if he wasn't careful. There were only two of the mossy wolves left, and it was very clear that Astreya had done a significant amount of damage to the two monsters, enough that even Bismuth's meager damage could put an end to them. Bismuth continued his charge spinning his blade around himself in an arc to hit both of the remaining wolves in their flanks, dealing enough damage to fell the beasts, a satisfying explosion of blue particles replacing their snarling forms.

    Bismuth looks around in the calm of the battle, and at the loot that had fallen, letting his heart rate drop Bismuth looked over towards Astreya, rubbing the back of his neck "Sorry, I wasn't much help, I hope it wasn't too much trouble protecting me." Bismuth was still holding his blade, and realizing this quickly sheathed it, holding the blade made him feel awkward a lot of the time. At least when he had his dagger he could use it for foraging, but this cutlass was designed to fight things, and that concept was the part that bothered him. "Thankyou for it though."


    Astreya | HP: 714/720 | EN: 70/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 122 | EVA: 0 | ACC: 3 | Taunt: 2 | BH: 35
    Bismuth | HP: 280/280 | EN: 46/46 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 1 | LD: 6 | BLD: 24


    BD 1: 10 + 1 = 11 = Major Crit = 8 * 3 = 24 + 24 BLD

    BD 2: 6 + 1 = 7 = Hit = 8 * 3 = 24

    Moss Wolf 1 | HP: 0/384 | Damage: 128 | (Restore 10% of damage dealt on MD 9-10) | A3 B0
    Moss Wolf 2 | HP: 0/384 | Damage: 128 | (Restore 10% of damage dealt on MD 9-10) | A3 B0
    Moss Wolf 3 | HP: 0/384 | Damage: 128 | (Restore 10% of damage dealt on MD 9-10) | A3 B1
    Moss Wolf 4 | HP: 0/384 | Damage: 128 | (Restore 10% of damage dealt on MD 9-10) | A3 B0



    Moss Wolf 2: LD: 13 (4 + 9) | CD: 3 = 1,152 Col (1,152 Base), 4 Material (LD Odd + CD Odd), 1 Unidentified Rare T4 Trinket
    Moss Wolf 3: LD: 15 (6 + 9) | CD: 8 = 2,688 Col (1,152 Base + 768 CD Even + 768 Roll), 2 Material (LD Odd), 1 Unidentified Rare T4 Shield

    Total: 3,840 Col, 6 Material, 1 Unidentified Rare T4 Trinket, 1 Unidentified Rare T4 Shield


  4. Bismuth looked around the edge of the water first making sure to survey with his new glasses for that blue aura that Bismuth had become used to, though, much like the camp he had woke up in there was nothing like what he was looking for. Climbing up the same tree that he had used last time Bismuth climbed it with a skilled hand, resting on the same branch as he had two days prior, hoping that he would be able to see the bird just like he had last time. Not much time passed before slowly, animals started to filter into the watering hole, looking to drink some water, none of them were dangerous, and none of them were what he was looking for.

    The wait was boring, but the idea of finally getting the familiar that he had been hunting for was definitely worth it, pulling out a separate journal, one that wasn't designed the same as his others, this one was for sketches not designed for his compendium. Bismuth began sketching what he could see, which was a gazelle drinking at the edge of the water, making sure to still pay attention to his surroundings.




    LD: 7 + 3 = 10 = Failure


  5. Bismuth, surprisingly woke up to the sounds of morning outside, lately he had barely been able to sleep a couple of hours, usually waking up in the late hours of the night to nightmares and memories, maybe it was his exhaustion but he had been able to sleep through the night, which was uncommon. Yawning bismuth climbed out of his camp looking around with his new glasses to see if any nodes spawned while he was sleeping, they would be much easier to spot with their blue aura. Which unsurprisingly was a fruitless effort, as the grass was uncommon and it was more likely to spawn by water, which was the same place that he was hoping he would be able to find his bird.

    Stepping out of his camp Bismuth made his way to the same watering hole that he had scouted for his familiar at the very first time, crouching slowly through the plains in order to avoid the lions. The journey wasn't too far, and bismuth was able to make it their pretty soon, staring at the water in the early morning light, there was currently no animals, but as the day grew hotter that would probably change.




    LD: 5 + 3 = 8 = Failure


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